

单词 官样

See also:

surname Guan
organ of body

External sources (not reviewed)

德米斯图拉先生的 通报不只是一官样文章 的报告,而且也是一份为了 实现阿富汗复苏而与阿富汗人民和政府并肩生活和 [...]
More than a mere bureaucratic report, Mr. de [...]
Mistura’s briefing was the testimony of someone who lives and works side by
side with the people and Government of Afghanistan in restoring peace.
这其中涉及到的利害关系远远超出几 官样 文 章 的意义。
The stakes are much greater
[...] than a few lines in an official text.
两法庭均认为,鉴于审案法官的服务期限将超过 3 年,而且他们履 行的职责与常任法官相同,他们应享有与常任 官 一 样 的 薪 酬、福利和 津贴。
It is argued by both Tribunals that, since the period of service of ad litem judges will have exceeded three years and since they will have assumed the same responsibilities as
the permanent judges,
[...] ad litem judges should be entitled to the same remuneration, benefits and allowances paid to the permanent judges.
另外,我还要欢迎卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭(卢 旺达问题国际法庭)庭长和检察官丹尼斯·拜伦法官 (前任)、哈立达·拉希德·汗法官(现任)和哈桑·贾 洛法官,他们同前南问题国际法庭庭长和检 官一 样,在 结束国际司法史上的一个重要篇章中发挥了重 要作用,同时为建立继续处理两法庭遗留工作的新机 构贡献了力量。
At the same time, I would also like to welcome the President and the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Judge Dennis Byron before and Judge Khalida Rachid Khan now, and Justice Hassan B. Jallow, who, in parallel with the President and the Prosecutor of the ICTY, play an important role in closing one of the important chapters in the history of international justice and, at the same time, contribute to the establishment of the new body that will continue the legacies of the two Tribunals.
(j) 阐明了如同在综合维持和平行动中由特派团团长担任指 官 员 那 样 ,安 保管理小组也可根据指定官员的指派,包括组成部分、办公科室主管。
(j) Clarifies that in line with integrated peacekeeping
operations, where the Head of Mission serves as
[...] the designated official, the security management [...]
team may also include heads of
components, offices or sections, as specified by the designated official.
(a) 一般准则中所描述的采样方法或从事某种食品或食品组别工作的国际组织制定官 方采样方法为首选方法。
(a) Sampling methods described in the
[...] General Guidelines or official methods of sampling elaborated [...]
by international organizations occupying
themselves with a food or a group of foods are preferred.
特别法庭庭长和检官认为这样的机 会对他们履行 任务非常有帮助。
The President and Prosecutor of the Special Court [...]
have found such opportunities to be most helpful to their mandate.
但实际上,正如任何管理体系分散 官 僚 机构 一 样 , 秘 书处及 其领导在决定重大事宜和一系列可能的解决方案时拥有或多或少的权利。
In reality, as in any bureaucracy where governance [...]
has a dispersed structure, the secretariat and its leadership play a
greater or lesser role in defining the important issues, and determining the range of possible solutions.
[...] 权的所有官员援引豁免,而不是说一名官员以官方身份履职(这等同于将事实上 的属人豁免赋予它的所有国官员), 这 样 可 能会对事实上以个人身份所从事的 行为产生豁免。
Some concerns were expressed that if a State could invoke the immunity for all of its officials enjoying immunity ratione materiae without substantiation as to the nature of the act, other than to say that an official was acting in an official capacity, that would be tantamount to
according de facto immunity ratione personae
[...] to all its State officials, leading to the possibility [...]
of immunity for acts in fact
committed in a private capacity.
如果运动员或兴奋剂检官发现 编号不 样 , 兴 奋剂检 官 应 指 示运动员按照 第 C.4.4 条选择另一套工具。
If the Athlete or DCO finds that the numbers are not the same, the DCO shall instruct the Athlete to choose another kit in accordance with C.4.4.
应请粮农组织和世卫组织两总干事从他们两个组织的职员中任命一名本委员 会秘书以及为协助本委员会领导人员和秘书履行本委员会工作所要求的一切职责所 必要的其官员,这些官员同样对他 们负责。
The Directors-General of FAO and WHO shall be requested to appoint from the staffs of their organizations a Secretary of the Commission and such other officials, likewise responsible to them,
as may be necessary to
[...] assist the officers and the Secretary in performing all duties that the work of the Commission may require.
基金官员将同样享受 与 基金有关的独立行使其官方职能所必需的特权和豁免权。
The officials of the Fund will similarly enjoy such privileges [...]
and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise
of their official functions in connection with the Fund.
争议法庭可在任何时候根据当事方的申请或自行下达任何命令或发出任何 指示,只要在官看来,这样做对 公正、迅速了结案件并使各当事方获得司法公 [...]
The Dispute Tribunal may at any time, either on an application of a party or on its own initiative,
issue any order or give any
[...] direction which appears to a judge to be appropriate for [...]
the fair and expeditious disposal of
the case and to do justice to the parties.
根据《宪法》(第 12.5
[...] 条)和《刑事诉讼法典》(第 240 条),被拘留者拥有在 被逮捕之后 24 小时内被带到主管法官那里的权利,以便 官 在 同 样 期 限内裁决 预防性羁押的理由是否充分,是否应当适用其他措施或者是否应当以证据不足为 由下令释放被告人。
In accordance with the Constitution (art. 12.5) and the Code of Criminal Procedure (art. 240), the detainee has the right to
be brought before a
[...] competent judge within 24 hours of his arrest so that the judge may rule, within the same period, whether [...]
preventive detention
is justified, whether to apply alternative measures or whether to order the release of the accused for lack of evidence.
其他 措施有:(1)2009 年 1
[...] 月,内阁发布命令,增加国家打击人口贩运活动委员会的检官人数;(2)同样在 1 月份,有 80 名警察和司法官员举行了一次集思广议会,以 [...]
讨论关于人口贩运的国家战略;(3)有 15 名执法官员在国外接受了培训。
Other steps include: 1) In January 2009, the Cabinet issued orders to increase the number of prosecutors to the National Committee to Combat Human
Trafficking. 2) Still in January, 80
[...] police and judicial officials held a brainstorming [...]
session to discuss the national strategy
on human trafficking. 3) Training of 15 law enforcement officials was received abroad.
在 缅甸,儿童基金会培训了
[...] 1,900 名警官,使他们了解有利于儿童的程序,并制作 了一本口袋书,样警官可以 带着这本书值勤。
In Myanmar, UNICEF
[...] trained 1,900 police officials in child-friendly procedures [...]
and developed a pocket-sized book that officers could carry on the job.
但是,他可在两种 情形下收集证据:在一当事方或一参与诉讼的被害人的请求下,并且请求方或被
[...] 害人在盖然性权衡后显示其本身无法收集证据而预审 官 亦 认为 这 样 做 有 利于 司法工作(规则 92 (A));第二,当一当事方或参与诉讼的被害人无法收集“一件 [...]
言必不可缺(规则 92(C))。
. He may, however, collect evidence in two situations: at the request of a party or a victim participating in the proceedings, when the requesting party or the victim demonstrates, on a balance of probabilities, that it is not in a
position to collect the evidence itself, and
[...] the Pre-Trial Judge considers that doing so would [...]
be in the interests of justice (rule
92 (A)); and secondly, where a party or a victim participating in the proceedings is unable to collect “an important piece of evidence” that the Pre-Trial Judge deems indispensable to the fair administration of justice, the equality of arms and the search for truth (rule 92 (C)).
样,据报告,官有 时 在庭审期间拒绝采取行动,就示威者和被逮捕者提出的有关酷刑和虐待的投诉 开展后续行动。
Likewise, in several cases, judges reportedly refused [...]
during court hearings to take action to follow up on complaints of
torture and ill-treatment filed by demonstrators and others who had been arrested.
[...] 法官无权确定活动是否具有欺诈性或就债务人业务是否合法作出裁决;因此, 审理破产事项的官很难适用样的 条 款,因为例如对欺诈的认定属于刑事法 院法官的职权范围。
In some jurisdictions, including that of Colombia, insolvency judges do not have competence to determine whether activities are fraudulent or to rule on the legitimacy or otherwise of a debtor’s business; it would therefore
be very difficult for such a
[...] provision to be applied by judges hearing insolvency matters [...]
since the determination of fraud,
for example, falls within the competence of criminal court judges.
如非洲的其他国家样,中国官员经常将农 业称为一个主要的合作领域,但至今还没有什么政 [...]
As elsewhere on the
[...] continent, Chinese officials often cite agriculture [...]
as a primary area for cooperation, but little government
or private investment has materialised so far.
样,法官和检 察官执行以下领域——从司法互 助到制度化腐败问题——新的法律规定的技术能力有限。
Similarly, judges and prosecutors [...]
have limited technical skills to implement new legal provisions in areas ranging from
mutual legal assistance to institutionalised corruption.
(d) 在缔约国领土全境设立专门的少年法庭,要配备足够的人力、技术和 财政资源,以及在所有地区为儿童采用专门的 官 并 确保 这 样 的 专门 法 官 接 受适 当的教育和培训
(d) Establish specialized juvenile courts with adequate human, technical and financial resources throughout the territory of the
State party, introduce
[...] specialized judges for children in all the regions and ensure that such specialized judges receive appropriate [...]
education and training
所以,捐助方应该继续如同在 千年首脑会议上重申的样,努力将 官 方 发展援助捐款额提高至国民总收入的 0.7%。
Donors should therefore
[...] continue to aim to increase ODA contributions to the [...]
0.7 per cent of gross national income target,
as reaffirmed at the Millennium Summit.
至于非低消费量国家,像技术人 员和海官员的培训样的项 目应该在国家制冷行业长远战略的框架下进行编 [...]
制,并根据第 31/48 号决定 C 部分进行审议。
For non low-volume countries, projects
such as training of technicians and
[...] training of customs officers would be prepared in [...]
the framework of a national long-term
strategy for the refrigeration sector and considered in accordance with Decision 31/48, part C. When preparing new RMPs, as well as during implementation of approved RMPs, training activities related to the refrigeration servicing sector and customs officers should build on the results of any earlier training activities.
委员会建议缔约国在报告提交的同时,随即向公众提供并供查阅,及委员 会就各份定期报告发表的意见也样 相 应 以 官 方 和 其它通用语言公布。
The Committee recommends that the State party’s reports be made readily available and accessible to the public at the time of their submission, and that the observations of the
Committee with respect to
[...] these reports be similarly publicized in the official and other commonly [...]
used languages, as appropriate.
[...] 管辖权的时候,必须依法考虑外国国家官员根据国际法规定可能享有的所有豁免 权,因此有义务避免起诉样的官员。
When considering exercising universal jurisdiction over persons suspected of serious crimes of international concern, national criminal justice authorities are legally bound to take into account all the immunities to which foreign State
officials may be entitled under international law and are consequently obliged to refrain from
[...] prosecuting those officials.
[...] 国家行为也属官员本人的行为,并建议,将某一不法行为的责任归属于国家的标 准应样用于确定官员是 否享有属事豁免及这种豁免的范围,在这方面加以区分 [...]
He pointed out that these acts are attributed both to the State and to the official and suggested that the criterion for attribution of the responsibility of
the State for a wrongful act also
[...] determined whether an official enjoys immunity ratione [...]
materiae and the scope of such
immunity, there being no objective reasons to draw a distinction in that regard.
[...] A/66/81 所 载报告第 71 段中强调的样,官僚主 义障碍等制约 因素以及阿布贾和坎大哈等地所发生针对人道主义 [...]
工作人员的激烈敌对行动和攻击行为,仍然是提供有 效援助的障碍,不论在发生自然灾害时还是在复杂的 紧急情况中,都是如此。
As the Secretary-General emphasizes in paragraph 71 of the
report contained in document A/66/81,
[...] constraints such as bureaucratic hurdles, as [...]
well as active hostilities and attacks on
humanitarian personnel, such as those in Abuja and Kandahar, are still an obstacle to effective aid, whether in natural disasters or complex emergencies.
正如国际法委员会委员 Hmoud 先生在国际法委员会第六十届会议上指出的 样 , “ 官 员 的 地位 是由享有豁免权的国家根据其国内法决定的事项,而不是由管辖权行使国的主管部门裁定的事 项。
As Mr. Hmoud, a member of the Commission, observed at its
sixtieth session,
[...] “[t]he status of an official was a matter to be decided by the State entitled to immunity pursuant to its domestic law [...]
and it was not a matter of
discretion for the authorities of the State exercising jurisdiction”.




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