

单词 实施前

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

我们还 将讨论如实施前面关 于健康和农业两章中提出的专利政策方面的一些建议。
We also consider how some of the recommendations relating to patent
[...] policy made in the preceding chapters on health [...]
and agriculture can be implemented.
政府是否为提高各级社区和管理机关对《宣言》的认识,从而改善 实施前 景作出了努力?
Has the Government endeavoured to raise awareness
about the Declaration at various levels of the community and governance
[...] to enhance the prospects of its implementation?
这些指标在表 1
[...] 至表 4 最后一栏中列为 A 组,在付实施前只需要很 少或根本不需要测试或试点。
Those indicators labelled group A in the last column of tables 1 to 4 would require minimum or no
[...] testing or piloting before being made operational.
投资者的资金将在确定实施前办公 室空间的终极重用的驱动力。
Investor funding will be the driving force in determining the
[...] ultimate reuse for implementation of the former office space.
如 2009/10 年度执行情况报告(A/65/610/Add.1)所述,在报告所述期间购 置了燃料管理系统,并于 2009 年 11 月在联海稳定团进行实施前研究 ;但是, 由于 2010 年 1 月在海地发生地震,试行地点后改为联黎部队,并于 2010 年 3 月 在该部队进行了第二实施前研究
As indicated in the 2009/10 performance report (A/65/610/Add.1), the electronic fuel management system was
acquired during the
[...] reporting period and pre-implementation study conducted at MINUSTAH in November 2009; however, due to the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010, the pilot implementation site was later changed to UNIFIL, where a second pre-implementation study was conducted [...]
in March 2010.
委员会欢迎缔约国努实施前次报 告的结论性意见 (CRC/C/15/Add.269),但 遗憾地注意到没有完全实施其中所载的一些建议。
The Committee, while welcoming the State
[...] party’s efforts to implement the concluding observations on its previous reports (CRC/C/15/Add.269), [...]
notes with
regret that some of the recommendations contained therein have not been fully addressed.
如 2009/10
[...] 年度执行情况报告(A/65/610/Add.1)所述,已购置了现成的商 用软件并进行实施前研究 ;然而,2010/11 年度执行情况报告(A/66/610/Add.1) [...]
得成功的情况证明,软件供应商未能提供符合并达到联合国要求的令人满意的产 品,因此,在没有合适的现成商用解决方案的情况下,开始开发替代性的内部解 决方案。
As indicated in the 2009/10 performance report (A/65/610/Add.1), a
commercial off-the-shelf software was
[...] acquired and a pre-implementation study was conducted; [...]
however, as clarified in the
2010/11 performance report (A/66/610/Add.1), given that the software vendor failed to provide a satisfactory product that was compliant with and met the requirements of the United Nations, as concluded after quality assurance processes and system acceptance tests in UNIFIL and MINUSTAH were unsuccessful, in the absence of a suitable commercial offthe-shelf solution the development of an alternate in-house solution was undertaken.
该计划描述了四个重要实施阶段:㈠ 政策制定(2009 年完成); ㈡
系统开发(正在 VISION 系统项目内进行,为把实施“公共部门会计准则”纳 入 VISION
[...] 系统设计中所需的变化);㈢ 改革管理,包实施前活动、宣传和培 训(正在进行规划,计划与 [...]
VISION 系统团队一起进行)和㈣ 编写报告工作。
The plan describes four key implementation phases: (a) policy development (completed in 2009); (b) systems development (in progress within the VISION project, with the changes needed to implement IPSAS incorporated into the
design of VISION); (c) change management,
[...] including pre-implementation activities, [...]
communication and training (planning is
under way and being conducted with the VISION team); and (d) report preparation.
我们认为,同样紧迫的是,要稳 实施前 作战 人员的解除武装、复员、遣返、重新安置和重 [...]
We believe it is equally
[...] urgent to steadily implement disarmament, [...]
demobilization, repatriation, resettlement and reintegration programmes for ex-combatants and to strengthen
and effectively reform the security sector.
总干事的代表解释道,与会者和工作人员的差旅费开支率高在很大程度上是由于 30 C/5 是在实实施前的一年多编制的,因此难以精确估计出实际的需要。
The representative of the Director-General explained that the high rates of expenditure for both participants’ travel and staff travel on official business were largely due to the difficulty in
estimating requirements with any precision when document 30 C/5 had
[...] been prepared more than a year prior to [...]
actual execution.
同时我们也建议国家标准化管理委员会能在标准正 实施前 对 行 业给予更 多的指导和宣贯,从而帮助企业更好地贯彻实施该标准的相关要求。
Also, we suggest the SAC to provide
more guidance and communication
[...] to the industry before the formal implementation of [...]
the standard to help the enterprises
better implement the requirements of the standard.
他对秘书长未能填补新的内部司法系统、尤其是 内部司法办公室中所需员额以及这种过失可能被当 作推迟该系统实施的借口表示严重关切,指出工作人 员渴望新的系统按照大会所商定的那样,于 2009 年 1
[...] 月 1 日生效,特别是因为该系统已经被推迟了一年以 便实施前有足够的时间作准备。
Expressing serious concern that the SecretaryGeneral had failed to fill the posts required for the new internal justice system, particularly in the Office of Administration of Justice, and that such failure might be presented as an excuse for delaying its implementation, he said that the staff were eager for the new system to come into effect on 1 January 2009, as agreed by the General
Assembly, especially since it had already been deferred for one year to allow
[...] enough preparatory time before implementation.
医学和药草研究所设立了卫生研究道德委员会,其主要职责是在所有与人 类有关的研究项实施前及实施期间 ,对其进行独立评估,看是否符合道德准 则。
IMPM established a health-research ethics committee
whose main task is to evaluate
[...] independently, before and during implementation, the compliance [...]
of all research projects
involving human subjects with ethical standards.
通过将绩效指标和基准纳入各个C/5文 件,在过去的这段时间里已经取得了显著的成果,目前的一项主要挑战是确定基线,以描述 在实施时实施前的状态。
Although there has been marked improvement over time by including performance indicators and benchmarks into successive C/5 documents, a key challenge is the identification of baselines 184 EX/4 – page 67 (Draft 36 C/3)
本项目是一个全国范围内的大型信息工程项目,包含了网络、土建、软件、硬件、环保等各项内容,联信永益在本次项目中展示了良好的大型信息化项目咨询能力,在项 实施前 后 都 提供了良好的服务,能到了用户好评。
This project is a nationwide large-scale information project, including network, civil engineering, software, hardware, environmental protection, etc. Surekam demonstrates good large-scale information technology project advisory capacity.
社区公众对TNR工作的认可度评估:在下一篇《社区志愿者篇》的第三节《了解公 众对TNR项目的认可程度》,就是介绍在TNR工 实施前 后 , 由志愿者进行《关注您 身边的流浪猫》的问卷调查(附件八),以此来了解社区居民对于流浪猫的包容度 是否有改善,TNR项目是否得到居民的认可。
Public recognition on the TNR programme: In part III (―Understand the public recognition on the TNR programme) of the Section ―Community Volunteers‖, Appendix VIII--The questionnaire on “Care of the Cats around You” is designed to understand whether the community residents‘ attitude towards stray cats has been improved and the TNR programme has been accepted.
VLSCI 的目标是在2013 年前进军世界生命科学研实验设 施前 五 名 行列。
VLSCI aims to be one of the top five life
[...] science computation facilities in the world by 2013.
近东 救济工程处通告审计委员会,在充分实施新的企业资源规划系统 前 , 实施 《公 共部门会计准则》时不会取代 RAMCO 财务管理系统当前的模块。
UNRWA informed the
[...] Board that the current module under the RAMCO financial management system would not be replaced when implementing IPSAS [...]
up to the point that the
new enterprise resource planning was fully functional.
多达 10 个组织预计将在 2010 年前 实施公共 部门会计准则,而其余的组织大多数将在 2012 年底前予实施。
As many as 10 organizations
[...] are expected to implement IPSAS by 2010, while the majority of the remaining organizations will implement by 2012.
在工程 处最后确定员额地点和职前,实施 了 这些临时性措施。
These temporary measures were in place until [...]
a final determination of the post location and functions is made by the Agency.
是一个会员国根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 15 段和第 1747(2007)号决议第 4 段发来的,涉及授权豁免财政 限制规定;两项是一个会员国发来的,宣布该国打算 根据第 1737(2006)号决议第
13(b)段,授权向第 1737(2006)号决议附件所含名单上的一个实体提供
[...] 某些经济资源;最后一项是一个会员国发来的,涉及 根据第 1737(2006)号决议第 15 段,授权支付根据在 安全理事会对某实体采取措施前签 订 的一项合同 应支付的款项。
During this reporting period, the Committee also received five notifications: two from a Member State with reference to paragraph 15 of resolution 1737 (2006) and paragraph 4 of resolution 1747 (2007), concerning the authorization for exemptions from financial restrictions; two from a Member State announcing its intention to authorize, under paragraph 13 (b) of resolution 1737 (2006), certain economic resources to the benefit of an entity included on the list contained in the annex to resolution 1737 (2006); and, finally, one from a Member State concerning the authorization, under paragraph 15 of resolution
1737 (2006), of payments due under a
[...] contract entered into prior to the Security Council measures against a certain entity.
[...] 国际法,退出国仍须对其在退出《条约》 前实施 的 违约行为承担责任;如依照 《条约》的规定退出,这种退出不会影响退出国与其他各缔约国之间在退出前因 [...]
The Conference notes that many States underscore that under international law a withdrawing party is
still responsible for violations of the
[...] Treaty committed prior to its withdrawal, [...]
and that if done in accordance with the
provisions of the Treaty, such withdrawal would not affect any right, obligation or legal situation between the withdrawing State and each of the other States parties created through the execution of the Treaty prior to withdrawal, including those related to the required IAEA safeguards.
虽然管理层为实施《公共部门会计准则》作出了显著努力,但仍然存在 重大风险;如果人口基金要实现为在 2012 年 1 月 1 日前实施《公 共部门会计 准则》而制定的各项目标,就需要采取紧急措施以便更有效地管理这些风险。
Despite noteworthy efforts made by management to implement IPSASs,
significant risks still
[...] remain and urgent measures need to be taken to manage these risks more effectively if UNFPA is to realize the [...]
objectives set out for implementing IPSASs by 1 January 2012.
提出的建议包括:近东救济工程处必须让 其捐助方深刻认识到其核心预算并不是一个管理黑 洞,而是运行其教育方案的关键,因而应当被视为 是对巴勒斯坦难民的未来的投资;把握所有供资机 会;扩大其核心预算捐助方的范围, 前 对 此 提供 的捐款为数不多——他曾在阿拉伯联盟各国部长在 开罗举行的一次会议上提请注意这一点,这些国家 对具体项目和紧急呼吁但不包括核心预算给予了值 得欢迎的支助;扩大与各基金会和私营部门其他机 构之类的非国家行为者的伙伴关系;并继续通过更 好的规划、执行和监督活动,以经济合算的方实 施方案
Among the recommendations were that UNRWA must: impress upon donors that its core budget was not an administrative black hole but the key to running its educational programmes and thus should be seen as an investment in the future of the Palestine refugees; exploit all funding opportunities; enlarge its donor base for the
core budget, to which
[...] only a small number currently contributed — a point to which he had drawn attention in Cairo at a meeting of Arab League ministers whose countries gave welcome support to specific projects and emergency appeals but not to the core budget; expand its partnerships with non-State actors such as foundations and other institutions in the private sector; and continue to be cost-effective in conducting its programmes through better planning, implementation and oversight.
深信对某实际裁 军措施采取全面综合的做法,常常是维持和巩固和平与安 全的先决条件,因此,是切实开展冲突后建设和平的基础;这些措施包括收集并 且最好通过销毁负责地处理通过非法贩运或非法制造获得的武器和国家主管当 局宣布超出需要的武器和弹药,特别是小武器和轻武器,除非另一种处置或用途 已正式得到批准,并且已经适当对这些武器进行了标识和登记;建立信任 施; 前战斗 人员解除武装、复员和重返社会;排雷以及军转民
Convinced that a comprehensive
and integrated approach
[...] towards certain practical disarmament measures often is a prerequisite to maintaining and consolidating peace and security and thus provides a basis for effective post-conflict peacebuilding; such measures include collection and responsible disposal, preferably through destruction, of weapons obtained through illicit trafficking or illicit manufacture as well as of weapons and ammunition declared by competent national authorities to be surplus to requirements, particularly with regard to small arms and light weapons, unless another form of disposition or use has been officially authorized and provided that such weapons have been duly marked and registered; confidence-building measures; disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of former combatants; demining; [...]
and conversion
此次讲习班的基本目标是更深入 地了解前实施金伯 利进程的方式、共享信息、进行分析、汲取经验教训以及讨 [...]
The workshop’s basic aim was to achieve a
greater understanding of how the Kimberley
[...] Process was being implemented, share information, [...]
analysis, lessons learned and debate
the value of broader collaboration on the Process within the West African subregion.
在此情况下,总干事决定可对先前某些活动所做的节余有效地进行重新分配,以在本 双年度结前实施其它优先事项,它们或因预算资金不足,尤其是在 33 C/5 中就划拨不足或 [...]
In this context, the Director-General determined that anticipated savings on some activities
could be usefully redeployed
[...] in order to implement other priority actions before the end of the biennium, [...]
for which there were
insufficient budget resources specifically set aside in document 33 C/5 or new actions which were not originally foreseen in the work plans.
环境 规划署当时表示,巴林政府相信,鉴于阿瓦尔海湾制造公司(以下简称“AGM 公司”) 产品在本地区的市场以及淘汰氟氯烃优先事项方面的区域情况,并确保不使该公司的商业 可持续性面临风险,无法在 2014 年前实施占本国消费量达 80%的 AGM 公司制造产能 技术转换工作。
At that time, UNEP had advised that the Government believed that the conversion of the manufacturing capacity at Awal Gulf Manufacture Company (AGM), constituting 80 per cent of the country’s consumption, could not be carried out before
2014, given the regional
[...] market for its products in combination with the regional situation in terms of priorities for HCFC phase-out, without [...]
risking the commercial
sustainability of the enterprise.
前实施的肃 清运动诉讼保障申诉者享有《宪法》和《刑事诉讼法》中规 定的所有权利,包括:无罪推定、辩护权、在肃清运动诉讼中评估证据的自由、 [...]
23. The current lustration procedure guarantees [...]
persons to whom it applies all the rights provided under the Constitution
and the Code of Criminal Procedure, including: the presumption of innocence, the right to defence, freedom to evaluate evidence in lustration proceedings, the substantive truth principle and the principle of beyond reasonable doubt in favour of the lustrated person.
同样的方法为前实施和促进框架的阶段提供了借鉴:通过在相关实体内部 和实体之间――私营和公共,国内和国际――确定并形成各种标准和进程,以最大 [...]
限度地为受影响的个人和社区带来切实成果,这些标准和进程将使各个实体能够 更加有效地解决工商业和人权问题。
The same
[...] approach informs the current phase of operationalizing and [...]
promoting the framework: maximizing tangible results
for affected individuals and communities by identifying and fostering standards and processes within and among relevant entities — private and public, national and international — that will make them more effective in dealing with business and human rights.




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