

单词 官差

See also:

organ of body
surname Guan


difference n
error n
discrepancy n
inferior n

differ from
make a mistake
fall short of

External sources (not reviewed)

其先前关于内部司 法的报告第 51
[...] 段(A/65/557)列有行预咨委会关于上诉法庭 官差 旅 应 享待遇的 立场。
The Advisory Committee’s position on the travel
[...] entitlements of the judges of the Appeals [...]
Tribunal was outlined in paragraph 51 of its
previous report on the administration of justice (A/65/557).
現在英國法官最少要積累㆓、㆔十年經驗,而且是最精英的 才有機會晉升為樞密院官,較差的 可 能只需幾年,便被淘汰。
At present, United Kingdom judges must have at
least 20 to 30 years' experience and of the highest calibre before they can
[...] be promoted to be judges of the Privy Council.
政府當局的文件卻沒有提及高奕輝大 官差 不 多 在同㆒ 時間指出:「但如當局說:「很抱歉,我們暫時未能將你遣送離境,但我們正盡力將你 遣送離境」,則我會判決政府可以繼續羈留他,「等候遣送離境」,而法庭不能亦不應該 干預此事,除非法庭在顧及到整件案的情況後認為當局在法庭認為合理的㆒段時間內 將被羈留者遣送離境的希望渺茫。
What the Administration's paper omitted to mention however was that Mr Justice GODFREY, in almost the same breath, also stated: "But if the authorities say, "We are sorry, cannot remove you just at the moment but we are doing our best to do so", then in my judgement, they continue to hold the detainee "pending his removal" and the court cannot and should not intervene unless it considers that there is no real prospect of the authorities ever succeeding within what, in all the circumstances of the case, the court considers a resonable time in deporting the detainee.
经费净减的原因如下:退休/去世法官养恤金所需经费 减少(286 000
美元);法官酬金所需经费减少,因为 2012 年法官总人数从 17 人
[...] 减至 14 人,2013 年常任法官进一步减至 6 人(3 098 700 美元);官差旅费减 少(82 000 美元);被法官酬金经费增加部分抵消,因为依照大会第 [...]
65/258 号决 议向 8 名审案法官一次性发放一笔惠给金(279 800 美元)。
The net decrease in provision is attributable to: reduced requirements for pension in respect of retired/deceased judges ($286,000); reduced requirements for honoraria of judges on account of the decrease in the number of judges from the current total of 17 to 14 in 2012 and the
further reduction to 6
[...] permanent judges in 2013 ($3,098,700); decrease in travel of judges ($82,000); [...]
partially offset by the
increase in the provision for compensation of judges on account of a one-time ex gratia payment to 8 ad litem judges in accordance with General Assembly resolution 65/258 ($279,800).
因此,咨询委员会同意秘书长关于下列问题的建议:审案法官年薪数额,根 据服务时间长短,按比例领薪,适用下限/上限措施;目前适用于两法庭 官的 差旅费 及生活津贴条例也适用于审案法官;并规定只有因在法庭服务而受伤或患 病才可以领取残疾津贴。
Accordingly, the Advisory Committee agreed with the proposals of the Secretary-General concerning the level of annual salary, prorated for length of service and with application of the floor-ceiling measures, the extension of the application of the travel and subsistence regulations in effect for the judges of the Tribunals to the ad litem judges, and the provision of disability benefits limited to injury or illness attributable to service with the Tribunal.
1.117 非员额支出用途项下 3 242 500 美元的款额、除其他外、用于给争议法庭和上诉法庭法官的报 酬;顾问费;法官、内部司法理事会成员、内部司法办公室执行主任和首席书 官 的 差 旅 费; 一般业务费和其他业务所需经费。
1.117 Under non-post objects of expenditure, the amount of $3,242,500 relates, inter alia, to compensation for the judges of the Dispute and Appeals Tribunals, consultants, travel of the judges, the members of the Internal Justice Council and the Executive Director and the Principal Registrar of the Office of Administration of Justice, general operating expenses and other operational requirements.
(d) 关于上诉法庭书记官处,鉴于上文第 71 至 78 段所述原因,秘书长建议 设立一个法律干事(P-4)以增强书记官处,自
[...] 2012 年 1 月 1 日起生效,并增加差 旅费 280 200 美元,以利于该法庭每年可第三次开庭,并用于提高该法庭 官的 差旅待
(d) With respect to the Registry of the Appeals Tribunal, the SecretaryGeneral recommends, for the reasons set out in paragraphs 71-78 above, that it be strengthened with one Legal Officer (P-4), effective 1 January 2012, as well as additional resources for travel
($280,200) to facilitate a third annual session of the
[...] Tribunal and for increased travel privileges of the Tribunal’s judges
有关法官的应享待遇问题,秘书长回顾先前报告(A/65/373 和 Corr.1,第 161 至 164
[...] 段)的提议,给予上诉法庭法官以类似于提供给前联合国行政法庭 官的 差旅应享待遇(A/66/275,第 78 段)。
With respect to the entitlements of the judges, the Secretary-General recalls the proposal in his previous report (A/65/373 and Corr.1, paras. 161-164) that travel entitlements similar to those accorded to the judges of
the former United Nations Administrative Tribunal be
[...] extended to the judges of the Appeals [...]
Tribunal (A/66/275, para. 78).
委员会认为,这将减少差旅需 求,或者在高官员的差旅必 不可少的情况下,减少对陪同人员的需求。
The Committee considers that this would
reduce the need for travel or, should the
[...] travel of a senior official be required, reduce [...]
the requirement for accompanying staff.
至於 10%上限方面,由於我的意見官方意 見 差 不 多,所以我不再解釋 了。
As for the 10% ceiling, since my views are similar to those of the Government, I shall not give any further elaboration here.
可惜行政官在宣布寬差餉的 同時,卻限定全年寬減最多只為 2,000 元,令這項措施的效果大打折扣。
It is a pity that when the Chief Executive announced that [...]
government rates were to be waived, he capped the amount to a mere $2,000.
第㆒,他們認為該協議所規定 的「㆕加㆒」官組合,是㆒差劣 的 組成方式。
The first is that they consider the four-plus-one composition of the Court,
[...] provided for in the JLG agreement, a poor composition.
以 往,免 職法官的唯 一方法是對官進 行彈劾,差 不 多 全 美 50 個州的憲法均 有就此 訂定條文。
In the past, the only method for the removal of judges was by impeachment provided by constitutions of nearly all of the fifty states in the US.
它还 应颁布财务和行政规则,这些规则涉及与履行委员会职能有关的薪酬、津贴和费
[...] 用、支付或报销方式,以及出席调查会议的差旅费和生活津贴,或支付委员会成 员及其陪同专家官员的差旅费 和住宿费。
It shall also issue financial and administrative rules concerning remuneration, allowances and expenses in connection with the performance of Commission functions, means of payment or reimbursement, and travel and subsistence allowances for those attending investigation meetings or to cover
the cost of the travel and accommodation of the members of the Commission and
[...] the experts and officials accompanying them.
官出席会议差旅经费已 经根据 1.81%的通胀率作了调整,数额因此增加 [...]
9 700 欧元。
The provision for travel of judges to sessions has [...]
been adjusted on the basis of an inflation rate of 1.81 per cent, which
has resulted in an increase of €9,700.
大会在第 55/249 号决议中,赞同咨询委员会关于前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭 审案官薪酬、差旅费 和生活津贴条例以及残疾偿金的意见和建议(A/55/806, 第7至15段)。
The observations and recommendations of the
Advisory Committee on the
[...] emoluments, travel and subsistence regulations and disability payments for the ad litem judges of the International [...]
Tribunal for
the Former Yugoslavia (A/55/806, paras. 7-15) were endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/249.
据估计,仅北基 伍省就有 1 000 多官兵开小差(见附件 28)。
They estimated that over 1,000 troops had deserted in North Kivu alone (see annex 28).
此外他还 指出,如果《任择议定书》能够于 2009 年底或 2010 年初生效,那么对 2008-2009 财政年度方案预算的影 响将仅限于在日内瓦举行的签字仪式所需的花费,即 会议服务和口译费 13 700 美元和纽约法律事务厅一官员的差旅费 2 200 美元。
If the Optional Protocol entered into force in late 2009 or early 2010, the programme budget implications for the biennium 2008-2009 would be limited to the costs arising from the signing ceremony to be held in Geneva, in other words $13,700 for conference services and interpretation and $2,200 for the travel of one staff member from the Office of Legal Affairs in New York.
國內一個九品芝麻官 ─ 或不好說九品芝官 了,也差得太 遠,七品芝麻官罷 ─ 會晤特首時,特首還要恭恭敬敬,即 使未至作揖,也仍要禮讓三分,這是現實。
When a lowest-ranking mainland official ― I have gone a bit too far; perhaps he is a higher-ranking official ― meet with the Chief Executive, the Chief Executive will still have to treat him respectfully.
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「與一個月前相比,問 官 員 的民 望 差 不 多 全部上升。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public
Opinion Programme, observed, "Compared to one month ago, the popularity of
[...] practically all Principal Officials has increased.
咨询委员会经询问获悉,卢旺达问题国际法庭常任 官 和 审案 法官 的雇用条差异列在《卢旺达问题国际法庭规约》第 12 条之四第 2 款,即审案法官没有资格当选或选举法庭庭长或审判分庭主审法官,他 们也没有权力通过程序和证据规则、审查起诉书、就法官任命或赦免、 [...]
Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that, at the
International Criminal
[...] Tribunal for Rwanda, the differences in the employment conditions of the permanent and ad litem judges were those [...]
described in article
12 quater, paragraph (2), of the Tribunal’s statute, namely that ad litem judges were not eligible for election as, or to vote in the election of, the President of the Tribunal or the Presiding Judge of a Trial Chamber; nor did they have power to adopt rules of procedure and evidence, review an indictment or consult with the President of the Tribunal in relation to the assignment of judges or in relation to a pardon or commutation of sentence.
在对前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭审案法官服 务条件进行最近一次审查时,两法庭的庭长通过写信和商谈的方式,请秘书长提 请大会紧急关注法庭常任官和审案 法 官 服 务 条件 差 别 , 以便采取适当行动或 作出适当决定。
On the occasion of the recent review of conditions of service of the ad litem judges of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Tribunal for Rwanda, the Presidents of the Tribunals, by means of letters and discussions, requested the Secretary-General to bring the differences in conditions of service between the permanent judges and the ad litem judges of the Tribunals to the urgent attention of the General Assembly for appropriate action or decision.
同样,也应为首席书官具体分配差 旅 经费,使其能正常 管理所有三个书记官处。
Similarly, travel funds should be specifically allocated to the Principal Registrar so she can properly oversee all three Registries.
法庭的预算需要列入官参加 全体会议 差 旅 费 ,必要时也要列入 官 参加 各次会议差旅费,特别是半职官 , 以 及召开由三名法官构成的分庭会议时; 此外,法庭的预算还需要列入争议法庭书 官 长 会议 的 差 旅 费 ,最好是与 官的 全 体会议时间重合,以有助于协调、确认和解决问题,以及内部司法办公室工作 人员为司法系统正常运作而必须前往日内瓦或内罗毕的差旅费用。
The budget for the Tribunals needs to provide
[...] for travel of judges for plenary sessions and, where required, for sessions, particularly for the half-time judges and where three-judge panels are to be convened; it also needs to provide for meetings of the Registrars of the Dispute Tribunal — preferably to coincide with the plenary sessions of judges in order to assist [...]
in coordination, identification
and resolution of issues — as well as travel of staff of the Office of Administration of Justice to Geneva or Nairobi when such travel is essential for the proper functioning of the justice system.
行政官 建 議差 餉 , 以每戶 2,000 元 為上限。然而, 對於大部 分每年通常要繳 [...]
交1萬元或 以上差 餉 的 中 產 家 庭 和 小 型 企 業 來 說 , 此 舉 仍 然 未能減輕他們的 負 擔 。
The Chief Executive has offered to reduce rates [...]
by a maximum $2,000, which will not ease the burden of many middle class
families and small businesses that typically fork out $10,000 or more a year on rates.
保安局常任秘書長解釋,考慮到現職法官與 退休法官可享有的薪酬/退休金及其他福利及津貼均有 分別,現職官及退休法官的薪酬有 差 別 亦 不無道理。
PS for S explained that there could be reasons for differences in the remuneration
for a serving and a retired
[...] judge, having regard to the difference in entitlement to remuneration/pension [...]
and other benefits and allowances.
其實,這 些會面跟我以前作為政務官參與招聘政 官 的 過 程 差 不 多,亦是用同樣的方 式進行交談,內容亦差不多。
Actually, the interviews were more or less the same as those held for the recruitment of Administrative Officers, in which I had participated as an Administrative Officer before, with the same interviewing approach and similar issues being discussed.
联合国教科文组织手册 中提到,“批准公务差的官员应 该确保在任何情况下:(a)出差任务能够为规划或项目 [...]
带来实质性的、特定的贡献(……)(c)只有在交流/行动(……)的其他手段无法更加有 效或经济的情况下才安排出差任务”。
The Administrative Manual states that
[...] “those approving official travel will ensure [...]
that in each case: (a) Travel on mission achieves essential
and specific programme/project results (…) (c) Travel is undertaken only when other means of communication/action (…) are not more effective, efficient or economical”.
資助學校教師和官校教師所享 受的其他附帶福利也差別,以官校 教 師的待遇較佳,但兩者的差距,以房屋福利最 為明顯。
There are differences in other fringe benefits with the teachers in the Civil Service having a better deal, but housing is by far the most conspicuous in the Civil Service having a better deal, but housing is by far the most conspicuous in the Civil Service having a better deal, but housing is by far the most conspicuous in the Civil Service having a better deal, but housing is by far the most conspicuous issue. issue. issue. issue.
在 2009 年 3 月 最近一次差期间,检官与内 部安全部长商定,政府会跟进对 Félicien [...]
Kabuga 在该国的资产、财产和代理人进行调查;提供 Kabuga 的档案供查阅;提供有关 Félicien Kabuga 的存在和活动详情以及肯尼亚政府宣称他离开肯尼亚的全部详 情。
During his latest mission
[...] in March 2009, the Prosecutor agreed with the Minister [...]
for Internal Security that the Government
would follow up the investigation of Félicien Kabuga’s assets, properties and proxies in the country; provide access for perusal of the Kabuga dossier; and provide relevant details on the presence and movement of Félicien Kabuga and full particulars of his departure from Kenya as alleged by the Government of Kenya.




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