

单词 审讯

审讯 verb ()

try v
interview v

审讯 noun ()

jury n

See also:

try (in court)


prudent adj


information n
news n


External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 息来源的权利和职责受宪法保护,拥有传播和出版信息的权利,以及法 审讯和 决策大会的会议公开。
This principle, inter alia, encompasses access to official documents, a constitutionally protected right and duty for journalists to protect the anonymity of sources, the
right to communicate and publish information and
[...] access to court hearings as well as meetings [...]
of decision-making assemblies.
具体的法律规定,凡是违反有关逮捕 审讯 和 拘 留恐怖主义嫌 疑犯规定的人都将受到惩罚。
Specific laws provide penalties
for those who violate requirements in relation to
[...] the arrest, interrogation and detention [...]
of those suspected of terrorism.
因此,他被迫签署审讯者要 求他签署的所 有文件,甚至没有阅读其内容。
He was thus forced to sign all the papers the investigators asked him to sign, without even reading their content.
特别报告员继续不断地收到各种指 控,如:审讯中采 用酷刑或虐待,把囚犯当作搬运工或者在军事方面作为“人 [...]
体盾牌”,将囚犯转移到边远区域的设施内,使他们无法接受家属探访或基本药 品或补充食品的包裹。
The Special Rapporteur continued to
receive allegations of torture and
[...] ill-treatment during interrogation, the use of prisoners [...]
as porters or “human shields”
for the military and the transfer of prisoners to facilities in remote areas where they are unable to receive family visits or packages of essential medicine and supplemental food.
[...] 点;拘留该人的机关的身份;拘留的理由;被拘留所收押的日期和时间;被拘留 者收押时的健康状况;以及任何变更情况 审讯 的 时间和地点与所 审讯 人 员的 名字;以及释放或转移到另一拘留所的日期和时间。
Registration should contain the identity of the detainee, the date, time and place of the detention, the identity of the authority that detained the person, the ground for the detention, the date and time of admission to the detention facility and the state of health of the detainee upon admission and any
changes thereto, the time and
[...] place of interrogations, with the names of all interrogators present, [...]
as well as the date and
time of release or transfer to another detention facility.
于有关收回任何催缴到期款项的任何诉讼或其他法律程序 审讯 或聆讯中,根据该等细则,作为应计负债股份的持有人或其中一位持有人记录于股东名 [...]
册,作出催缴的董事会决议案正式记录于董事会的会议记录,以及催缴通知已正式 发给被起诉的股东,即属证明被起诉股东名称的足够证据;且毋须证明作出催缴的
董事的委任,亦毋须证明任何其他事项,惟上述事项的证明应为该负债具决定性的 证据。
On the trial or
[...] hearing of any action or other proceedings [...]
for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient
to prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the Member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of the debt.
[...] 别通过培训口译人员,保障这一权利的充分享受,从而确保面 审讯 的 少数民族 人员,特别是罗姆人,能够受益于适当的司法。
The Committee recommends that the State party guarantee the full enjoyment of this right, notably by undertaking to
train interpreters, in order to ensure that
[...] persons facing trial who belong to a [...]
national minority, particularly the Roma,
benefit from the proper administration of justice.
讲习班的宗旨是教育运动员和 运动员辅助人员,让他们了解《守则》确定的权利和责任,尤其是违反反兴奋剂条例 和接受公审讯和惩 罚的问题,并向他们提供关于国际检测标准的信息以及反兴奋剂 组织注册检查库中的运动员提供行踪信息的要求。
The purpose of the workshop was to educate and inform athletes and athlete support personnel of their rights and responsibilities under the Code, in particular anti-doping rule violations, the right to a fair hearing and the sanctions, as well as to provide information about the International Standard for Testing and whereabouts requirements for athletes in the Registered Testing Pool.
例如, 这些保障措施涉及到罪名和刑罚的合法性、无罪推定、刑事法律的不溯及既往原 则(除非刑法已变得更宽松)、获得公 审讯 的 权利、向更高法庭上诉的权利以及 请求赦免的权利。
Those safeguards concern, for instance, the legality of the offences and penalties, the presumption of innocence, the non-retroactivity of criminal law, except where it has become more lenient, the right to a fair hearing, the right to appeal to a higher court and the right to apply for pardon.
请说明审讯室对审讯的所 有人进行录音或录像的做法是否普及全国,并提供有关采用这类手段的 统计数据和结果,或因此对执法人员或其他官员提出起诉的案件情况。
Please indicate whether video and
audio taping of all persons present
[...] during proceedings in interrogation rooms has been expanded [...]
throughout the country, and provide
statistics on its use and any results or cases lodged against law enforcement or other officials as a result.
它还制作和发布了宣传手册,宣传福利案件中的 公审讯权。
It also produced and distributed a brochure on the right to a fair hearing in welfare cases.
[...] 针对司法部的,而司法部并非是本案的当事方,而且延误的主要原因是来文提交 人的律师要求审讯之前 有一定的准备时间。
The Court held that the application for costs was against the Ministry of Justice which was not a party to the case and that the primary reason
for its delay was the author’s counsel request of having the necessary time for
[...] preparation before hearings take place.
17.4 根据《侵害人身罪条例》(第212章) ,任何人士意图促致任何女子( 包括残 疾女子 )流产( 不论该女子是否怀孕) 而非法向其施用或导致其服用任何毒药或其他 有害物品,或非法使用任何器具或任何其他方法以遂同样意图,均属犯可循公诉 程审讯的罪行。
17.4 Under the Offence Against the Person Ordinance (Cap. 212), any person who, with intent to procure the miscarriage of any woman (including women with disabilities), whether she is or is not with child, unlawfully administers or causes to be taken by her any poison or other noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means whatsoever with the like intent, shall be guilty of an offence triable upon indictment.
观察站成员不得因在履行其职务时表达的意见或与履行其职务有关的意见受 到任何调查、法律诉讼、拘留审讯。
Members of the Observatory may not be subject to any form of inquiry, legal proceedings, detention or trial in respect of opinions expressed in the course of or in connection with the performance of their duties.
人人完全平等地有权由一个独立而无偏倚的法庭进行公正的和公开 审讯 , 以 确定他的权利和义务并判定对他提出的任何刑事指控。
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
审讯时有 律师在场不仅可以阻止警察 和宪兵采用虐待或其他伤害手段,而且在警察和宪兵工作人员面对毫无根据的虐 待指控的情况下,可以作为对他们的一种保护措施。
The presence of a lawyer during questioning may not only deter the police and gendarmerie from resorting to ill-treatment or other abuses, but it may also work as a protection for police and gendarmerie officers in case they face unfounded allegations of ill-treatment.
随着履行治安 职责 -
[...] 如暴乱控制、人群疏散、搜查、捉拿、逮捕、拘 留审讯 - 的 中国维和人员在特派团中的人数不断增 [...]
多,针对与执法行为、武力和武器使用、对待犯人相关 的联合国原则开展特别培训至关重要。
Given the growing presence of Chinese peacekeepers in missions where they carry out policing functions such as riot control, crowd
dispersal, searches, seizures, arrests,
[...] detentions or interrogations, training in [...]
particular on UN principles on the conduct
of law enforcement, the use of force and firearms, and the treatment of prisoners is vital.
不 过,国际人权机制对执法和情报机构被指在调查 审讯 过 程 中侵犯人权的情况已 数度提出关切。
However, international human rights mechanisms have raised a number of concerns over
violations allegedly committed by law enforcement and intelligence bodies in the course of
[...] investigations and interrogation.
占领军的这种做法被称为“摸底”,已导致数百名巴勒斯坦儿童 往往在黑夜中被拘留审讯、拍照和恐吓,而他们的父母面对占领国的 [...]
This practice by the occupying forces, referred
to as “mapping”, has resulted in the
[...] detention, the interrogation, the photographing [...]
and the terrorizing of hundreds of Palestinian
children, many times in the darkness of night, with their parents helpless to stop this cruelty in the face of the lethal force of the occupying Power.
除其他外,报告 建议改善拘留条件,将调查当局与负责拘留的当局明确分开。该委员会于 2005 年组成,主要负责调查被拘留者被关押的条件和警察在拘留设施内进 审讯 的情 况。
The Committee was formed in 2005, charged primarily with investigating the conditions in which detainees are held and the conduct of police interviews within detention facilities.
中心亦会为政府部门、非政府 机构及听障人士就求职面试、法 审讯 、 婚 姻注册、求医及公开考试等方面提供 手语翻译。
Interpretation service for Government departments, NGOs and hearing impaired persons in relation to job interviews, court hearing, marriage registration, medical consultations and public examinations, etc. are also provided.
鼓励所有国家确保被判犯有施用酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的 待遇或处罚罪行的人员以后不得从事收押 审讯 或 处理任何被逮捕、羁押、监禁 或以其他形式被剥夺自由者,被控施用酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待 遇或处罚的人员不得在这种指控待决期间从事收押 审讯 或 处理任何被逮捕、羁 押、监禁或以其他形式被剥夺自由者
Encourages all States to ensure that persons convicted of torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment have no
subsequent involvement
[...] in the custody, interrogation or treatment of any person under arrest, detention, imprisonment or other deprivation of liberty and that persons charged with torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment have no involvement in the custody, interrogation or treatment of [...]
any person under arrest,
detention, imprisonment or other deprivation of liberty while such charges are pending
[...] 的可耻行为都已得到国际法院和前南斯拉夫问题国 际刑事法庭在战审讯中通过严格的刑事调查、法证 研究和证词的确立。
The truth about Srebrenica and other shameful episodes of the war has been well established by the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
Yugoslavia through criminal investigation, forensic research
[...] and testimony scrutinized and tested [...]
at war-crimes trials.
该集团还欣见卢旺达政府已采取措施,进一步 修改法律,以消除将该法庭案件交由卢旺达法 审讯 的任何剩余法律障碍。
The Group also welcomed the measures taken by the Government of Rwanda to further amend its laws in order to remove any remaining legal hurdles to the transfer of cases from the Tribunal to Rwandan courts.
His sayings which have been so understood express the twin themes of vindication and visitation, notably his reply to the high priest's question at his trial (Mark 14:62), where the added phrase "from now on" (Luke 22:69) or "hereafter" (Matt. 26:64) is taken to be an authentic part of the reply.
确保未满承担刑事责任年龄的儿童不被视为刑事罪犯或送往改造中 心,应始终由少年司法系统处理触法儿童,不应像对待成人那样,将触法儿童送 往非专门法审讯,为此,应考虑审查“裁判员”制度
(c) Ensure that children under the age of criminal responsibility are not treated as criminal offenders or sent to correctional centres and that children in conflict with the law are always dealt with within the juvenile justice system and not tried as adults in non-specialized courts and, to this end, consider reviewing the Saiban-in court system




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