

单词 定购单

See also:

购单 n

requisition n

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,缺定购单可能破坏有关购置货物和服务的内部控制,不符合 近东救济工程处的政策和程序。
In addition,
[...] the lack of the purchase orders may undermine the [...]
internal controls relating to acquisition of goods and services,
and may not be in compliance with UNRWA policies and procedures.
此外,近东救济工程处正计划执行在线跟踪单,以方便各办事处使用,并 每周更新,以确定购单交付 时间表得到遵守。
Furthermore, UNRWA was planning to implement an online tracking
sheet for ease of use by offices and would be updated weekly to
[...] ensure compliance with purchase order delivery schedules.
此外近东救济工程处未能提供证据证明对长期未 定购单 进 行 了定 期跟踪。
Furthermore, UNRWA was unable to provide evidence that
[...] long-outstanding purchase orders were followed [...]
up on a regular basis.
约旦外地办事处告知审计委员会,燃料价格频繁变化,可以提前提交的燃 定购 单只能以概算价格为基础。
The Jordan field office informed
the Board that as the fuel price
[...] changed frequently, purchase orders for fuel that could [...]
be raised in advance would be
based only on approximate prices.
[...] 据合同安排,货物将在一定期间内交付,并相应支付部分货款。因此,到最终完 成交货之前,相关定购单将始 终处于未结状态。
Thus, the relevant purchase order would remain [...]
open until completion of the final delivery.
但是,审计委员会认为对长期未 定购单 进 行 适 当的审查将有助于工程处监测其采购活动,并在必要时进行干预。
However, the Board is of the view that an adequate review of
[...] long-outstanding purchase orders would assist the [...]
Agency in monitoring
its procurement activities and making interventions where that was required.
未清债务包括与获得的人事服务费用以及截至 2009 年 12 月 31 日签订的合 同定购单有关的负债。
Unliquidated obligations (ULO) include liabilities
relating to the cost of personnel services received
[...] and contracts and purchase orders entered into as of [...]
31 December 2009.
任职者还将支持对部 队各费用中心所提出的预算要求进行分析;协助编写和制订费用估计数和执行情
[...] 况报告草稿;答复有关预算问题的询问,并跟踪费用中心的行动和尚未作出的答 复;保持有关购单和定购单的记 录;逐月编制财务报告,向各科科长分发。
The incumbent would also provide support in the analysis of budgetary requirements submitted by the Force’s cost centres, assist in the preparation and formulation of draft cost estimates and performance reports, respond to inquiries on budgetary issues and follow up on actions and pending
responses from cost centres, maintain records
[...] on requisitions and purchase orders, and generate [...]
financial reports on a monthly
basis for dissemination to the chiefs of sections.
定购单总额为 2 252 250 新谢克尔(相当于 608 107 美元),所需物品的预定 [...]
交付日期为 2009 年 6 月 1 日。
The total value of the purchase order was NIS2,252,250 [...]
(equivalent $608,107) and the scheduled date for delivery of the
required items was 1 June 2009.
货物收讫单据定购单都是 在付款时填写的。
The goods
[...] received note and the purchase orders were created only [...]
when the payment was made.
缺乏对长期未定购单的定期跟 踪可能导致:(a) 无法尽早解决交货问 题;(b) 长期未清偿债务以及预算资金积压在这些债务上。
The absence of proper follow-up of
[...] long-outstanding purchase orders may result in: [...]
(a) problems with delivery not being
addressed early; and (b) long-outstanding obligations and budget funds being tied up to those obligations.
联合国财务条例和细则》的细则 105.9 规定,“债务须以正式合同、协 议定购单或其他承诺方式为依据,或以联合国承认的责任为依据。
Rule 105.9 of the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations provides that “an
obligation must be based on a formal
[...] contract, agreement, purchase order or other form [...]
of undertaking, or on a liability recognized by the United Nations.
采购行动包括查明需要、确定满足需要须达到何种要求、物色可能的供应 商、招标、询价和评标、授标和发 定购单 、 追 踪进度、确保供应商履约、接受 交货和验收货物、向供应商付款和管理采购的资产或服务。
Procurement actions include identifying a need, specifying the requirements to fulfil the needs, identifying potential suppliers, soliciting bids and proposals,
evaluating bids and proposals,
[...] awarding contracts and purchase orders, tracking progress [...]
and ensuring suppliers’ compliance,
accepting and inspecting delivery, paying the suppliers, and managing the assets procured or the service contracted.
审计委员会注意到,所有燃料采购 定购单 都 是 在已交付燃料后提交的。
The Board noted
[...] that all the purchase orders that related to the purchase of fuel were [...]
raised after the fuel had been delivered.
审计委员会在上一次报告(A/63/5/Add.3)中指出,从提出请 单 到 接 到定 购单之间 有 8 至 12 个月的时间,这一周转时间太长,并重申其建议,即近东救 [...]
In its previous report (A/63/5/Add.3), the Board noted that there were long lead times, ranging from 8 to 12
months, between the requisition for
[...] purchase and the capturing of purchase orders, and reiterated [...]
the recommendation that
UNRWA adhere to the lead time guidelines for the various stages of the procurement process.
2009 年 12 月 31 日或该日之前所签署的以有 法律约束力的承诺为依据的所有货物和服 定购单 , 均 按应计会计制作为支出入 账。
All purchase orders that are supported by legally binding commitments entered into on or before 31 December 2009 for goods and services are accrued and recorded as expenses.
针对审计委员会 2008 年提出
[...] 的建议,难民署同意改进对未清债务有效性的管理,特别是每月审查未付款定 购单。
In response to the recommendations made by the Board in 2008, UNHCR has agreed to improve controls
over the validity of unliquidated obligations, in particular by carrying out
[...] monthly reviews of unpaid purchase orders.
[...] 2408(b) 款另有规定,承付行动应以书面合同 定购单 、 协 议或其他保证形式为依据。
Except as otherwise provided in rule 2408,
subparagraph (b), action to commit shall be based on a
[...] written contract, purchase order, agreement [...]
or other form of undertaking.
国家 CFC 淘汰计划的设备规格定购单将于 2004 年 6、7 月间完成。
The specifications
[...] for equipment and purchase orders for the national phase-out plan are scheduled to be completed [...]
in June/July 2004.
(e) 总额为657,952 美元的证明文件不完备定购单。
(e) A total of $657,952
[...] corresponding to purchase orders based on incomplete [...]
supporting documents.
(c) 发出日期晚于账单日期的总额为183,936 美定购单
(c) A total
[...] of $183,936 from purchase orders whose issuance [...]
date was later than the billing date
(c) 拟定和审查外勤业务的主要装备和自我维持类别的预算,包括 定 请购 单和监测分配款
(c) Preparing and reviewing the budgets of field operations for
major equipment and self-sustainment categories, including the
[...] establishment of requisitions and monitoring [...]
of allotments
[...] 了下列存在缺陷的例子:(a) 联东综合团共向 正式供应商发出了 84 份定购单,但 没有实施 供应商业绩评价过程,也没有编写关于这些供 [...]
应商的业绩报告;(b) 在联合国驻黎巴嫩临时 部队(联黎部队),审计委员会审查了在本报告
所述期间已履行承诺的一些供应商业绩评价 报告,注意到有 5 个供应商在某些方面有一些 负面评价,但这些供应商与联黎部队的关系仍 然在持续,文件中却没有说明理由。
The following are examples of shortcomings identified during the
period under review: (a) UNMIT
[...] issued a total of 84 purchase orders to regular vendors, [...]
but there were no vendor performance
evaluation process and performance reports on those vendors; (b) at the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the Board reviewed a number of performance reports on vendors whose commitments had been completed during the period under review and noted that five vendors, which had had several negative evaluations regarding certain aspects, had continued to have relationships with UNIFIL without documented justifications.
委员会建议行政当局与联科行 动、联利特派团和联刚特派团一道,找 定购 单的发 出出现耽搁的原因,并采取措施确保所定购单都在 相关请购单被核准后的合理时 间内发出(第 183 和 184 段)。
The Board recommends that the Administration, in conjunction with UNOCI, UNMIL and MONUC,
identify the causes for
[...] delays in the issuance of purchase orders and adopt measures to ensure that all purchase orders are issued within [...]
a reasonable time
after the approval of the related requisitions (paras. 183 and 184).
有三种最常用的模式,分别基 于封闭式或开放式、一阶段或两阶段竞争方法;㈠“封闭式框架协议”,依据事先确定 的标准,包括对授予“订购单”的标准,与一个或多个供应商/承包商签订,不允许在 协议期间有新加入者;㈡“封闭式框架协议”,限制新加入者,但分两个阶段进行:第 一阶段选定不止一个供应商/承包商,在第二阶段中,通过第一阶段所选定的供应商/承 包商之间的竞争定订购单,然 后根据报价和交货条件将其授予估价最低的投标人;㈢ “开放式框架协议”也遵循上述模式的两阶段方法,但不限制新加入者参与。
There are three most commonly used models, based on closed or open, one-stage or two-stage, competition methods; (i) “Closed FA” based on predefined criteria including for the award of “call offs”, signed with one or multiple suppliers/contractors and not permitting new entrants during the duration of the agreement; (ii) “Closed FA” with a restriction on new entrants but conducted in two stages: a first stage to select more than one supplier/contractor, and a second stage when call offs are decided through competition among suppliers/contractors selected at the first stage and the award is made to the lowest evaluated bidder based on the offered priced and delivery conditions; and (iii) “Open FA” also following a two-stage approach as per the above model, but without any restrictions on the participation of new entrants
合同事项主要涉及与购/定单有关 的索偿和工程处向其租赁房 屋的房东索偿款项。
Contractual matters relate mostly to claims pertaining
[...] to procurement/purchase orders and others for [...]
claims from landlords from whom the Agency rents buildings.
在 WSDL 文档末尾的服务链接类型表购买 定单 服 务 和与之交互的每一方的交互(请参阅服务链接、伙伴和服务引用)。
The service link types included at the bottom of
the WSDL document represent the
[...] interaction between the purchase order service and [...]
each of the parties with which it interacts
(see Service Linking, Partners, and Service References).
由于以色列政府实行封锁,在其控制下,限制进口到加沙的燃料数量,因 此,近东救济工程处只能口头发出燃料 单 , 没有证明文件来核 定购 数 量和收到 数量,这不符合近东救济工程处《采购手册》第 [...]
3.3.1 段的要求。
The fuel orders were made verbally by UNRWA, as necessitated by the blockade that limits the amount of fuel that can be imported into Gaza as controlled by the Government of Israel, and
there was no supporting
[...] documentation to verify the quantity ordered against the quantity received, [...]
which was not in compliance
with paragraph 3.3.1 of the UNRWA Procurement Manual.
[...] 例如,任职者将拟定物资发放计划、存货控制和组成情况审查;与总部的战略部 署物资储存股联络;协助定工作 说明或与战略部署物资储存物品相关的设备或 服务购单,并 协助评价提案或投标;担任所有战略部署物资储存相关问题的协 调人;对照适当的验收报告核准向供应商付款的发票;审查财务年度年终库存报 [...] [...]
告;协助制定战略部署物资储存要求、司级支助以及根据要求在外地特派团实施 新项目。
The Telecommunications Officer would support the overall management of the strategic deployment stocks stored at UNLB; initiate and coordinate actions to ensure that requirements for strategic deployment stocks are met. For example, the incumbent would prepare material release plans, control stocks and review composition; liaise
with the Strategic
[...] Deployment Stocks Unit at Headquarters; assist in the preparation of statements of works or requisitions for equipment [...]
and services related
to items in the strategic deployment stocks, and in the evaluation of proposals and bids; act as the focal point for all issues related to the strategic deployment stocks; authorize invoices for paying vendors against the appropriate receiving and inspection reports; review the end-of-fiscal year inventory report; and assist in the development of requirements for strategic deployment stocks, Divisional support and the implementation of new projects, as required, in field missions.
联席会议注意到这三个机构关于设立联合 购单 位 的 协 定 , 并 肯定已发起行动, 以审查和加强对驻罗马各机构通过协作产生的效率节约进行量化的必要工具。
The Joint Meeting took note of the agreement of the three agencies on the
[...] establishment of the joint procurement unit and acknowledged [...]
the actions initiated
to review and strengthen the tools necessary for quantifying efficiency savings resulting from the Rome-based agency collaboration.




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