

单词 实物尺寸

See also:


in kind
material object
object for practical use
concrete object
original object
definite thing
matter (physics)

实物 n

specie n
substantivity n



External sources (not reviewed)

展览包括世界各地水下遗产的大幅图片、泰国沉船残 实物尺寸 复 制 品、海底发现的遗 产展示、水下文化遗产电影、水下考古学家在水族箱工作的特别演示以及儿童的互动游戏区 [...]
,展览还放映了教科文组织--Moonscoop 卡通片。
The exhibit included large format photographs of
underwater heritage scenes from around
[...] the world, a life-size replica of a Thai [...]
ship wreck, a showcase of discoveries recovered
from the seabed, a film on the underwater cultural heritage, special demonstrations of underwater archaeologists in action in the aquarium tank and an interactive play zones for children and featuring among others the UNESCO-Moonscoop Cartoons.
Rucker一直想用他的激光焊接工艺创作一座与 物 原 型 真 实尺寸 相 同 的半身雕像。
Rucker had long been keen to use his
[...] laser-welding technique to create a life-size bust.
该低成本解决方案是 Abracon 为兼顾价格、性能尺寸而努力实现 的 最新成果。
This low cost solution is the latest Abracon
[...] attempt to converge on price, performance and size.
末底改和里格比救援持久性有机污 物 的 替 代 尺寸 , 持久性有机污染物讲话,但持久性有机污染物的的脸graffiti'd与里格比的骗子图纸。
Mordecai and Rigby rescue Pops
[...] from the alternate dimension so Pops can make his [...]
speech, but Pops’ face is graffiti’d with Rigby’s Sharpie drawings.
在这些情况下,您可以在通过在ExitResize事件中指定控件或者字 尺寸 , 来 实 现 对 它们的大小重新调整。
In these cases, these controls or fonts can be easily resized
[...] by specifying the dimensions of the control or [...]
font in the ExitResize Event.
EDI将会很快宣布其首个商业合同,在中国将该系 实 现 到 全 尺寸 的 重 型客车上,目前也在与多个汽车制造商和装配商进行商讨。
EDI will soon announce its first
[...] commercial contract to implement the system into a full size, heavy-duty bus [...]
project in China, and is
also in discussions with multiple OEM truck manufacturers and upfitters at the current time.
这座按照物原型真实尺寸制作 的南非前总统曼德拉的半身雕像在瓷白、银灰和深灰三色的衬托下熠熠生辉,这位诺贝尔和平奖获得者是一位为自由而战的斗士。
It stands there
[...] glistening in white, silver-gray and dark-gray – a life-size bust of Nelson Mandela, [...]
former President of
South Africa, freedom-fighter and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize – the back of the head crafted in porcelain, the face made of laser-welded platinum, the eyes set with black diamonds.
就性能而言,必须确尺寸最小的零 实 现 最 大的传热。
In terms of
[...] performance, they must ensure maximum heat transfer while keeping size to a minimum.
根据 2001 年至 2007 年的商业图像,该建物的尺寸6 类似 于所指称类型和 功率的核反应堆的尺寸,即类似于朝鲜宁边的 25 兆瓦(热)气冷石墨慢化反应堆。7 原子能机构对一个成员国向其提供的被轰炸建筑物的一幅照片所作的分析实 了叙利亚企图通过增加墙壁和屋顶部分掩盖该建筑物配置特征的指控。
I have the honour to refer to the implementation of the Safeguards Agreement between the Syrian Arab Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) pursuant to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
• 由于尺码会根据每个设计师的不同而存在一定的差异,我们也提供了相应尺码 实 际 数据作为参考,您可根据您的身 尺寸 来 选择合适的尺码。
Even though sizes can tend to vary significantly by
designers, we have also provided
[...] the actual dimensions of each product for you to compare with your own body measurements.
我們建議引入一套法定規管制度,類近 於現時在《建物(小 型工程)規例》(第 123 章,附屬法 例 N )中為訂明建築工程(即違例的小型簷篷、晾衣架和冷 氣機支架)而設的同類制度,容許某些現存的違例招牌(例 如符合既定尺寸規限 ,或不阻礙緊急車輛運作的招牌等) 在經註冊建築專業人士或註冊承建商進行安全檢查後,可繼 續使用。
We propose to introduce a statutory control system, similar to the one for prescribed building works at present (i.e. unauthorized small canopies, drying racks and supporting frames for air-conditioners) under the Building (Minor Works) Regulation (Cap. 123 sub. leg. [...]
N) (B(MW)R), under which the continued
use of certain existing unauthorized signboards (e.g. those that are within stipulated dimensional requirements, or not blocking operation of emergency vehicles, etc.) will be allowed after safety checks by registered building professionals or registered contractors.
审计委员会感到关切的是,缺乏 实物 和 环 境的充分控制措施可能导致擅 自使用服务器室,近东救济工程处可能无法防止服务器受到危害。
The Board was concerned that the
[...] lack of adequate physical and environmental [...]
controls might lead to unauthorized access
to the server room and the inability of UNRWA to prevent hazards to the servers.
这种片内共存滤波器技术与RFaxis的片内发射电路相结合,将可大幅削减印刷电路板(P CB ) 尺寸 、 电 流消耗 物 料 成 本,同时提高多功能无线局域网/蓝牙/WCDMA蜂窝设备如智能手机、平板电脑和其他移动互联网设备的性能,是目前此类解决方案中独一无二的。
This On-Die Coexistence Filter technology, when combined with RFaxis' on-die transmit circuitry, is the only solution of its kind
designed to significantly reduce
[...] printed circuit board (PCB) size, current consumption and [...]
bill of materials (BOM) costs, while
enhancing the performance of multifunction WLAN/Bluetooth/WCDMA cellular devices such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile internet devices.
经纱压杆由实、尺寸经过优化的不 锈钢管制成,设计紧凑、稳固。
The compact and
[...] stable design is achieved by means of strong, dimensionally-optimized [...]
stainless steel thread supporting tubes.
買賣合約所述明的住物業的量度 尺寸 , 可 能與實 物 業 的尺寸有所 差異。我們已在《條例草案》附表 5 第 23 條建議,在有關銷售 未落成物業的買賣合約內加入強制性條文,規定倘有 物 業 的量 度 尺寸 因為改動了建築圖則而出現程度超過 5%的差異,買方可撤銷買賣合約。
As regards the possible difference in measurement of residential properties as set out in the ASP and the actual property, we have proposed under clause 23 of Schedule 5 to the Bill a mandatory provision to be included in the ASP for the sale of uncompleted property that, [...]
if there is a difference in measurement
exceeding 5% as a result of an alteration of building plans, the purchaser is at liberty to rescind the ASP.
窗口尺寸T指两个运送单元前边缘之间的距离, 尺寸 与运送单实际长度无关。
The window size T is the distance from the leading
edge of a transport unit to the leading edge of a subsequent
[...] transport unit regardless of the actual length of the unit.
高灵敏度、低质量和物理尺寸的组 合使得 4506、4506-B、-B-002 和 [...]
-B-003(以下被称为 4506)非常适合需要多个测量点的复合结构的三轴模态分析测量,例如,汽车车身和动力传动系统测量,或飞机、火车和卫星上的模态分析。
A combination of high sensitivity, low
[...] mass and small dimensions make Types 4506, [...]
4506-B, -B-002 and -B-003 (hereafter referred
to as Type 4506) ideally suited for triaxial modal analysis measurements of composite structures that require multiple measurement points, for example, automotive body and power-train measurements, or modal analysis on aircraft, trains and satellites.
必须根据要加物体的尺寸和电 气性质来选择合适的频率。
It is essential that the frequency is chosen with
[...] respect to the dimensions and electrical properties of the object to be heated.
专家组再次建议联科行动聘用若干合格的海关咨询人,为 综合禁运监察股 提供协调一致的监测能力,并
[...] 依据风险评估战略(见 S/2010/179,第 123 段)对物进行实物检查 ,以揭露可能违反武器和相关材料禁运的情况。
The Group reiterates its recommendation that UNOCI hire qualified customs consultants to provide a consistent monitoring capacity to its Integrated
Embargo Monitoring Unit and to carry
[...] out physical inspections of cargoes based on a risk [...]
assessment strategy (see S/2010/179,
para. 123), with a view to uncovering potential violations of the embargo on arms and related materiel.
[...] 薄弱之处:项目监测和监督(15 个办事处);资产管理(例如,未对资产进 实物 存货 、Atlas 中未记录非资本资产,以及未妥善处置陈旧资产)(13 [...]
个办事处); 对支付问题的处理(11 个办事处);差旅管理(例如,差旅报销申请不完善,以及
差旅报销申请无证明)(10 个办事处);休假和出勤记录(8 个办事处);对特别服 务协定的管理(7 个办事处);征聘过程(7 个办事处);供应商管理(6 个办事处); 账户代码的使用(6 个办事处);以及电子采购的使用(5 个办事处)。
These are weaknesses in: project monitoring and
oversight (15 offices); asset
[...] management (e.g. physical inventory of assets not performed, [...]
non-capital assets not recorded
in Atlas and obsolete assets not properly disposed of) (13 offices); processing of payment (11 offices); travel management (e.g. travel claims not completed and travel claims not supported) (10 offices); leave and attendance records (8 offices); management of special service agreements (7 offices); recruitment process (7 offices); vendor management (6 offices); use of account codes (6 offices); and use of e-procurement (5 offices).
周淑敏女士說,納米粒子天然存在於食物中,例如蛋白質、碳水化合物及脂肪等物 質,由較大的生物聚物至納米尺寸 不 等
For example, proteins, carbohydrates
[...] and fats with sizes extending from large polymers down [...]
to nanoscale.
凭借极低的功耗,advant 4000系列产品可以很好地适应由电池供电的 离线锁,与此同时,它小巧尺寸非 常 有助 实 现 充满魅力的外观设 计。
Through its low power consumption the advant 4000 series is well suited for battery powered offline locks.
应用交流:通过 GPC/SEC 测定蛋白质和聚物尺寸 多数 凝胶渗透色谱/尺寸排除色谱(GPC/SEC)试验的主要目的是确定样品的分子量分布(MWD)或比较多种样品的分子量(MW)。
Application communication:
[...] Protein and polymer molecular size by GPC/SEC The main goal of most Gel Permeation/Size Exclusion [...]
Chromatography (GPC/SEC)
experiments is to determine the molecular weight distribution (MWD) of the sample or compare molecular weights (MW) of several samples.
安全理事会第 1810(2008)号决议决定,委员会应继续加紧努力,通过其工作 方案,推动所有国家全面执行第 1540(2004)号决议,工作方案包括汇编有关各国 执行第
1540(2004)号决议各个方面的情况、外联、对话、援助与合作的信息,尤 其应列入该决议第 1 和第 2 段所涉及的所有方面,并列入第 3
[...] 段所涉各个方面, 其中包含:(a) 衡算,(b) 实物保护,(c) 边境管制和执法努力,(d) 国家对出 [...]
口和转口实行的管制,包括对此种出口和转口相关资金和服务的提供,例如融资, 实施管制。
The Security Council, in its resolution 1810 (2008), decided that the Committee should continue to intensify its efforts to promote the full implementation by all States of resolution 1540 (2004) through its programme of work, which includes the compilation of information on the status of States’ implementation of all aspects of resolution 1540 (2004), outreach, dialogue, assistance and cooperation, and which addresses in particular all aspects of paragraphs 1 and 2 of that resolution, as well
as of paragraph 3, which encompasses (a)
[...] accountability, (b) physical protection, (c) [...]
border controls and law enforcement
efforts and (d) national export and trans-shipment controls, including controls on providing funds and services such as financing to such export and trans-shipment.
在摄影中最令人失望的是视乎相机LED屏幕上看起来非常清晰的图像,从电脑显示器 实 际 尺寸 上 显 示的却是模糊的时候。
One of the most common disappointments in photography is realizing that a photo
that looked great on your camera’s screen is actually slightly blurred when you
[...] view it at actual size on your computer.
当使用间隙或黑色标记介质时,该选项决定打印机如何处 尺寸 大 于 物理 页面长度的图像。
This option determines how the printer handles images that are too large for one physical page length when using gap or black mark media.
ACXA56-51 封装比原来的 0.56 英寸 SMD 显示器薄 30%,突破物理尺寸的束缚,不仅灵活而且性能优异、色彩亮丽,正是众多设计人员梦寐以求的一套完整解决方案。
The ACXA56-51 package is 30% thinner than
[...] original 0.56 inch SMD display, overcomes physical dimension constraints, [...]
and offers a complete solution
to designers seeking exceptional and vibrant features with flexibility.
简称“GBA”)(粉单市场交易代码:GNBA)今日在中国广东珠海市举办的主要航展上欣然宣布推出GBA ArrowHawk旋翼实际尺寸样机
Groen Brothers Aviation, Inc("GBA") (PINKSHEETS: GNBA), the world-wide leader in gyroplane technology, is pleased to announce the introduction of the GBA ArrowHawk Gyroplane, which is shown as a full-scale model at China's premier Air Show in Zhuhai, Guangdong ProvinceThe ArrowHawk reflects the latest technology from GBA's 24 years of designing safe, high performance rotor wing aircraftMedia members at the Zhuhai Air Show will be welcome to visit us at our Booth Number D1-1A, Hall #1
本部分应包括除标签规定外的关于度量衡标准的所有规定,例如,在适当的情况下, 容器的填物、重量、尺寸或采样和分析的适当方法决定的单位计数。
This section should include all provisions, other than labelling provisions, relating to weights and measures, e.g. where appropriate, fill of container, weight, measure or count of units determined by an appropriate method of sampling and analysis.
欧洲共同体:恰实施边框/尺寸要求 的国家(13个):比利时,爱沙尼亚, 芬兰,法国,匈牙利,爱尔兰,拉托维 [...]
亚,葡萄牙,罗马尼亚,斯洛文尼亚, 西班牙,瑞典,英国。
EC, proper implementation of border/size requirement (13): [...]
Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia,
Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.




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