

单词 实数值

See also:


actual value
real number (math)

数值 adj



numerical value

External sources (not reviewed)

设定值 由于设定的值以数据类型“短实数”传送,如果设定值无 法准确表示为“实数”值,则 在设定的值和通过接口传 送的值之间可能存在偏差。
Since the set values are transferred
[...] as the "Short real" data type, deviations may arise between the set value and the value transferred via the interface if the set value cannot be [...]
depicted accurately as a "Short real" value.
应当指出的是,对于一些指标(完成的项目数目、资金给付、制订的政策和非投资项 目 ODP 的减少)而言,实际完成数值越高,表明效绩越好,而对于另外一些指标而言 (至首次给付的速度和至项目完成的速度) 实 际 数值 越 低,表明绩效越好。
It should be noted that achieving higher amounts represents better performance in the case of the indicators (number of Projects completed, Funds disbursed, Policies
initiated, and Reduction in ODP from
[...] non-investment projects) but for the other indicators (Speed until first disbursement and Speed until project completion) the lower amounts represent better performance.
这些数据包括大量的化 学和营养值实例数据, 被用来创建参考原料,这些有代表性的化学成分和营养值与来自与 体内实验所得出的数据一致。
This database, that
[...] includes several hundreds of thousands of samples with chemical and nutritional values, was used to establish [...]
the reference ingredients,
the representative chemical compositions and then nutritional values consistent with the proposed chemical composition, using equations derived from actual in vivo measurements.
实数据类型、整数数据类型 和字符串数据类型对应于表达值, 而颜色数据类型、页面数据类型和操 作数据类型则允许创建更为复杂的项。
The real, integer and string data types correspond to expression values, while the color, page and [...]
action data types allow
more complex items to be created.
尽管安全理事实行了 武器禁运,但每年仍有值数百万 美元的成千上万件武器非法流入非洲各冲 突地区。
Every year thousands of conventional arms worth millions of dollars flood illegally into [...]
every conflict zone in Africa,
despite Security Council arms embargos.
质量监控;流数值(设定值/实际值 的比较)以及图形显示,自由选取的报警
Quality control; Process value (actual/target comparison) [...]
as well as graphic interpretation with free optional alarm
值实际等于小组件里定义数据项 之一,将表示我们返回并编辑小组件数据时 分配的任何标记。
This value is actually equal to one of the data items defined [...]
within the widget, and will represent whatever tag we assign
when we go back in and edit the widget data.
应该指出的是,大数城市 采用的微粒“标准浓 值 ” 实 际 上 是户外空气品质的上限(品质较差),也就是2级户外空气品质或者3级户外空气品质。
Note that in most cities, what is termed a “normal concentration level” for particulates actually falls in the upper range (poor quality) [...]
for outdoor air i.e. ODA 2 or ODA 3.
如果选 择进行投资和向富人征税,以乘数较高的开支领域 和乘数较低的税收领域为重点,平衡预算 数实际 上 可能会很大,而税收每增加一美元将转化为国内 总值增长两到三美元。
If the chosen option was to invest and tax those at the top, focusing on areas of expenditure that had high multipliers and on areas of taxation that had very low
multipliers, the balanced budget
[...] multiplier could be very large indeed, with every dollar increase in taxes translating into a two-to-three dollar increase in GDP.
3 :在参数的设定值未予读入而对数 设 定 值实 施 编辑时,由于参数的设定值将被变更为对话终端或者 Teaching Note 所存储的初始值,务请在对数的设置实施编辑之前执行参数的读入。
Parameter settings are reset to the default values held in the Dialogue Terminal or Teaching Note.
采用更清晰的大屏幕LCD液晶显示测 数 据 ,按功能键可以切换显示各种测 值 ( 实 际 值 、 最 大值、最小值、平均值)。
The extremely legible LCD display in connection with the function keys
[...] informs the user about the selected measurement values (actual, low, high and average values).
30 年中,多数发展中国家对农业的固定资本投资和资金 支持不实值有所下降,数额与 农业对全面经济增长的贡献――包括创造就 业、国内储蓄和生活供养等――不成比例。
Often, fixed capital investments in, and financial support to, agriculture in most
developing countries
[...] have not only declined in real terms in the past 30 years, [...]
but they are also disproportionate to the sectors’
contribution to broad-based economic growth, including employment creation and domestic savings, and livelihood sustenance.
将此时调节器数值作为 该类料桶的设置值。
Leave regulator set at this setting for this style of drum.
SI3500 专门针对 Solartron 高性能 Orbit® 网络而设计,具有直观的、菜单驱动的双轴显示器,可以在编程后显示 数 、 设 置限值/警报、保持 值 、 实 时 跟 踪或用 数 据 记录器记录一、两个传感器中输入 数 值。
Specifically designed for use with Solartron's high performance Orbit® network, the SI3500 features an intuitive, menu driven
twin-axis display
[...] which can be programmed to display readings, set Limits/Alarms, Peak Hold, Track or act as a Data Logger for inputs from one or two transducers.
CHAR型的字符值实际上 是通过附加空格来达到 数 n 所 指定的长度, 并且在存储和显示时都是以这种方式进行的。
Values of type CHAR are physically padded with spaces to the specified width [...]
n, and are stored and displayed that way.
在对数设置值实施编辑后,通过选择“3 存储”,可以将参数编辑的内容保存(存储)于 ABSODEX 驱动装置中。
After editing
[...] the parameter setting, select "3 STORE" to save the new parameter data to the ABSODEX [...]
driver. z New parameters
added for the TS/TH type are not supported.
这些进展是:观测能力的提高数值 模 式 的改进和将观测数据与模 式相结合的有效方法的问世。
There are also already a significant number of established time-series stations taking a variety of physical, chemical and biological measurements.
2012 年,巴西地理和统计局记录的 2010 年国内生产值实际增长为 7.5%,而 2011 年的国内居民消费价格数预计为 6.08%。
In 2012, the percentages of 7.5
per cent equivalent to the rate of GDP real growth recorded by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics for 2010 and the 6.08 per cent national consumer price index foreseen for 2011 were applied.
具 体的实行动 包括组织召开具体培训届会,旨在激励决策者和政策制定者授予在线普及利用 公共记录和政府持有的记录的权利,确定和促进公共领域中信息和知识的储存并使其可供全 民使用,对政府持有的公共领域信息进行保护 数 字 化
Concrete follow-up
[...] initiatives have included the organization of specific training sessions with a view to stimulating decision- and policy-makers to enact the right of universal online access to public and government-held records, to identify and promote repositories of information and knowledge in the public domain and to make them accessible to all, as well as to undertake the preservation and digitization of public domain [...]
information held by governments.
在空中运输方面,中国的人均运输性能只有德国相 数值 的 十 分之一。
Also for air transport the per-capita transport performance in China is only one tenth
[...] of the respective value of Germany.
(d) 货物中载有航空零部件这一实值得 关 注,因为自实施武器禁运以来, 忠于科特迪瓦前总统的部队就不断努力,试图得到修复其军事航空资产的零部件 和技术援助(见下文第 95-104 段)。
(d) The fact that the cargo contained aeronautical parts should be considered worthy of attention, [...]
due to repeated efforts
by forces loyal to the former President of Côte d’Ivoire to obtain parts and technical assistance for the rehabilitation of its military air assets since the imposition of the arms embargo (see paras. 95-104 below).
至少有三种记录会提供支持性证据,表明履约协助方案对各国恢复履约状态的影响 的:第一,各自的国家臭氧机构确认的、履约协助方案在不同区域实际执行的活动清单;
[...] 第二,受影响的个别网络成员国发表的、关于履约协助方案功效的积极意见;以及第三,数实际或 有可能不履约的国家在维持或恢复履约状态方面实际取得的成果。
Supporting evidence of CAP’s effect on countries returning to compliance is indicated at least by three records: firstly, the list of activities actually performed by CAP in the different regions and confirmed by the respective NOUs; secondly, the positive opinion regarding the effectiveness of CAP, expressed by the individual network
member countries affected; and thirdly, the
[...] results actually achieved in maintaining [...]
or returning to the status of compliance
in many of the countries in actual or potential non-compliance.
如果报告数值位于人群正常水平区间,而且可靠的分析方法(如同位素比值质谱) [...]
并未确定该物质属于外源性来源,但却有迹象(例如与类固醇代谢概况参考比较等)表明可 能使用了某种禁用物质,则相关的反兴奋剂组织必须进行进一步调查,重新审查以往检测的
结果或进行后续检测,以便确定该结果是因生理或病理原因所致,还是由于外源性禁用物质 所致。
If a value in the range of levels [...]
normally found in humans is reported and the reliable analytical method (e.g. IRMS) has
not determined the exogenous origin of the substance, but if there are indications, such as a comparison to endogenous reference steroid profiles, of a possible Use of a Prohibited Substance, further investigation shall be conducted by the relevant Anti-Doping Organization by reviewing the results of any previous test(s) or by conducting subsequent test(s), in order to determine whether the result is due to a physiological or pathological condition, or has occurred as a consequence of the exogenous origin of a Prohibited Substance.
其中rate为各期利率,是一固定值,nper为总投资(或贷款)期,即该项投资(或贷款)的付款期总数,pv为各期所应付给(或得到)的金额, 数值 在 整 个年金期间(或投资期内)保持不变,通常Pv包括本金和利息,但不包括其它费用及税款,pv为现值,或一系列未来付款当前值的累积和,也称为本金,如果省略pv,则假设其值为零,type为数字0或1,用以指定各期的付款时间是在期初还是期末,如果省略t,则假设其值为零。
For the period in which interest rate is a fixed value, nper for a total investment (or loan), that the investment (or loan) the total number of payment
period, pv for the period due to (or
[...] receive) the amount, its value in the annuity period [...]
(during or investment) remain unchanged,
Pv usually include principal and interest, but does not include other fees and taxes, pv is the present value, or a series of future payments and the current cumulative value, also known as the principal, if omitted pv, is the assumption that its value is zero, type for the number of 0 or 1, for the designated time period for payment in the beginning or end, if omitted from t, then the assumption that its value is zero.
国际人员项下支出需追加经费毛额 1 904 000 美元(净额 1
744 300 美元), 原因是:(a)
[...] 外勤事务员额的叙级自 2011 年 3 月 1 日生效,结果,33 个员额叙 级后提高 1 个职等,5 个员额提高 2 个职等;(b) 2011 年 7 月至 2012 年 3 月, 工作地点差价调数乘数实际平均数为 54.6 点,比预算编列的工作地点差价调 整数乘数 41.8 点要高,后者是 2011 年 1 月编制预算时的实际调整数乘数;(c) 由 于特派团为填补空缺所作的努力,预计 [...]
2011/12 财政期的平均空缺率为
10%,而 预算编制的空缺率为 12%。
The additional resource requirements of $1,904,000 gross ($1,744,300 net) under the international staff class of expenditure are attributable to (a) the classification of Field Service posts effective 1 March 2011, resulting in 33 posts classified one grade higher and 5 posts classified two grades
higher, (b) the
[...] higher average actual post adjustment multiplier of 54.6 points from July 2011 to March 2012 compared to the budgeted post adjustment multiplier of 41.8 points, which was the actual rate in January [...]
2011 at the time
of the budget preparation, and (c) the projected average vacancy rate of 10 per cent for the 2011/12 financial period compared to the budgeted vacancy rate of 12 per cent as a result of the Mission’s efforts to fill vacant posts.
[...] 质量,这其中包括:同各国统计工作者合作制订“数据计划”,便于开展国际报告工作;实 数据质 量监督框架;开办区域及国家统计工作者培训班;以及定期审查并改进调查工具和指 [...]
UIS continues to reinforce efforts to improve data quality at the international and national levels, through different initiatives including: the preparation of “data plans” with national statisticians to
facilitate international reporting; the
[...] implementation of a data quality monitoring [...]
framework; regional and national training
workshops for statisticians; and the regular review and refinement of survey instruments and indicator frameworks.
除了继续并有可能扩 展已经在 32 C/5
中开始实施的工作重点外,根据地区磋商的结果,新的跨部门的专题可能包 括:教师培训与信息传播技术、艾滋病毒/艾滋病预防教育、教育为可持续发展服务、妥善
[...] 处理小岛屿上发生的变化和维持岛上的多样性、多语言使用以及通过收集和使用 实数 据促 进基于证据的政策制定等。
In addition to a continuation and possible broadening of the de facto main lines of action commenced in document 32 C/5, new themes for intersectoral initiatives may include among others, drawing also on suggestions made during the regional consultations: teacher training and ICTs, HIV/AIDS prevention education, education for sustainable development, coping with change and sustaining diversities in small
islands, multilingualism, and the promotion of evidence-based policy-making through the
[...] collection and use of quality data.
鉴于数实体已经为部分执行的建议规定了目标日期,有些建议将通过执行 《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)、新的或经改进的企业资源 [...]
规划系统或其他业务转型而系统地落实,审计委员会对部分执行的水平总体上没 有重大的担忧;但鼓励各实体尽快就审计委员会的建议采取行动。
Given that most of the entities have set target [...]
dates for the partially implemented recommendations and that some recommendations
are to be systematically addressed through the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS), new or improved enterprise resource planning systems, or other business transformations, the Board has no major overall concern about the level of partial implementation, but does encourage entities to take action as quickly as possible on its recommendations.




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