

单词 实验所

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External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年,俄罗斯联邦和欧洲的专家继续对在俄罗斯无人驾驭的太空船 Foton-M3 飞行期间进行的科实验所获成 果予以处理。
In 2010, Russian and European experts continued to process the results of
[...] the scientific experiments carried out [...]
during the flight of the Russian unmanned spacecraft Foton-M3.
这些数据包括大量的化 学和营养价值实例数据,被用来创建参考原料,这些有代表性的化学成分和营养值与来自与 体实验所得出的数据一致。
This database, that includes several hundreds of thousands of samples with chemical and nutritional values, was used to establish the reference ingredients, the representative chemical compositions and then
nutritional values consistent with
[...] the proposed chemical composition, using equations derived from actual in vivo measurements.
面对如此的现实,重实验所做的 是把发展的重点从简单的 GDP 增长改向社会发
In the face of such a reality, what the Chongqing experiment is doing is [...]
to shift the emphasis of development from simple
GDP growth to social development.
1999年,本公司的千叶事业所作为符合ISO规则25(有 实验所 和 校对机构的能力的一般要求事项 ) 的 实验所 , 在 国内化学分析行业首次从在日本化 实验所 认 证机构(JCLA)取得了化学及环境领域的特定试验方面的认证。
In 1999, our Chiba Laboratories became the first laboratory in Japan’s chemical analysis industry to be certified as complying with ISO/IEC Guide 25 (general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories), according to [...]
Japan Chemical Laboratory
Accreditation (JCLA) with respect to specific testing for the chemical and environmental sectors.
在此期间,教育学家和化学家群策群力,不断更新配套试验手册的内容。这一为学校免费提供的实验套件中有硅油、消泡剂、密封剂和胶粘剂以及环糊精等化 实验所 需 的 基础用品。
The kits, which are available to schools at no cost, contain all of the basics required for running chemical experiments on materials such as silicone fluids, anti-foam
agents, sealants, adhesives and
[...] cyclodextrins – real-life experiments from WACKER [...]
that support young people’s science education.
代斯米进行了大量的泵送沥实验, 所 有 报 告均显示:通过加装 的注水法兰或凸型锁扣,向泵的出口管线内注入一个相当小的水 [...]
量(3-6%),水就会在油柱外围形成一个薄薄的水润滑层,这样 可以帮助油更顺畅地通过输油管。
All the testing showed that a relatively [...]
small amount (3-6%) of water injected into the pump discharge line with an injection
flange or camlock forms a thin layer surrounding the column of oil that is travelling through the hose.
除已获得ISO9001:2008认证外,我们的实验室更荣获「香 实验所 认 可 计划」(根据ISO17025:2005国际标准)的认 实验所 资 格
Apart from the ISO9001:2008
[...] certification, our Laboratory has also been accredited under ISO/IEC 17025:2005 of the Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme (HOKLAS) by Hong Kong Accreditation [...]
Service (HKAS).
实验所认可 计划属自愿参与性质,凡进行该计划指定类别的测试和校正工作及符合认可计划认可准则的香 实验所 均 可 参与。
The Hong Kong Laboratory Accreditation Scheme, or HOKLAS, is a voluntary scheme open to all Hong Kong laboratories that perform objective testing and calibration falling within the scope of HOKLAS and meeting [...]
its criteria of competence.
实验所研究 的5个基因在不同温度、不同组织表达量的显著差异,证明了这些基因与水温相关且有组织特异性 [动物学报54(3): 460–466, 2008]。
Significant differences in gene expression different temperatures and in different tissues indicated that the five genes used in this study are truly related to cold tolerance and have tissue specificity.
认 可 处 是 国 际 认 可 论 坛(IAF) 、 国实 验 所 认 可 合 作 组 织(ILAC) 、 太 平 洋 认 可 合 作 组 织(PAC) 及 亚 太实 验 所 认 可 合 作 组 织(APLAC) 的 成 员 。
HKAS is a member of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF),
[...] International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC), Pacific Accreditation Cooperation (PAC) and Asia Pacific Laboratory Accreditation [...]
Cooperation (APLAC).
从这个意义上讲,政府已承诺提供履行中心职能所需的行政工作人员并提供 所需的办公所、实验室、 资料室和会议室并承担上述场所的维护职责。
In this sense, the Government has committed to provide the administrative staff necessary for the performance of the Centre functions, as
well as to make available the
[...] required office space, laboratories, library and conference [...]
rooms, and also to assume the
responsibility for the maintenance of the described premises.
作为全球最大的检测、验证、测试和认证公司,我们为客户提供由医疗器械营 所 、 实验 室 和专家组成的市场领先全球网络。
As the world’s largest inspection, verification, testing and
certification company, we provide clients with a market-leading, global
[...] network of medical device offices, laboratories and experts.
[...] 计划署——《公共部门会计准则》的早期采用者和开展外地业务的组织——实 际经验所提供的经验教训进行了分析。
In order to benchmark the requirements for support to the IPSAS project
that could be provided by DFS, the
[...] lessons learned from the practical experience of [...]
the WFP, an early adopter of IPSAS and
a field organization in its operations, were analysed.
(b) 其次,《热实验堆协定》规定所 赋 予 的特权和豁免不得减损或影响 热核实验堆组织、总干事和工作人员遵守《热 实验 堆 协 定》第 14 条所载条 例 的义务,这些条例即东道国在公共和职业卫生和安全、核安全、辐射防护、许 可、核物质、环境保护及防止恶意行为等领域适用的国内法律和条例。
(b) Secondly, the ITER Agreement establishes that the privileges and immunities granted shall neither diminish nor affect the duty of the ITER Organization, the Director-General and members of staff to comply with the regulations set out in article 14 of the ITER Agreement, namely, applicable national laws and regulations of the host State in the fields of public and occupational health and safety, nuclear safety, radiation protection, licensing, nuclear substances, environmental protection and protection from acts of malevolence.
该中心设在意大利卢卡的犯罪 司所实验室的 “对话与创新”办公室,并与反恐执行工作队办公室密切协调。
The Centre, run in close coordination with the Task Force office, is based at the UNICRI Lab’s office on “Dialogue and innovation” in Lucca, Italy.
世卫组织可以通过由一批实验室和技术机构组成的网络快速获取各种专业 科学知识,其中包括世卫组织合作中心网络和其他非正式“虚拟” 所 、 实验 室、 流行病和毒物中心网络。
Through its network of laboratories and technical institutions, including the network of WHO collaborating centres and
other informal “virtual”
[...] clinical, laboratory, epidemiological and poison centre networks, WHO has rapid access to a range of specialized scientific expertise.
越南就其自身而言, 将制订行动计划,有效实普遍 定期审议的建议,并随时准备 所 有 国 家和国际 组织讨论和分享验,以 在越南和世界范围更好地确保人权。
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of
[...] action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and share experience with all countries [...]
and international organizations
to better ensure human rights in Viet Nam and the world.
部队和警察派遣国的专 门知识和验、所提供的客观信息以 实 地 的 局势都 应予以考虑。
The expertise and experience of troop- and police-contributing countries, objective information provided and the situation on the ground should be taken into consideration.
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区 的发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准科学教 实验 室网 络,以与世界上等离子物理学最著名的中心开展合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 国的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的剑桥大学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研所(JINR)。
The project is
[...] focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and African regions, and of a network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and IHED in the Russian Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and [...]
University in the United States of America, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
所实验过的 作品包括装置、摄影、影像及绘画,只要是利于表达的手段他都试图使用过。
The works he experimented with include installations, photography, video and painting.
虽然从CD/1299 号所载禁产条约的广泛目的来看,大型的 后处理或浓缩设施及能够产生大量材料的那些设施将是禁产条约谈判中的主要考 虑,实验室规模的设施也值得考虑。
While it followed from the broad purpose of an FMCT
under CD/1299 that large
[...] reprocessing or enrichment facilities producing large volumes of material would be a key consideration during FMCT negotiations, the issue of laboratory-scale experimental facilities warranted consideration.
这个检查部门鉴别和验所有材 料是否合格,它们是否符合技术规 格,确实施的 工程符合现有的规定(法国和欧洲安全规定),工程是按建议的做法来实施 的。
This control service screens and checks all material certificates, their coherence with technical specifications and ensures that works undertaken comply with existing regulations (French and European safety rules) and that execution is performed in accordance with the recommended practice.
经Underwriters化验所及美 国加州政府公共健康部门的测试 实 , A- ONE净水系统能够净化水中50多种有害物质,其中包括铅、氯、孢囊虫、化学品及异味。
Proven by Underwriters Laboratories, California Department of Public Health, A-ONE Water [...]
Enhancement System is able to reduce more than 50 harmful substances like lead,
chlorine, cysts, harmful chemicals and odor.
前瞻性声明涉及的可引起差异的风险和不确定因素包括:在解决特定用户或地域的网络安装和运行难题中出现的困难;对特定部署过程中产品实际性能造成影响的因素,可导致吞吐量、频谱范围及其他性能标准 实验 室 测 试结果低;超出公司控制范围的因素,如天气、地域条件、政府因素、贸易和风俗、干扰以及其他第三方问题;特定用户在特定情况下的特殊要求;第三方引入的新型和增强型产品;以及在按客 所 需 的 功能、性能、合规性、认证水平、成本、价格及其他特性提供产品过程中出现的困难或延迟。
The forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could contribute to such differences including difficulties in overcoming the network installation and operational challenges relating to any specific customer or geographical area; factors affecting actual product performance in specific deployments, which could result in lower throughput, range,
and other performance criteria than achieved in laboratory tests; factors beyond our control such as weather, geographic, governmental, trade and customs, interference, and other third-party issues; specific requirements of a given customer in their specific situations; new or enhanced products introduced by third parties; and difficulties or delays in supplying products with the features, performance, compliances, certifications, cost, price, and other characteristics desired by customers.
在与工发组织深入讨论该项目的其他基本要素时,秘书处表示,考虑到该行业的氟 氯化碳消费量,正在审议的只是一 实验 室 的 替代工作,以及墨西哥的其他公司已可大量 供应使用氢氟烷烃和干粉吸入器的计量吸入器等事实,项目编制工作可以用低于工发组所申请数额的费用完成。
In further discussing other elements of the project with UNIDO, the
Secretariat indicated
[...] that, considering the amount of CFC consumption in the sector, the fact that only one laboratory is being considered for replacement, and the fact that Mexico already has a large supply of MDIs using both HFA and DPIs from other [...]
the project preparation could be done at a lower cost than that requested by UNIDO.
设计中心位于美国俄亥俄州的哥伦布市的巴特尔纪念研究所(Battelle Memorial Institute),该研所实验室拥 有美国最大的研发顾问咨询公司。
Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio (USA) within the Battelle Memorial Institute campus, whose labs operate the largest R&D consultancy in the United States, the Emerson Advanced Design Center supports all of Emerson’s global businesses.
许多国家建议,必须大力加强各级科技教育(包括支持青年科学工作者和为建立图书 馆实验室动 员潜在的捐资者),还建议教科文组织应在教育部门与自然科学部门之间扩大 [...]
32 C/5 中的跨部门联合行动。
Many countries suggested that science and technology education at all levels needs to be significantly strengthened (including support to young scientists and the mobilization of
potential donors for the
[...] establishment of libraries and laboratories) and that UNESCO should [...]
expand the joint intersectoral
action of document 32 C/5 between the Education Sector and the Natural Sciences Sector.
阿尔及利亚并赞赏地注意到哥斯达黎加为减少 贫穷,提高弱势群体的地位,提高妇女地位和男女平等,以及 实所 有 人的教育 权,实现《千年发展目标》,并将这项权利扩大到包含非法移民的子女等方面采 取的措施。
It also noted with appreciation the measures taken by Costa Rica to reduce poverty, improve the status of disadvantaged groups, promote the status of women and gender equality, as well as the implementation of the right to education of all to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, and the extension of that right to cover the children of irregular migrants.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护所需的 时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
协调委员会还商定,这实验性会 议应该依据以下某 些关键原则:自愿参加,特别是涉及会议侧重讨论的缔约国时;各次会议的总体 [...]
目标是寻找支助执行的合作途径;不编写任何报告,说明意见都来自哪些与会者 或表明与会者的立场。
The Coordinating Committee also
[...] agreed that these experimental sessions should [...]
be based on certain key principles, including:
that participation would be on a voluntary basis, particularly as concerns States Parties that would be the subject of a national focus; that the overarching purpose of each session would be to seek cooperative means to support implementation; and, that there would be no report produced attributing views to any participant or revealing participants’ affiliations.




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