

单词 官逼民反

External sources (not reviewed)

5 时,一武装恐怖团体用石块和橡胶轮胎封锁了 Kashaf 小区的小街僻巷, 用暴
At 0500 hours, an armed terrorist group
closed side roads in the Kashaf quarter with rocks and rubber tyres, using physical force
[...] to compel the residents torevolt.
此外,中不断和少里寻 求有关美国对缅政策和意图的信息。
Chineseofficials have also consistently sought informationfromopposition and ethnic group [...]
leaders about US policy and intentions in Myanmar.
委员会请缔约国提供资料,说明如何适用关于禁止采用逼供所获证据 的条款,以及是否任 受到起诉和处罚。
The Committee requests the State party to submit information on the application of the provisions prohibiting admissibility of
evidence obtained under
[...] duress and whetherany officials havebeenprosecuted and punished for extracting suchconfessions.
然而,在农村地区小股行动的上帝军持 续发动攻击 干达人民国防军基地附近寻求避难,使 Mboki 和与苏 丹边界之间的村庄空无一人。
[...] persistent attacksby LRA operating in small groups in rural areas have forced villagers toseek refuge [...]
near UPDF bases,
leaving the villages empty between Mboki and the border with the Sudan.
缔约国应进一步发展和强化现行教育方案,确保包括法官、检察官、拘留场 所公共监察员、执法人员、安全官员、村卫队成员以及监狱和 民官内 的所有官员都充分了解《公约》中的各项规定和绝对禁止实施酷刑的原则, 以及如果有任何约》的行为,将会被追究责任。
The State party should further develop and strengthen ongoing educational programmes to ensure that all officials, including judges and prosecutors, public inspectors of places of detention, law
enforcement personnel, security officers, members of the Village Guards
[...] and prison and immigrationofficials, are fully aware of the provisions of the Convention, the absolute prohibition of torture and that they will be held liable for any actions in contravention of theConvention.
圣文森特和格林纳丁斯希望增强负责执行制裁措施的服务的能力,在这方 面,有兴趣接受下列援助:对执法人员、 民官银行人员进训;提供查明身份、侦测、监测设备以及监测边境点的人员流动的适当技术和 数据处理工具;监测资金转账和外汇信息的技术和数据处理工具。
St. Vincent and the Grenadines would like to strengthen the capacities of the services responsible for the implementation of the sanctions measures and in that regard would be interested in receiving technical assistance for the following:
training for law
[...] enforcement personnel, immigrationofficers, customs officers and banking personnel in counter-terrorism; provisions [...]
of equipment for
identification, detection, surveillance and appropriate technological and data-processing tools to monitor the movement of persons at border points; technological and dataprocessing tools to monitor transfers of funds and foreign exchange information.
委员会请缔约国坚决禁止在任何诉讼中接受通过 酷刑获取的证据,并说明是否 因进到起诉和惩罚。
The Committee requests the State party to firmly prohibit admissibility of evidence obtained as a result of torture in any
proceedings, and provide information
[...] on whether any officialshave beenprosecuted and punished for extracting such confessions.
此外,2002 年《联合(主义措施)法》第 13 条规定,圣文森特和格 林纳丁斯警察部队的任何成员、任何海关官员、或任何 民官有合理理由怀 疑下列情况,可扣留任何现金:此款打算用于恐怖活动;此款属于该法第 2 条所 规定的意义内的恐怖分子财产。
Additionally, section 13 the
[...] United Nations (Anti-Terrorism Measures) Act, 2002 states that any member of the Royal Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Police Force, any customs officer,or any immigrationofficer may seize [...]
and detain any cash if
he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that: it is intended to be used for the purposes of a terrorist act, it is terrorist property within the meaning given in section 2 of the Act.
即使在被拘留者受到刑事起诉时,由于他们不得与外 界接触,而且家人不了解这些人的下落和命运,所造成的隐秘不定的状况罪假设,而且便利了严其他形式的虐待。
Even if detainees are criminally charged, the secrecy and insecurity caused by the denial of contact to the outside world and the fact that family members have no
knowledge of their
[...] whereabouts andfateviolate the presumption of innocence and are conduciveto confessions obtained under [...]
torture or other forms of ill-treatment.
缔约国应提供资料说明是否有任遭到 起诉和处罚。
The State party should provide
[...] information on whether anyofficials have been prosecuted and punished for extracting such confessions.
在第 10/2 号决议的第 6 段,人权理事会请各国政府向所有法官、律师、检 察官、社会工作者、民官警察,以及从事司法行政领域工作的其它专业人 员,包括在国外执行国际任务的人员,提供包括少年司法在内的司法方面的人权 培训,包主义、多种文化、对性别问题敏感和儿童权利培训等。
In paragraph 6 of resolution 10/2,
[...] the Human Rights Council invites governments to provide for training, including anti-racist, multicultural and gender-sensitive and child rights training, in human rights in the administration of justice, including juvenile justice, for all judges, lawyers, prosecutors, social workers, immigration and police officers and other professionals working in the field of administration of justice, including personneldeployed in [...]
international field presences.
框架调查和渔业普查已提供了无 价的信息,但将这些努计中还需要一些时间。
Frame surveys and fisheries censuses have already yielded invaluable
information, but it may require some time beforereflect the results of these
[...] efforts are reflected in theofficial statistics.
过去几年,阿塞拜疆军事预算成倍增加(2012 年国防预算为 34.7
[...] 亿美元), 而且阿塞拜疆领导人持续使用咄尼亚的粗暴言辞,这也加大了 二国之间的差距,加剧了南高加索地区紧张局势,并严重破坏了旨在和平解决 [...]
The manifold increase of Azerbaijan’s military budget over the last years (the defence budget for 2012
is $3.47 billion) and the persistent
[...] aggressive andharsh anti-Armenian rhetoric [...]
of the Azerbaijani leadership also increase
the gap between the two nations, heighten the tension in the region of the South Caucasus and seriously undermine the negotiation process aimed at the peaceful settlement of existing problems, particularly the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
另一方面,叛乱分子至 少对 75%的平民伤亡负有责任,他们把无辜人盾们提供支持,抓他们当人质,以及对他 们的收获征税。
Insurgents, on the other hand, are responsible for at least 75 per cent ofcivilian casualties, and they use innocentcivilians ashuman shields, extort them for support, take them as hostages and tax their harvests.
政治隔离:许多国家的政府限制或禁止向其 福音内的信徒。
Political Isolation: Numerous governments restrict or forbid the
[...] evangelizationof their citizens, andpersecute believers [...]
inside the country.
若干代表团介绍了为在亚太区域推动以权利为本的包容残疾人的发展 而在最近采取的各种政策和方案,包括通过 视法认和推广手 语、扩大为有听力障碍人提供的教育,努力为贫困残疾人提供现金补助、以 [...]
Several delegations reported on newly introduced policies and programmes to enhance rights-based disability-inclusive development in
the region, including the
[...] introductionofanti-discrimination laws,official recognition and promotion [...]
of sign language,
the expansion of education for persons with hearing impairment as well as efforts to provide cash transfers to persons with disabilities living in poverty and comprehensive medical and rehabilitation services.
[...] 和定罪是因为政治圈和公众对本案的关注,以及法官之间的团结一致,缔约国认 为这种说法毫无依据,因为申诉人从 任何对他的审判。
The complainant’s allegations that the criminal proceedings and his conviction had been motivated by the interest shown in his case in political circles and by the public, and the judges’ sense of collegial solidarity,
were baseless, given that at no time did
[...] he object to the participation of any of the judges responsible for [...]
trying him.
该战略的一个重大目标是,将性别观点和方法纳入社会科学及 人文科学部门的所有计划规划、实施及评估过程,特别是视、增 理、国际移民、消除贫困、城市发展、伦理及人类安全等行动项下的计划。
One major objective of this strategy is to integrate the gender perspective and approach in all programme planning, implementation, and evaluation in the Social and Human Sciences Sector, particularly under the actions on struggle against discrimination, promotion of democracy and democratic governance, international migration, poverty eradication, urban development, ethics, and human security.
[...] 式下达,尽管她的律师曾数次向首席 官反等法院法官不当地迟迟不以书面 [...]
However, her case could not be scheduled before the Court of Appeal because the judgment of the High Court had still not been issued in writing,
although her lawyer had on several occasions
[...] consulted withthe Chief Justice on the [...]
unwarranted delay on the part of the High
Court judge to submit his ruling in writing.




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