

单词 定例



active conjoined sentence

External sources (not reviewed)

庭长在与书记官长磋商后定例行开 庭和特别开庭的日期和地点。
The President shall decide the date and [...]
venue of ordinary and extraordinary sessions after consultation with the Registrar.
专家组定(例如, 见 S/2009/521,第 127 至 134 段),去除序列号是为 了掩盖武器来源(即向新生力量提供武器的一方)。
Groups concluded (see, for example, S/2009/521, [...]
paras. 127-134) that the serial numbers had been removed to conceal the
origins of the weapons (i.e., the party that had provided the weapons to the Forces nouvelles).
一代表团指出,秘书处提供了一个很好的平台,可利用这一平 台讨论贸易贸易投资的总趋势、实现区域一体化的各种做法、以及贸易和投 资的最佳做法,它们可用以制订覆盖欧亚的自由贸易 定 , 例 如 欧 亚经济委 员会等。
One delegation noted that the secretariat had provided a good platform for discussing general trends, approaches towards regional integration, and best practices in trade and investment which could help towards the establishment of a free trade agreement covering Eurasia, such as the Eurasian Economic Commission.
在 条约义务方面,一些国家政府指出,为在国内法中具有效力,国际义务就必须纳 入国内法,要么通过立法(例如澳大利亚、白俄罗斯、南非),包括通过立法对落 实这项原则的程序性条件作出定(例 如 白 俄罗斯),要么是通过普通法的应用 (例如澳大利亚)。
In respect of treaty obligations, some Governments noted that in order to have effect in domestic law, international obligations would have to be incorporated either through legislation (e.g., Australia, Belarus, South Africa),
including the adoption of
[...] legislation regulating the procedural conditions for implementation of the principle (e.g., Belarus), or by application of the common [...]
law (e.g., Australia).
該法例增訂多項新定,例如: 自聘用員工之日起一個月內 須與員工訂立書面合同;在員工服務滿一段時間後,須與其訂立 長期合同;試用期的最長期限;可終止僱傭合同的情況;以及須 在勞動合同屆滿時支付遣散費。
It introduced a number of new requirements, such as the provision of written contracts to employees within one month of hiring, the need to enter into permanent contracts with an employee once he has served for a certain period of time, a maximum duration for probationary periods, the conditions under which an employee contract may be terminated, and the need for severance payment upon expiry of labour contracts.
此要求应有合理例外规定,例如在 某些情况下确实无法查清基因物质的地 理来源。
This requirement should be subject to reasonable exceptions as, for example, where it is genuinely impossible to identify the geographical source of material.
(d) 就 (b)及
[...] (c)項 而 言,我們正 考 慮加入 明確的定,例如除非 犯 罪 者 能提出 反證, 否 則管有 [...]
兩 份 實質上相 同的屬於書籍、 雜誌或期刊 的 侵犯版權複製品,或其部份撮錄,會被推定 為 滿足(c)項 的條件。
(d) with respect to (b) and (c), we
are considering the inclusion of a
[...] specific presumption that, for example, if the offender [...]
possesses two substantially identical
infringing copies of a book, magazine or periodical, or of an extract thereof, it will be presumed that (c) is satisfied unless proven to the contrary.
波兰所有的公司必须开设一个银行账户,申 请账户所需的文件由银行定(例如 , 组织 章程/公司章程,授权代表公司的人的签名样 式)。
The documents required for this depend on the individual bank (e.g. articles of association/statute, and the specimen signatures of those authorised to represent the company).
秘书处代表表示, 与 182 EX 6 Part I 号文件相同,大会关于地理分配问题的决议 (35 C/ 41 号决议) 需要提及执行局本届会议将要通过的定 (例如“忆及… 以及第 182 EX/ 41 号决定”)。
The representative of the Secretariat indicated that, similarly to document 182 EX 6 Part I, the General Conference resolution on the geographical distribution (35 C/Resolution 41) will need to include a reference to the decision which will be adopted by this session of the Executive Board (e.g. “Recalling… and 182 EX/Decision 41”).
我们支持秘书长关于联合国秘书处和非盟委员 会编写联合评估和建议的提议,这些评估和建议将用 来对非洲的危机作出定,例如,安理会授权的非洲 联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动即是如此。
We support the Secretary-General’s proposal for the United Nations Secretariat and the AU Commission to prepare joint assessments and
recommendations, which would be
[...] used in taking decisions on crises in Africa, as was the case, for example, with the [...]
Councilmandated African
Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur.
同时主管当局应直接、立即适用现有的法 律定,例如关 于非强制性调解的法律规定。
Meanwhile, there are existing legal provisions, such as noncompulsory conciliation, which should be directly and immediately applied by competent authorities.
这两种义务同等适用于发达国家和发展中国家,除非适用规定中另有具体定,例如《结核规章》和《硫化物规章》中提到的《里约宣言》原则 [...]
15;根据该 原则,各国应“视自身能力”适用预先防范办法。
Obligations of both kinds apply equally to developed and developing States, unless specifically provided otherwise in the applicable provisions, such as principle
15 of the Rio Declaration, referred to in
[...] the Nodules Regulations and the Sulphides [...]
Regulations, according to which States
shall apply the precautionary approach “according to their capabilities”.
The plenary meetings of the Conference and the meetings of the Main
Committees shall be held in public unless the
[...] body concerned decides otherwise, for instance for the negotiation [...]
of proposals.
一成员就供资问题指出,执行委员会以前通过的一项决定(第 43/37 号决定)允许
[...] 极低消费量国家为体制建设项目得到 30,000 美元,只要这些国家符合某些定, 例 如 制 订 控制消耗臭氧层物质进口的国家消耗臭氧层物质许可证制度和设有全职的消耗臭氧层物质 [...]
One Member noted, with respect to funding, that a previous decision of the Executive Committee (decision 43/37) allowed very low-volume-consuming countries (VLVCs) to access US $30,000
for IS projects provided that they
[...] met certain requirements, for example, having a national [...]
ODS licensing system controlling
ODS imports in place and a full-time ODS Officer.
虽然这些规定 并非意在要求颁布国颁布行为守则规范供应商或承包商与采购实体的关系,但 行为守则的一些定,例如与 “旋转门”的概念有关的规定,应当就私营部门 实体或个人与公职人员打交道间接地划定行为界限。
Although the provisions do not purport to mandate the enacting State to enact a code of conduct for suppliers or contractors in their relations with the procuring entity, some provisions of the code of conduct, such as those related to the concept of the “revolving door”, should indirectly establish boundaries for the behaviour of private sector entities or individuals with public officials.
。參與聯邦醫療 保險 A 部分和 B
[...] 部分的人士均可參與所在地區提供的任何聯邦醫療保險保健計劃,患有末期腎病的人士 除外(除非有定例外情況)。
Everyone who has Medicare Part A and Part B is eligible to join any Medicare
health plan that is offered in their area, except people with End-Stage Renal
[...] Disease (unless certain exceptions apply).
我 們 也 不 欲 在 一 些 現 有 規 則 之 外 , 另 再 訂 明 適 用 範
[...] 圍 可 能 十 分 廣 闊 的定 例 外 情 況 , 這 些 規 則 指 [...]
管 限 書 面 合 約 釋 義 的 普 通 法 規 則 以 及 相 應 的 處
理 可 否 接 納 口 頭 證 據 以 更 改 有 關 文 字 的 規 則 。
Nor would we wish to create
[...] yet another statutory exception, of potentially [...]
wide application, to the common law rules governing
the interpretation of written contracts, and the consequential rules of admissibility of parol evidence to vary the writing.
典型情况下,该系统由中央控制室操作,并依据测量的结果 定例 行 决 策。
Typically they are operated from a centralized control room and the measurement
[...] results drive routine decision making.
协定》还就若干事项作出定,例 如: 在总部地区适用的法律;法庭及法庭财产、资产和资金享有的豁免;法庭法 官和官员以及当事方代理人、律师和辩护人、被传出庭的证人和专家享有的特权、 豁免和特免待遇。
It contains provisions on matters such as the law applicable to the headquarters district, the immunity of the Tribunal, its property, assets and funds, and the privileges, immunities and exemptions accorded to the members of the Tribunal and its officials, as well as to Agents representing parties, counsel and advocates, and witnesses and experts who are required to appear before the Tribunal.
秘书长可依工作需要定例外, 如有要求,工作人员须在 正常工作时间以外工作。
Exceptions may be made by the Secretary-General as the needs of the service may require, and [...]
staff members shall be required
to work beyond the normal tour of duty when requested to do so.
为防止非法贩运化学品和危险废物的各项举措包括批准相关多边环境 定, 例如《 关于消耗臭氧层物质的蒙特利尔议定书》、5 《控制危险废物越境转移及其 处置巴塞尔公约》6 和《斯德哥尔摩公约》,以及《国际化学品管理战略方针》 等全球性举措。
Initiatives to prevent the illegal trafficking in chemicals and hazardous wastes included the ratification of relevant multilateral environmental agreements, such the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer,5 the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal,6 and the Stockholm Convention, as well as global initiatives such as the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.
(2)尤其是,条约是在 [《透明度规则》通过之日 ]后订立的,在该条约
[...] 中提及《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》应被推定为包括《透明度规则》,除非该条约 缔约方以其他方式另有定,例如, 提及了不包括《透明度规则》的《贸易法 [...]
(2) In particular, in a treaty concluded after [date of adoption of the Rules on Transparency], a reference in the treaty to the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules shall be presumed to include the
Rules on Transparency, unless the Parties to
[...] the treaty have agreed otherwise, such [...]
as through a reference to a particular version
of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules that does not include the Rules on Transparency”.
在 VRS Administration Console 中進行的任何定 (例如, 「例外處理」), 均 不會儲存在 VRS 設定檔中。
Any settings made in the VRS Administration Console (i.e., Exception Handling) [...]
will not be saved in the VRS profile.
拉美早期的区域主义始于纯 经济原因,表现形式是自由贸易定 , 例 如, 拉丁美洲自由贸易联盟-拉美自贸联盟 [...]
16 (1960年)、中美洲共同市场或中美市场 (1960年)、加勒比自由贸易联盟-加勒比 自贸联盟(1968年)和卡塔赫纳协定。
Early regionalism in Latin America originated from purely economic
reasons that became manifest in the form of
[...] free trade agreements such as the Latin [...]
America Free Trade Association—LAFTA
(1960), the Central American Common Market or CACM (1960), the Caribbean Free Trade Association—CARIFTA (1968) and the Cartagena Agreement (1969).
最后,介绍了缔约方会议在南非德 班举行的第十七届会议上通过的与缓解评估有关的 定 , 例 如 两年期更新报告、 国际磋商和分析、适合本国的缓解行动和适合本国的缓解行动登记册。
Lastly, the presentation provided an overview of decisions adopted by the Conference of the Parties at its seventeenth session in Durban, South Africa, that are relevant to mitigation assessment, such as the biennial update reports, international consultation and analysis, nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) and NAMA registry.
本部分应包括除标签规定外的关于度量衡标准的所有 定 , 例 如 ,在适当的情况下, 容器的填充物、重量、尺寸或采样和分析的适当方法决定的单位计数。
This section should include all provisions, other than labelling provisions, relating to weights and measures, e.g. where appropriate, fill of container, weight, measure or count of units determined by an appropriate method of sampling and analysis.
(8 ) 法 律 應 鼓 勵 所 有 人 向 執 法 機 關 提 供 自 己 所 能 提 供 的 資 料 和 協 助 , 但 一 般 而 言 , 除 非 已 有 訂 明 具 體 的定 例 外 情 況,否 則 法 律 不 應 規 定 某 人 在 違 反 自 己 意 願 的 情 況 下 提 供 導 致 自 己 入 罪 的 資 料 。
(8) The law should encourage all persons to provide whatever information and assistance they can to the law enforcement agencies. Generally, however, the law should not require any person to provide self-incriminatory information against his will, except where specific statutory exception is made.
当取得此种进展时,我 们就应予以定,例如对 妇女住房的管理有了非常令 人鼓舞的改进,这有可能大大促进对常常遭到暴力和 [...]
And when such progress takes place, we should
acknowledge it, as in the case of the very
[...] encouraging improved regulation on women’s shelters, [...]
which could potentially go a long
way towards protecting Afghan women and girls, who often have been at risk of violence and abuse.
在进行讨论后,执行委员会定例外 核 准黎巴嫩政府关于增拨 62,200 美元的申请(开 发计划署 57,300 美元和工发组织 [...]
4,900 美元),外加机构支助费用 4,666 美元(开发计划 署 4,298 美元和工发组织 368 美元),以
补偿该国 2006 年发生非常事件期间项目蒙受的损 失。
Following a discussion, the
[...] Executive Committee decided to approve, on an exceptional basis, the request [...]
by the Government of Lebanon
for an additional US $62,200 (US $57,300 for UNDP and US $4,900 for UNIDO) plus agency support costs of US $4,666 (US $4,298 for UNDP and US $368 for UNIDO) to cover the losses incurred by the project during the extraordinary events in the country in 2006.




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