单词 | 实用价值 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 实用价值 —practical valueSee also:实用 n—utility n • practicality n 实用—pragmatic • applied (science) 实值—taking real numbers as values (of a function) • real-valued (math.) 价值 n—Value n • value n • significance n • meaning n • merit n
哥斯 达黎加支持那种主张审议机制应当不断发展,使之成为对受审议国更有实际意义 和实用价值的工 具,特别是在重点、相关性和每一情况现实方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Costa Rica supported the view that the review mechanism should evolve in order to become a [...] more meaningful and useful tool for States under review, in terms of the focus, [...] pertinence and realities of each situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们 相信,该咨询意见不仅对于管理局当前的任务、而且 对于它未来的活动都具有重要的 实用价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are convinced that the advisory opinion has substantial and practical value not only for the current tasks of the Authority but also for its future activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
经济总值 (TEV):从实用价值的各 种成分中获得的价值,包括直 接使用价值、间接使用价值、选择价值、准选择价值以及存在 价值。 teebweb.org | Total economic value (TEV): The value obtained from the various constituents of utilitarian value, including direct use value, indirect [...] use value, option [...]value, quasi-option value, and existence value. teebweb.org |
有意见认为,及时交流空间碎片方面具 有 实用价值 的 信息,是保持外层空 间活动长期可持续性的一个关键部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The view was expressed that the exchange of timely, actionable information on space debris was a key part of maintaining the long-term sustainability of outer space activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
许多此类数字化资料都可能具有长远的文化、法律 或实用价值,因 而必须制订新的、富于远见的战略,使这种数字化资料能够保存下来,造福 于后代。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Much of this digital material is [...] potentially of lasting value, whether cultural, legal, or practical, and new, proactive [...]strategies need to [...]be developed to ensure it is saved for posterity. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在行业范围内,有一些新兴的理论有 所帮助,如服务器整合和虚拟化,但从通用存储的角度都鲜 有实用价值。 adaptec.com | Industry-wide, there are some emerging themes that can help, such as server consolidation and virtualization, but little has been available at the level of general purpose storage. adaptec.com |
某些物种的实用价值可能 尚未被确定,但这并不意味着它们没有价值,今后 它们可能对发明新药具有重要意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the utility of certain species may [...] not yet have been determined, this does not mean that they do not have value, including [...]the possibility that some may be used in the creation of new medicines. daccess-ods.un.org |
1954 年,大会第九届会议请会员国向非自治领土居民提供便利,不仅在大学 [...] 学习和培训,而且也在中学学习以及接受具有直 接 实用价值 的 技 术和职业训练, 并请秘书长编写一份报告,详细说明各国已提供的便利以及这些便利的应用情 [...]况,以供大会参考(第 845(IX)号决议)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its ninth session, in 1954, the General Assembly invited Member States to offer facilities to the inhabitants of Non-Self-Governing Territories, not only for study and [...] training at the university level but also for study at the post-primary level, as well as technical and vocational training of an [...] immediate and practical value, and requested [...]the Secretary-General [...]to prepare a report for the information of the Assembly, giving details of the offers made and the extent to which they had been taken up (resolution 845 (IX)). daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,代表团着重指出,哥斯达黎加坚持对普遍定期审议的承诺,指出, 重要的是必须在审议的框架内制订必要的模式,这样建议才会更加 有 实用价值而 且具有更好的质量。 daccess-ods.un.org | In conclusion, the delegation highlighted Costa Rica’s commitment to the universal periodic review, noting that it was important, within the framework of the review, to develop the necessary modalities for the recommendations to be more useful and of a better quality. daccess-ods.un.org |
54 25. 关于委员会工作的形式,有国家指出,为所有行为体编制无约束力的准则、 实践指南或原则框架,将更有 实用价值 , 会得到广泛接受。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the form of the Commission’s work, it was stated that non-binding guidelines, a guide to practice or [...] a framework of principles addressed to all actors [...] would have more practical value and enjoy widespread [...]acceptance.55 26. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,仅有不到三分之一的调查对象认为目前上交所的每股社 会贡献值体系以及“采矿权转让”的相关信息能具 有 实用价值。 eisourcebook.org | However, less than one-third of respondents felt that the current [...] information on the SSE’s [...] Social Contribution Value Per Share (SCVPS) system and “transfer of mining rights” was useful. eisourcebook.org |
该决议草案具有实用价值,有 助于提高年轻人的 认识,使其更好地明辨是非,并且提高他们从历史中 [...] 吸取教训的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft [...] resolution had the practical value of helping to foster [...]awareness among young people of the difference between [...]right and wrong, and their ability to learn from history. daccess-ods.un.org |
论坛为进一步落实 [...] 《少数群体宣言》成功地明确和分析了最佳做法、挑战、机会和主动行动,并取 得了具体和切实的成果,向各利益相关者提出了具 有 实用价值 的 专 门建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Forum has been successful in identifying and analysing best practices, challenges, opportunities and initiatives for the further implementation of the Declaration on Minorities and has [...] produced concrete and tangible outcomes in the form of thematic [...] recommendations of practical value to all stakeholders. daccess-ods.un.org |
各国就初步试点测试交流经验,证明了贸发会议新的“会计发展工具 包”的实用价值 daccess-ods.un.org | (f) The sharing of country experiences with early pilot testing demonstrated the usefulness of UNCTAD’s new Accounting Development Toolkit daccess-ods.un.org |
必须找到一个使解决方案本质与以下目标协调的方式,即以尽可能低的价格提供具有一定 质量的药品,否则法律解决方案将几乎没什 么 实用价值 , 强 制许可也不会成为有力的谈判 手段。 iprcommission.org | A way needs to be found to reconcile the nature of the solution adopted with the objective of providing medicines of the appropriate quality at the lowest possible cost. iprcommission.org |
(h) 对具有较高实用价值的非 保密性记录将公布于众 daccess-ods.un.org | (h) The non-confidential records designated to [...] be of high access value will be accessible [...]to the public daccess-ods.un.org |
评估什么最有实用价值、什么可能在 实地带来真正的变化始终是一个挑战。 daccess-ods.un.org | The challenge at all times is to assess what [...] is of most practical value, namely, what [...]is likely to make a real difference on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到各国政府、区域组织和国际组织、非政府 组织以及学术界对“人的安全”概念给予的关注,我 [...] 们应当在大会这个政府间框架内讨论这个概念,特别 是鉴于这个概念迄今还没有一个商定的、 有 实用价值 的定义。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of the attention given by Governments, regional and international organizations, non-governmental organizations and academia to the concept of human security, it should be discussed within the [...] intergovernmental framework of the General Assembly, particularly since it has not [...] yet been given a practical and agreed definition. daccess-ods.un.org |
工作组认为,研究有关私营军事和安保公司活动的法律规范、评估保护人 权的国家法律的效力具有实用价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group believes that it would be useful to study and identify legislative approaches regarding the activities of private military and security companies and to assess the effectiveness of national legislation in protecting human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们相信这些专有的开发工具具有巨大的教育潜力 和 实用价值。 fxopenasia.com | We believe, these proprietary-developed tools have great educational [...] potential and practical value. fxopenasia.com |
(e) 将根据预计使用要求,评估拟进行长期或永久保留的全部非常用实务和 [...] 行政记录,对于被确定为具有重要价值或较 高 实用价值 的 记 录将按照既定程序进 行数字化处理 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) All non-current substantive and administrative records designated for long-term to permanent retention will have been appraised in terms of expected access [...] requirements, and those records identified as [...] vital or of high access value will be digitized [...]in accordance with established procedures daccess-ods.un.org |
专家小组对报告提供的信息的质量和 实用价值 表 示赞赏,尤其是关于正常计划和预算 外项目协调问题的表 2(A)(计划的实施)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | While appreciating the quality and the usefulness of the information particularly in Table 2(A) (Programme implementation) in terms of harmonization between the regular programme and the extrabudgetary projects, certain members stressed the importance of evaluating the programme deliveries against objectives. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这 些研究和云的形成与降雨相关,具有科学 和 实用价值 , 可 以据此提出人工降雨、驱雾 或加强雾的稳定性等诸方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The scientific and the practical importance of these studies is connected with the formation of cloud elements and precipitation and with the developing of methods for artificial precipitation, [...] for the dispersion [...]of mists or for their stabilization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
通过一系 列标志性物品记录了这一历程,一方面,展现了 被 Alberto Alessi 称为 “意大利设计工厂” 的特殊 活动和深刻性质,其间人们在产品的 实用价 值、符 号价值和诗意价值之间摇摆不定,另一 方面,则展现了这些 “研发实验室” 的潜力与能 力,它们甚至吸引了许多外国设计师,来 到意 大利工作,证明了这里的生产优越性。 iguzzini.com | A parade of iconic objects develops a history that aims on one hand to illustrate the peculiar activities and profound nature of what Alberto Alessi called “Italian Design Factories”, which move along a line oscillating between the functional value, sign value and poetic value of products, and on the other hand to show the great capacity and ability of these “research laboratories” to attract even foreign designers, who choose to work in Italy because they recognise the excellence of its products. iguzzini.com |
尽管整个联合国系统曾详尽讨论并通过了这些方针的内容,但联合国许多组 织并未予以充分实施。除少数例外情况外,在区域和国家两级都没有切实有效地 [...] 支持南南合作;这些方针没有得到遵守,而是遭到忽视,或缺 乏 实用价值。 daccess-ods.un.org | With a few exceptions, support to SSC at [...] the regional and country levels has not been effective; guidelines are not adhered to, [...] ignored, or lack operational value. daccess-ods.un.org |
在TA Hydronics我们不仅拥有市场领先的水力知识,我们还具有独一无二的将知识转化为对我们的员工和客户具 有 实 际 应 用价值 信 息 的能力。 tahydronics.com | At TA Hydronics we not only have market leading hydronic knowledge, we also have a [...] rare ability to [...] convert it into practical information that is of real help and value to our own staff [...]and our customers. tahydronics.com |
NVIDIA 3D Vision Pro 集无线主动快门式眼镜、射频通信中心以及先进的软件于一身,可自动将各种面向商用的应用程序自动转化为完全立体的 3D 形式,从而可提高应用程序的实际使 用价值 、 产 生更佳的结果、提高生产率。 nvidia.cn | NVIDIA 3D Vision Pro is a combination of wireless active shutter glasses, and RF communication hub, and advanced software, which automatically transforms various business-oriented applications into full stereoscopic 3D to improve the usefulness of the application, deliver better results, and increase productivity. nvidia.com |
给生物技术发明提供专利保护的发展中国家应当评定有关发明是否有 切 实 的 工业 应 用价 值,并 在适当时考虑到美国专利商标局的上述指导原则。 iprcommission.org | Developing countries providing patent protection for biotechnological inventions should assess whether they are effectively susceptible to industrial application, taking account of the USPTO guidelines as appropriate. iprcommission.org |