

单词 官费

See also:

organ of body
surname Guan

External sources (not reviewed)

(c) 联合国官费用增 加,因为特派任务生活津贴费率提 高,并支付了警察部门分阶段缩编的费用,包括 236 名警官的回国费用。
(c) Increased costs for United Nations police officers associated with [...]
increased mission subsistence allowance rates and
the costs of the repatriation of 236 police officers as part of the phased drawdown of the police component.
半职法官的预 算为专职官费用的50%。
Half-time judges are budgeted for on the basis of
[...] 50 per cent of the cost of full-time judges.
内部司法理事会保留在其上一次报告(A/66/158)第 12 段中所述看法,即如 修订争议法庭规约,以提供预算定为全职 官费 用的 75%的两名半职官的经费, 而不是预算定为全职法官的 50%的两名半职官的经费,就 可能无需增设一名半 职法官。
The Internal Justice Council maintains the view expressed in paragraph 12 of its previous report (A/66/158) that the
need for an additional
[...] half-time judge might be avoided if the statute of the Dispute Tribunal were to be amended to provide for two part-time judges budgeted at 75 per cent of the cost of a full-time judge, instead of two half-time judges budgeted at 50 per cent of the cost of a full-time judge.
主席:按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀 请以下各位参加本次会议:主管维持和平行动副秘 书长埃尔韦·苏和先生;联合国刚果民主共和国稳 定特派团部队指挥官钱德尔·普拉卡什中将;联合 国驻黎巴嫩临时部队指挥官兼特派团团长保罗·塞 拉少将;联合国南苏丹共和国特派团部队指挥官摩 西·比松·奥比少将;联合国海地稳定特派团部队 指官费尔南 多·罗德里格斯·古拉特少将。
): In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Hervé Ladsous, Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations; Lieutenant General Chander Prakash, Force Commander of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; Major General Paolo Serra, Force Commander and Head of Mission of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon; Major General Moses Bisong Obi, Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in the Republic of South Sudan; and Major General Fernando Rodrigues Goulart, Force Commander of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti, to participate in this meeting.
如果修正关于半职法官的规定,改为设兼职法官,如 果将现有的两个半职法官的预算由一名专职 官费 用 的 50%增至75%,现有的半 职法官每年就可以根据案件量和工作量需要用多于6个月的时间为争议法庭工 [...]
Were the provision for half-time judges amended to provide for part-time judges and were the budget
for the existing two
[...] half-time judges increased from 50 per cent to 75 per cent of the cost of a full-time judge, [...]
the need for a third half-time
judge might be avoided, as it would mean the existing half-time judges could devote more than six months a year to the Dispute Tribunal, as required by caseload and workflow demands.
事实上,我国外交使团曾遭遇到恐怖行径、袭击 和挑衅行为,古巴外交官曾经遇袭,甚至被刺杀,其 中包括古巴外官费利克 斯·加西亚·罗德里格斯, 他 1980 年 9 月 11 日于光天化日下在纽约街头遭到枪 击。
In fact, our country’s diplomatic missions have been victim to terrorist acts, attacks and provocations, and Cuban diplomats have been attacked and even assassinated, including the Cuban diplomat Felix García Rodriguez, shot in broad daylight on the streets of New York on 11 September 1980.
2 他已经等了12 年,没有能力支付12,000 欧元律师和检官费用,结果 只是看着自己的案子再拖10年或12 年。律师和检官费用高 昂,导致不可能用 尽国内补救办法。
The high cost of hiring a lawyer and solicitor makes the exhaustion of remedies impossible.
与其余两名上诉官有关的费用列 入了卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭的拟议预 算中(A/66/368)。
Costs relating to the two remaining appeals judges are included in [...]
the proposed budget for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (A/66/368).
将根据根据相关政府部门记录的物质的进出 官 方 数 据对 费 量 进行监测和确定。
The consumption will be monitored and
[...] determined based on official import and export data [...]
for the Substances recorded by relevant government departments.
1.117 非员额支出用途项下 3 242 500 美元的款额、除其他外、用于给争议法庭和上诉法庭法官的报 酬;顾费;法官、内 部司法理事会成员、内部司法办公室执行主任和首席书 官 的 差 旅 费; 一般业务费和其他业务所需经费。
1.117 Under non-post objects of expenditure, the amount of $3,242,500 relates, inter
alia, to
[...] compensation for the judges of the Dispute and Appeals Tribunals, consultants, travel of the judges, the members of the Internal Justice Council and the Executive Director and the Principal Registrar of the Office of Administration of Justice, general operating expenses and other operational [...]
非员额所需经费为 23 836 400
美元,减少了 7 935 200
[...] 美元,将用于提供 一般临时人员的经费,包括审判高峰期和上诉的支助、文件翻译和索引项目、加 班费、在审判各阶段程序中协助审判小组的鉴定人和咨询人、调查员和检 官的 旅费,以及用于检官办公室工作人员不断进行培训的订约承办事务。
Non-post requirements in the amount of $23,836,400, reflecting a decrease of $7,935,200, would provide for general temporary assistance, including peak trial and appeals support, the document translation and indexing project, overtime, expert witnesses and consultants to assist trial teams in the trial stages of proceedings, travel
of investigators and
[...] prosecutors, and contractual services for the ongoing training of the staff of the Office of the Prosecutor.
在讨论根据第 61/47 号决定需补充到计算起点的基准的预混多元醇所含 HCFC-141b 的数量时,开发计划署注意到,2007
[...] 年该数据存在一些误差,因为事实上,该年部分 HCFC-141b 预混多元醇消费量被报告为第 7 条规定官方消费量。
In discussing the amount of HCFC-141b in pre-blended polyols that would need to be added to the baseline for the calculation of the starting point in accordance with decision 61/47, UNDP noted some errors in the figure for 2007 owing to the fact that
part of the HCFC-141b pre-blended polyol consumption during this
[...] year was reported as official consumption under [...]
Article 7.
这些所需费涉及延续官的任期、代表的费、增 加一般临时人员以恢复 2009 年裁撤的和定于 2011 年裁撤的职能、以及所需 的其他业务经费。
Those requirements
[...] related to the extension of the terms of judges, travel of representatives, increased [...]
general temporary assistance
for the reinstatement of functions abolished in 2009 and scheduled for abolition in 2011, and other operational requirements.
[...] 法官的养恤金办法(见报告第 15 至第 17 段)扩及持续服务超过 3 年的审 案官,在经费上便有各种牵涉。
In section IV of his report, the Secretary-General sets out the financial implications of a General Assembly decision to extend the pension scheme currently applicable to permanent judges
of the two Tribunals (see paras. 15–17 of the
[...] report) to ad litem judges with more than three [...]
years’ continuous service.
经费净减的原因如下:退休/去世官 养 恤 金所需费 减少(286 000 美元);官酬金所需费减少,因为 2012 年官总人数从 17 人 减至 14 人,2013 年常任法官进一步减至 6 人(3 098 700 美元);官差旅费减 少(82 000 美元);被官酬金经费增加部分抵消,因为依照大会第 65/258 号决 议向 8 名审案法官一次性发放一笔惠给金(279 800 美元)。
The net decrease in provision is attributable to: reduced requirements for
pension in respect of
[...] retired/deceased judges ($286,000); reduced requirements for honoraria of judges on account of the decrease in the number of judges from the current total of 17 to 14 in 2012 and the further reduction to 6 permanent judges in 2013 ($3,098,700); decrease in travel of judges ($82,000); partially offset by the increase in the provision for compensation of judges on account [...]
of a one-time ex gratia
payment to 8 ad litem judges in accordance with General Assembly resolution 65/258 ($279,800).
将根据从相关政府部门的数据以及与经销商和消费者提供的数据的比较核实,根据 相关政府部门记录的物质进出官方 数 据对 费 量 进 行监测。
The consumption will be monitored based on data
collected from relevant government departments and crosschecking it with
[...] data collected from the distributors and consumers.
近东救济工程处还表示,除了拟设的 官 和 书 记 官 长 员额 的 费用 之 外,其内部司法系统每年的运作费用将为 100 万美元,这笔费用由近东救济工 [...]
In addition to the cost of the proposed posts for a Judge and a Registrar, [...]
UNRWA also indicated that the operation of its
administration of justice system would amount to $1 million per year, to be funded from the UNRWA General Fund.
国际指导小组是一个由 25
[...] 个国家组成的机构,它任 命了一位经验丰富的国际外官、 彼得 · 费 特 先生担 任科索沃问题国际文职人员代表,领导国际文职人员 [...]
The ISG, a body comprised of 25
States, appointed an experienced
[...] international diplomat, Mr. Pieter Feith, as the International [...]
Civilian Representative
for Kosovo to lead the International Civilian Office (ICO).
秘书长指出 2010-2011 两年期所需增 加的费将视审案官服务期限的实际终止日期而定,所涉实际费用将 [...]
The Secretary-General notes that the additional requirements for the biennium 2010– 2011
would be subject to the actual
[...] dates of completion of the judges’ terms of service, and [...]
that the actual expenditures would
be addressed in the context of the relevant performance reports.
因此,咨询委员会同意秘书长关于下列问题的建议:审案法官年薪数额,根 据服务时间长短,按比例领薪,适用下限/上限措施;目前适用于两法庭 官的 差旅费及生 活津贴条例也适用于审案法官;并规定只有因在法庭服务而受伤或患 病才可以领取残疾津贴。
Accordingly, the Advisory Committee agreed with the proposals of the Secretary-General concerning the level of annual salary, prorated for length of service and with application of the floor-ceiling measures, the extension of the application of the travel and subsistence regulations in effect for the judges of the Tribunals to the ad litem judges, and the provision of disability benefits limited to injury or illness attributable to service with the Tribunal.
图 6 列出了假设性的 PCT 收入预测,其依据为以下假设:(1)在提起申请的同一年缴纳全费用,和(2)全费用按 WIPO 官方汇率兑换成瑞郎。
Chart 6 shows provides the hypothetical PCT income forecast which is based
on the assumptions that (1) all fees are paid within the same of year of filing
[...] and (2) all fees are converted to Swiss francs according to WIPO official exchange rates.
MOECAF will liaise with importers and retailers of ODS to obtain HCFC consumption data
[...] and cross-check with data from the Customs Department.
大会在第 55/249 号决议中,赞同咨询委员会关于前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 审案官薪酬、差费和生 活津贴条例以及残疾偿金的意见和建议(A/55/806, 第7至15段)。
The observations and recommendations of the Advisory
Committee on the emoluments,
[...] travel and subsistence regulations and disability payments for the ad litem judges of the International [...]
Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia (A/55/806, paras. 7-15) were endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/249.
在下一次全面审查服务条件时,将再次对法院法官以及两个法庭 官 子 女费用进行审查。
The next review of the costs of educating children of the members of the Court and the judges of the Tribunals will be conducted at the time of the next comprehensive review of the conditions of service.
可能需要联黎部队在盖杰尔发挥关键作用。据此,2009/10 年度拟议预算包 括一笔咨询服务费,用于两名官 , 每人工作六个月。
UNIFIL may be required to play a central role in Ghajar and, on this
basis, the 2009/10 budget proposal includes a provision for consultancy
[...] services for two police officers for six months each.
[...] 成立最高司法委员会,并在重建投资的范围内为其提供经适当培训的工作人员, 为其提供绝对独立运行和按照现行规定招聘 官 所 需 要的 费。
The Independent Expert again recommends that the Supreme Council of the Judiciary should be established and provided, in particular in the context of the financing of reconstruction, with properly trained staff and the funding it needs to
operate with absolute independence and to proceed with
[...] the recruitment of judges according to the [...]
regulations in force.
法院还忆及,大会 1946 年在 1946 年 12 月 11 日第 86(I)号决议中 重申法院官养恤金的费用全 部由联合国承担,这就是说,法院法官无需向联合 国养恤金基金缴款。
The Court further recalls that in 1946, the General Assembly reaffirmed, in its
resolution 86 (I) of 11
[...] December 1946, that the costs of pensions of members of the Court were to be borne [...]
entirely by the United
Nations, that is to say, members of the Court would not have to contribute to the pension fund of the Organization.
这些建议呼吁他在联合国系统范围 内采取行动:(a) 汇编和整理关于内部环境管理的现有文书和指导原 则,(b) 建立内部碳抵消机制以节省采购清洁发展机制发布的经认证 排放减量的佣金和其费用,(c) 发布官协调 会报告书,以不仅促 进实现气候中性,而且促进各组织秘书处落实所有多边环境协定。
These recommendations call on him to take initiatives within the United Nations system to (a) compile and streamline existing instruments and guidelines on in-house environmental management, (b) launch an internal carbon
offsetting mechanism to
[...] save brokerage and other costs for the purchase of certified emission reductions (CERs) issued by the Clean Development Mechanism, and (c) issue a CEB statement [...]
designed to promote not only achieving
climate neutrality, but also the implementation of all MEAs by the secretariats of the organizations.
可用这笔费支付法官在其 正常居住地以外的地方 进行准备工作时支领的每日生活津贴或当其从事法庭工作时支领的特别津贴和 [...]
Subject to authorization by the President, this
provision may be utilized to pay
[...] daily subsistence allowance to judges when they carry [...]
out preparatory work away from their
normal place of residence, or special and daily subsistence allowances when they are engaged in the business of the Tribunal.




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