单词 | 宝马香车 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 宝马香车 —precious horses and magnificent carriage (idiom); rich |
小飞象这样的表现后,成为媒体的轰动,提摩太后书成为他的经纪人,与小飞象和夫人 珍 宝 一 辆私 家 车 在 马 戏 团 的列车。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | After this performance, Dumbo becomes a media sensation, Timothy becomes his manager, and [...] Dumbo and Mrs. Jumbo are given a private car on the circus train. seekcartoon.com |
宝马Mini Oxford的喷涂车间使 用共计31台泵 及推杆系统,是欧洲第一个实现全部电动喷漆的设 备。 powerjacks.com | A total of 31 pumps and actuator systems are in use [...] at the paint shop at BMW Mini oxford, which [...]was the first allelectric paint mix facility in Europe. powerjacks.cn |
越咬越香的马珂蛤便当,是大洗特有的 车 站 便 当。 ibarakiguide.jp | It is a very chewy dish, but the more you chew it, the tastier it gets! ibarakiguide.jp |
在'Irbin 镇,属于 Farhan al-Saqa 的一辆白色宝马汽车(牌照号 954174/大 马士革)在其 Zamalka 的住所前被窃。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the town of [...] 'Irbin, a white BMW, registration No. 954174/Damascus, belonging [...]to Farhan al-Saqa, was stolen from in front of his house in Zamalka. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国国际工程机械、建材机械、工程 车 辆 及设备博览会(上 海 宝马 展 ) 将于 2012 年 11 月 27 日至 30 日在上海新国际博览中心举办。 emerson.com | International Trade Fair for Construction Machinery, Building [...] Material Machines, Construction Vehicles and Equipment will be held on [...]November 27th-30th,2012 in [...]Shanghai New International Expo Center. emerson.com |
行业领袖奥迪(Frankfurt: VOWG)第一季度销售量猛增40%,其竞争对手第二大 汽 车 公 司 宝马 ( Frankfurt: BMW)也获得28%的健康增长率。 youngchinabiz.com | First-quarter sales for industry leader Audi (Frankfurt: VOWG) jumped 40 percent, while rival BMW (Frankfurt: BMW), the market’s second largest player, also notched healthy growth of 28 percent. youngchinabiz.com |
早上9:00在到皇岗口岸3楼出境大厅集合,抵港后前往香港会展中心、金紫荆广场(约30分钟),这里为香港回归祖国的见证,团友可于“永远盛开的紫荆花”及回归的纪念碑旁拍照留念,午餐后前往参 观 香 港 的风 水 宝 地 — —浅水湾(约30分钟),浅水湾风光秀丽,是香港众多优美海滩之一,而后游览闻名世界的海洋公园(包含门票RMB260元/人,约3个小时多),这里有世界最大的水族馆、鲨鱼馆及海洋剧场,有海豚、海狮、杀人鲸等精彩特技表演;还有各式各样惊险刺激的机动游乐设施,如过 山 车 、 摩天轮、海盗船等。 int-tm.com | At 9:00 in the morning to the Huanggang port 3 building exit hall collection, after arrival to the Hongkong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Golden Bauhinia Square ( about 30 minutes ), here for the return of Hongkong to the motherland testimony, you can in "forever blooming Bauhinia " and the return of [...] memorial photo-taking, lunch [...] to visit the Hongkong Feng Shui -- Repulse Bay ( about 30 minutes ), Repulse Bay scenery, Hongkong is one of the many beautiful beaches, then visit the world-famous Ocean Park (including tickets to RMB260 yuan / person, about 3 hours ), here are the world's largest aquarium, aquarium and marine theater, dolphins, sea lions, the killer whale and other amazing stunts; and every kind of thrilling mobile amusement facility, such as a roller coaster, the pirate ship and so on, the Ferris wheel. en.int-tm.com |
下列成员和准成员的代表在会上作了发言:亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、孟 加拉国、文莱达鲁萨兰国、柬埔寨、中国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、斐济、 中国香港、 印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、日本、哈萨克斯坦、老 挝人民民主共和国、马来西 亚、蒙古、缅甸、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新 几内亚、菲律宾、大韩民国、俄罗斯联邦、萨摩亚、新加坡、所罗门群岛、 [...] 斯里兰卡、泰国、汤加、图瓦卢、瓦努阿图和越南。 daccess-ods.un.org | Representatives of the following members and associate members made statements: Armenia; Australia; Bangladesh; Brunei Darussalam; Cambodia; China; Democratic [...] People’s Republic [...] of Korea; Fiji; Hong Kong, China; India; Indonesia; Iran (Islamic Republic of); Japan; Kazakhstan; Lao People’s Democratic Republic; Malaysia; Mongolia; [...]Myanmar; Nepal; Pakistan; [...]Papua New Guinea; Philippines; Republic of Korea; Russian Federation; Samoa; Singapore; Solomon Islands; Sri Lanka; Thailand; Tonga; Tuvalu; Vanuatu; and Viet Nam. daccess-ods.un.org |
广州地理位置优越,紧邻主要的国际交通枢纽 - 香港,乘火车至香港仅需两小时。 shangri-la.com | Guangzhou also enjoys a convenient location near the major [...] international hub of Hong Kong, which is only two hours away by train. shangri-la.com |
并且许多汽车品牌 ——Mercedes(奔驰)、B MW ( 宝马 ) ,甚至Kia(起亚)——都将“马”用于了他们的中文名称中(起亚的一款轿车名为“千里马”,意为“一千公里的马”,旨在暗示其力量)。 labbrand.com | Thus the name for Heineken beer, Xi li, [...] and the many automobile brands — Mercedes, BMW, even Kia — that include a horse in their Chinese [...]names (one Kia sedan [...]is named Qian li ma, or “thousand-kilometer horse,” an allusion to strength). labbrand.com |
他在1992加入EKS Motorsport,直至2002年到日本担任一支日 本 G T 车 队 总 监, 和 宝马 及 蓝 宝坚尼合作。 carreracupasia.com | From his start as Assistance Team Manager for the Toyota Rally Team in Malaysia in 1990-91, he [...] moved on to become Team Manager [...] for the Ducati Racing Team (motorcycles) in 1991-92 and [...]then joined Eddie at EKS Motorsports in 1992. carreracupasia.com |
在马主之夜上揭晓了HORFA2011中国杰出马主榜单,包括奥运马术骑手黄祖平、知名歌手沙宝亮、海澜集团总裁周建平、中国第一 个 马 术 俱 乐部负责人王冀豫 、 香 港 育 马 会 主席叶克勇、厦门立德信马术俱乐部林碧亭、京 城 马 汇 张 宝 生 、 南京 赛 马 场 吴 有红、武汉东方马城胡越高、新疆野马国际陈志峰、无锡世界贸易中心董事长盛向东、上海全进马术俱乐部胡雪飞、上海马主石磊、百事公司杨琢等60位马主入选。 horfachina.com | During the program, the HORFA2011 China Outstanding Horse-Owners were announced. Over 60 owners were awarded, including Mr. Huang Zuping, the Olympic rider, Mr. Sha Baoliang, a famous singer, Mr. Zhou Jianping, president of Heilan [...] Group, Mr. Wang Jiyu, [...] the first equestrian club manager in China, Mr. Peter Yep, president of Hong Kong Breeders Club, Mr. Peter Lin from Xiamen Litek Equestrian Club, Mr. Zhang Baosheng from Beijing International Equestrian Club, Mr. Wu Youhong from Nanjing Racecourse, Mr. Hu Yuegao from Wuhan Oriental Lucky Horse Club, Mr. [...]Chen Zhifeng from Xinjiang [...]Yema International, Mr. Sheng Xiaodong from Wuxi World Trade Center, Mr. Hu Xuefei from Shanghai QJ Equestrian Club, Mr. Yang Zhuo from Pepsi and Ms. Shi Lei, an individual horse-owner. horfachina.com |
自从我有了两个孩子,我的许多精力都集中在他们身上", [...] Jimmie说, 但是他的生活中还是有时间乘船出海或者开着他的汽车,那自然是B MW ( 宝马 ) 车。 nordwest-najad.se | Since we have had two children, my interests have been focused very much on them of course", says Jimmie, [...] but there is still room in his life for both boating and the occasional [...] ride in his car, that just happens to be a BMW. nordwest-najad.se |
据目击者说,五名蒙面者袭击汽车(一 辆 2007 年的宝马),完全砸坏了汽车。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to eyewitness accounts, five [...] masked perpetrators attacked the car (a 2007 BMW) and smashed it completely. daccess-ods.un.org |
其中装备有我们生产的胶管产品系统的 汽 车 包 括 宝马 3 系 列 和5系列、大众帕萨特、捷达、宝来以及奥迪A6等。 contitech.cn | Here we manufacture hose lines for the Chinese [...] production of the BMW 3 and 5 Series, the VW Passat, Jetta and Bora models and [...]the Audi A6, among others. contitech.cn |
美丽的砖,木房子装修接近位于被称为 “ 香 格 里 拉 马 里 斯 卡尔”靠近你一切可能需要的邻居。 instantworldbooking.com | A beautiful renovated brick and wooden house close is located in the neighborhood called "La Mariscal" close to everything you might need. instantworldbooking.com |
恒生银行副董事长兼行政总裁柯清辉先生在今天举行的奖学金茶聚上, [...] 颁发今年的海外留学奖学金予三位香港得奖学生,分别为意大利联合世 界书院的江晨欣小姐、新加坡华中初级学院的李 小 宝 小 姐 及 香 港 李 宝椿 联合世界书院的陆嘉殷小姐。 hangseng.com.cn | At a reception held today, Mr Raymond Or, the Bank's Vice-Chairman and Chief Executive, presented this year's overseas scholarships under the Hong Kong programme to Miss Jiang Chenxin, United World College, Italy; [...] Miss Lee Siu Po, Hwa Chong Junior College, Singapore; and Miss [...] Phyllis Luk, Li Po Chun United World College, Hong Kong. hangseng.com.cn |
例如印度 政府通过废除美国的巴斯马蒂白香米 ( 见文字框 4.5)和姜黄专利权实现了这个目标。 iprcommission.org | For instance, this is what the Indian Government achieved by overturning the patents on basmati (see Box 4.5 below) and turmeric in the US. iprcommission.org |
他自1988年开始管理车队,在马来西 亚拉力赛担任三菱拉 力 车 队 经理,于1988至92年为一 支 香 港 私 人 车 队 在日本和东南亚房车系列赛担任经理,亦是EKS Motorsport的创办人。 carreracupasia.com | He then moved on to become [...] Chief Executive Motorsports/Press BMW S.E. Asia in 1986-87. Since 1988, Eddie has been managing teams directly – as Team Manager for [...]the Mitsubishi [...]Ralliart Team for the Rally of Malaysia in 1988-89; and as Team Manager for a private team from Hong Kong in the Japan and S.E. Asia Touring Car Series, 1988-92. carreracupasia.com |
除艾利丹尼 森外,今年入选《职场》杂志榜单的企业还包括:ABB、阿迪达斯、安联保险、安永、 阿里巴巴、拜耳、戴尔、中外运敦豪、EMC、葛兰素史克、通用、高盛 、 宝马 、海 底捞、惠普、华为、合景泰富地产、IBM、可口可乐、联想中国、LG、李宁、麦肯 锡、3M、诺基亚、挪威船级社、欧莱雅、平安保险、趋势科技、壳牌、SAP 中国、 山特维克、三达、三星中国、SMC、陶氏化学、腾讯、UPS、阳狮锐奇、微软、万 科、香港赛 马会、雅诗兰黛、英特尔、花旗集团、中国招商银行、渣打银行、中国 石油及中国移动。 fasson.com.cn | Aside from Avery Dennison, Staffers also acknowledged ABB, Adidas, Allianz Insurance, Ernst & Young, Alibaba, [...] Bayer, Dell, DHL, EMC, [...] Glaxo SmithKline, GE, Goldman Sachs, BMW, haidilao, HP, Huawei, KWG Property Holding Limited, IBM, Coca-Cola, Lenovo China, LG, Li Ning, McKinsey & Company, 3M, Nokia, DNV, Loreal, Ping An Insurance, Trend Micro, Shell, SAP China, Sandvik, SANDA, Samsung China, SMC, Dow Chemical, Tencent, UPS, Vivaki, Microsoft, Vanke, Hong Kong Jockey Club, Estee Lauder, Intel, [...]CITIC Group, China [...]Merchants Bank, Standard Charter Bank, Petro China, and China Mobile. fasson.co.za |
(e) 非政府机构获香港赛马会慈善信托基金和公益金等拨款进行辅助活 动,包括公众教育、就业计划和义工服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) NGOs operate complimentary projects, funded from sources [...] such as the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities [...]Trust and Community Chest. daccess-ods.un.org |
由北京道一号前往九龙机场快线站仅5分钟车程,由该处乘 火 车 至 香 港 国 际机场亦只需20分钟;Servcorp客户也可从九龙乘搭直通巴士前往到深圳机场。 servcorp.com.cn | One Peking is 5 minutes taxi ride to the [...] Kowloon Airport Express Station, and only 20 [...] minutes by train to the HK International [...]Airport; Servcorp clients can also take [...]the Direct Bus Services from Kowloon to Shenzhen Airport. servcorp.bh |
在宝马展上 展出的产品包括自动平地机 和 车 轮 式 装载机 的 车 桥 系 统、叉车和地面支持卡车的传动系统以及完整的Torque Hub®系统系列。 cn.drivelinenews.com | The products on [...] display at Bauma included axle systems for motor graders and wheel loaders, drivelines for forklift trucks and ground support trucks, and the [...]complete Torque Hub® system range. drivelinenews.com |
搭载他主持设计与制造的电机的新能源 汽 车 包 括 宝马 X 6 、 奔 驰ML450、卡迪拉克-凯雷德、雪弗莱-Tahoe、GMC-Yukon、克莱斯勒-Aspen和艾利孙大巴。 productronicachina.com.cn | The HEV vehicles with his designed and manufactured motors include Cadillac [...] Escalade, Mercedes-Benz ML450, BMW X6, Chevrolet Tahoe, GMC Yukon, [...]Dodge Durango, Chrysler Aspen, Chevrolet Silverado pick-up truck and Allison hybrid transmission etc. productronicachina.com.cn |
与宝马公司签定的合同促成了超级跑 车 的 设计和后续生产:基于兰博基尼经验最丰富及最擅长的概念,发动机安装在座舱后。 lamborghini.com | The contract envisaged the design and [...] subsequent production of a super sports car with the engine mounted behind [...]the cockpit, based on concepts [...]for which Lamborghini had more experience and a better image than anyone in the world. lamborghini.com |
亚洲”是指中国、印度、印度尼西亚(直到 1999 年包括东帝汶)、菲律宾、 [...] 大韩民国、泰国、中国台湾省、孟加拉国、缅甸、中 国 香 港 、 马 来 西 亚、尼泊尔、巴基斯坦、 新加坡和斯里兰卡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Asia’’ corresponds to China, India, Indonesia (including Timor-Leste until 1999), the Philippines, the Republic of Korea, [...] Thailand, Taiwan Province of China, [...] Bangladesh, Myanmar, Hong Kong, China, Malaysia, Nepal, [...]Pakistan, Singapore and Sri Lanka. daccess-ods.un.org |
提供演员参与海外电影制作,包括「火拼时速2」(美国)、「盗贼同盟」(韩国)、「特工阔少爷」第1集及第2集 [...] (法国/比利时)、「世纪役战」(美国)、「蝙蝠侠黑夜之神」(美国)、「太极侠」(美国)、「金田 一 香 港 九龙 财 宝 杀 人事件」(日本) 及「I Trust You」(意大利)。 fso-createhk.gov.hk | Provided artiste agency services to films "Rush Hour 2" (USA), "The Thieves" (South Korea), "Largo Winch" 1 & 2 (France/ Belgium), Contagion (Hollywood), "Bat Man - The [...] Dark Knight" (USA), "Man of Tai Chi" (USA), "Kindaichi [...] Case Files - Hong Kong Kowloon" (Japan) and "I Trust You" (Italian). fso-createhk.gov.hk |
1991-2003 年 [...] 为会见世界各地法官和知名法学家,曾出访联合王国、印度、 香港、泰国曼谷、马来西 亚吉隆坡、新加坡、澳大利亚、加 拿大及加勒比一些普通法管辖区,其中包括圣文森特和格林 [...]纳丁斯、巴巴多斯及牙买加。 daccess-ods.un.org | 1991-2003 Judicial contact visits to meet judges and distinguished jurists were made to the [...] United Kingdom, India, [...] Singapore, Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur [...]and a number of Caribbean Common Law [...]jurisdictions, including Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Barbados and Jamaica. daccess-ods.un.org |
它秉承了玛莎拉蒂独一无二的文化传统,“兼具宾利欧陆GT的豪华空间与配置精良 的 宝马 M 5 的 合 理价格,身姿优雅沉稳而不乏灵动,令这两款德国 汽 车 望 尘 莫及。 maserati.com.cn | Retaining the Maserati’s unique DNA, “the GranTurismo combines the opulent [...] accommodation of a [...] Bentley Continental GT with the price of a well-specified BMW M5, while promising a carefully honed poise, balance [...]and deftness [...]either German can only dream of”. maserati.it |