

单词 实名制

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External sources (not reviewed)

尽管如此,由实名制投票 制度的目标是确保全体选民投票数与所选议会授 权之间比例相称,因此该制度并非多数选举制度的组成部分。
Despite its name, the latter is not part [...]
of the majority electoral systems, because its objective is to ensure the proportionality
of the ratio between the votes of the electorate and the mandates in the Parliament.
通过计算候 选人所实名制选举 团投出的有效选票与该选区选举商数比值(计算至小数点后 [...]
The candidates are listed in a decreasing [...]
order taking into account the ratio between the votes validly cast in the uninominal
colleges 33 in which they stood as candidates and the electoral quotient of that constituency, calculated to the eighth decimal.
如果众议员或参议员死亡或退出选举,则会在 实名制 选 举 团中举行部分 选举。
In case of death or of a withdrawal of a deputy or senator, in that uninominal college partial elections will be held.
另外,众议院和参议院的选举门槛分别被设定为, 实名制 选 举 团中获胜 6 次和 3 次。
Also, the electoral threshold was set to 6 wins in the uninominal colleges for the Chamber of Deputies and 3 wins in the uninominal colleges for the Senate.
如果下一名将从预定清单中分派到授权的候选人所在政 党、政治联盟或选举联盟已获得了所在选区的所有应得授权,或者,如果在候选 人参加竞选实名制选举团中,授权已被分派,那么,县选举局将围绕预定清单 中的下一名候选人开展分派工作,直至所有授权分派完毕。
If the next candidate, who is to be assigned a mandate from the preordained list belongs to an electoral competitor which exhausted the due number of mandates in that constituency or if in the uninominal college in which he stood as a candidate a mandate was already assigned, the county electoral bureau will proceed further to the next candidate on the preordained list until the assignment of all the mandates.
如果一名竞选者通过实名制选举 团中赢得最高票数而获得的授权数高于 或等于分派工作结束时的应得数目,该竞选者将保留其候选人赢取的授权,在第 二阶段中不再获得其他授权。
If the number of mandates obtained by an electoral competitor by winning in uninominal colleges the highest number of votes is higher or equal to the due number of mandates after the assigning process, that electoral competitor will keep the mandates won by its candidates without gaining other mandates in the second stage.
(g) 在一个选区内实名制选举 团之间的差额不得超过 30%; (h) 参议院选实名制选举 团仅包括众议院选举的独立及联 实名制 代表 团。
(h) An uninominal college for the election of the Senate consists only of entire and adjoining uninominal colleges for the election of the Chamber of Deputies.
达到选举门槛的政治力量确立后,县选举局分别针对众议院和参议院,用 全国各地针对所有已进入选举门槛的候选人以及作为候选人已获 实名制 选 举 团 绝对多数投票的独立候选人投出的总有效票数除以该选区拟当选的众议员和参议 员人数,得出选区的选举商数。
After establishing the political forces, which met the electoral threshold, the county electoral bureau establishes, separately, for the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, the constituency’s electoral quotient, by
dividing the total
[...] number of votes validly cast for all the electoral competitors, which have met the electoral threshold and for the independent candidates who have obtained the majority [...]
of the votes validly
cast in the uninominal college in which they stood as candidates to the number of deputies, respectively senators, who are to be elected in that constituency.
由此,2008 年议会选举时,旧有的清单制度由独创 实名制 投 票 制度取 代。
Thus, at the 2008 parliamentary elections the old list system was replaced by an original uninominal voting system.
如果一名或多名达到竞选门槛的竞选者未获得自身有权获得的所有授权, 选举局通过适当增加该选区授权数,向在预定清单中排序靠前且在参选 实名制 选举团中未获得授权的竞选者候选人补充分派授权。
The mandates are assigned supplementary to the candidates of the electoral competitors better placed in the preordained list that did not receive a mandate in the uninominal college in which they stood as candidates by the adequate increasing of the number of mandates in that constituency.
自上一份报告以来,罗马尼亚共举行了 4 次国家全民公决(一次是关于 2003
年《宪法》修订,一次是 2007 年 5 月罢免总统,这两次全民公决均有着决 定性价值,一次是
[...] 2007 年举行的关于在议会选举中推 实名制 投 票 的咨询性全 民公决,一次是关于减少议员人数、将议会改为单院制的咨询性全民公决),此 [...]
Since the last report, four national referenda were held in Romania (a referendum on the revision of the Constitution in 2003 and a referendum on the dismissal of the President in May 2007, both having decisional
value, a consultative referendum on the
[...] introduction of the uninominal voting at the [...]
parliamentary elections, which was held
in 2007, and a consultative referendum on the reduction of the number of parliamentarians and on transforming the Parliament into a unicameral one), plus countless local referenda.
(b) 实名制选举团的地域必须与同一个县或布加勒斯特直辖市的地域保持 一致;(c) 在一个地方,仅可全部实名制选举
(b) The territory of an uninominal college must coincide with the territory of one and the same county or of the Bucharest Municipality
实名制,即 在办理和进行某项业务时需要提供有效的能证明个人身份的证件或资料,便于彼此身份确 认,可以大幅度降低欺诈等问题的发生概率;同时更利于行业主管部门进行监管,打击犯罪,最大程度为交 易双方提供安全保障;因此,CNNIC实施 名实名制 正 是 国家监管机构对互联网上不法分子的警示,对不法 分子通过注册域名从事违法犯罪活动进行了有效打击,必须提倡和支持。
Real-name system, namely valid certificate or materials proving the personal identity are required when handling and conducting some business, so as to facilitate confirmation of identity and lower the probability of fraud and other problems to the largest extent; in addition, it will facilitate the supervision by relevant competent department, crack down crimes and safeguard the security of both transaction parties to the largest extent; therefore, CNNIC implements real-name system to warn lawbreakers [...]
on Internet
and crack down crimes committed by lawbreakers by registration of domain names, and it’s very necessary to advocate and support the system.
Real Name Registration: Burden [...]
or Not for Weibo?
实名制账号:设备管理员使用唯一 实名制 账 号登陆平台,解决了虚拟帐号无法与实体自然人身份对应的问题。
Real name account: System administrator use the unique real name account to [...]
log in the platform, which can solve the problem
that virtual account can not link with the physical person.
政府宣布所有微博网站实施要求用户用真实姓名注册微博的 实名制 ” 政策后仅一个月后就发生了现在的事情,又一措施来尝试抑制谣言和诈骗等其他令人讨厌的行为。
This latest development comes only months after Beijing announced its “real name” policy for all microblogging
sites, requiring them to register all their
[...] users by their real names, again as a measure [...]
to try and curb rumor mongering and
other unsavory activities such as scams.
虽然CN域名保有量在2010年实实名制 管 理 后大幅下降,但CN域名查询量始终保持稳定,日均查询量 约为15亿次,这也从侧面说明我国CN域名应用状况并未 实名制 管 理 所影响,域名应用步入了稳定的发展 期。
Although the rate of CN inventory reduced
greatly since the
[...] implementation of real-name management in 2010, query quantity of CN domain name remained steady, and the average daily query quantity was about 1.5 billion times, indicating that the application of CN domain names isn’t impacted by real-name management in China, and domain name application [...]
has stepped into a stable development stage.
根据比例代表制原则,众议院议员和参议院议员通 实名制 投 票 方式实 名制选举团中选举产生。
Deputies and senators are elected in uninominal colleges by means of uninominal voting, according to the principle of proportional representation.
截止2010年12月,畅享实名制会员 数量突破160万,每工作日增加会员2000人,会员以北京、广州、上海为核心,覆盖了中国最具有经济活力的地区和城市,以IT、市场销售、高级管理人员、企业主、财务、研发、人力资源、生产运营等为主体,分布在制造、金融、医疗、电信、汽车、快速消费品、航空、烟草、电力等几乎所有国民经济支柱行业。
Members, taking Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai as the core, covers China’s most economically dynamic regions and cities, taking IT, market sales, senior management, business owners, financial, research and development, human resources, production operation, etc. as the main body, covering almost all the pillar industries of national economy, such as manufacturing, finance, medicine, telecommunications, automotive, fast moving consumer goods, aviation, tobacco, electricity, etc.
2007 年就议会选举推实名制投票 举行国家全民公决后,“关于众议院和 参议院选举”的第 68/1992 号法律由“关于众议院和参议院选举以及修订和完成 [...]
关于地方公共行政部门选举的第 67/2004 号法律、第 215/2001 号法律以及关于地
方当选官员法规的第 393/2004 号法律”的第 35/2008 号法律取代。
Following a national referendum on the introduction of uninominal voting at [...]
the parliamentary elections held in 2007, Law
no.68/1992 on the elections for the Chamber of Deputies and Senate was replaced by Law no. 35/2008 on the election of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate and for the amendment and completion of Law no. 67/2004 for the election of local public administration authorities, of Law no. 215/2001 and of Law no. 393/2004 regarding the statute of local elected officials.19 131.
通过用全国针对众议员选举投出的所有有效票数,除以众议员选举实 名制选举团数目,得出选举商数。
The electoral quotient is obtained by dividing the total number of votes validly cast throughout the entire country for the election of the Chamber of Deputies to the total number of uninominal colleges constituted for the election of the Chamber of Deputies.
(d) 实名制选举 团可仅由一个或多个地方组成
(d) An uninominal college may consist only of one or more entire localities
(f) 在国外有住所的罗马尼亚公民选区中,众议院选举有 4 个实名制选举 团,参议院选举有 2 个实名制选举
(f) In the constituency of the Romanian citizens having their domicile abroad there are 4 uninominal colleges for the election of the Chamber of Deputies and 2 uninominal colleges for the election of the Senate
设立VIP专线,通过主动服务敦促用户完成GOV域名信息核对方式,为年 实名制 的 达成起到推动作 用,将客户服务工作从以往的问题解决升级为价值创造。
VIP line was established to urge
users to follow the
[...] GOV domain name information verificcation method to drive the implementation of annual real-name system, and [...]
upgrade the troubleshooting
of customer service to value creation.
实际上,监管风险因素可能依然是新浪进一步发展的最大危险,因为理论上来讲政府可以随时命令新浪立即关闭非实名注册的用户账户,我认为3亿用户中至少有一半是 实名制 注 册 的。
In fact, the regulatory risk factor probably remains the biggest danger for Sina going forward, as Beijing could theoretically order Sina at any time to immediately
close all accounts that haven’t
[...] registered by their real names, which I would expect [...]
is at least half of the 300 million users.
CNNIC作为我国互联网络地址资源注册管理机构,为支持打击网络不良信息,维护互联网络健康发 展,响应政府号召,开展域名注册信息专项治理工作,国家域名注册全面实 实名制 管 理,力争将互联网络 上的不法分子从根剔除。
As the registry of Internet address resource of China, CNNIC actively responds to the government to conduct domain name registration information governance and fully implements real-name administration of ccTLD
registration for anti-abuse
[...] work of domain name and maintain the healthy development of Internet, and strives to get rid of lawbreakers from the Internet.
这一年,CNNIC紧密围绕“国家公益、安全可信、规范高 效、服务应用”的战略方针,继续采取多种措施落实完 实名制 管 理 ,同时努力提升审核效率等各项服务; 积极推进网络基础资源应用合作,在邮箱、电子商务等方面积极发挥作用,实现国家网络基础资源的健康稳 健发展;国家网络基础资源系统实现连续两年无故障安全稳定运行,安全服务能力和应急处置水平进一步提 升;积极开展国际互联网社群的技术交流与合作,提升影响力。
This year, CNNIC had been focusing on
[...] the strategic policy of “providing efficient and application-oriented services through secure & stable Internet infrastructure for public interests”, continuing to adopt a variety of measures to implement [...]
and improve real-name
system management, and meanwhile exerting efforts to improve services including auditing efficiency; actively promoting the cooperation on network fundamental resources, and playing its role in email, ebusiness and other aspects, and maintaining the healthy and steady development of the national network fundamental resources.
采取各项措施提升域名注册服务水平,在 实实名制 管 理要求的同时努力提高用 户服务满意度,营造良好有序的互联网氛围;积极推进网络基础资源应用合作,在新通用 顶级域名申请和发展、公共云解析、多语种邮箱等方面发挥了积极作用;稳步推进国家域 名平台节点建设工作,在全球范围大量建设域名节点,进一步提升域名服务的安全性和易 用性;积极开展互联网研究和技术前瞻研究,形成更有价值的研究成果;以开放共享的态 度参与国际互联网交流与合作,成功申办具有国际影响力的行业大会,营造有利于我国互 联网发展的国际环境。
CNNIC took various measures to improve the service level of domain name registration with the implementation of the real name registration system, made endeavors to improve users’ satisfaction, and created a sound and orderly Internet environment.
此外,有些国家对用户在网 上加贴评论和上载内容,确立实名 身 份 制 度 ,这就影响了他们匿名表述的能 力,尤其在有些人权经常被侵犯的国家。
In addition, several States
[...] have established a real-name identification system before users can post comments or upload content online, which can compromise their ability to express themselves anonymously, [...]
particularly in countries
where human rights are frequently violated.




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