

单词 定金

定金 noun

retainer n

External sources (not reviewed)

即使没有预付 任何款项定金,预 售协议可以保证未来财产 转让的权利。
The pre-sales agreement may guarantee the rights for future property transfers, even without any
[...] pre-payment or minimal amounts as pre-payment.
供 款 根 據
[...] 僱 員 薪 酬 的 若 干 百 分 比 或定 金 額 作 出。
Contributions are made based on certain percentage of the
[...] employees’ compensation or a fixed sum.
这意味着要定金 融工 具的价格,必须准备集合处理买卖指令。
This means that
[...] in order to determine the price of [...]
the instruments, a summary disposition of purchase orders and sales must be prepared.
只有資產在初始確認後發生了某項或多項事件(「虧損事件」)而出現減值的 客觀證據,且能夠可靠地估計虧損事件對金融資產或一組金融資產的估計未來現金流 量構成影響時,方可定金融資 產或一組金融資產出現減值並產生減值虧損。
A financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired and impairment losses are incurred only if there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (a ‘loss event’) and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated.
僱主將會從你的薪酬中扣減 預訂的供款比率/定金額, 並支付至你的強積金賬戶。
The contribution rate/amount determined by your employer [...]
will be automatically deducted from your salary and paid to your
MPF account via your employer.
(4) 草案第 3(5)條定金融管理專員如 有 意 指定某 系統, 則須將 [...]
該意向在憲報公告,並容許該系統的系統營 運 或交收機構有 機會對 擬 作 出的指定提出反對。
(4) Clause 3(5)
[...] requires the Monetary Authority to [...]
publish in the Gazette notice of his intention to designate a system,
and to allow a system operator or settlement institution of the system an opportunity to oppose the intended designation.
[...] 与父母另一方生活,那么抚养费按有利于保障较低一方的前提以 定金 额 支 付。
When some children remain with one parent, whilst
the others – with the other parent the childcare allowance is paid in favour of the less
[...] ensured parent in a fixed amount.
如果父母欠其子女抚养费,但却拥有工资和/或其他次要的不稳定收入,或 可获得部分或全部以实物形式支付的工资和/或其他收入,以及如果出现由于某 种原因不可能按工资或其他收入的比例支取抚养费的其他情况,法庭可设定每月 支付的抚养费的定金额,或固定金 额 与 按工资和/或其他收入的一定比例定 的金额并存。
In cases when the parent that owes childcare allowance to his child has a salary and/or other secondary unstable or fluctuant income or receives salary and/or other income which are partially or totally in kind, as well as in other cases when due to certain reasons the charge of the allowance as a share of the salary and/or other income is impossible, the court of law may set the
amount of the
[...] allowance as a fixed amount of money paid monthly, or concurrently in a fixed amount and as a share of the salary and/or other income.
在该次会议上定金融行动 任务组将制定指南:(a) 协助各管辖区执行有关防止大规模毁灭性武器扩散的安 全理事会决议(第 1718(2006)、1737(2006)和 1747(2007)号决议)中列出的有针 对性的财政制裁措施;(b) 协助执行第 1737(2006)号决议执行部分第 6 段关于某 些活动的金融禁令;以及(c) 协助执行更广泛的金融禁令,特别是第 1540(2004) 号决议中列出的金融禁令。
At that meeting it was agreed that the FATF would develop guidance: (a) to assist jurisdictions in implementing targeted financial sanctions contained in Security Council resolutions related to the prevention of weapons of mass destruction proliferation (1718 (2006), 1737 (2006), and 1747 (2007)); (b) with regard to the activity-based financial prohibitions contained in operative paragraph 6 of resolution 1737 (2006); and (c) pertaining to broader financial prohibitions, and in particular those prescribed in resolution 1540 (2004).
或者,安全理事会可要求伊拉克政府每年对补偿基金支付一笔定 金额款项,而不论石油收入金额大小。
Alternatively, the Security Council may
[...] request that a fixed yearly amount be paid by the Government of Iraq into the Compensation Fund, irrespective [...]
of the amount of oil proceeds.
最后未达成交易是因为 Mat Aviation 公司(设在法国)拒绝继续进行 交易;然而专家组有文件证明,乌阿兹-CI 公司于 2008 年 11 月 27 日向 Atlantis 公司(设在突尼斯,由拉丰和蒙托亚所有)划拨了一笔占总额 50%的定金,即 180 000 欧元给 Mat Aviation 公司。
The transaction was never finalized, as the company Mat Aviation (based in France) refused to proceed with the sale; nevertheless the Group documented a transfer of EUR 180,000 from UAZ-CI as a deposit of 50 per cent of the total amount, dated 27 November 2008, to the company Atlantis (based in Tunisia and owned by Mr. Lafont and Mr. Montoya) for Mat Aviation.
如果您的國稅局納稅申報表報告的調整後報稅總收入 (MAGI) 超過定金額, 除了月繳計劃保費之外,還 要支付額外保費。
If your modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) as reported on your IRS tax return is above a certain amount, you will pay an extra amount in addition to your monthly plan premium.
捐助国和国际金融机构可以发挥重要作用,提供担保和政治风险保险, 帮助定金融工 具的风险评级并提供咨询意见,例如汇款和其他未来流动应 收款的证券化。
Donors and international financial institutions can play an important role by furnishing guarantees,
political risk insurance, help in
[...] establishing ratings and supplying advice on financial instruments, [...]
such as the securitization
of remittances and other future-flow receivables.
预计此次活动有助于定金融危 机可能对教育发展 造成的影响,尤其是在实现全民教育困难重重的大多数国家。
The survey is expected to help identify the likely consequences of the crisis for educational development, especially in the most EFA-challenged countries.
(f) 应引入金融交易税以挽回因金融拯救计划而给纳税人带来的损失,帮助定金融市 场,并创造每年所需的数以千亿美元计的收益以支持发展中国家过渡 [...]
(f) A financial transactions tax should be introduced to recoup the
losses to taxpayers caused by financial
[...] rescue plans, help stabilize financial markets [...]
and generate the hundreds of billions of
dollars needed each year to support developing countries to transition to more equitable and sustainable development paths capable of meeting all the Millennium Development Goals.
在向《国际公共部门会计准则》过渡时,教科文组织的财务部门曾要求餐厅服务处的 会计部门将翻修工程的定金额( 934 000 欧元)从其资产负债表中剔除,因为这部分金额 与已经记入教科文组织权责发生制会计的金额重叠。
During the transition to IPSAS, UNESCO’s financial services requested the URS accounts unit to remove the PP+E amount for renovation work (€934,000) from their balance sheet because it duplicated the amounts recognized under UNESCO’s accrual accounting.
[...] 劃/附加契約或「儲速終身保」,於保單繕發時就有關保單初次繳交首年保費滿 定金 額 ,即 可免費獲贈現金消費禮券。
During the promotion al period, customers who successfully apply for new policy(ies) on a wide range of selected medical insurance plans/riders or
Quick Saver Whole Life and make Initial First Year
[...] Premium payments of a designated amount will receive [...]
free gift vouchers.
管 理 層 在 初 始 確 認 時定 金 融 資 產 的 分 類。
Management determines the classification of its financial assets at [...]
initial recognition.
(b) 各方之間或律師與客戶之間就任何有關仲裁產生之成本及附帶開支須由可就 此定金額或 指示有關款項須繳稅之仲裁員或(視情況而定)裁決人酌情處理。
(b) The costs of and incidental to any such arbitration shall be in the discretion of the
arbitrators or (as the case may be) of the
[...] umpire who may determine the amount thereof [...]
or direct the same shall be taxed whether
as between party and party or solicitor and client.
目前国际货币基金组织也支持此一备选方案,即努力 定金 融 体 系和 资本市场。
This option is now also supported by
[...] IMF to bring stability to financial systems [...]
and capital markets.
薪酬委員會可全權定金額將以股份或美國預託證券或現金支付,或部分以股份或美國 預託證券及部分以現金支付。
Payment will be made in Shares or ADSs or in cash, or partly [...]
in Shares or ADSs and partly in cash, all as determined by the Compensation Committee.
(三 )定 金 融 商 品 公 帄 價 值 所 使 用 之 方 法 及 假 設 中 , 並 無 同 時 包 含 以 活 絡 市 場 之 公 開 報 價 直 接 決 定 及 [...]
以 評 價 方 法 估 計 者 。
c. The fair
[...] values of financial assets and liabilities were not simultaneously determined by quoted [...]
price in active markets
and by estimations using valuation technique.
(4) 本公司依財政部證券暨期貨管理委員會(91)台財證(六)字第 111467 號函定:金融機 構原依證券交易法第二十八條之二第一項規定買回之庫藏 股,嗣因辦理轉換成為金融控股公司之子公司,其庫藏股依金融控股公 司法第三十一條規定隨同轉換為金融控股公司之股份者,該金融機構仍 應將其持股列為庫藏股票,作為股東權益之減項,而金融控股公司對該 子公司持股亦應視同庫藏股處理,若金融機構原係持有其他參與轉換金 融機構之股份,嗣因辦理轉換而持有金融控股公司之股份者,應維持股 權投資之會計處理,本公司則依財務會計準則公報第三十號「庫藏股票 會計處理準則」之規定,於認列投資損益及編製財務報表時,應將子公 司持有本公司之股票視同庫藏股票處理。
According to the Securities and Futures Commission (91) article 111467, shares previously bought back by listed or over-the-counter traded financial institutions (in accordance with Article 28-2 of Securities Exchange Act), upon conversion of the institutions into wholly-owned subsidiaries of a financial holding company and the conversion of such shares into treasury shares of the financial holding company, must be treated by such subsidiaries as their own treasury shares and a deduction of shareholders’ equity and must be treated as treasury shares of the financial holding company.
該等定金額於 計量期間(見上文)內作出調整,或確認額外資產或負債,以反映獲得 有關於收購日期已存在事實及情況之新資料,而倘知悉該等資料,將會影響於當日確認之金額。
Those provisional amounts are adjusted during the measurement period (see above), or additional assets or liabilities are recognised, to reflect new information obtained about facts and circumstances that existed as of the acquisition date that, if known, would have affected the amounts recognised as of that date.
現金等值物包括銀行存款及手頭現金、於銀行及其他金融機構之活期存款,及短期和流通率極高之投資, 此等投資可隨時轉換為定金額之 現金,且其價值變動風險有限及一般於購入後三個月內到期,扣減 須於通知時即時償還並構成本集團現金管理中組成部分之銀行透支。
Cash equivalents comprise cash at bank and on hand, demand deposits with banks and other financial institutions, and short-term, highly liquid investments which are readily
convertible into known
[...] amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value, [...]
and have a short maturity
of generally within three months when acquired, less bank overdrafts which are repayable on demand and form an integral part of the Group’s cash management.
2008 年 12 月 22 日,联合国安全理事会在第 1857(2008)号决议第 4(g)段中定,金融制 裁和旅行禁令适用于“通过自然资源的违禁贸易支持刚果民主共和 国东部非法武装团体”的个人或实体。
On 22 December 2008 the
[...] Security Council decided, in paragraph 4 (g) of its resolution 1857 (2008), that financial sanctions [...]
and travel restrictions
should apply to persons and entities “supporting the illegal armed groups in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo through illicit trade of natural resources”.
(s) 根据第[37(5)]条对投标书进行评审 [和比较 ]将使用的货币,以及将投标 价格换算成该币种将使用的汇率,或者关于将使用某 定金 融 机 构公布的某一 规定日期现行汇率的说明 [,除非在国内采购中采购实体决定无需此种信息 ];41 (t) 对本法、采购条例和与采购程序直接相关的其他法律条例,包括对涉 [...]
(u) 在没有中间人介入的情况下,采购实体负责就采购程序与供应商或承 包商直接通信并直接接收供应商或承包商来信的一名或多名官员或雇员的姓 名、职称和地址
(s) The currency that will be used for the purpose of evaluating
[and comparing] tenders
[...] pursuant to article [37 (5)] and either the exchange rate that will be used for the conversion of tenders into that currency or a statement [...]
that the rate published
by a specified financial institution prevailing on a specified date will be used, [unless in a domestic procurement the procuring entity decides that this information is not necessary];41 (t) References to this Law, the procurement regulations and other laws and regulations directly pertinent to the procurement proceedings, including those applicable to procurement involving classified information, and the place42 where these laws and regulations may be found
在大多数允许车辆跨境运行的国家,通常采用某种形式的担保(如保证 金、或通过当地代理支付的金定金 或 在每次入境时缴纳一次性收费等)做 [...]
In most countries where vehicles are permitted to cross borders, it is
common to use a guarantee of some sort (such
[...] as a bond, a cash deposit through a local [...]
agent or the payment of a one-time charge
upon each entry) to satisfy the requirements of the Customs authorities.
全球金融和经济危机及“大衰退”使公共部门账户严重恶化,因为私营部 门的去杠杆化迫使政府出手干预,以 定金 融 体 系和支撑实体(77 国集团和中国) 经济。
The global financial and economic crisis and the “Great Recession” have has (JZ) caused a significant deterioration in public-sector accounts as private deleveraging has
forced, forcing (G77&CHINA) governments
[...] to step in to stabilize the financial system and [...]
bolster the real (G77&CHINA) economy.
[...] 的要約,而該協議的訂定日期,是在本守則禁止買賣期之前所簽訂的;而預定行使 價是指在授予股份期權或權證或接納股份要約時所訂的 定金額
iv. exercise of share options or warrants of acceptance of an offer for shares pursuant to an agreement entered into with the Company before a period during which dealing is prohibited under this code at the pre-determined exercise price, being
a fixed monetary amount determined
[...] at the time of grant of the share option or warrant [...]
or acceptance of an offer for shares




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