单词 | 官方声明 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 官方声明 noun—statement nSee also:官方 adj—official adj 官方 n—government n • Crown n 官方—official (relating a government office) 声明 n—statement n • announcement n
尽管官方声明中说 波兰致力在2012年 至2013年加入欧元区,但是还有很多条件有 待满足。 paiz.gov.pl | Although official declarations say that Poland [...] aims to join the Eurozone by 2012-2013, there are still many conditions to meet first. paiz.gov.pl |
在这方面,我们 [...] 强烈谴责美化恐怖主义分子的做法,无论是 以 官方声 明还是以公共场所命名方式加以美化。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, we strongly condemn the glorification of [...] terrorists, either through official statements or by [...]the dedication of public places. daccess-ods.un.org |
又见 E/CN.4/2003/8, 第 64 段及其后;反恐中注意增进与保护人权和基本自由问题特别报告员的报告增编《对美利 坚合众国的访问》(A/HRC/6/17/Add.3),第 6-9 段;任意拘留问题工作组主席兼特别报告员、 法官和律师的独立性问题特别报告员、酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚问 题报告员、宗教或信仰自由问题特别报告员及人人有权享有可达到的最高水准的身心健康的 [...] 权利问题特别报告员的报告,题为《关塔纳摩湾被拘留者的状况》(E/CN.4/2006/120),第 21 段,以及红十字国际委员会网站发布的 [...] 2005 年 7 月 21 日关于反恐中国际人道主义法的相关 性的官方声明(www.icrc.org)。 daccess-ods.un.org | See also E/CN.4/2003/8, paras. 64 et seq.; the report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, mission to the United States of America (A/HRC/6/17/Add.3), paras. 6-9; the report on the situation of detainees at Guantánamo Bay of the Chairperson-Rapporteur of the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers, the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the Special Rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief and the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (E/CN.4/2006/120), para. 21, and the official statement of ICRC dated 21 July 2005 on the [...] relevance of international humanitarian law in the context of [...] terrorism, available from the ICRC website /(www.icrc.org). daccess-ods.un.org |
该组织官方声明不受 检查,此项豁免还包括出版物、影 片、底片、图片与该组织收、发之视听带子,以及该组织 举办展览的展品。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This immunity extends to publications, films, negatives, photographs, and visual and sound recordings addressed [...] to or dispatched [...]by the Organization, and also material displayed at exhibitions which it may organize. unesdoc.unesco.org |
包括新闻稿在内的联合国官方声明必 须 遵循 《联合国宪章》规定的标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Official statements of the United Nations, [...] including press releases, must follow the standards laid down in the Charter of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 2006 [...] 年联合国森林论坛第六届会议:执行主任在一次多方利益攸关方会 议与主要团体合作拟订一份官方声明 ; (b ) 2007 年,印尼巴厘岛:由国家牵头的 联合国森林论坛多年工作方案“规划迈向 [...]2015 年的前进路线”;(c) 2007 [...]年,渥 太华:执行主任主持关于“国际森林政策和联合国无法律约束力文书”的研讨会, 并担任会议主席,向各土著人组织介绍联合国森林论坛、多年工作方案和其他国 际森林政策倡议;(d) 2007 年联合国森林论坛第七届会议:执行主任作为一个主 要团体的代表推动了论坛的多方利益攸关方进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Sixth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests, 2006: the Executive Director collaborated with major groups at [...] a multi-stakeholder session on the [...] development of an official statement; (b) country-led [...]multi-year programme of work of [...]the United Nations Forum on Forests, “Charting the way forward to 2015”, 2007, Bali, Indonesia; (c) workshop on “International forest policy and the United Nations non-legally binding instrument 2007”, Ottawa: the Executive Director hosted and chaired the meeting to brief indigenous peoples organizations on the United Nations Forum on Forests, the country-led multi-year programme of work and other international forest policy initiatives; (d) seventh session of the United Nations Forum on Forests 2007: the Executive Director facilitated the Forum’s multi-stakeholder process as a major group representative. daccess-ods.un.org |
接近普通公民,理解他们的需要及了解他们的观点, 要超出官方声明和报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is important to make contact with ordinary people, to understand their needs and to ascertain [...] their opinions without [...] relying solely on official declarations and reports, [...]and to learn about the reality of the country through its citizens daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2008 年战争之后,占领当局曾经发表一连 串 官方声明 , 其 中直接承认打 算对这一地区进行种族清洗,上述声明是这些声明中最新的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The statement is the latest [...] in the chain of official declarations by [...]the occupation regime during and after the 2008 war [...]that contain direct admissions of intent to ethnically cleanse the region. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这次侵略行为发生之后,我听到以色列发 表官 方声明说,船上的平民实际上是一个伊斯兰激进团体 [...] 的成员。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following this act of [...] aggression, I have heard official statements claiming [...]that civilians on the ship were members of a radical Islamist group. daccess-ods.un.org |
谨随函转递 2012 年 3 月 15 日厄立特里亚国外交部长奥斯曼·萨利赫先生 [...] 给你的信(见附件),事涉埃塞俄比亚发表 的 官方声明 , 其大意是“该国军队纵深 18 公里侵入厄立特里亚主权领土,对厄立特里亚军队哨所发动袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | I have the honour to forward a letter from Osman Saleh, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the State of Eritrea, dated 15 March [...] 2012 (see annex), addressed to you in [...] connection with the official statement of Ethiopia [...]to the effect that “its army has [...]carried out an incursion 18 kms deep into sovereign Eritrean territory to conduct an attack on Eritrean army outposts”. daccess-ods.un.org |
官方声明 和政 策指示往往支撑顽固的反移徙者情绪,这种情绪会造成敌视移徙者的存在的 公共氛围。 daccess-ods.un.org | Persistent anti-migrant sentiments, [...] often bolstered by official pronouncements and policy directions, [...]can create a public atmosphere [...]hostile to the presence of migrants. daccess-ods.un.org |
令人震惊但并不奇怪的是,俄罗斯不仅通过 其 官方声明 , 还 通过外交渠道以及由 政府智囊和非政府组织进行的各种圆桌会议和专家活动,大力进行这一宣传。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is alarming, however not surprising, that Russia is [...] vigorously pushing this propaganda message not [...] only through its official statements, but also [...]diplomatic channels, as well as various [...]round tables and expert activities undertaken by Government-sponsored think tanks and non-governmental organizations. daccess-ods.un.org |
温家宝访朝后,朝鲜官方声明说, 除非美国全面裁军,朝鲜不 会放弃核武器研究项目,因此朝鲜重回六方会谈的前景仍不明朗。 crisisgroup.org | DPRK official statements since the Wen visit [...] state that Pyongyang would not give up its nuclear weapons unless the U.S. [...]completely disarms, casting continued doubt over its willingness to return to the Six-Party Talks. crisisgroup.org |
国际社会一再呼吁以色列立即停止所有其定居活动(包括所谓的‘自 然增长’)和在东耶路撒冷的定居活动,遵守国际法、联合国决议和路线图 义务,但以色列对此完全不顾,继续定期作出关于建造更多非法定居单位的 官方声明。 daccess-ods.un.org | Official Israeli declarations regarding the construction of more illegal settlement units also continued to be made on a regular basis in defiance of the repeated international calls for Israel to cease immediately all of its settlement activities, including so-called ‘natural growth’ and including in East Jerusalem, and to abide by international law, United Nations resolutions and road map obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
非洲部取得的成就:各种会议都留下了备忘录、行动计划、联 合 官方声明 和 会议记录,需要 检查其落实情况,签署了与西非国家经济共同体(CEDEAO)、南部非洲发展共同体 [...] (SADC)、CENSAD、印度洋委员会(COI)、非洲葡语国家(PALOP)等组织开展联合 [...]行动计划的几项协议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Africa Department Achievements: The [...] various meetings produced memoranda, [...] action plans, joint official statements and [...]audience notes, the implementation of which [...]is subject to regular follow-up. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际组织和 若干国家通过官方发布的声明,再次确认对格鲁吉亚主权和领土完整的大力支 持,并强调这些所谓的“选举”严重违反了国际法的基本原则。 daccess-ods.un.org | International organizations and a number of [...] States, through their officially issued statements, once again [...]confirm strong support for Georgia’s [...]sovereignty and territorial integrity, and stress that these so-called “elections” represent a grave violation of fundamental principles of international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些购置显示,与新生力量各区指挥 官声 明让其部队重返社会并参加解除武装、复员和重返社 会 方 案 的 意图相反,这些指 挥官并没有想遵从《瓦加杜古政治协议》,而是打算加强其部队对北部一些地区 的控制。 daccess-ods.un.org | They suggest that, contrary to their stated intentions to reintegrate their forces and to engage in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process, the respective Forces nouvelles zone commanders may not envisage conforming to the Ouagadougou Political Accord, but intend to reinforce their control over parts of the north. daccess-ods.un.org |
声明和澄清应在定期刊物内的同样版面刊登,对此是否足以 作为声明及澄清法官须作出裁判;如被认为不足,法官可命令以正确 的 方 式 刊登 此声明和澄 清,并可对责任人处以罚金。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such statement and clarification must be printed in the [...] same section of the [...] publication and the judge shall decide whether or not the statement and clarification have been satisfactorily issued and published; should they be deemed unsatisfactory, the judge may order the correct publication of such statement and clarification [...]and impose a fine. daccess-ods.un.org |
合資格的姓名”是指個人的合法姓名,它顯示在個人身份證、護照或個人所居住國家頒發其他形式 含照象的官方身份證明上。 hkdnr.hk | Eligible Name" means a legal name of an individual as shown on the [...] individual's Identity Card, passport, [...] or other form of official photographic identification [...]issued in the individual's country of residence. hkdnr.hk |
他们提出的建议包括在分配官方发展 援助时优先考虑最不发达国 家;落实新颖和创新的资金来源;探讨并酌情试验新型金融协作以及特别是非金 融协作;通过补贴最不发达国家优先领域的国际私营部门参与,特别是外国直接 投资,发挥资源的杠杆作用;通过提高协议 透 明 度 和推动政府特别是议会审查, 加强最不发达国家的商业订约能力;让最不发达国家更多地参与援助架构的治 理。 daccess-ods.un.org | Recommendations proposed included prioritizing [...] least developed countries [...] in allocations of official development assistance; implementing new and innovative sources of financing; exploring and, where possible, experimenting with new types of financial and, especially, non-financial collaboration; leveraging resources through subsidies for international private sector engagement, especially foreign direct investment, in areas of least developed country priority; strengthening least developed country capacities for commercial contracting through greater transparency in agreements [...]and by fostering governmental, [...]especially parliamentary, review; increasing the participation of least developed countries in governance of the aid architecture. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列非但没有对各种和平努力和姿态——其 中包括巴勒斯坦领导人对实现和平以及对落实以 1967 年以前边界为基础的两国解决方案所作的明确 承诺(最初是 20 多年前的《巴勒斯坦独立宣言》); [...] 分别在马德里、奥斯陆、塔巴、沙姆沙伊赫和安纳波 [...] 利斯作出的承诺;八年多前的《阿拉伯和平倡议》、 中东和平路线图和《四方声明》; 美利坚合众国和所 有其他有关国家的外交努力——作出对等的回应,反 [...]而继续只是在口头上说要追求和平,其所作所为实际 [...]上是在破坏任何实现和平的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Rather than reciprocate the efforts and gestures made for peace — from the explicit commitment to peace and the two-State solution based on the pre-1967 borders made by the Palestinian leadership, beginning with the Palestinian Declaration of Independence over 20 years ago; to the Madrid, Oslo, Taba, Sharm el-Sheikh and Annapolis commitments; the Arab Peace Initiative over eight [...] years ago; the road map to Mideast peace [...] and the Quartet Statement; the diplomatic [...]efforts of the United States of America [...]and all other concerned nations — Israel continues to pay only lip-service to the pursuit of peace, while its actions are actually destroying any chance for the realization of peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们还通过 行动、政策及其官员的声明毫无疑问地表明,以色列 正在竭尽全力破坏一切目的是恢复 1967 年 6 月 4 日 边界框架内以两国解决方案为 基础的和平谈判的国 际努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | They also demonstrate beyond any doubt that, through its practices and policies and the declarations of its officials, Israel is working as hard as it can to undermine every international [...] effort to resume peace talks [...]based on the solution of two States within the framework of the borders of 4 June 1967. daccess-ods.un.org |
这并不意味着涉及到保留,虽然有时候被“提出者”作为“具 有解释性”提出的“单方面声明”可 能是一项真正的保留,在这种情况下,其 “允许性”应根据适用于保留的规则予以评估(准则 3.5.1)。 daccess-ods.un.org | This does not mean that reservations are involved, although sometimes a unilateral declaration presented as interpretative by its author might be a true reservation, in which case its permissibility must be assessed in the light of the rules applicable to reservations (guideline 3.5.1). daccess-ods.un.org |
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 [...] 例作出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐香港特區機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對" 官方" 具約 束力或適用的35 條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例 作出修訂和適應化修改的工作。 legco.gov.hk | That, in view of the Administration's failure to take effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to complete the review of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices [...] in the HKSAR, resulting [...] in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed [...]to bind, or apply [...]to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances. legco.gov.hk |
迄今为止,这方面的经验已使古巴阻止或挫败了 630 多起攻击古巴革命领导 人菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯的事件,以及数以百计的其他恐怖主义行为,其中许 多在古巴提交给安理会反恐怖主义委员会的第一份报告(S/2002/15),1 古巴关 于执行《消除国际恐怖主义宣言》的 声明2 和其他文件中都提到过。 daccess-ods.un.org | This experience has enabled it, thus far, to prevent or foil over 630 attacks on the leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, and hundreds of other terrorist acts, many of which were mentioned in the first report submitted by Cuba to the Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Committee (S/2002/15)1 and in the declaration on the implementation by Cuba of the Declaration on Measures [...] to Eliminate International [...]Terrorism,2 among other documents. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2010 年 7 月 27 日第 3069 次会议上,委员会审议并暂时通过了下列准则 草案:3.3.2 [3.3.3 ](单独接受不允许的保留的效果)、3.3.3 [3.3.4](集体接受不允许 的保留的效果)、4.5.1 [3.3.2,后为 4.5.1 和 4.5.2](无效保留的无效性质)、4.5.2 [4.5.3 ](无效保留的提出者相对于条约的地位)、4.5.3 [4.5.4 ](对无效保留的反应)、 4.6(保留不对条约其他当事方之间的关系产生效果)、4.7.1 [4.7 和 4.7.1 ](解释性声 明对条约用语的澄清)、4.7.2(更改或撤回解释 性 声 明 对 声明方 的 效果)、4.7.3(所 有缔约国和缔约组织赞同解释性声明的效果)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its 3069th meeting, on 27 July 2010, the Commission considered and provisionally adopted the following guidelines: 3.3.2 [3.3.3] (Effect of individual acceptance of an impermissible reservation), 3.3.3 [3.3.4] (Effect of collective acceptance of an impermissible reservation), 4.5.1 [3.3.2, later 4.5.1 and 4.5.2] (Nullity of an invalid reservation), 4.5.2 [4.5.3] (Status of the author of an invalid reservation in relation to the treaty), 4.5.3 [4.5.4] (Reactions to an invalid reservation), 4.6 (Absence of effect of a reservation on the relations between the other parties to the treaty), 4.7.1 [4.7 and 4.7.1] (Clarification of the terms of the treaty by an interpretative declaration), 4.7.2 (Effect of the modification or the withdrawal of an interpretative declaration in respect of its author) and 4.7.3 (Effect of an interpretative declaration approved by all the contracting States and contracting organizations). daccess-ods.un.org |
该国政府提到了最近采取的几项将强迫失踪的犯罪者绳之以法的措施,例 如建立全国紧急搜寻机制;成立法律技术委员会;改进调查策略;支助受害者家 属;要求拒绝重新审理失踪案件的检 察 官 提 供 证 明 拒 绝 合理 的 声明 ; 以 及成立人 道主义起诉事务科。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government referred to several measures currently undertaken to bring to justice those responsible for enforced disappearances, such as the nationwide urgent search mechanism; the establishment of technical legal committees; better investigative strategies; the provision of support for the [...] families of victims; [...] the request to prosecutors who refuse to reopen cases of disappearances to provide a statement justifying the grounds [...]for the refusal; and [...]the creation of Prosecution Services for Humanitarian Affairs. daccess-ods.un.org |
哈苏奈法官、西马法官、本努纳法官、坎卡多·特林达德法官和优素福法官 在法院判决书后附上了一项联合声明 ; 哈 苏奈和优素福法官在法院判决书后附上 了联合反对意见;基思法官和格林伍德法官在法院判决书后附上了联 合 声明 ;本 努纳法官在法 院判决书后附上了反对意见;坎卡多·特林达德法官在法院判决书 后附上了个别意见;马希乌专案法官在法院判决书后附上了反对意见;曼普亚专 案法官在法院判决书后附上了个别意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Judges Al-Khasawneh, Simma, Bennouna, Cançado [...] Trindade and Yusuf [...] appended a joint declaration to the Judgment of the Court; Judges Al-Khasawneh and Yusuf appended a joint dissenting opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judges Keith and Greenwood appended a joint declaration to the Judgment [...]of the Court; Judge [...]Bennouna appended a dissenting opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judge Cançado Trindade appended a separate opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judge ad hoc Mahiou appended a dissenting opinion to the Judgment of the Court; Judge ad hoc Mampuya appended a separate opinion to the Judgment of the Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
通卡副院长在法院咨询意见后附上 声明 ; 科 罗马 法 官 在 法 院咨询意见后附上反对 意见;西马法官在法院咨询意见后附 上 声明 ; 基思 法 官 和 塞 普尔韦达-阿莫尔法 官在法院咨询意见后附上个别意见;本努纳法官和斯科特尼科夫法官在法院咨询 意见后附上反对意见;坎卡多·特林达德法官和优素福法官在法院咨询意见后附 上个别意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Vice-President [...] Tomka appended a declaration to the advisory opinion of the Court; Judge Koroma appended a dissenting opinion to the advisory opinion of the Court; Judge Simma appended a declaration to the advisory [...]opinion of the Court; Judges Keith and Sepúlveda-Amor appended [...]separate opinions to the advisory opinion of the Court; Judges Bennouna and Skotnikov appended dissenting opinions to the advisory opinion of the Court; Judges Cançado Trindade and Yusuf appended separate opinions to the advisory opinion of the Court. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别会议的承诺包括一些基本框架条件,如参与性、具 透 明 度 和 问责性的政治制 度以及《千年宣言》提出的国家一级和国际一级的善政;承认在全世界所有人权 都不可分割、相互依存和相互联系;通 过 官方 发 展援助和减免债务为发展中国家 提供更多外部援助;承认环境、经济和社会政策的重要相互作用;增加发展中国 家和经济转型国家进入发达国家的市场的机会;减少国际金融动荡的负面影响。 monitoringris.org | The commitment included essential framework [...] conditions such as: [...] participatory, transparent and accountable political systems, as well as good governance at the national and international levels, as established in the Millennium Declaration; recognition of the universal indivisible interdependent and interrelated nature of all human rights; increased external assistance to developing countries through official development assistance [...]and debt relief; recognition [...]of the important interaction between environmental, economic and social policies; improved access for developing countries and countries with economies in transition to the markets of the developed countries; and reduction of the negative impact of international financial turbulence. monitoringris.org |