单词 | 宝马 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 宝马 —precious horseless common: BMW (car company) Examples:香车宝马—magnificent carriage and precious horses (idiom); rich family with extravagant lifestyle • ostentatious display of luxury 宝马香车—ostentatious display of luxury • precious horses and magnificent carriage (idiom); rich family with extravagant lifestyle 汗血宝马—Ferghana horse See also:宝—gem • jewel 宝 n—treasure n 马—horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess • knight in Western chess • surname Ma
入选方案将在宝马古根海姆实验室和 GOOD 的网站和社交媒体渠道上亮相。 tipschina.gov.cn | Selected entries will be highlighted on the BMW Guggenheim Lab and GOOD websites and social media channels. tipschina.gov.cn |
宝马Mini Oxford的喷涂车间使用共计31台泵 及推杆系统,是欧洲第一个实现全部电动喷漆的设 备。 powerjacks.com | A total of 31 pumps and actuator systems are in use at the paint shop at BMW Mini oxford, which was the first allelectric paint mix facility in Europe. powerjacks.cn |
Quattroporte总裁系列运动版击败了宾利欧陆飞驰 、 宝马 7 5 0 Li 和卡迪拉克CTS-V等强劲对手,一举夺得此项殊荣。 maserati.com.cn | In winning the prize, the Quattroporte Sport GT S beat off competition from the Bentley Continental Flying Spur Speed, the BMW 750Li and the Cadillac CTS-V. maserati.it |
据目击者说,五名蒙面者袭击汽车(一 辆 2007 年的宝马),完全砸坏了汽车。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to eyewitness accounts, five masked perpetrators attacked the car (a [...] 2007 BMW) and smashed it completely. daccess-ods.un.org |
在宝马展上 展出的产品包括自动平地机和车轮式装载机的车桥系统、叉车和地面支持卡车的传动系统以及完整的Torque Hub®系统系列。 cn.drivelinenews.com | The products on [...] display at Bauma included axle systems for motor graders and [...]wheel loaders, drivelines for forklift trucks [...]and ground support trucks, and the complete Torque Hub® system range. drivelinenews.com |
公私伙伴 关系在联盟工作中发挥日益重要的作用,是制订有全球影响力的具体项目的基 础,例如与思科、卡洛斯特·古尔本金安基金会和若干其他伙伴发起的“对话咖 [...] 啡馆”;世界文化间创新机制,与 宝马 集 团 一起设立的世界促进创新设施,帮助 [...] 发现和推广在不同文化之间搭桥的最有创新性的基层举措;不同文明联盟暑期学 校;与威望迪公司共同设立的联合工作队,以确定不同文化间对话和文化多样性 [...] 的影响;“为多样性和包容做一件事”运动,这一运动是与硅谷最大公司中的 20 家公司(雅虎、Intuit、英特尔和其他公司等)合作开展的。 daccess-ods.un.org | They form the basis for the development of concrete projects with a global dimension, such as the “Dialogue Café” with Cisco, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and a number of other [...] partners; the World Intercultural Facility for [...] Innovation with the BMW Group to help identify [...]and replicate the most innovative grass-roots [...]initiatives for cross-cultural bridge-building; the Alliance of Civilizations summer schools; a joint task force with Vivendi on measuring the impact of intercultural dialogue and cultural diversity; and the “Do one thing for diversity and inclusion” campaign made possible through a partnership with 20 of the largest firms in Silicon Valley (Yahoo, Intuit, Intel and others). daccess-ods.un.org |
从 2004 年,宝马就通 过其 GINA Light 概念车演示了纺织品解决方案可以怎样为汽车带来变革。 news.groz-beckert.com | Back in 2004, with its GINA Light study, BMW demonstrated how textile solutions can revolutionise a car. news.groz-beckert.com |
Bhau Daji Lad博物馆更好的地方来举办宝马古根 海姆实验室活动,也没有比索罗门·R·古根海姆基金会更好的合作伙伴来开展这个项目。 tipschina.gov.cn | Mr. Philipp von Sahr, President, BMW Group India, said, "There is no better place to host the BMW Guggenheim Lab in Mumbai than the Dr. Bhau Daji Lad Museum -- and there is no better partner for this project than the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. tipschina.gov.cn |
五、六年前,上海大街上跑着的酷派甚为罕见,其中现代酷派占了一半,此外标致407酷派 、 宝马 Z 4 和 奥 迪A5等,也偶尔在街上露个小脸。 vantageshanghai.com | Five or six years ago, coupes could rarely be seen in Shanghai, and, other than Hyundai coupes, which made up about half of [...] the coupes in China, cars such as the Peugeot 407 Coupe, BMW Z4 and Audi A5 could [...] occasionally be cruising the streets. vantageshanghai.com |
在德国,宝华为宝马在Di ngolfing工厂安装第一台完整的燃气加气站。 bauergroup.com | The first complete CNG filling station was installed at BMW in Dingolfing (Germany). bauergroup.com |
在一个家庭系列的展示中,宝马X5作 为高档车为对汽车要求较高的运动员进行了展示。 bauergroup.com | As part of an event for the entire family the BMW X5 was presented as an exclusive vehicle for demanding sports people. bauergroup.com |
它秉承了玛莎拉蒂独一无二的文化传统,“兼具宾利欧陆GT的豪华空间与配置精良 的 宝马 M 5 的 合理价格,身姿优雅沉稳而不乏灵动,令这两款德国汽车望尘莫及。 maserati.com.cn | Retaining the Maserati’s unique DNA, “the GranTurismo combines the opulent accommodation of a Bentley Continental GT with the price of a well-specified BMW M5, while promising a carefully honed poise, balance and deftness either German can only dream of”. maserati.it |
他公司的客户包括苹果电脑,微软,柯达,迪斯尼 , 宝马 , 丰 田,Teknekron通信,日落杂志,宝丽来,Mervyn's百货,戴顿-赫德森公司和东芝。 manfrotto.cn | His corporate clients include Apple Computer, Microsoft, Eastman Kodak, Disney, BMW, Toyota, Teknekron Communications, Sunset Magazine, Polaroid, Mervyn's, Dayton-Hudson and Toshiba. manfrotto.us |
与宝马公司 签定的合同促成了超级跑车的设计和后续生产:基于兰博基尼经验最丰富及最擅长的概念,发动机安装在座舱后。 lamborghini.com | The contract envisaged the design and subsequent production of a super sports car with the engine mounted behind the cockpit, based on concepts for which Lamborghini had more experience and a better image than anyone in the world. lamborghini.com |
最重要的合作是在 1976 年与宝马汽车 运动有限公司开展的合作,当 时 宝马 公 司由 Jochen Neerpasch 领导。 lamborghini.com | The most significant cooperative effort came in 1976 with BMW Motorsport, which was headed by Jochen Neerpasch at the time. lamborghini.com |
就其本身而言,捷豹急切希望进入全球快速增长的豪华车市场,在这个市场上,它已经比奥迪、奔驰(Frankfurt: DAI)和宝马(Fr ankfurt: BMW)等德国竞争对手落后了多年,它们在华都已经有合资企业。 youngchinabiz.com | For its part, Jaguar wants desperately to get into the world’s fastest-growing luxury car market, where it would already be years behind German rivals including Audi, Mercedes (Frankfurt: DAI) and BMW (Frankfurt: BMW), which all already have China joint ventures. youngchinabiz.com |
2008 年10 月14 日,华晨宝马汽车 有限公司总装车间正式发起了员工社会责任项目(ASR)。 bmw.com.cn | On Oct.14, 2008, BMW-Brilliance general assembly workshop officially launched its Associate Social Responsibility (ASR) program. bmw.com.cn |
虽然 GINA Light 概念车何时实现批量生产尚未确定,不过 , 宝马 已 经 计划在 2013 年推出首款碳纤维底盘车型。 news.groz-beckert.com | A date has not yet been set on when the GINA Light study will be ready for series production, but BMW is already planning its first carbon-fibre-chassis models for the year 2013. news.groz-beckert.com |
这座德国第三大城 市本身就是一部建筑艺术全书:从玛利亚广场的哥特式圣彼得教堂到巴洛克式的宁芬堡 宫,再到超现代的宝马公司办公大楼等,涵括了欧洲各个时期多彩多姿的建筑风格。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | This third largest German city is an architectural work of art: the spectrum reaches from the gothic Peters Church at Marienplatz, over the baroque Nymphenburg Palace, to the ultra modern BMW-tower. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
仅著名 的SPE奖,FRIMO就已赢得了十多次,其中包括作 为 宝马 公 司合作伙伴被授予 的最高奖项“创新大奖”。 frimo.de | FRIMO has been awarded more than 10 times the famous SPE Award and even the Grand Innovation Award as a partner of BMW. frimo.de |
并且许多汽车品牌——Mercedes(奔驰)、B MW ( 宝马 ) ,甚至Kia(起亚)——都将“马”用于了他们的中文名称中(起亚的一款轿车名为“千里马”,意为“一千公里的马”,旨在暗示其力量)。 labbrand.com | Thus the name for Heineken beer, Xi li, and [...] the many automobile brands — [...] Mercedes, BMW, even Kia — that include a horse in their Chinese [...]names (one Kia sedan is named [...]Qian li ma, or “thousand-kilometer horse,” an allusion to strength). labbrand.com |
宝马320si WTCC承载式车身由宝马汽车公司雷根斯堡工厂制造,该工厂同时还生产 了 宝马 1 系 和3系的车身外壳。 bmw-motorsport.com.cn | The self-supporting BMW 320si WTCC body is manufactured in BMW Plant Regensburg alongside the production body shells for the BMW [...] 1 and 3 Series. bmw-motorsport.com.cn |
在其它地方的应用 „MAIS Pick-Up-Sheet" (由 Opel 进行标准使用), „AMES-T" (适用于运输的高级移动引擎服务,指导方针由大众公司而来), „Bypass" (由 Daimler Chrysler 在规范此名称) 以及 „BeloM" (该文件为基础的信息流由宝马公司 使用)。 tec-it.com | Among others the „MAIS Pick-Up-Sheet" (the standard in use by Opel), „AMES-T" (Advanced Mobility Engineering Services for Transportation, the guidelines from Volkswagen), „Bypass" (the name of the specification in use by Daimler Chrysler) and „BeloM" (the document-based flow of information in use by BMW). tec-it.com |
综合外电报道,八家主流车企(通用汽车、丰田汽车、克莱斯勒、本田汽车、梅赛德斯-奔驰、奥迪汽车 、 宝马 汽 车 和捷豹路虎)计划将苹果公司的Siri语音控制功能整合到汽车应用中,支持Eyes Free(免视)操作,其中通用汽车等三家公司已经确认或暗示了意向,最快有望12个月内投入使用。 navibiz.com.cn | Eight mainstream vehicle manufacturers, including GM Motor, Toyota, Chrysler, Honda, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW, and Jaguar Land Rover, are planning to integrate Siri to their automotive applications to support Eyes Free, and three of them including GM Motor have confirmed or implied that the applications are expected to come into reality within as quickly as 12 months, it is reported. navibiz.com.cn |
不久前交换他的宝马525日 产STAGEA 1999年发行的的,右撇子,一切都是完美的,但是当你去感觉就像是进入一个盆地,绝缘,后行李一般不总是松散的,我感到遗憾的是,交换。 cn.badgood.info | Not long ago [...] exchanged his BMW 525 for Nissan Stagea 1999 [...]release, right-handed, everything is perfect but when you go feeling [...]is like going into a basin, insulation general no, rear luggage always loose, I regretted that exchanged. en.badgood.info |
宝马为减 少重量而设计的诸多措施,如采用碳纤维复合材料制作的车门或特殊塑料聚碳酸酯制作舷窗、后窗— — 宝马 汽 车 M3 GT4的车身重量仅为1430千克。 bmw-motorsport.com.cn | Thanks to numerous measures designed to reduce weight – such as the use CFRP for the doors or the use of the special plastic Makrolon for the side and rear windows – the BMW M3 GT4 weighs just 1,430 kilograms. bmw-motorsport.com.cn |
2012年5月31日,BMW携手中国艺术研究院(中国非物质文化遗产保护中心)正式鸣响了2012 BMW中国文化之旅的出征序曲,这将是BMW连续第六年举办此项大型企业社会贡献活动,我们将继续深化与中国艺术研究院(中国非物质文化遗产保护中心)的战略合作伙伴关系,通过中华慈善总 会 宝马 爱 心 基金向沿途多项非物质文化遗产项目予以捐助,同时大幅提高BMW各区域和经销商的参与力度,携手更多关心传统文化保护事业的社会爱心人士参与其中。 bmw.com.cn | We will keep developing the strategic partnership with Chinese National Academy of Arts (the Protection Center of Intangible Cultural Heritage of China), and provide donations to a number of intangible cultural heritage projects along the journey through the CCF-BMW Warm Heart Fund. bmw.com.cn |
麦格纳多样化的客户群包括:奥迪、 宝马 、 华 晨、菲亚特克莱斯勒集团、福特、通用汽车、本田、英菲尼迪、依维柯、兰博基尼、MAN、梅赛德斯-奔驰、MINI、日产、欧宝、标致雪铁龙、保时捷、观致、劳斯莱斯、Smart、铃木、大众、沃尔沃及其各自的运营部门和子公司。 magnaecar.com | Magna Steyr's diverse customer base includes Audi, BMW, Brilliance, Fiat Chrysler Group, [...] Ford, General Motors, Honda, Infiniti, [...]IVECO, Lamborghini, [...]MAN, Mercedes-Benz, MINI, Nissan, Opel, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Porsche, Qoros, Rolls Royce, Smart, Suzuki, Volkswagen, Volvo and their respective operating divisions and subsidiaries. magnaecar.com |
凭借多年来为奥迪、梅赛德斯 AMG 、阿斯顿·马丁和宝马研发 精巧、技术一流的立体声音响的专业经验,BeoLab 15 和 BeoLab 16 运用墙内声学设计技术,完全满足各种高端需求。 bang-olufsen.com | Drawn from our expertise developing compact state-of-the-art car stereos for Audi, Mercedes-AMG, Aston Martin and BMW, BeoLab 15 & 16 delivers in-wall acoustic design to satisfy even the most demanding. bang-olufsen.com |
1988年,叶女士创立了AMW HK [...] Ltd.,一家业内领先的益智玩具生产厂商,拥有包括美国美泰玩具Mattel在内的多家客户,并为众多全球知名品牌(如F1的法拉利、Jagu ar 、 宝马 等 )制订其在亚太市场的发展策略。 touchmedia.cn | Ms. Yip founded AMW HK Ltd. in 1988, a leader in the edutainment industry serving clients such as Mattel, and developed [...] regional Asia-Pacific marketing strategies for numerous global brands such as Formula 1 (i.e. [...] Ferrari, Jaguar, BMW and others). touchmedia.cn |