

单词 官能团

See also:


faculty (i.e. specific ability)



organ of body
surname Guan

External sources (not reviewed)

实 情 却 是 在 香 港 来 说,‚ 案 中 案 ‛ 程 序 在 地 方 法 院 审
讯 中 的 使 用 频 密 程 度 几 乎 与 原 讼 庭 的 一 样 , 而 在
[...] 地 方 法 院 进 行 的 审 讯 中 , 法 官 开 庭 之 时 并 无 陪 审 团 在 场 ,顸 履 行陪 审
The fact is that in Hong Kong the procedure is used almost as frequently in trials in
the District Court,
[...] where thejudge sits without a jury and performs the function ofboth judgeandjury, as [...]
it is in the High Court.
据 案 情 所 示 , 虽 然 检 察 官 未 有 向 陪 审 团 清 楚 表 明 他 是
根 据 一 份 未 经 证 明 为 可 接 纳 为
[...] 证 据 的 文 件 来 进 行 盘 问,但 陪结 论 认 为 检据 上 诉 人 以 前 所 作 的 一 些 陈 [...]
述 来 提 出 问 题 。
On the facts, Crown Counsel did not inform the jury expressly that he was cross-examining from a
document not proved to be
[...] admissible in evidence, but the jury maywell have concluded that counsel was [...]
basing his question
on some statement made previously by the appellant.
可 以 进 行 陪 审 团 会 审 的 罪 行 , 通 常
[...] 具 有 以 下 特 点 : 该 罪 行 属 法 例 上 订 明 顸 於 原 讼 法 庭 审 讯 的 最 严 重 罪 行 类 别 , 或 者 犯 罪 者 一 旦 被 定 罪 便 相 当判 处 超 过 七 年 的 监 禁 刑 期 , 又 或 者 为 公 众 利 益 貣 见 , 该 案 件 应 由审 讯 。
The usual characteristics of an offence triable with a jury are that it is an offence of the most serious kind which is prescribed by statute to be heard
in the Court of First
[...] Instance, or that the likely sentence upon conviction exceeds seven years’ imprisonment, or that it is in the public interest that the case should be triedbefore a judgeanda jury.
建 议 4 会 令 到方 律 师 及 控 方 能 尌 被 控 人 拒 绝 回 答 执 法 人 员 所 提 出 的 问 题 一 事 发 表 意 见,并 会 令 到 陪团 能被 控 人 拒 绝 作 答 以 及 建 议 5 的 B 部 和 建 议 7 ( 4 ) 中 的 有 关 部 分 而 作 出 不 利 於 被 控 人 的 推 断( 该 等 部 分 是 关 於 [...]
在 查 问 被 控 人 之 前 和 在 落 案 貣 诉 被 控 人 之
後 尌 他 拒 绝 作 答 会 有 何 後 果 所 作 出 的 警 告 )。
The recommendations not endorsed by the minority
are Proposal 4
[...] which would enable the judge, defencecounsel and prosecution to comment on an accused's refusal to answer questions put to him by a law enforcement officer and would entitle the jury to drawan adverse [...]
inference against
the accused because of such refusal and the parts of Proposals 5B and 7(4) which entail a warning of these consequences being given to a person before he is questioned and after he is charged.
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly
behaviour, a minor
[...] gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may onhis own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule [...]
that the minor shall,
for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
一旦被告发推翻定罪或判决的理由後,上诉局的一名成员会全面审核审判法庭和相关司法当局的执行过程,并向上诉法院提交简要说明,然後在由五名法官组成的 官团针对上诉案进行辩论。
Once the defendant hasidentified the grounds upon which he wishes to challenge his conviction or
[...] sentence, a member of the Appeals Bureau thoroughly reviews both the proceedings in the trial court and the relevant legal authorities, submits a brief to the appellate court, and then argues the appeal, typically before a panel offive judges.
在应未依第 120 节规定登记的团体之要求副署申请表後,依据第 113A 或 113B 节规定提供资讯的情况下,如成员 员工披露该资讯,则构成犯罪;除非是在其履行职责的过程中,向其他成员员工披露该资讯。
Where information is provided under section 113A or 113B following an application countersigned at the request of a body which is not
registered under section 120,
[...] a member, officer or employee of the body commits an offence if he discloses the information unless he discloses it, in the course of his duties, to another member, officer or employee ofthat body.
4.1 从事投资公司业务,以及就此目的,收购及持有(不论以本公司名义或以任何代 名人的名义)土地及房地产、黄金及白银、由任何公司(不论其注册成立或营业
地点)所发行或担保的股份(包括本公司股份)、股额、债权证、债权股证、债 券、
[...] 票据、责任及证券,以及由任何最高、附属、市级、地方或全球任何地方的政 府、君主、统治者、 机关所发行或担保的债权证、债权股证、 [...]
4.1 To carry on the business of an investment company and for that purpose to acquire and hold, either in the name of the Company or in that of any nominee, land and real estate, gold and silver bullion, shares (including shares in the Company), stocks, debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed by any company wherever incorporated or carrying on business and debentures, debenture stock, bonds, notes, obligations and securities issued or guaranteed
by any government, sovereign, ruler,
[...] commissioners,publicbody or authority, supreme, [...]
dependent, municipal, local or otherwise in any part of the world.
检察机关和法院处理家庭暴力案件的方法也 有了改进,包括扩大决策基础,以更全面地了解每个家庭
[...] 暴力案件,查明事实和以往的历史,使检 官能了解 所有已掌握的事实,包括是否有任何其他机构对这一事件 [...]
Improvements relating to the intervention of public prosecution authorities and the courts in domestic violence cases included broadening of the decision-making basis in order to gain a more comprehensive understanding of each case of domestic violence and
establishing the facts and past histories so
[...] that the publicprosecutor had a complete [...]
picture of all the known facts, including
whether any other authority had reacted to the incident.
[...] 联及其附属公司、联营公司、其他国有企业及其由中国政府直接或间接控制之附属公司,及本 团能 或有明显影响之 其他实体及公司,及本集团和津联之主要管理层及其家庭成员。
On that basis, related parties include Tsinlien, its subsidiaries and associates, other state-owned enterprises and their subsidiaries directly or indirectly controlled by the
PRC government, and other
[...] entities and corporations in which the Company isable to control or [...]
exercise significant influence
and key management personnel of the Company and Tsinlien as well as their close family members.
[...] 适当数量的注意事项和明确的接战规则,以便部队 指官能成共同的行动目标。
On another, related issue, it is very important that a balanced number of
caveats and clear rules of engagement be defined in order to
[...] allow aforce commanderto reach the [...]
common operational goals.
随着我们继续逐步确定国际刑院的下一任检察 官人选,我们期待着看到供职于国际刑院的检官能保在适用《罗马规约》时维护这些基本法律结果 和法律原则。
As we continue the process of identifying the next prosecutor of the Court, we look forward to seeing a prosecutor whowill work with the Court to ensure that those fundamental legal outcomes and legal doctrines are upheld in the application of the Rome Statute.
他指 出,最高法院没有努力委任可以审查其上诉许可申诉的第五名法官,并且在他提
[...] 出申诉的同一天,最高法院决定没有代理 官能 法定人数,这表明法庭并没 有努力寻找一名替代法官,其行政安排未能够掌控这样的局势。
He points out that the Supreme Court made no efforts to appoint a fifth judge that could examine his application for leave to appeal and, the same
day his application was lodged, it decided
[...] that no acting judgewere available [...]
to complete the quorum, which shows that the
Court did not try to find a substitute judge or that its administrative arrangements failed to prevail this kind of situations.
补偿金额根据暴力犯罪所造成的下述重大损害确定:因无法工作而造成的 损害,受害者的医疗费用,因受害者死亡所造成的重大损害,给眼镜、假牙、隐 形眼镜及其他替代身官能具造成的损害,给衣服造成的损害,以及受害者 的丧葬费用。
The amount of compensation is determined on the basis of the following material damage caused by a crime of violence: damage arising from incapacity for work, expenses for the medical treatment of the victim, material damage arising from the death of the victim, damage caused to spectacles, dentures, contact lenses and other appliances substituting for bodily functions and to clothes, and the victim’s funeral expenses.
团 能被 投 资 单 位 实 施 控 制 的 [...]
长 期 股 权 投 资,以 及 对 被 投 资 单 位 不 具 有 共 同 控 制 或 重 大 影 响, 且 在 活 跃 市 场 中 没 有 报 价、公 允 价 值 不 能 可
靠 计 量 的 长 期 股 权 投 资,采 用 成 本 法 核 算。
The cost method is
[...] used whentheGroup controls the [...]
invested enterprise or when the Group does not jointly control or have
significant influence over the invested enterprise, and the long term equity investments are not quoted in active markets, and have no reliably measurable fair values.




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