单词 | 实例化 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 实例化 adjective —instantiated adj实例化 noun —instantiation nSee also:实例 n—instance n • example n • instances pl • a demonstration n 实例—an illustration • living example • an actual example
在查询时也尽可能减少实例化对象 以避免进行过多地垃圾收集。 javakaiyuan.com | Also minimize the [...] query object is instantiated in order to [...]avoid excessive garbage collection . javakaiyuan.com |
在能够服务于请求之前,容器必须 实例化 一 个 服务实现 Bean 并使之准备好接受方法请求。 huihoo.org | Before a request can be serviced, the [...] container must instantiate a Service Implementation [...]Bean and ready it for method requests. huihoo.org |
类似线程、实例化、审计、安全与托管等重要特性都不需要考虑协议。 infoq.com | Attributes [...] like threading, instancing, auditing, security [...]and hosting are important regardless of the protocol. infoq.com |
当我们执行mvn [...] jetty:run-war命令启动Web应用时,可以看到服务器日志里记录了新的Bean被发现、并 被 实例化 — — 见清单22。 infoq.com | When we start the web application with [...] mvn jetty:run-war command, we can see in the server logs that a new bean has [...] been found and instantiated - see Listing 22. infoq.com |
遵守本规范的实现必须确保在携带相同相关集标记的进站消息中只有一个消息实 际 实例化 了 该 业务流程(通常是第一个到达的,但这是实现相关的)。 huihoo.org | Compliant implementations MUST ensure that only one of the inbound [...] messages carrying the same correlation set [...] tokens actually instantiates the business [...]process (usually the first one to arrive, [...]but this is implementation dependent). huihoo.org |
首先,在Web应用的类里,我们必须添加负责将依赖注入Wicket组件的组 件 实例化 监 听 器。 infoq.com | First of all, in web application class we have to add [...] a component instantiation listener that [...]is responsible for injecting dependencies into Wicket components. infoq.com |
多实例支持(它现在可以实例化为多 种对象,包括COM,OCX以及DLL客户端和管理员。 evget.com | Multiple-Instances support (It's now possible to instantiate multiple objects of the COM, OCX and DLL client and admins. evget.com |
该架构将有版本号,实例化的目 录将引用其所遵守的架构版本。 opendatacenteralliance.org | The schema will have a [...] revision number and instantiated catalogs will [...]reference the schema revision to which they comply. opendatacenteralliance.org |
比如说,该机制要能动态替换、 实例化 类 , 还可以与负责绑定标记文件的Wicket机制交互。 infoq.com | For example, it could dynamically substitute and instantiate classes and [...] interact with the Wicket mechanism that is responsible for binding markup files. infoq.com |
通过对我们的_私有_类添加一个继承层次,解决了这个问题,这样 类 实例化 时 将 一个d-pointer层层向上传递。 qt-project.org | This is solved by having an inheritance hierarchy for our private classes and having the [...] class getting instantiated pass on a the [...]d-pointer all the way up. qt-project.org |
上面的代码有两点值得我们注意:首先,匿名内部回调类 的 实例化 需 要大量的样板代码。 infoq.com | Two things are worth mentioning when considering this code: [...] First, the instantiation of an anonymous [...]inner callback class requires a great amount of boilerplate code. infoq.com |
在特殊情况下,如果其它文件将本文件模 板 实例化 , 或使用本文件的宏或内联函 数,您可编译本文件并将其与其它作品链接在一起,从而在该文件的基础上,形 [...] 成新的作品。 printronix.com | As special exception, if other files instantiate templates [...] or use macros or inline functions from this file, you could compile [...]this file and link it with other works to produce work based on this file. printronix.de |
如果我们快速检索一遍Wicket [...] Web应用的源代码,就会发现大部分Wicket组件都是用new关键 字 实例化 的。 infoq.com | If we do a quick search on Wicket web applications' source code, we will find that most of the Wicket [...] components are instantiated using the new [...]keyword. infoq.com |
对于各种动作如流程概念建模、定义 、 实例化 、 流程控制和用户交互等提供了全面的集成图形工具。 [...] 100% 基于浏览器、使用SOAP和XML数据绑定技术的Web Services封装了已有的工作流业务方法并将它们以基于J2EE的Web Service形式发布。 javakaiyuan.com | For a variety of actions such as process modeling concepts [...] , definitions, examples , process control [...]and user interaction to provide a fully [...]integrated graphical tools. 100% browser-based , using SOAP and XML data binding technology, Web Services encapsulate existing workflow business methods and their J2EE- based Web Service form of release. javakaiyuan.com |
在当前的 BPEL4WS 版本中,在一个业务流程实例的生命期中,一个相关集只能 被 实例化 一 次。 huihoo.org | In the current version of BPEL4WS, a correlation [...] set can be instantiated only once during the lifetime of a business process instance. huihoo.org |
为了被实例化,每个业务流程必须包括至少一个这样的“启动活动”。 huihoo.org | To be instantiated, each business [...] process must contain at least one such "start activity. huihoo.org |
。如果一个活动企图使用还未实例化 的 相 关集,那么相同的故障必须被抛出。 huihoo.org | The same fault MUST be thrown if an activity attempts to use a [...] correlation set that has not been instantiated. huihoo.org |
该模块要求识别数据流类型,并确定需 要 实例化 处 理 数据流的编解码器。 analog.com | This module is required to identify the stream type and determine the codecs [...] that need to be instantiated for processing [...]the stream. analog.com |
这是误解,由于有状态业务流 程的本质,业务流程被实例化以符合扩展的交互历史。 huihoo.org | This is an illusion because, by their very nature, stateful business [...] processes are instantiated to act in accordance [...]with the history of an extended interaction. huihoo.org |
由于还没有值绑定到 user 上(在任意的Seam上下文中), Seam就会实例化 user组件,接着把它保存在Seam会话上下文后,然后将 User 实体Bean实例返回给JSF。 docs.huihoo.com | Since there is no value already bound to that [...] name (in any Seam [...] context), Seam instantiates the user component, and returns the resulting User entity bean instance to JSF after [...]storing it in the Seam session context. docs.huihoo.com |
正如业务流程的实例化,相关集的 实例化 由 特 别标记的操作来触发。 huihoo.org | Like the instantiation of a business process, the instantiation of a correlation set is triggered by a specially marked operation. huihoo.org |
所有其它参与者是跟随者,它们接收到提供相关集中的属性值的进站的消息从 而 实例化 对 话 中的相关集。 huihoo.org | All other participants are followers that instantiate their correlation sets [...] in the conversation by receiving an incoming [...] message that provides the values of the properties in the correlation set. huihoo.org |
之所以要把该JAR文件放在JavaBridge [...] Web应用程序的类路径(lib目录)下,是因为JavaBridge Web应用程序实际负责实例化JAR包 中的Java类。 infoq.com | You put the JAR into the class path (lib [...] folder) of the JavaBridge web application, because the JavaBridge web application [...] is actually instantiating the Java class. infoq.com |
毫无疑问,在实例化完Person实体或从数据库中取出Person实体后就应该可以使用NotificationService了,无需手工设置。 infoq.com | Naturally, the NotificationService should be available immediately after a Person entity is instantiated or retrieved from the database without the need to manually set it. infoq.com |
为了达成这一目标,需要一种透明的机制将服务注入到领域对象中,不管对象在何 处 实例化 都 该 如此。 infoq.com | In order to achieve that there should [...] be a mechanism to transparently inject services into domain objects, no matter [...] where in the code they are instantiated. infoq.com |
当JSF用一个与组件同名的名称去请求Seam来解析上下文变量, 且该上下文变量尚未定义(null)时,Seam就 将 实例化 那 个 组件,并将新实例绑定给上下文变量。 docs.huihoo.com | When JSF asks Seam to resolve a context variable with a name that is the same as a Seam component name, and the context variable [...] is currently undefined (null), [...] Seam will instantiate that component, and bind the new instance to the context [...]variable. docs.huihoo.com |
要想自动装配应用代码中实例化的实 体 ,最简单也是最笨的办法就是通过RichDomainObjectFactory的方式显式进行自动装配。 infoq.com | The easiest but rather clumsy way to [...] autowire entities that are instantiated in application [...]code would be to autowire them [...]explicitly by means of the RichDomainObjectFactory. infoq.com |
可以将一个Gambas窗体嵌入到另一个窗体中: 当 实例化 第 一 个窗体时,指定第二个窗体作为其父类。 gambasdoc.org | You can embed a Gambas form into another [...] one: when you instantiate the first, specify [...]the second as the parent. gambasdoc.org |
那如果我们在应用代码而非JAP等框架 中 实例化实 体 时又该怎么办呢? infoq.com | But how about entities which are instantiated in application [...] code rather than a framework like JPA? infoq.com |
相关集在业务流程的实例的作用域中 被 实例化。 huihoo.org | Correlation [...] sets are instantiated within the scope of an instance of the business [...]process. huihoo.org |