单词 | 定期存款 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | (定期)存款noun—depositn定期存款—fixed deposit time deposit (banking) See also:定期adj—regularadj periodicadj periodicaladj 定期—regularly at regular intervals 存款n—depositspl depositn depositorn 存款—bank deposit save money in a bank 定期adv—periodicallyadv
总资产增加的原因是 现金和定期存款大量增加。 daccess-ods.un.org | The increase in total assets resulted from a [...] significant increase in cash and term deposits. daccess-ods.un.org |
可支配流动性使 教科文组织将其现金的很大一部分进行短期投资(定期存款)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO has used available liquidity to make short-term [...] investments(term deposits) of a substantial [...]portion of its cash. unesdoc.unesco.org |
优惠不可转让或与同一货 币之其他定期存款优惠同时使用。 hangseng.com | The offer is not transferable and cannot be used in conjunction [...] with other time deposit interestrate offers [...]of the same currency. hangseng.com |
客户存款㆖升港币㆒百五十㆔亿元,或 百分之㆔点六,增幅主要来 自储蓄及往来存款,定期存款则因为利率低企而减 少。 hangseng.com.cn | The growth was mainly recorded in savings and current accounts while time deposits fell in the low interest rate environment. hangseng.com.cn |
根据认可指引的规 [...] 定,基金委员会会把暂时无须动用的基金,以定期存款方式存放在本 港的持牌银行,以及投资於定息存款证。 legco.gov.hk | In accordance with the approved guidelines, the PCFB invests the [...] part of the Fund which is not [...] immediately required infixed deposits placed with [...]licensed banks in Hong Kong and fixed rate Certificates of Deposit. legco.gov.hk |
定期存款包括货币市场投资、定期存款、商业票据、存单、债券和票据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Termdeposits comprise investments in money markets, time deposits, commercial [...] papers, certificates of deposit, bonds and notes. daccess-ods.un.org |
本集团将过剩的现金投资於计息的往来户口及定期存款,并选择合适到期日或具充足 流通性的工具,提供充裕资金以配合营运需要。 asiasat.com | The Group invests surplus cash in [...] interest bearing current [...] accounts andtime deposits, choosing instruments with appropriate maturities or sufficient [...]liquidity to provide [...]sufficient head-room to meet operation needs. asiasat.com |
就资产负债表而言,现金和现金等价物银行结余包括库存现金和银行存款,包括用途不受限制的定期存款。 zte.com.cn | For the purpose of the balance sheets, [...] cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and at [...] banks, includingterm deposits, which are [...]not restricted as to use. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
2.24 银行账户的生息存款、存款单、定期存款和通知存款账户都列作现金存款和定期存款。 unido.org | 2.24 Fundson deposit in interest-bearing bank accounts, certificates of deposit, time deposits and call accounts are shown as cash and term deposits. unido.org |
输入所有在银行、财务公司或其他财务机构的存款,包括港币和外币的储蓄、支票存款、零存 整付存款及定期存款。 sfaa.gov.hk | Please report all deposits in banks, financial companies, or other financial institutions, [...] including Hong Kong dollar and foreign currency savings, current account deposits, [...] club deposits, andfixed / timedeposits. sfaa.gov.hk |
对总 部外办事处定期存款利息及银行账号的抽样调查表明,利息入账工作运行良好。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A check on [...] interests from termdeposits and bankaccounts [...]away from Headquarters has shown that interests were properly recorded in the accounts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本集团库务部将盈余现金 投资於计息往来账户、定期存款、货币市场存款及有价证券,选取期限合适或流动性充足之工具,以提供 上述预测厘定之充足余额。 wingtaiproperties.com | Group Treasury invests surplus cash in interest [...] bearing current [...] accounts, timedeposits,money market depositsand marketable securities, choosing instruments with appropriate maturities or sufficient [...]liquidity to provide [...]sufficient head-room as determined by the above-mentioned forecasts. wingtaiproperties.com |
数额为 1,411,992 [...] 欧元的汇兑差额主要是由方案支助费用特别账户所持的美元现金存款和定期存款的重新定值产生的。 unido.org | The €1,411,992 exchange difference results primarily from [...] the revaluation of the United States [...] dollar cashandterm depositsheldby the special [...]account for programme support costs. unido.org |
短期定 期 存 款的存款期分为'天 至3个 月 不 等, 依 本 集 团 的 现 金 需 求 而 定,并 按 照 相 应 的 银行定 期 存 款利率取 得 利 息 收 入。 zte.com.cn | Theperiodforshortterm time deposit varies from ' days to 3 months. The short-termtimedepositsearn interest income based on corresponding time deposits interest rate, subject to the Group’s cash needs. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
(ii) 该金额代表有关公司活动及未列入须予呈报分类之其他非核心业务之资产及负债, 主要包括现金及现金等价物、三个月以上到期之定期存款、信托存款、按公允价值 透过损益列账之财务资产、物业、厂房及设备、投资物业、可供出售财务资产、於 [...] 若干联营公司权益及银行贷款。 cre8ir.com | (ii) The balances represent assets and liabilities relating to corporate and other non-core businesses not categorized as reportable segments, which principally include [...] cash and cash [...] equivalents, timedeposits with maturityover three months, entrusted deposits, financial [...]assets at fair value [...]through profit or loss, property, plant and equipment, investment properties, available-for-sale financial assets, interest in certain associates and bank borrowings. cre8ir.com |
3.2 当定期存款提取或转存时,阁下会获通知累计利息及预扣税项(如适用)的详细资料及/ 或细目分類。 hncb.com.hk | 3.2 Details and/or breakdown of the accrued interest and the amount of tax deducted, if applicable will be advised when a time deposit is withdrawn or renewed. hncb.com.hk |
监於香港银行公会近期撤销对港元定期存款利率的管制 监於香港银行公会近期撤销对港元定期存款利率的管制 监於香港银行公会近期撤销对港元定期存款利率的管制 监於香港银行公会近期撤销对港元定期存款利率的管制,政 府可否告知本局会在何时检 ,政 府可否告知本局会在何时检 ,政 府可否告知本局会在何时检 ,政 府可否告知本局会在何时检 讨现行的金融业认可机构㆔级制? legco.gov.hk | MR ROGER LUK asked: In view oftherecent deregulation of Hong Kong dollar timedeposit rates by the Hong Kong Association of Banks, will the Administration inform this Council when a review of the existing three-tier system of authorized institutions will be [...] carried out? legco.gov.hk |
3.9 除非本行与阁下另有书面协议,存入本行之定期存款均为不可转让。 hncb.com.hk | 3.9 Unless [...] otherwiseagreed inwriting between you and us,time deposit placed with [...]us is not assignable. hncb.com.hk |
现金及现金等值物、存款期为超过三个月的非抵押定期存款、已抵押存款、应收贸易账款、应付贸易账款 及票据、融资租约应付款项、计入预付款项、按金及其他应收款的金融资产、计入其他应付款及应计款项 的金融负债、应收╱应付子公司款及应收直接控股公司款大部分均概约以其账面值入账,原因是该等工具 均在短期内到期。 wqfz.com | The fair values of cash and cash equivalents, non-pledged time deposits maturing over three months, pledged deposits, trade receivables, trade and bills payables, finance lease payable, financial assets included in prepayments, deposits and other receivables, financial liabilities included in other payables and accruals, amounts due from/to subsidiaries, and amounts due from the immediate holding company approximate to their carrying amounts largely due to the short term maturities of these instruments. wqfz.com |
这些银行接收定期存款、批出中长期贷款、投资证券、出租资本资产及在央行批准下经营外币业务。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | They may receive termdeposits,grantmedium and [...] long-term credit, invest in securities, lease capital assets, and operate [...]in foreign currency with central bank approval. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
现金等 价物部分投资於高评级流动的定期存款。 sunshineoilsands.com | The cash equivalents portion is invested in [...] high gradeliquid termdeposits. sunshineoilsands.com |
由於定期存款为短期,故银行存款之公平值利率风险并不重大。 towngaschina.com | The fair value interest rate risk on [...] bankdeposits isinsignificant as thefixed deposits areshort-term. towngaschina.com |
本集团之信贷风险主要来自定期存款、应收租户租 金及交易对手於衍生金融工具之财务责任。 wingtaiproperties.com | The Group’s credit risks are primarily [...] attributable totime deposits, rentreceivable from [...]tenants and counter-party financial obligations [...]in derivative financial instruments. wingtaiproperties.com |
另外,分母 并不包括按比例划出的大学营运资金 ( 现金及往来帐户) [...] ,这是假设所有项 目款项的结余是存於银行帐户内( 只 包括定期存款及储蓄帐户)。 itf.gov.hk | It is based on the assumption that all projects’ funds balances are placed [...] in bank deposits (fixed depositsand savings [...]accounts only). itf.gov.hk |
但 拉丁美洲的款额下降,抵销了这些变动的部分 影响,原因是巴西业务有计划地减少定期存 款,而墨西哥的零售银行及财富管理业务客户 [...] 则以现金购买投资基金,致令款额下降。 hsbc.com.tw | These movements were offset in part by a [...] decrease in Latin America due to a [...] managed reduction in term depositsinBraziland [...]a decline in Mexico as customers in RBWM [...]placed their cash in investment funds. hsbc.com.tw |
计算利息款项时所采用的适用於每一个期间及每一个相应系列的 Constellation 雷曼相关债券的 12 个月港元及美元定期存款利率载於附件 中的表格。 hk.dbs.com | The 12 month fixed term deposit interest rates for HKD and USD applicable to each period and to each corresponding series of the Lehman [...] related Constellation Notes for the calculation [...] of theInterest Paymentare set out in the table in the attached Schedule. hk.dbs.com |
(b) 一笔金额为人民币1.615亿元(折合约港币2.013亿元)的贷款额度,该贷 [...] 款额度由抚州泛港以人民币1.7亿元(折合约港币2.119亿元)定期存款作抵押。 sinoharbour.com.hk | (b) A loan facility of RMB161.5 million [...] (equivalent to approximately HK$201.3 million), [...] secured by afixed deposit of RMB170.0 million [...](equivalent to approximately HK$211.9 [...]million) from Fuzhou Pan Hong. sinoharbour.com.hk |
子基金亦可投资於其他於中 [...] 国大陆以外发行的人民币存款,例如:银行存款证及存放於银行的议定定期存款;及其他於中国大陆以外发行的工具,例如可兑换债券、商业票据、短期票据或债券。 htisec.com | The Sub-Fund may also invest in other RMB denominated deposits issued outside [...] mainland China, such as bank [...] certificates ofdeposit and negotiated term depositswith banks, [...]and other instruments such as [...]convertible bonds, commercial papers and short term bills and notes, also issued outside mainland China. htisec.com |
在递交申请书时,你必须在下列各類存款及∕或 提款旁加上說明,并提供有关的证明文件︰(a) 100,000 元或以上的金额(可能是定期存款);(b) 并非整數的金额(可能是定期存款或股票的利息);(c)定期存入的款项及支票(可能是兼职收入或亲友给予的补助款∕汇款)。 sfaa.gov.hk | You must give explanations for the following transactions: (a) amounts of $100,000 or more (which may be time deposits), (b) any other deposits of odd cents [...] (which may be interest [...] from timedeposits ordividends from stocks and shares), (c) otherregular cash / chequedeposits (whichmay be contributions / remittance from relatives [...]or income from part-time [...]job), and provide documentary proof together with your application form. sfaa.gov.hk |
利息款项是以超过港元五百万元或其美元等值金额的存款所适用的 12 个月定期存款利率计算的,计息期自有关系列的 Constellation 雷曼相关债券 的发行日起至 2010 年 7 月 14 日(即星展银行与证监会及金管局就解决 方案达成协议的日期)止。 hk.dbs.com | The interest payment is calculated using the 12 [...] month fixed term depositinterest rates for deposits over HKD5 million or their equivalent in USD and the interestperiod willrun from [...]the date of issue of [...]the relevant series of the Lehman related Constellation Notes up to 14 July 2010 (the date on which DBSHK reached agreement with the SFC and HKMA regarding the Resolution Scheme). hk.dbs.com |