

单词 实验心理学

See also:

心理 adj

psychological adj
mental adj
psychosocial adj

理学 n

science n


School of Principle

External sources (not reviewed)

教科文组织-欧洲 粒子理实验室关于卢旺达粒子物 学 师 资 培训的项目正在稳步推进。
The UNESCO-CERN project to train trainers in particle physics from Rwanda was pursued.
为了满足人们对正学校校外有关教育活动信息的需求,统计研究所正在与基础教育 处、日本的教科文组织亚太地区文化 心 ( AC CU)以及某些会员国合作,启动试点项目, 以便建立非正规教育的信息理体 系, 在 实 践 中 检 验 用 于 收集、处理、分析和传播非正规教 育信息的方法、理念和应用软件的有效性。
Responding to the need for information on educational activities,
which take place outside
[...] the formal school system, the UIS is cooperating with the Basic Education Division, the Asia-Pacific Cultural Centre for UNESCO (ACCU) of Japan and selected Member States, in launching pilot projects to establish management information systems for non-formal education and to field-test concepts, [...]
methodologies and software
applications for the collection, processing, analysis and dissemination of information on non-formal education.
尽管完整评估所有其他的 IBSP 活动超越了本报告的范围,仍然应当提及几个在此类项 目内成功开展的活动,如非洲的数学 理 发 展 (项目 5-BJ-01,东道国贝宁),通过与联合 国教科文组织相关的心推进微观 学实验 的 科 学教育(项目 5-ZA-1,东道国南非),以 及开发抗禽流感病毒的抗病毒剂(项目 4-VN-01,东道国越南)等。
Although a complete review of all the other initial IBSP activities goes beyond the framework of the present report, it is still expedient to mention successful developments within such projects as the
development of
[...] mathematical physics in Africa (Project 5-BJ-01, host country: Benin), the promotion of science education through UNESCO associated centres for microscience experiments (Project 5-ZA-1, [...]
host country: South
Africa), and the development of antiviral agents against avian influenza virus (Project 4-VN-01, host country: Viet Nam).
即使在电子通讯时代,学生和 Glen Raven 管理层一致赞同,任何 媒介都无法替代在多元环境中的实 体 验 , 学 生 的好 奇 心 和 探 索精 神能得到充分发挥。
Even as the world becomes more reliant on electronic communications,
students and Glen Raven
[...] management agree that nothing can replace real life experiences in a variety of settings, combined with the sense of exploration and curiosity that comes from students.
该项目着重为亚洲和非洲地区 的发展中国家建设国际等离子研究与教育中心,并在发展中国家建立基准 学 教 育 实验 室网 络,以与世界上等离子理学最著 名的 心 开 展 合作,如俄罗斯联邦的 MITP 和 IHED、美 国的麻省理工学院和斯坦福大学、英国的剑桥大学、南非的约翰内斯堡大学、意大利的比萨 大学、和其他一些国际研究中心,如瑞士日内瓦的 [...]
CERN 和俄罗斯联邦杜布纳的联合核研究 所(JINR)。
The project is focused on the development of an international plasma research and education centre for developing countries in the Asian and
African regions, and of a
[...] network of benchmark scientific-educational laboratories in developing countries for cooperation with world centres of excellence in plasma physics such as MITP and [...]
IHED in the Russian
Federation, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Stanford University in the United States of America, Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Johannesburg University in South Africa, Pisa University in Italy, and international research centres, such as CERN in Geneva (Switzerland) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) in Dubna (Russian Federation).
深海研究创新基地遵循着垂直校园的设 理 念 ,门厅、咖啡厅、会议中心、三 学 习 交 流层以及各 心实验 室 和 办公区之间的公共空间形成了一个连续的半室外公共活动和学术交流的场所,并与深海主题公园在空间上形成了一个有机连续的整体,校园主轴线在垂直方向的延伸。
Ocean Center follows the design philosophy of the
vertical campus: lobby,
[...] coffee shop, conference center, three study floors, public spaces between each laboratory and adjacent office areas [...]
are all connected,
forming a continuous semi-outdoor public space for social and academic exchanges.
(ix) 建立非洲资源心以促 进政策制订者、学者、公民社会和其他有关各方之间 就生命科学,特别是生物理学的进 步而带来的伦理、法律和社会问题开展 交流,重点是关注非洲和其他发展中地区,以及共享有关拟定国际文书的挑 战和优先事项、制定实施生 物伦理领域国家政策框架的途径与方法等方面 的信息。
(ix) establish a resource centre in Africa to facilitate exchanges between policymakers, scholars, civil society and other interested parties on ethical, legal and social concerns stemming from advances in the life sciences, especially in bioethics, with particular interest to Africa and other developing regions, share information on international [...]
instruments development challenges and priorities and the ways and means of developing and implementing national policy frameworks in the field of bioethics.
法国科学界参与这一任务(国家科学研究 心 相 对 论天体 理 、 理 论 、 实验、 计量学、仪 器设备和信号部、巴黎天体物理研究院、阿纳西粒子物理实验室、宇 宙和理论实验室、空间-时间参照系统实验室和法国国家航天研究机构(国家航空 [...]
Participation in this mission by the French scientific community
(the department of
[...] relativistic astrophysics, theory, experimentation, metrology, instrumentation and signals [...]
IAP, the Annecy-le-Vieux Particle Physics Laboratory (LAPP), the Laboratory Universe and Theories (LUTH), the Space-Time Reference Systems Laboratory (SYRTE) and the French National Aerospace Research Establishment (ONERA)) will be under the aegis of the APC Laboratory, which is providing the modulation bench for the LTP laser source.
[...] 区科学办事处(威尼斯)支持的在欧洲宣传与应用生态水文学观念的活动中,为来自白俄罗 斯、乌克兰和俄罗斯的三名专家提供了在罗兹大学应用生态学系和波兰科学院国际生 学中 心的实验室和基层单位工作的机会。
In the framework of the UNESCO IHP-VI Action in Ecohydrology, and in particular of those activities supported by UNESCO-ROSTE aimed at the dissemination and application of the Ecohydrology concept in Europe, the opportunity was given to three specialists from Belarus, Ukraine and Russia to spend three weeks at the laboratories and field units of the
University of Lodz – Department of Applied Ecology, and
[...] the International Centre for Ecology of the Polish Academy of Science.
实验室助理员额 任职者将负责提供血液学研究、免疫血清学、生物化学、常 规尿便分析、微生物学和寄生学等 基 本实验室服务;根据医生要求收集转诊病 人的样本;提供化验结果报告,编制每周、每月和每年的实验室报告;盘存设备、 试剂及其他消耗品,确保实验室设备保持清洁、符合标准和妥善储存。
The incumbent of the post of Laboratory Assistant would provide basic laboratory services, such as haematology study, immuno-serology, biochemistry, routine urine [...]
and stool analyses,
microbiology and parasitology; collect samples from referred patients as requested by doctors; provide a report of the test results and prepare weekly, monthly and annual laboratory reports; take inventory of equipment, reagents and other consumables; and ensure that laboratory equipment is kept clean and up to standard and is stored correctly.
(b) 采用疾实验模型获取的研究结果(例如,通过动物和培养细胞,往 往再加上亚细胞、生物学和分 子一级的辐射影响研究),该研究可就生物效应 或产生疾病的理提供信息。
(b) The results of studies using experimental models of disease (i.e. with animals and cultured cells, often coupled with studies of radiation effects at the subcellular, biochemical and molecular levels) that can provide information on [...]
mechanism through which the biological effect or disease arises.
[...] [...] 园网络、先进的研究和园艺复合区,以及生命和资源库,达到以下目的:(a)建立、 发展、运行并维护一个具有图书馆、植物标本库 实验 室 和博物馆的教育和学 中心,鼓 励对基础和应用热带植物学进行研究;(b)促进并鼓励对基础热带植物生 命进行研究,并研究热带植物在农业、林业、园艺业、医学和其他科学领域的应 [...] [...]
用;(c)通过出版物和其他媒体,分享与基础和应用热带植物学有关的现有知识; (d)采集并栽培热带植物,以保护面临灭绝威胁的热带植物物种;以及(e)建立一种 有助于开展教育、指导和娱乐活动的设施。
Through its network of botanical gardens, state-of-the-art research and horticulture complexes, and living and resource collections, the organization’s purposes are to: (a) establish, develop,
operate and maintain an
[...] educational and scientific centre with libraries, herbaria, laboratories and museums to encourage [...]
and conduct research
in basic and applied tropical botany; (b) foster and encourage fundamental research in tropical plant life and study the uses of tropical flora in agriculture, forestry, horticulture, medicine and other sciences; (c) share knowledge acquired relative to basic and applied tropical botany through publications and other media; (d) collect and cultivate tropical flora and to preserve species of tropical plant life threatened with extinction; and (e) provide a facility which contributes to education, instruction, and recreation.
英国伦敦皇家布鲁顿医院的Sabine Ernst博士在她的报告“在电 理学实验 室 工 作:您和您的病人都有辐射危险”中谈到了辐射照射是医学界的一个很严重的问题。
Dr. Sabine Ernst (Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK) talked in her presentation "Working in the EP lab: Radiation [...]
risks to you and your
patients" about how radiation exposure is a significant concern in the medical community.
2009 年开实 施了 康复分项目,举办了以职业和培训康复为题的方法研讨会;组织了视频会 议,以理匈牙 利和罗马尼亚有关残疾人和工作能力改变的人的专业培训和再培 训的验,将在培训心的网 页上推出培训康复论坛页面,将通过收集与传授经 验有关的内容元素编写一本方法手册。
The rehabilitation
[...] sub-project was started in 2009, whereby methodology seminars are organised in the topics of occupational and training rehabilitation; video conference is organised to process the Hungarian and Romanian experiences regarding the professional training and re-training of people living with disabilities and changed work abilities, a training rehabilitation forum page will be launched in the homepage of the training centre, and a methodology [...]
brochure will be
compiled by collecting the content elements involved in the delivery of the experience.
实验中心还拥有一套完整的综合理系统,该系统在风险管理、保健以及 职业安全与保障方面都采用最高标准。
There is also an integrated management system which observes the very highest standards with regard to risk management, healthcare, occupational safety and security.
心理学领域的研究实,沟 通通常都有利于和平、非暴力的关系,不过 这需要符合下列条件:(a) 人或群体应该平等相待;(b) [...]
沟通是长期性的(即不 是肤浅、简短的接触);(c) 确定和澄清共同利益始终是有益的(有时只能在沟通 的过程中发现);(d) 得到整个社会、包括政治当局的鼓励,人们普遍赞赏群体 间的沟通。
Research in social psychology has confirmed that communication [...]
is generally conducive to peaceful, non-violent relations, provided the
following conditions are met: (a) people, or groups of individuals, encounter each other on an equal footing; (b) communication has a long-term perspective (i.e., it goes beyond mere superficial brief encounters); (c) elements of common interest are identified and clarified; (d) there is encouragement from society at large, including from political authorities, in the sense of a general appreciation of inter-group communication.
训研所已与 30 多实体建 立了伙伴关系,其中包括联合国系统各组织(联合 国粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)、人道主义事务协调厅(人道协调厅)、联合国人权 事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)、联合国贸易和发展会议(贸发会议)、联合国 开发署(开发署)、联合国环境规划署(环境署)和亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会 (亚太经社会))、非政府组织(国际贸易与发展研究所、南方 心 ) 、 学 术 机 构(洛 桑联理工学 院、尼日利亚法律高级研究所、开放大学、哥德堡大学、世界贸易 研究所)和私营部门(Lalive 公司和威利雅环境公司),积极推动电子学习以及更 广泛的技术强化学习迅速发展。
[...] with more than 30 entities, including a range of organizations of the United Nations system (e.g., Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific), non-governmental organizations (e.g., International Institute for Trade and Development, South Centre), academia (e.g., [...]
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne,
Nigerian Institute for Advanced Legal Studies, Open University, University of Gothenburg, World Trade Institute) and the private sector (e.g., Lalive, Veolia Environnement) have contributed to this impressive growth in e-learning and, more broadly, in technology-enhanced learning.
3333) )) )“ ““ “做中学 做中学 做中学 做中学” ”” ” 应全面改造工科教育实施以学生为 中 心 、 学 生 主 动 学 习 和 实 践 、 教师指导的教育过 程,大大加强工程实践环节,切实通过基于项目的教育和学习培养学生获取知识的能力、 运用知识解决问题的能力、总结实践 验 发 现 新知识的能力、团队工作的能力、与人沟通 和交流的能力、传播知识的能力、创新的能力,培养学生的专业素质、职业道德和社会责 任心。
Students-centered active study and practice, with direction of teachers, should be implemented through the whole education process. By carrying out the paradigm of project based learning, students should be repeatedly trained with various projects to form self-study ability (obtaining knowledge), problem solving ability (applying knowledge to practice), finding new knowledge ability (summarizing experiences of doing projects [...]
and finding new knowledge)
and transmitting knowledge ability (communication to others), teamwork ability, as well as professional ethics and awareness of social responsibility.
(b) 为确定族裔少数民族儿童的学术/ 智力能力,在学心理诊所实际采用 文化敏感或调整措施的比率较低
(b) The low rates of actual implementation of culturally
sensitive or adapted
[...] tests at pedagogical-psychological clinics for determining [...]
the academic/intellectual abilities of children from ethnic minorities
缔约国还 应建立对所有警察局和拘留地点审讯过程进行音像录制的制度,并确保遵照《伊 斯坦布尔议定书》的规定实施对据称虐待案的专门 学心理学 检 查
It should also systematize the audio-visual recording of interrogations in all police stations and places of detention and make sure that the specialized medical-psychological examination of alleged cases of ill-treatment is carried out in line with the Istanbul Protocol.
砖、压缩土块、混凝土瓦和方砖、干木、陶瓷制品以及切割的路缘石等地 方建筑材料生产验工厂 已经建成并用作 学 、 培训 中 心 、 高 等 学 校 和 技术教育学实习生 以及失业年轻人的实践工作。
Pilot workshops have been built for the manufacture of such
local construction materials as baked
[...] bricks, compressed earth blocks, microconcrete floor and wall tiles, dried wood, ceramic objects, and cut facade stones.
土耳其埃拉泽菲拉特大学医学院教授(2000 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事 医学院副教授(1993 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane 军事医学院理教授(1991 年); 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国伦敦伦敦大学、皇家免费医学院、神经 学实验室 和生物学实验室研究员(1988 年);土耳其安卡拉 Hacettepe 大学医学院解剖专 家(1986 年);土耳其安卡拉 Gulhane [...]
军事医学院医师(1983 年)。
Professor, Firat University Medical School, Elaziğ, Turkey (2000); Associate Professor, Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey, (1993); Assistant Professor, Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey, (1991); Research Fellow, London University, Royal Free School
of Medicine,
[...] Neurological Science Laboratory and Biomechanics Laboratory, London, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1988); Specialist in anatomy, Hacettepe University Medical School, [...]
Ankara, Turkey
(1986); Medical Doctor, Medical School of Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey (1983).
先进机械工实验室经理和测试工程师 Scott T. Mansell 拥有电子专学历, 在其 35 年的工作经历中,33 年都是在通用电气医疗保健的振动和环境测试实验室度过,对通用电气医疗保健的医疗产品进行声音和振动测试和分析。
With a degree in
[...] Electronics, the Advanced Mechanical Engineering Lab Manager and Test Engineer, Scott T. Mansell has [...]
been running
the vibration and environmental test laboratory at GE Healthcare for 33 years of its 35-year existence, performing sound and vibration testing and analysis on GE Healthcare’s medical products, systems and components.
A 交换资料的研究心和实验室的 研究成果的发表政策以及项目B 所指疾病 突发情况研究成果的发表政策,并提供关于缔约国可普遍获得的有关 学 刊 物和 其他有关学出版物的资料。
States parties are encouraged to provide information on their policy as
regards publication of results of
[...] biological research, indicating, inter alia, their policies as regards publication of results of research carried out in research centres and laboratories subject to exchange of information under item A and publication of research on outbreaks of diseases covered by item B, and to provide information on relevant scientific journals and other relevant scientific publications [...]
generally available to States parties.
Thomas Piemonte医学博士、美国心脏病学院院士、美国心脏造影与介入学会委员——自1998年以来在马萨诸塞州波士顿哈佛医学院担任医学临床讲师,自2000年以来在马萨诸塞州伯灵顿莱黑临床 学 中 心 担 任 心 导 管 实验 室 与 心血管介入治疗主任。
Dr. Thomas Piemonte M.D. FACC, FSCAI - has held the position of Clinical Instructor in Medicine, Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts, since 1998;
[...] Director, Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory & Interventional [...]
Cardiovascular Medicine Lahey
Clinic Medical Center, Burlington, MA since 2000.
负责该项国际科学研究方案的俄罗斯委员会正在欧洲空间局的国际迦马射线 天体理学实验室( INTEGRAL)上在俄罗斯联邦大约 [...]
25%的曝光时间配额内进 行各种实验,以观测和研究来自空间的迦马辐射。
The Russian committee for the international scientific research programme is conducting
experiments on board the International
[...] Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL) of [...]
the European Space Agency (ESA) for the
observation and study of gamma radiation from space sources, within the Russian Federation’s quota of approximately 25 per cent of the exposure time.
迄今采用的基准有:(a) 2008 年后通过的企业风险管理正 式政策;(b) 在协理署长主持下积极开展工作的企业风险管理委员会;(c) 开发 署开展企业风险管理的正式执行战略;(d) 为工作人员提供的企业风险管理政策 和工具包专项培训;(e) 有通过报告渠道确定、报告和逐级上报相关风险的明确 程序,以便将风险提交企业风险管理委员会审议;(f) 有监测和跟踪企业风险日
志的专项资源;(g) 为上报和审查局部和总体风险建立强有力的系统;(h) 逐步
[...] 整合了解风险和注重成果的部门工作规划和报告程序;(i) 按计划定期审查企业 风险管理政策和做法;以及(j) 在开发署企业风险理经验的基 础上促进机构间验交流和学习。
The benchmarks adopted so far include: (a) adoption of a formal ERM policy since 2008; (b) an active enterprise risk management committee chaired by the Associate Administrator; (c) a formal implementation strategy for the adoption of ERM in UNDP; (d) dedicated training of staff on the policies and toolkits for ERM (e) clear procedures for the identification, reporting and escalation of relevant risks through the reporting lines for consideration by the ERM committee; (f) dedicated resources for monitoring of and follow up on the corporate risks log; (f) an enabling system for the reporting and review of unit-level and corporate risk; (h) progressively integrated risk-informed and results-based unit work-planning and reporting processes; (i) a planned and periodic review of ERM policies and
practices; and (j) contributions to
[...] inter-agency experience exchange and learning based on the ERM experiences of UNDP.
关于反对种族主义和种族歧视,教科 文组织将继续实反对 种族主义、种族歧视、仇 心理 和 相关的不容忍现象的综合战略,包 括加强反对种族主义和歧视的城市联盟。
With respect to the fight against racism and racial discrimination, UNESCO will continue the implementation of the Integrated Strategy to Combat Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, including a reinforcement of the Coalition of Cities Against Racism and Discrimination.
为此,特别报告向政府提出了一些建议,包括必须解决持续存在种族歧视和 仇心理、缺 乏明文禁止这种行为的立法、移民在劳动部门受到剥削、司法部门 和警方不出面干预以保护移民权利、对身份不正常的移民采取严格的拘留和遣返 的政策、移民儿童难以在日学校 或外 国 学 校 取 得教育、以及总体上缺乏尊重移 民人权、确保移民融入日本社会的全面的移民政策。
In this context, the Special Rapporteur makes a number of recommendations to the Government, including the need to address the
persistence of racial
[...] discrimination and xenophobia and the lack of legislation that manifestly prohibits these conducts, the exploitation of migrants in the labour sector, the lack of interventions by the judiciary and police to protect migrants’ rights, the strict policy of detention and deportation of irregular migrants, the difficulties for migrant children to access education either in Japanese or foreign schools, and the overall [...]
lack of a comprehensive
immigration policy that respects the human rights of migrants and ensures their integration into the Japanese society.
根据《工作和休息时间法》,下述各类的工作已经缩短了工作时间: 从事地下工作、对健康构成危害的工作或特殊性质的工作的雇员――最多每 天七小时既每周三十五个小时;在学校和其他托儿机构工作的教师和教育工 作者,在教育工作的其他人员以及根据与保健服务提供机构订立的雇用合同 工作心理学家和 语言治疗师――最多每天七小时既每周三十五个小时。
Under the Working and Rest Time Act, the following categories of workers have reduced working time: employees who perform underground work, work that poses a health hazard or work of a special nature — up to seven hours per day or thirty-five hours per week; teachers and educators working in schools and other child care institutions, and other persons working in the area of education, and psychologists and speech therapists working on the basis of employment contracts entered into with a provider of health care services — up to seven hours per day or thirty-five hours per week.




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