

单词 定向培育

See also:





External sources (not reviewed)

优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的进教学工作,包括能 和教 提高教师地位;进行评估;制订关于优质家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities
and Arab needs;
[...] “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
应主席邀请,创新科技署副署长根据政府当局 提交的CB(1)201/08-09(06)号文件所载的资料简介设立数码娱培育(下称" 培育 训") 中心的背景、培育计划的最新进展、培训活动、拓 展国际网络的工作,以及培育中心的成绩,当中包 [...]
括现正培育的公司及毕业企业在国际和本地业界获 取的奖项及荣誉。
At the invitation of the Chairman, the Deputy Commissioner for
Innovation and
[...] Technology (DCIT) briefedmembers on the background of setting up the Digital Entertainment Incubation-cum-Training (Incu-Train) [...]
Centre, the latest
position of the incubation programme, training activities, international networking efforts, as well as the achievements of the Incu-Centre, including international and local industry awards and honours won by current incubates and alumni, as set out in the Administration's paper No. CB(1)201/08-09(06).
维和部和外勤部关于为联合国所有人员提供维持和平培训的政策规定,该 处须支持维和部、外勤部、由维和部牵头的行动、外勤部行动,以及会员国开展 对文职、军事和警务人员的培训; 定培 准,同时核实是否达到这些标准, 并制定政策及相关技术指导;制定和提供有关贯穿各领域的培训(包括综合高级 领)及其他客户提供关于维持和平培训的指导;监测维和部、外 勤部以及外地行动的培训活动,并管理培训预算,确保达到标准并落实各优先事 项。
Under the DPKO/DFS policy on peacekeeping training for all United Nations personnel, the Service is mandated to support DPKO, DFS, DPKO-led operations, DFS
operations and Member
[...] States in the training of civilian, military and police personnel;to set trainingstandards, verifying that they are being met, and develop policies and related technical guidance; to develop and deliver training in crosscutting areas (including integratedtraining for senior [...]
leaders); to provide
technical guidance on peacekeeping training to departments and other clients; and to monitor training activities of DPKO, DFS and field operations and manage the training budget to ensure that standards and priorities are being met.
欧洲东南部国家实施了区域计划,这项计划覆盖阿尔 巴尼亚、保加利亚、克罗地亚、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚和黑山以 及斯洛文尼亚等国家的教育,旨在为民主国家公民保证系统;另一项在阿尔巴 尼亚全国范围内展开的计划旨在加强人权 育培量,包括编写培训手册。
Improvements are also being made in south-east European countries as a result of the regional project covering Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia
and Montenegro, and Slovenia:education that aimsto develop quality assurance
[...] systems for education fordemocratic citizenship and a national project in Albania that aims to consolidate the quality of the training on humanrights education, including training [...]
中高一贯教育学校作为一所学校、一个整体进行中高一贯教育的“中等教育学校”,是由同 一设立者将中学和高中连接在一起,依照中等教育学校基准进行中高一贯教育的“并设型中等 教育学校” ,另外还有现有的城镇中学和县立高中为加强教育课程的编制和老师学生之间交流 合作等,实施的定向型中高一贯中高一贯教育学习。
There are unified junior and senior secondary education schools that operate as one school offering junior and senior high school education in one institution; schools that operate separately but are under the supervision of one institution and act as one unified school; schools that are different institutions but are in the same municipality or town and work together to have exchange between the junior high school and senior high school staff and students as well as building an unified curricula.
尽管该部在国际 人权文书所传达概念的普及和教育方面取得了进步,还需要为在各种 人员有规划并高效地促进人权开展的行动提供支持。
Despite the progress made by the Ministry in meeting its obligations to disseminate and teach the concepts promoted in the various international human rights instruments, support should also be given to measures to
promote in a planned and effective
[...] way human rights education and training at all levelsof education andamong all staff in the education system.
该委员会职责广泛,包括通过公关提高公众认识;推广有关 方案和活动;与其他实体合作,包括雇员和雇主;开展研究和收集信息;经法庭 允许,在司法诉讼过程中采取干预措施;处理与违反组织法有关的投诉,包括通提起民事诉讼;请求法院发布一般规则,要求雇主针对所有或部分员工 或求职者采取一般措施。
The Commission is charged, inter alia, with a wide range of duties, including fostering public awarenessby way ofeducation,trainingandpublic relations; promoting programs and activities; co-operating with other entities including employees and employers; conducting research and collecting information; [...]
making interventions, by leave of
the court, in legal proceedings; dealing with complaints relating to violation of the constituent legislation, including by way of filing a civil action in the courts; applying to the court for general orders instructing employers to take general measures regarding all or part of their work force or employment applicants.
建议建立该中心的依据是《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》(1972 年)的各项原则, 特别是缔约国应努力“促进建立或发展有关保护、保存和展出文化和自然遗产的国家或地区
培训中心,并鼓励这方面的科学研究”(第 5 条),应与本公约指定的三个咨询机构 [国际
[...] 文物保护与修复研究中心(ICCROM)、国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)和世界保护自然 联盟(IUCN)]合作(第 13 条),切实利用可由世界遗产委员会 向培化和自然遗产 的护、保存、展出和恢复方面的各级工作人员和专家的国家或地区中心提供(的) [...]
国际援助”(第 23 条)以及缔约国“应……努力增强本国人民对本公约第 1 和 2 条中确定 的文化和自然遗产的鉴赏和尊重”(第 27 条)。
The proposed institute is rooted in the principles of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, including efforts by States Parties “to foster the establishment or development of national or regional centres for training in the protection, conservation and presentation of the cultural and natural heritage and to encourage scientific research in this field” (Article 5), cooperation with the three Advisory Bodies so designated under the Convention (ICCROM, ICOMOS, IUCN) (Article 13), effective utilization of
international assistance, which maybe provided by the World Heritage Committee “to national or regional
[...] centres for the trainingofstaff and specialists in the field of identification, protection, [...]
conservation, presentation
and rehabilitation of the cultural and natural heritage” (Article 23) and State Party efforts to “strengthen appreciation and respect by their peoples of the cultural and natural heritage defined in Articles 1 and 2 of the Convention” (Article 27).
司法机构在机构间刑事司法委员会内部采取措施,将刑事法官、检察官、公 设辩护律师、法医、精神保健人员、警察、监狱工作人员以及其他相关人员纳入 到司法从业人员职业技划当中讲解涉及禁止酷刑和其他残忍、 不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的国际条约和任择特别是《伊斯坦布尔
Through the Inter-Agency Criminal Justice Commission, the judiciary is taking steps to include criminal judges, prosecutors, public defenders, forensic physicians, mental health workers,
police, prison officials
[...] and othersin the trainingprogrammes for justice officials on international treaties and optional protocols on torture and cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment, and notably theapplication of the Istanbul [...]
所提供的资料表 明,大多数答复国都有不同程度上、不同方式的适当立法,来应对暴力侵害妇 女行为 司法官员和其他有关官员(即卫生官员和社会工作者)提供了定培 对暴力侵害妇女行为受害人有适当的支助服务机制,研究和评价了 有关暴力侵害妇女行为的数据,制定了全面政策和战略来防止这种现象。
The information provided indicates that in most responding countries, to different degrees and in different ways,
legislation is in place to
[...] respond to violence against women, that specific training is provided tocriminal justice officials and other relevant officials (i.e. [...]
health officials
and social workers), that support service mechanisms are in place for victims of violence against women, that research on and evaluation of data related to violence against women are undertaken and that comprehensive policies and strategies have been developed to prevent this phenomenon.
(hh) 强政策和方案,支持妇女在社会中、包括在科学和技术领域 的多重角色,以增加妇女和女童在科学和技术方面的机会,同时确 认孕产、为人父母以及父母和其他监护人在养育子女和照顾其他家庭成员方面发 挥的作用均具有社会意义;确保这些政策和方案促进父母、妇女和男子以及整个 社会分担共同责任
(hh) Developorstrengthen policies and programmes to support the multiple roles of women in society, including in the fields of science and technology, in order to increase women’s and girls’access to education, training,scienceand technology, [...]
while acknowledging
the social significance of maternity and motherhood, parenting and the role of parents and other guardians in the upbringing of the children and caring for other family members, and ensure that such policies and programmes also promote shared responsibility of parents, women and men and society as a whole
关于平等待遇、协会、公民身分、官方语 言、提供信息、宗教团体和伙伴关系、政党以及政治组织等法律还多的权利。
Further rights areprovided bylaws on equal
[...] treatment, associations, citizenship, the official language,education,provision of information to the public, religious communities [...]
and partnerships, political parties and political organizations, etc.
又强调所有相关利益攸关方和社会成员均需要就促进和保护在民族或族裔、 宗教和语言上属于少数群体的人的权利问题进行人权 学习,并展开 对话和互动,作为社会整体发展的一部分,包括交流有关最佳做法,藉以促进对 少数群体问题的相互了解,管理多样性,承认多元特征,增强包容和会 以及社会内部的融合
Emphasizing also the importance of human rights education, training and learning as well as of dialogue and interaction among all
relevant stakeholders and
[...] members of society onthe promotion and protection of the rights of persons belonging to national or ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities as an integral part of the development of society as a whole, including the sharing of best practices such as for the promotion of mutual understanding of minority issues, managing diversity by recognizing plural identities and promoting inclusive and stable societies as well as social cohesion therein
履行机构忆及,缔约方会议在第7/CP.16 号所有缔约方和国际组织 加强支持发展中国家特别是最不发达国家和小岛屿发展中国家关于第六条的国家 联络点,针对宣传等问题提供信息、材料、培训师资方案以及区域 和国家项目。
The SBI recalled the invitation made by
[...] the COPin decision 7/CP.16 to all Parties and international organizations to enhance support provided to the national focal points on Article 6 of developing countries, in particular the LDCs and SIDS, through the provision of information, materials, trainingof trainers [...]
programmes and regional
and national projects on topics relating to education, training and public awareness.
在此背景之下,各位部长强调,释放大量巴勒斯坦囚犯以及立即释放被任 意非法监禁的巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员,向培育氛围迈出的积极一 步,而互信是重启永久地位谈判所必要的。
In this context, the Ministers stressed that the release of a substantial number of Palestinian prisoners, as well as the immediate release of the arbitrarily, illegally imprisoned members of the Palestinian
Legislative Council, could constitute a
[...] positive step towards fostering the climate of mutual trust [...]
necessary for the resumption of
permanent status negotiations.
UNESCO has also continued to assist Member States to improve
their technical and
[...] vocational education, in particular by integrating livelihood skills in basic education, by imparting cross-cutting skills to teacher trainersandassisting [...]
Member States in review of national policies.
法律定向贩运受害者提供以下几类无偿 国家援助:提供包含床位和食物的临时住所;包括无偿法律协助在内的法律援 助;医疗和心理援助;为未成年的人口贩运受害者寻找家庭或安排他们在其他家 庭或儿童寄宿机构接受助受害者获得固定工作。
Legislation makes provision for the following aspects of free government assistance for the victims of trafficking in persons: supply of temporary accommodation, including board and lodging; legal assistance including legal aid; medical and psychological assistance, tracing the family of underage victims of trafficking or their placement inafoster family or children’s home and helping victims to find a permanent job.
残障儿童在同一学年从其当前安置停学达 10 个校日,且如果当前停学为连续 10 个校日
[...] 或以下,并且如果停学不是改变安置(见下文定义),那么学校工作人员在与该儿童至 少一位教师咨询后,决定需要何种程度的服务,以使该儿童尽管环境改变,仍能继续参加 一般,并该儿童 IEP 标进步。
After a child with a disability has been removed from his or her current placement for 10 school days in that same school year, and if the current removal is for 10 school days in a row or less and if the removal is not a change of placement (see definition below), then school personnel, in consultation with at least one of the child’s teachers, December 2011 determine the extent to which services are needed to enable the child to
continue to participate
[...] in the general educationcurriculum, although in another setting, and to progress toward meeting the [...]
goals set out in the child’s IEP.
目前,设在纽约和日内瓦的项目组组长和三位财务会计政策分析师正在开展以下方面 的工作:对标准进行审查后编制会计政策草案和指导文件,通过文件和网的利益相 关方进行宣传,作为观察员参加《国际公共部门会计标准》委员会,制定预算标准,协调、 统一和定培策。
A project team leader and three financial accounting policy analysts based in New York and Geneva are currently working in the following areas: preparation of draft accounting policy and guidance papers following review of the
Standards, communication to
[...] key stakeholders via papers and a website, involvement on the IPSAS Board as observers, work on budgetary practices, consistency and harmonization and the definitionofa training policy.
联合国还对人力资源和执行办公室工作人员以及高级管理人员进 定向培以确保管理人员和主管处理业绩不佳问题时获得适当咨询意见。
Targeted training of human resources and executive office staff, as well as senior managers, is also carried out to ensure that managers and supervisors receive appropriate advice on handling underperformance.
植物品种保护机制培育外条例也与专利法规有所不同,培育者未经准许可以将 某种受保护品种用作培育另一品种的基础(后者可以获取保护)。
The breeders’ exception under PVP also differs from patent law in that breeders may, without authorisation, use a protected variety as the basis for breeding another variety (which itself may then gain protection).
对残疾人而言,接受开放式的就业和职务(包括旨 在促进自营就业的服务)的可能性 劳动部通过第 001-2003-TR 号最高敕令,设立了残疾定 向公司登记处,将一系列针定向残疾人的公司 和一般公司的指导方针确定为部门政策,目的是对雇用残 疾人的公司依法给予优惠,并提高雇主方在吸纳残疾人这 一弱势群体就业方面的思想觉悟。
Accessibility of persons with disabilities to open employment
[...] and vocational training services, including those for the promotion of self-employment Under Supreme Decree No. 001-2003-TR creating the Registerof Firms that Promote the Interests of Persons with Disabilities, the Ministry of Labour established a sectoral policy which includes a set of actions aimed at informing firms on the [...]
Register and businesses
in general about the benefits provided for by law for firms that hire persons with disabilities and at raising managers’ awareness of the need to promote the interests of this vulnerable group and the integration of its members into the labour market.
行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其关于 2005 年世 界首脑会议成果的报告(A/60/7/Add.13 和 Corr.1 和
[...] 审查;于是,道德操守办公室审查了各部厅以下方面 的情况:、指导方针人员说 明如何履行职责,同时确保他们、他们的家人和有关 [...]
第三方没有受益于、或似乎受益于他们的决定、影响 或所接触到的信息。
In response to the request for a comprehensive review of ethics-related activities in the Secretariat made by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions in its report on the 2005 World Summit Outcome (A/60/7/Add.13 and Corr.1 and 2), the Ethics Office had conducted a survey of
departments and offices regarding
[...] rules, guidelinesortraining that hadbeen developed toinform staff [...]
members how to discharge
their duties while ensuring that they, their family members and associated third parties did not benefit or appear to benefit from their decisions, influence or access to information.
技术和职业育培主要目的,力市场提供技术工人。在实现这一目标过程中,技术和 职业教育培训,通过提供体面工作技巧和鼓励在学习的同时挣钱,也减少了贫 困。
Though the main objective of TVET is to supply the labour market with skilled workers, in fulfilling this objective, TVET is also alleviating poverty by providing skills for decent jobs and encouraging earning while learning.
突尼斯一直在奋力改善儿童的境况 培育的民族特性,使他们为过自 由和负责的生活作好准备提供照料和保护,发扬增进儿童权利的风尚, 酌情征求儿童就对他们有影响的事项发表意见,尊重和支持他们的权利,同时时 刻铭记童年独特的特点和儿童的最佳利益。
Tunisia has striven to improve the condition of children, nurturetheir national identity, prepare them for a life of freedom [...]
and responsibility, provide them
with care and protection, promote a culture of children’s rights, seek input from children as appropriate on matters affecting them, and respect and support their rights, always keeping in mind the unique characteristics of childhood and the best interests of the child.
第5/98/M 号法律第10
[...] 条,对在教学设施内保障自由进行任何宗教的学习 及出了提供任何宗教的教育,须在有能力施教且不妨碍其教 [...]
Freedom to learn and to
[...] teach any religionin educational establishments is established [...]
under article 10 of Law 5/98/M.
The teaching of any religion is ministered with pedagogic autonomy within the appropriate institutions.
向培育提供各类产品, 让他们扩展网络基建,与数码港的网络融合,作,以便在资 讯科技、数码内容创作、管理和发放方面运用新一代的应用程式。
Cisco offers a range of products for the incubateestoextendtheir network infrastructure forspecific usage to work seamlessly [...]
with Cyberport’s
network, enabling a wide variety of next-generation applications in information technology and digital content creation, management and delivery.
这种影响包括:通过利用核技术更有效地施用量和最佳时机,实现了肥料节省;通过突变辅助作物育种技 培育量更高、抗病和耐旱的粮食和经济作物;利用核技术退化和土壤侵蚀,为实 施土壤养护战略提供了支持;广泛利用各种技术对国家牲畜接种计划的有效性进行了 监测;创建无果蝇区,从而带来了粮食增产、出口市场准入和更好就业机会的效益。
It includes: savings in fertilizer use made possible through the
use of nuclear
[...] techniques to more effectively determine optimal application and timing; higher yielding, disease and drought resistant food and industrial crops through mutation assistedplantbreeding techniques; use of nuclear techniques [...]
to assess land
degradation and soil erosion in support of soil conservation strategies; widespread use of technologies to monitor the effectiveness of national livestock vaccination programmes, and; the creation of fruit fly free areas that have brought benefits of increased food production, access to exports markets and better employment opportunities.
当局亦已成立评审委员会,负责评审培育计划的申 请,甄选参与培育计划的公司,为各间申请公司定培育 的审查 项目及整个培育期各阶段的目标。
A vetting committee has also been formed to evaluate incubation applications, select incubatees, and set initial checkpoints and milestones for each incubation applicant.




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