单词 | 定时摄影 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 定时摄影 —time-lapse photographySee also:定时 n—specified time n • timing n 定时—fixed time • fix a time • timed (of explosive etc) 定影—fix a photographic image 摄影—shoot (a movie) • take a photograph
在倒置照相机、记录动画或间隔 定时摄影 开 启时,倾斜指⽰器不 会显⽰。 ricoh.com | The tilt indicator is not [...] displayed when the camera is upside down, movies are being recorded, [...]or the interval timer is on. ricoh.com |
偶尔的时候,导演会对影片风貌有非常 坚 定 的 观 点, 这时 摄影指导就需要努力实现这些想法。 motion.kodak.com | Alternatively, the Director may have very [...] firm ideas as to how the film should look, and if so, the [...]Director of Photography must fulfill these wishes. motion.kodak.com |
渔网摄影机提 供了进入囊网的鱼类物种和规格的 实 时 信 息,船长可据此就 如何继续捕捞做出决定。 fao.org | The net camera gives real-time information of the fish species and sizes entering the codend, and allows the skipper to make informed decisions regarding how [...] to continue the fishing process. fao.org |
该接口同时还允 许系统操作员查看实况视 频 影 像 , 以及控 制 摄 像 机 定位 和预置。 cemsys.com | The interface also allows system operators to view live video feed and control camera positioning and presets. cemsys.com |
竖握照相机时: 竖握照相机摄影时,⽔ 平仪功能也可⽤来 确 定 图 像是否在垂直⽅向⽔ 平(⽔平指⽰器出现在不同位置)。 ricoh.com | When shooting with the camera positioned vertically, the level function can be used to determine whether the [...] image is vertically [...]level (the level indicator appears in a different place). ricoh.com |
摄影指导与导演紧密配合,并决 定摄影 机 的 视角,摄影镜头的构图,摄影机的运 动等等,他同时明确 灯光器材以及摄影机的型号和数量。 motion.kodak.com | Working closely with [...] the Director, the Director of Photography determines the camera angles, shot composition, and camera movement for [...]every shot. motion.kodak.com |
在讨论镜头光孔尺寸时,摄影师通 常会用光圈 T 来描述,照相摄影则使用光圈 F 来定义。 motion.kodak.com | Aperture expressed as an [...] f/stop f/2.8 When discussing lens aperture size, cinematographers usually refer to T-stops while still photographers refer to f/stops. motion.kodak.com |
灰 卡可以固定在 C 型架上或者稳定手持在摄影 机前 ,照明的色温必须与拍摄场景的色温相 同。 motion.kodak.com | The card is placed in a Cstand or is held steady near the camera and lit with the same color temperature as the scene lighting. motion.kodak.com |
特殊的摄影机变形镜头在摄影时用于 挤压影像。 motion.kodak.com | Special anamorphic camera lenses are used [...] to squeeze the image during capture. motion.kodak.com |
那时,摄影还是个很麻烦的事情;摄影师必须把感光 化学乳剂涂布在玻璃板的黑色区域,而且必须在乳剂干掉之前进行拍摄。 motion.kodak.com | Photography was a cumbersome [...] process; the photographer had to spread [...]a chemical emulsion on a glass plate in a pitch-black [...]area, and then capture the image before the emulsion dried. motion.kodak.com |
这些设备均可让您 在漆黑环境中实现清楚侦测,同时您 还 可以获得彩色或微光 拍 摄 、陀 螺稳定性、雷达连接等有用功能。 flir.com | They all let you see clearly in [...] total darkness, but you [...] can also get color or lowlight cameras, gyro-stabilization, radar interfacing, and other [...]helpful features. flir.com |
一致性的曝光,减少了后期对冲印厂的依赖,也避免了因对影像做修补等在冲印厂花费额 外费用和时间,有时,摄影师为 了获得想要的 特 定 影 像结果,他们会运用曝光不足或过度 的手法。 motion.kodak.com | Occasionally, cinematographers eschew [...] normal exposure in deference to the look they’re trying [...] to achieve; they may choose to over-expose or under-expose the stock. motion.kodak.com |
基于这一宗教现象而创作的《安息日2008》因而也只能在 特 定 的 时 间 和 特 定 的 地 点进 行 摄 制。 shanghaibiennale.org | Building on this ritual, [...] Sabbath 2008 is a photographic ritual that can only be performed at a designated time and in designated places. shanghaibiennale.org |
这些活动包括:媒体外联;翻译和散发宣传大 [...] 会每届会议的材料、背景资料和新闻资料袋,包括以当地语言编制的材料和资料; [...] 及时向各个政府部门提供一般性辩论的发言名单;当高级别政府代表在大会发言 时为获取联合国摄影师拍 摄的照片提供便利;在官方代表团启程赴纽约前向其提 [...] 供有关大会工作和大会文件的情况介绍;为大会主席的访问提供媒体支持。 daccess-ods.un.org | These activities comprise media outreach; translation and dissemination of information material, backgrounders and press kits for each General Assembly session, including in local languages; timely delivery of the list of speakers for the general debate to Government offices; facilitation of [...] the receipt of photographs taken [...] by United Nations photographers when high-level Government [...]representatives address the General [...]Assembly; briefings about the work of the General Assembly and its documentation to members of official delegations before their departure for New York; and media support for the visits of the President of the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其关于 2005 年世 界首脑会议成果的报告(A/60/7/Add.13 和 Corr.1 和 2)中,要求对秘书处内道德操守方面的活动进行综合 审查;于是,道德操守办公室审查了各部厅以下方面 的情况:制定细则、指导方针或培训,向工作人员说 明如何履行职责,同时确保 他们、他们的家人和有关 第三方没有受益于、或似乎受益于他们的 决 定 、 影响 或所接触到的信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the request for a comprehensive review of ethics-related activities in the Secretariat made by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions in its report on the 2005 World Summit Outcome (A/60/7/Add.13 and Corr.1 and 2), the Ethics Office had conducted a survey of departments and offices regarding rules, guidelines or training that had been developed to inform staff [...] members how to discharge [...] their duties while ensuring that they, their family members and associated third parties did not benefit or appear to benefit from their decisions, influence or access to information. daccess-ods.un.org |
杂志还采访了Morrell,关于他的摄影风 格, 他如何在不同地点拍摄时表现 他的风格。 ba-repsasia.com | The magazine also interviewed Morrell [...] about his photographic style and how he refines it in different shoot locations. ba-repsasia.com |
安全形势(第三和第四阶段)成为巴基斯坦在 2009 年面临的重要挑战,也会首先通过 推迟某些联合计划的最后敲定时间, 继而通过将捐助者的注意力转移到紧急人道主义援助, 而影响联合国国家计划的运作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The key challenge, in 2009, in Pakistan, has been the security situation (Phases III and IV) which affected also [...] the United Nations [...] country programme operations initially by delaying the finalization of some of the joint programmes, later by directing donor [...]attention to the urgent humanitarian needs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
摄影指导通常根据导演风格来决定影 片 的 风貌,或与导演及美术部门沟通后, 根据他们认可的风貌来做布光。 motion.kodak.com | Depending on the style of the Director, [...] the Director of Photography [...] may be left to decide the “look” of the film for him or herself [...]or, after meetings with the [...]Director and usually the Art Department, he/she may be left to light the set as he/she sees fit. motion.kodak.com |
随着新的闪光灯320EX定期闪 光功能,它包括一个内置的LED灯连续选项,是提供全光照时间短距离上 拍 摄时 的 Po werShot数码相机或数码单反相机视频功能。 technologeeko.com | Along with the new [...] Speedlite 320EX regular flash functions, it includes a built-in LED continuous light option that is capable of providing full-time illumination for short distances when shooting video [...]on a DSLR or PowerShot digital camera. technologeeko.com |
也指影 片拍摄时,无用部分保留至制作完成。 motion.kodak.com | Also, unused [...] portions of shots taken for a film; usually kept until [...]the production is complete. motion.kodak.com |
从布基纳法索、印度、以色列、墨西哥和罗马尼亚 选 定 的 青年 电 影摄 制者 被要求对社区和文化间冲突的根源进行思考,提出他们对暴力行为和文化冲突的解决方案。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Young filmmakers from Burkina Faso, India, Israel, [...] Mexico and Romania were asked to provide a reflection on the sources [...]of conflict between communities and cultures, presenting their alternatives to violence and cultural conflicts. unesdoc.unesco.org |
精料摄入量是决定何时给犊 牛断奶的主要参数。 delaval.cn | Concentrate intake is the [...] main parameter in deciding when to wean a calf. delaval.com |
摄影棚的屋顶可以开启,让阳光直接照射进来, 同 时摄影 棚 搭 设在 一个可调整角度的平台上,以调整日光照射进来的角度。 motion.kodak.com | The roof could be removed to let in daylight, and the studio was built on a turntable that was revolved to follow the sun. motion.kodak.com |
这次展出的系列包括8幅拍摄纽约不同地标的作品, 拍 摄时 , 相 机架设在 固 定 的 位 置,在10-15小时的时间里从同一角度进行拍摄。 ba-repsasia.com | The series includes eight photographs of [...] New York City locations taken over the course of 10-15 hours [...] from the same perspective, as the camera remained stationary. ba-repsasia.com |
在照相机处于移动状态或者当您在车辆或其它移动 平台上进⾏摄影时,指 ⽰器的精确度会降低。 ricoh.com | Accuracy drops when the camera is in motion or you are shooting on a vehicle [...] or other moving platform. ricoh.com |
这些障碍包括: (a) 决定和效益之间的时间差 ,因为一些措施需要从长计议,只有在实现政治决 策连续性的情况下才能生效;(b) 交通的跨部门性质,因为其他部门的许多决 定影响交 通需求;以及(c) 目标群体分散,因为每个人和所有目标群体都有移 动需要,以及排放来源相对较小。 daccess-ods.un.org | These barriers [...] include: (a) the time-lag between decisions and effects as some measures require a long-term approach that takes effect only when continuity in political decision-making is achieved; (b) the cross-cutting nature of transport as many decisions in other sectors influence transport demand; [...]and (c) fragmented [...]target groups, as everybody and all social groups have mobility needs and the sources of emissions are rather small. daccess-ods.un.org |
发送电子邮件通知时,摄像机 将始终附加 Web 服务器日志文件作为附件,该附件独立于在电子邮件预案中 指 定 的 附 件。 goolwawharf.alexandrina.com.au | When sending an e-mail notification, the camera will always append the Web Server Logfile as an attachment, independent from the attachment specified in the e-mail [...] profile. goolwawharf.alexandrina.com.au |
曼富图LED灯是微型恒定光源 ,特别设计用于在想与朋友和家人分享的视频 和 摄影时 使 用,它们安装在相机的闪光灯热靴上,不使用时,可以放进您的口袋或摄影包中。 manfrotto.cn | Manfrotto LED Lights are small constant light sources designed specifically to improve the videos you want to share with your friends [...] and family (but [...] great for photography too); they fit your camera's flash shoe when you're using them, and fit in your pocket or [...]bag when you're not. manfrotto.us |
美国 50 年来对古巴的罪恶封锁政策,使古巴的经济和社会遭受高达几千亿 美元的严重损失,同时影响到许多第三国,妨碍全球性努力实现国际 议 定 的 发展 目标、包括千年发展目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | The criminal blockade policy against Cuba pursued by the United States for five decades has caused serious losses amounting to hundreds of billions of United States dollars in the [...] economic and social fields [...] of Cuba and also impacted many third countries while hindering the global effort to achieve the internationally agreed development [...]goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. daccess-ods.un.org |