

单词 实地的

See also:

实地 adj

field-based adj



地的 n

destination n

External sources (not reviewed)

还有一些组织则认为,教科文组织应将其行动集中 实地的 重 大 和具 体项目。
Others felt that UNESCO should focus its action on major, concrete projects in the field.
他承诺与委员会密切合作,以便进一步改 实地的 局势
He pledged to work closely with the Commission with a view to further improving the situation on the ground.
在这方面,特别委员会注意到秘书长关于冲突结束后立即建设和平 的进展报告(A/64/866-S/2010/386),并强调需要在落实该报告所载建议方面取 得进一步的进展,以展实地的交付工作已得到改善。
In this respect, the Special Committee takes note of the progress report of the Secretary-General on peacebuilding in the immediate aftermath of conflict (A/64/866-S/2010/386) and emphasizes
the need for further
[...] progress in implementing the recommendations contained therein in order to demonstrate improved delivery on the ground.
在这方面,正如各位成员在 2009 年 3 月 3 日秘 书长给安全理事会主席的信(S/2009/128)中注意到 的那样,联合国打算审查其实地的 存 在 ,以便为执 行对话的建议提供更加一致协调的支持。
In that context, and as members will have noted in the letter of the Secretary-General dated 3 March 2009 addressed to the President of the Security Council (S/2009/128), the United Nations intends to review its presence on the ground in order to provide more consistent and better coordinated support for the implementation of the dialogue’s recommendations.
与此同时,在人道主义人员和物资通行问题上,虽然联合国和伊斯兰合作组 织的需求评估报告指出,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国有 100
[...] 万人需要人道主义援助,但 过去数周就接触需要援助的人或增加 实地的 各 组 织人员进行的谈判没有取得 任何重大进展。
Meanwhile, on the issue of humanitarian access, while the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation needs assessment report identified 1 million people in need of humanitarian assistance in the
Syrian Arab Republic, no substantive
[...] progress has been achieved over the past weeks [...]
of negotiations on access to those
in need, or in increasing the capacity of organizations on the ground.
马来西亚赞赏各国代表团有机会通过普遍定期审议开展和平、建设性和 非对抗 性的对话,以便更好 地 了 解 和 评实 地 的人权状况,并最终 切 实 改善这 种 状况。
Malaysia appreciated the opportunity through UPR for delegations to engage in peaceful, constructive and non-confrontational dialogue to better understand, assess and ultimately effect tangible improvements to the human rights situation on the ground.
此外,作为走向无核武器世界的脚 实地的 第一步,日本认为,加强不对无核武器国家使用核武器的 [...]
安全保证或持有核武器的目的仅仅是阻止他方使用 核武器等看法应当得到重视。
Furthermore, as a first practical step towards a [...]
world without nuclear weapons, Japan finds worthy of attention such ideas as enhancing the effectiveness
of security assurances not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon States or retaining nuclear weapons solely for the purpose of deterring others from using such weapons.
本报告并非囊括儿基会的全部活动;载有一系列与儿基会 实地的 工 作有关 的做法和个案研究,尤其涉及该机构回应常设论坛各项建议的方式。
The report is not exhaustive of UNICEF activities; it contains a range of practices and case studies pertaining to the Fund’s interventions in the field, particularly as they relate to the ways in which the agency is responding to the recommendations of the Permanent Forum.
委员会敦促缔约国指派更多 警方工作人员,包括更多妇女,负责难民和国内流离失所者营地的安全,它还鼓 励缔约国继续与联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团以 实地的 联 合 国专门机构合 作。
The Committee urges the State party to assign more staff to, and include more women in, the police forces responsible for security at camps for refugees and internally displaced persons.
这些方案旨在提 供一个论坛,使保健、康复、社会服务、残疾人权利和其他专家能够分享处理地
[...] 雷受害者和其他残疾人的权利和需要方面的经验、优先事项和挑战,更加清楚地 描绘了许多受影响的缔约实地的现 实 情 况
The programmes are intended as a forum in which health, rehabilitation, social services, disability rights and other experts can share experiences, priorities and challenges in addressing the rights and needs of landmine victims and
other persons with disabilities and provide a clearer
[...] picture of the reality on the ground in [...]
many affected States Parties.
尽管在多数情况下,它们对其他驻扎 实地的 人 道 主义机构产 生同样的影响,但难民署对约制其接触受关注人群的能力或取得当地民众认同感 的能力的那些措施尤其容易受到影响。
While in most cases they have an equal effect on other field-based and humanitarian agencies, UNHCR is particularly sensitive to measures that curtail its ability to reach its populations of concern or gain the acceptance of local communities.
这些 变革有助于使联合国志愿人员组织能够更为有效地关注国家一级的方案规划需 求并提高志愿人员实地的影响 ,同时确保资源得到适当的分配及管理。
These changes helped position UNV to focus more effectively on programmatic needs at country level and increase the impact of its volunteers in the field, while ensuring proper allocation and management of its resources.
令人遗憾的是,这种片面的项目还脱离了地区的实际,因而未能切实解决 地的实 际 问 题。
Sadly, such one-sided items remained
[...] detached from reality in the region and therefore failed to accurately address the real issues on [...]
the ground.
据一项研究报告,在芬兰Hyytiälä北方森林 的实地 研 究及在实验室中的试验揭示了气体分子是如何形成大气气溶胶的。
Field studies in a boreal forest in Hyytiälä, Finland and laboratory experiments reveal how atmospheric [...]
aerosols are formed
from gas molecules, a new study reports.
古巴建议逆转在以指挥或控制方式参与的情况中的举证责任,推定由行使全 面控制、而实地控制的实体承 担责任和负责证明自己没有参与。
Cuba suggests reversing the burden of proof in the case of participation
through direction or control, in such a
[...] way that the entity with overall control, not [...]
in situ, is presumed responsible and
has the burden of proving its non-participation.
[...] 做出了淘汰承诺并处理了所选替代品的可持续性问题,所以都认为投资项目对案头研究 分析和嗣实地阶段开展的后续 活动最重要。
Given that they carry a phase-out commitment and address sustainability issues of the alternatives selected, investment projects
were considered to be the most important for both the desk study analysis
[...] and subsequent follow-up during the field stage.
[...] 根据国家法律限制获得公司一级信息或政府数据,或者缺乏对核查人员职权范围的要求, 以精确地遵循核查准则,或者对更彻 的实地 访 问的预算限制所致。
Also, the case studies confirmed that poor verifications were usually not the fault of the verifier but rather the result of local constraints limiting access to company level information or to government data imposed by national laws, or the lack of a requirement in the Terms of Reference (TORs)
for the verifiers to precisely follow the verification guidelines, or budget
[...] limitations for more extensive field visits.
制订了文化部门促进冲突后干预的全球战略,表明教科文组织开 的实地 行 动 的恰当性, 这些行动既是为了推动有关国家恢复文化和经济发展,也是为了促进有关各方实现对话与和解。
The Culture Sector drew up a global post-conflict intervention strategy, thus demonstrating the relevance of UNESCO’s action in the field to the encouragement of both renewed cultural and economic development in the countries affected and the promotion of dialogue and reconciliation among all stakeholders.
自中期报告出台以来,专家组对该国进行了全的 实地调查 ,以评估财政统一进度和制止非法“平行”征税的情况。
Since the midterm report, the Group has conducted a comprehensive field investigation of the country to assess the progress of fiscal reunification and the curbing of illegal “parallel” taxation.
审计工作是通过对设在加沙地带、阿拉伯叙 利亚共和国、约旦的外地办事处以及近东救济工程处加沙总 的实地 访 问 以及对 设在安曼的总部的财务事项和业务活动的审查进行的。
The audit was carried out through visits to field offices in the Gaza Strip, the Syrian Arab Republic, Jordan, and UNRWA Gaza headquarters, as well as a review of the financial transactions and operations at headquarters in Amman.
(ii) 继续执行 2008 年以来采用的一些降低成本的措施,包括所 有出差的航空旅行须乘坐经济舱、酌情使用有固定出发/返回日 期的游览机票、缩短对东京都市区课 的实地 考 察之旅的时间 和减少为此所派出的工作人员数目、以及利用电子邮件通信来 减少电话费用。
(ii) The continuation of cost-reducing measures that have been in practice since 2008, which include using economy class air travel for all missions, using excursion air tickets with fixed departure/return dates if possible, shortening the duration of, and assigning less staff to, field study trips of TMA-based courses and reducing telephone costs by utilizing email communications.
[...] 最后评价报告将讨论提供给海关官员的消耗臭氧层物质鉴定设备是否是所需要的型号,而 且在数量是否满足需要;案头研究 实地 考 察 的 必 要 先头工作,使他能够向执行委员会证 [...]
In response to questions from representatives, he clarified that the final report on the evaluation of customs officers training and licensing system projects would cover the question of whether the equipment supplied to customs officers for identification of ODS was of the required type and number; that a desk study was a
necessary precursor to a field study,
[...] enabling him to verify with the Executive Committee [...]
that he was indeed studying the
issues that the members considered most relevant; and that the determination of subjects for evaluation was made independently by him, as desired by the Executive Committee, and then discussed collaboratively within the Secretariat.
所以,为确保实地反映各国提的 意 见 ,本报告第二节载有下列国家提交 的、未经更动的意见汇编:阿尔及利亚、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、 保加利亚、加拿大、智利、哥斯达黎加、古巴、丹麦、厄瓜多尔、法国、德国、 印度、印度尼西亚、爱尔兰、日本、肯尼亚、列支敦士登、马拉维、马来西亚、 毛里塔尼亚(代表阿拉伯国家联盟)、墨西哥、荷兰、新西兰、尼日利亚、挪威、 巴基斯坦、波兰、葡萄牙、大韩民国、沙特阿拉伯、新加坡、瑞典、瑞士、泰国、 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、多哥、特立尼达和多巴哥(代表加勒比共同体)、乌 克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南、赞比亚、 罗马教廷和欧洲联盟。
Therefore, in order to ensure the faithful representation of the views received from States, section II of the present report contains a compilation of the unaltered views as submitted by the following States: Algeria, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Kenya, Liechtenstein, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritania (on behalf of the League of Arab States), Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago (on behalf of the Caribbean Community), Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Zambia, the Holy See and the European Union.
目前从首都实地一级均需要定的监督 和支助考察,尤其是在确保援助水平和质量、资金输送的及时性以及项 目结束和核查的有效性等方面。
Regular monitoring and support missions from the capital to the field level is needed, especially with regard to ensuring the level and quality of assistance, the timely transfer of funds, and the efficiency of project closures and verification.
人权高专办承认,有可能通过现的实地机构 使联络实地机构成为一种制度,包括举行非正式信息交流会,以确保 和其他联合国机构和国家工作队采用协调一致的方针。
OHCHR acknowledged that there was potential to institutionalize the linkages with the field through the existing field presences including informal information-sharing meetings to ensure coordinated approaches with other United Nations agencies and the UNCTs.
我们和安理会许多成员一样,怀疑叙利亚政府是 否会致力于遵守特使建议的所有六点内容——叙利 亚政府对这些内容作出了承诺——但我们认为最好 的行动方针是,宁愿相信政府和反对派成员会这样 做,相信联合国观察的实地存在 将真正提升联合国 和阿拉伯国家联盟帮助摆脱这场危机的能力。
While we share the scepticism expressed by various members of the Council regarding the commitment of the Government of Syria to complying with all six points in the Special Envoy’s proposal — points that the Government has committed to — we believe that the best course of action is to give the Government and the members of the opposition the benefit of the doubt, and to trust that the presence of United Nations observers on the ground will make a genuine difference to the capacity of the United Nations and the League of Arab States to help find a way out of this crisis.
副秘书长/执行主任表示,关于区域架构的报告遵循了执行局在战略计划中 提出的方向,以及经核准的 2012-2013 两年期机构预算(见 UNW/2011/13,2011/5 号决定),加强妇女的实地能力,不仅在国家一级取得成果,并且确保妇女署 在履行职责的规范和行动两方面更紧密地联系。
The Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director stated that the report on the regional architecture follows the direction that the Executive Board set out in the strategic plan and the approved institutional budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (see UNW/2011/13, decision 2011/5) to strengthen capacity of the Entity on the ground, not only to achieve results at the country level, but also to ensure better linkages between the normative and operational aspects of the mandate of UN-Women.
本报告材料来自在泰国边境省份四色 菊、素輦、烏汶及柬埔寨边境省份柏威夏和奥多棉的实地考察 ,并在曼谷、堪培拉、海牙、雅加达、 纽约、金边和新加坡等地进行了详尽的访谈工作。
Extensive interviews were also conducted in Bangkok, Canberra, The Hague, Jakarta, New York, Phnom Penh, and Singapore.
相对于发展中国家和发达国家采矿活 的实地 经 验 而言,《21 世纪议程》和 《约翰内斯堡执行计划》的措辞所体现的精神似乎过于积极乐观。
The spirit of the language in Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation seems overly positive, in comparison to the on-the-ground reality of mining activities in both developing and developed countries.




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