单词 | 定子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 定子 noun —rotor nExamples:定调子—set the tone 亲子鉴定—paternity test 孙子定理—the Chinese remainder theorem 用(钩子)固定 v—hook v
就此,家長可以自 行決定子女是 否應該避免使用流動電話作非必要的通話。 legco.gov.hk | In this regard, parents may decide on their own as to whether their children should avoid [...] using mobile phones for unnecessary calls. legco.gov.hk |
所有 福伊特水轮发电机都是使用最先进的技术设计和制造的,其中包 括 定子 线 棒的真空压力浸渍 (VPI) 技术。 voith.com | All Voith Hydro generators are designed and manufactured with the latest state of art including the use of Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI) technology for the stator bars. voith.com |
该条承认残疾人有权结婚和建立家庭,有权自由地 决 定子 女 人数,并有权在 与其他人平等的基础上,保留其生育力。 daccess-ods.un.org | This article recognizes the rights of persons with [...] disabilities to marry and to found a [...] family, to decide freely on the number of children to have and [...]to retain their fertility on an equal basis with others. daccess-ods.un.org |
Thyricon 使用最先进的工业可编程逻辑控制器执行数字电压调节任务 和 定子 与 转 子的限制功能、稳定电力系统以及连接发电站内的其它系统。 voith.com | Thyricon employs state-of-the-art industrial programmable logic controllers for performing the digital [...] voltage regulation tasks, [...] stator and rotor limiting functions, power system stabilizing and interface [...]with other systems in the power plant. voith.com |
定子线圈 的预期使 用寿命取决于其绝缘防止绕组故障的能力。 omicronusa.com | The expected lifetime of a stator winding depends on the ability of the insulation to prevent winding faults. omicronusa.com |
平均太阳日的长度为24小时,量度太阳经过 特 定子 午 线 的平均时间。 iwc.com | The average solar day lasts exactly 24 hours and measures the average time between the sun’s passage over a given meridian. iwc.com |
这两种测试 都是确定高压定子绕组 中是否存在局部放电(PD)的间接方 式。 omicronusa.com | Both tests are an [...] indirect way of determining if partial [...]discharges (PD) are occurring in a highvoltage stator winding. omicronusa.com |
原件:阿拉伯文] 第 13 条草案规定,子女在国家继承之日以后出生的,有权取得这些子女在 [...] 其领土内出生的有关国家的国籍。 daccess-ods.un.org | Draft article 13 [...] provides that children born after the [...]date of the succession of States have the right to the nationality [...]of the States concerned on whose territory they were born. daccess-ods.un.org |
2008 年,人口基金继续努力确保人人有权 决 定子 女 数目和生育间隔。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2008, UNFPA continued efforts to ensure the right of [...] all people to decide the number and spacing of the birth of their children. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本节中,我们应用前面学到的知识建立这样一个Git [...] 工作流程:检查提交信息的格式,只接受纯fast-forward内容的推送,并且指定用户只能修改项目中的 特 定子 目 录。 git-scm.com | In this section, you’ll use what you’ve learned to establish a Git workflow that checks for a custom commit message [...] format, enforces fast-forward-only pushes, and allows only certain [...] users to modify certain subdirectories in a project. git-scm.com |
由于定子上强 大的磁引力,平面系统可于垂直和悬挂应用场合。 schaeffler.cn | Because of the strong magnetic attraction of the forcer on the stator, a planar system can be used vertically as well as overhanging. schaeffler.us |
该系统由带有锁止功 能和飞轮式定子的新 型变矩器以及沃尔 沃专利产品——制动反转装置(RBB)—— [...] 组成,在装载和运输应用中可减少 15% 的油耗、提高舒适性并延长传动系统的 使用寿命。 volvospiritmagazine.com | Consisting of a new torque [...] converter with Lock Up and free wheel [...]stator, the system integrates the Volvo patented Reverseby-Braking [...](RBB) function, cutting fuel consumption by up to 15% in load-andcarry applications while increasing comfort and driveline durability. volvospiritmagazine.com |
科威特政府保留不执行《公约》第 9 条第 2 款之规定的权利,因为该款违反 科威特《国籍法》,其中规定子女的 国籍应由其父亲决定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Kuwait reserves its right not to implement the provision contained in article 9, paragraph 2, of the Convention, inasmuch as it runs [...] counter to the Kuwaiti Nationality [...] Act, which stipulates that a child’s nationality shall be determined by that of [...]his father. daccess-ods.un.org |
尼日尔共和国政府就第 16 条的上述规定提出保留,尤其是对有关婚姻存续 期间和解除婚姻关系时的相同权利和责任、自由和负责地 决 定子 女 数目和生育间 隔的相同权利以及选择姓氏的权利的规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Republic of the Niger expresses reservations concerning the above-referenced provisions of article 16, particularly those concerning the same rights and responsibilities during marriage and [...] its dissolution, the [...] same rights to decide freely and responsibly on the number and spacing of their children, and the right [...]to choose a family name. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使谨慎的加工过程也无法完全避免磁场的不对称性,引起 转 子 和 定子 之 间 的电压下降。 schaeffler.cn | Magnetic asymmetries, which cannot be completely avoided despite careful manufacturing processes, cause the voltage between the rotor and the stator to drop. schaeffler.us |
馬達 的線圈為定子的部 份,置於轉子的內側。 holtek.com | The motor coil is part of the stator assembly, and is placed inside the rotor. holtek.com |
国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》确认,人人有权自由和负责任地 决 定子女 的 数目、生育时间和间隔;有权在不受歧视、强制和暴力的情况下,获取采取上 述措施的资料和手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development [...] recognizes the right of all [...] individuals to decide freely and responsibly on the number, timing and spacing of their children and to have access [...]to the information [...]and means to do so free of discrimination, coercion and violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
转子/定子是由 一个带有锋利刀片的高速转子镶嵌在敞开静止 的 定子 中。 velp.com | The rotor / stator configuration [...] consists of a high-speed rotor with sharp blades lodged within a stationary stator with openings. velp.com |
審閱上述的特殊教育服務 一覽表,以確定那些學校 能滿足IEP指定子女的需 要 sfusd.edu | Review the list of Service Delivery Options above to determine those schools that meet your child’s needs as designated in the IEP sfusd.edu |
如对子女 有好处及经有权确定子女居 所者之许可,女囚3 岁以下之子女,得与母亲在一 起,该母亲有权被单独关押。 daccess-ods.un.org | A mother has the right to keep custody of her child until the age of 3 and the right to be housed in a separate cell. daccess-ods.un.org |
期间完成了对每个特定子组患者(急性冠状动脉综合症(ACS)、小血管疾病患者、糖尿病患者以及老年患者)使用情况的分析。 tipschina.gov.cn | An analysis of each predefined subgroup: patients [...] with acute coronary syndrome (ACS), small vessels, diabetic patients and [...]elderly patients was performed. tipschina.gov.cn |
定子線圈 設計為傳統式線圈(單一繞線法) ,利用起動銅起動無法低電壓起動,一般 115VAC的起動電壓皆在80VAC以上,約比 蜂巢式增加20VAC才能起動。 sunon.com.cn | The Traditional Shaded-Pole Motor, designed with single-wire wrapping, is started by “the starting copper”and cannot be started with low voltage. sunon.co.jp |
(a) 香 港 會 [...] 計 準 則 第2'號 的 修 訂 規 定 子 公 司、聯 營 企 業 及 共 同 [...]控 制 企 業 的 全 部 股 利 均 於 獨 立 財 務 報 表 中 的 損 益 表 內 確 認。 zte.com.cn | (a) HKAS 2' (Amendments) requires all [...] dividends from subsidiaries, associates [...]and jointly-controlled entities [...]to be recognised in the income statements in the separate financial statements. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
轉子零件失效致不平衡、定子線圈 有問題、電動機和負載機械安裝對心不良或改變 [...] 等,皆有可能導致振動加大。 teco.com.sg | Increased vibration can be indicative of a change in balance due to [...] mechanical failure of a rotor part, a stator [...]winding problem or a change in motor alignment. teco.com.tw |
将六角螺栓 [15] 从 A [5] 和 B 轴承座 [14] 上拆下,将定子 [13] 从 A 轴承座上分离 download.sew-eurodrive.com | Remove the hex head bolt [15] from the drive end bearing end shield [5] and the nondrive end bearing end shield [14], release the stator [13] from the drive end bearing end shield. download.sew-eurodrive.com |
五十多年来,FIAV L. Mazzacchera股份公司已经与能源行业的主要集团进行了合作,向其提供各种型钢,应用在蒸汽轮机或燃气轮机的制造(菱形板 、 定子 叶 片型钢、密封条、隔板,以及各种不锈钢材质的结构钢)、发电机的制造(指状型钢、楔形条钢、桁条型钢)、以及核设备的制造(栅格扁钢和控制杆用的铪钢和硼钢)等领域。 fiav.it | FIAV L. MAZZACCHERA S.p.A. has worked for over fifty years with the main groups operating in the energy sector, supplying various profiles used in the construction of gas and steam turbines (stator blade profiles, sealing strips, spacers and various stainless steel structural profiles), in the construction of generators (fingers, key bars), and in nuclear plants (grid flats and hafnium and boron control bar profiles). fiav.it |
玛丽·斯托普斯国际组织是一个非盈利的全球性非政府组织,致力于遵守 [...] 1994 年国际人口与发展会议的行动纲领,维护妇女和夫妇在不受胁迫的情况下自 由决定子女数 目和生育间隔的基本权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | Marie Stopes International (MSI) is a global, non-profit and non-governmental organization committed to upholding the fundamental right of women and couples to [...] decide freely, and without coercion, [...] the number and spacing of their children, in accordance [...]with the 1994 Programme of Action [...]of the International Conference on Population and Development. daccess-ods.un.org |