

单词 宗族


Chinese clan

See also:



take as one's model (in academic or artistic work)
surname Zong


classifier for a large amount of money or medical/legal cases

External sources (not reviewed)

(d) 联合国索马里国家工作队、联合国非索特派团支助办事处和联合国索马 里政治事务处,应与监察组建立一个渠道,分享关于与联合国订约的索马里工商 界的信息,适当考虑到社/宗族业和政治联系; (e) 联合国索马里国家工作队应与联合国非索特派团支助办事处、联合国索 马里政治事务处和监察组协商,建立参与支持或资助武装团体、或者在联合国订 约承包中从事腐败行为的商人及其合作人和分包商的资料库。
(e) The United Nations Somalia country team, in consultation with the United Nations Support Office for AMISOM, the United Nations Political Office for Somalia and the Monitoring Group, should establish a database of businessmen, their associates and subcontractors involved in supporting or financing armed groups, or who have engaged in corrupt practices in the context of United Nations contracting.
[...] 年里,缔约国始终无法摆脱各种体制和政治危 机,特别是武装暴动宗族,对该国的总体情况,特别是对享有经济、社 [...]
The Committee notes that for some 30 years the State party has been beset by institutional and
political crises characterized by
[...] armed uprisings and intercommunalconflicts, which [...]
have had and continue to have disastrous
consequences for the situation in the country in general and for the enjoyment of economic, social, cultural, civil and political rights in particular.
(c) 确认对于所有罪行和违法行为,裔原因一般均 为加重情节。
(c) Recognize racial, religious, national or ethnic [...]
grounds as a general aggravating circumstance, in connection with all crimes and offences.
[...] 尤其是涉及穆斯林问题的方法表示关切,并请挪威政府采取一切必要措施,消除 对数群体成员以及有移民背景的人的歧视,尤其是在反恐措 [...]
The Organization was concerned at the methods used by the Government to deal with minority issues, especially in relation to Muslims, and requested the Government to take all necessary measures to
eliminate discrimination faced by persons
[...] belongingto racial, religiousorethnicminorities, [...]
as well as persons with an immigrant
background, in particular in the context of counter-terrorism measures.
如被请求的缔约国有充分理由认为,以第 15 条 a 分段至 c 分段所述之违约行为要求引 渡,或以第 15 条所述之违约行为要求提供相 互司法协助的目的是为了因某人的国籍、族裔或政治观点而对该人进行起诉 和惩罚,或认为顺从这一请求将使该人的处境 因上述任何一种理由受到损害,则本《议定 书》的任何条款都不应被解释为规定该缔约国 有进行引渡或提供相互司法协助的义务。
Nothing in this Protocol shall be interpreted as imposing an obligation to extradite or to afford mutual legal assistance if the requested Party has substantial grounds for believing that the request for extradition for offences set forth in Article 15 subparagraphs 1 (a) to (c) or for mutual legal assistance with respect to offences set forth in Article 15 has been made for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing a person on account of that person’s race, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or political opinion or that compliance with the request would cause prejudice to that person’s position for any of these reasons.
我们敦促科索沃特派团继续优先重视对科索沃 的族宗文化遗产的充分保护,尤其考虑到科索 沃阿族人口强烈抵制有关保护塞族文化和宗教场所 [...]
的立法措施及其执行,以及科索沃当局在这方面作出 的承诺同执行情况之间存在差距。
We urge UNMIK to continue to prioritize adequate
[...] protection ofSerbianreligious andcultural heritage [...]
in Kosovo, particularly in view of
the significant resistance that has been noted in the Kosovo Albanian population against legislative measures and their implementation aiming at the protection of Serb cultural and religious sites and the gap between the commitments made by the Kosovo authorities in that area and their implementation.
这些峰会集 中体现了各国的远见卓识、政治意愿和行动决心,即无论是在价值观教育、加强科技交流、
[...] 促进对宗教和文化多元化的尊重方面,还是在传播对建立一个没有文化界线的 地区的至关重要性方面,都要采取具体行动建设和平。
They constitute an exemplary record of vision, political will and commitment to act and build peace through concrete action, whether in the field of values education, enhancing scientific exchange, fostering respect for religious and cultural
pluralism, or the overarching importance of communication for building a
[...] region free of ethnic, religious or cultural divisions.
与会者建议,教科文组织应支持旨在促进非洲统一的活动、以及在非洲某些分地区促 进不同和不对话的活动;教科文组织还应发起行动,通过教育和传播活动帮 [...]
Participants suggested that UNESCO should support
activities aimed at the unification of
[...] Africa andat inter-ethnicand interreligious dialogue [...]
in certain subregions of Africa and
should also initiate action to help prevent conflicts through activities in education and communication.
摩尔多瓦共和国关于难民身份的法律确定了给予难民身份的法律、经济、 社会和体制框架,无任何基于国籍、任何社会团体背景或政见的歧 视,从而保障了与摩尔多瓦共和国国内的外国公民和无国籍人员获得提供的同样 [...]
The law on the status of refugees sets the legal, economic, social and institutional framework for granting the status of refugee in the
Republic of Moldova, without any
[...] discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, [...]
affiliation to any social group or political
opinion, the same rights and freedoms being guaranteed as those offered to foreign citizens and stateless persons present in the Republic of Moldova.
它指出,《刑事 诉讼法》第721 条规定,如果摩洛哥当局有充分证据相信,就普通罪行提出的引 渡请求的目的是为了以国籍或政治为观点起诉或惩罚一个人,或者 该人的地位可能因为上述任何原因而受到损害,则应拒绝引渡请求。
It notes that article 721 of the Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that extradition requests shall be refused if the Moroccan authorities have substantial grounds to believe that the extradition request for an ordinary offence has been made for the purpose of prosecuting or punishing a person on account of his race, religion, nationality or political opinions or that the person’s position may be prejudiced for any of those reasons.
刑法典》界定了下列方面的责任:实施恐怖主义犯罪,挑起地区间敌对情绪,获取、保存、转交和邮寄极端主义材料以进行传 [...]
The Criminal Code defines responsibility for crimes
of a terrorist nature, the instigation
[...] of national, racial, religious or inter-confessional [...]
hatred, the acquisition, possession,
transport or dispatch of extremist materials with a view to disseminating or preparing to disseminate them, and the intentional use of symbols or attributes of extremist organizations.
[...] 民在法律面前都是平等的,而不问其语言、人种、肤色、其他任何 这类特性等出身,个人根据相关法律享有和行使其基本权利和自由。
It is composed of citizens, who are equal before the law irrespective of
their origins in terms of language,
[...] race, colour,ethnicity, religionorany other such [...]
particularity, and whose fundamental
rights and freedoms are enjoyed and exercised individually in accordance with the relevant law.
巴基斯坦指出,它一贯呼吁不同文化、 文明和信仰之间进行对话,以增进各个社会内部和社会之间的和谐与稳定,增进 对文化、语言多样性的宽容,并补充说,加强宗教和文明之间的对 话、了解与和解,应该是国际社会在世界和平与发展方面的首要任务。
It noted that it has always called for dialogue among cultures, civilizations and faiths to promote harmony and stability among and within
societies and tolerance
[...] for cultural, racial, religious and linguistic diversities, adding that strengthening of dialogue, understanding and reconciliation between religions andcivilizations [...]
should be the
top priority of the international community in the context of world peace and development.
犹太末世只达到在基督和使徒教学的完成,而在族宗世鲜玫瑰以上的个人看法,即使是这样,往往如此含糊,这么少的约束与任何神圣的正义和道德观念就足够retribu [...]
- tion,它几乎没有值得被列为宗教教职。
Jewish eschatology only attained its completion
in the teaching of Christ and the
[...] Apostles;while in ethnic religioneschatology seldom [...]
rose above the individual view,
and even then was often so vague, and so little bound up with any adequate notion of Divine justice and of moral retribu- tion, that it barely deserves to be ranked as religious teaching.
他们的主体性与包括年龄、家庭环境、阶级³社会地位、 性别、及地方特点在内的变量相互关联。
Their subjectivities are also intermeshed with
variables including age, family context,
[...] class/caste, gender, ethnicity,religion and thecharacteristics [...]
of their local places.
(k) 如果移送有关人员违背国际法规定的义务,特别是违背国际人权、人道
[...] 主义和难民法规定的义务,包括有相当理由相信有关人员可能会遭受酷刑,或者 有关人员的生命或自由可能因其国籍、所属特定社会群体或政治见 [...]
解而受到有违国际难民法的威胁,则不应把有关人员,包括涉及恐怖主义案件者, 送回原籍国或第三国,同时应铭记各国可能有义务起诉未被送回者
(k ) To refrain from returning persons, including in cases related to terrorism, to their countries of origin or to a third State whenever such transfer would be contrary to their obligations under international law, in particular
international human rights, humanitarian and refugee
[...] law, including in caseswhere there are [...]
substantial grounds for believing that
they would be in danger of subjection to torture, or where their life or freedom would be threatened, in violation of international refugee law, on account of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, bearing in mind obligations that States may have to prosecute individuals not returned
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虽然我们尚未商定恐怖主义定义,但我们已经在 确定国际社会认为属于恐怖主义、并谴责其在任何情
[...] 况下都没有理由的行为要素方面取得了进展,不管这 些行为是属于政治、意识形态、任何其 他性质。
Although we have not agreed on a definition of terrorism, we have made progress in identifying the key elements of acts that the international community considers to be terroristic and
condemns as unjustifiable in any circumstances, be they of a
[...] political, ideological, racial, religious or any other nature.
她确定了涉及全球 少数群体的四大关注领域,即:(a)
[...] 止发生种族灭绝,保护少数群体的生存;(b) 保护和增进少数群体的文化特性以 及语言群体享有集体身份的权利,拒不接受强迫同化;(c) [...]
保 障有权不受歧视和享受平等,包括结束结构性或系统性歧视,以及在必要时促进
采取平权行动;以及(d) 保证少数群体的成员有权有效参与公共生活,特别是就 对他们有影响的决策而言。
She has identified four broad areas of concern relating to minorities globally, as follows: (a) the protection of a minority’s survival, through the combating of violence against the members of that minority and the prevention of genocide; (b) the protection and promotion of the cultural
identity of minority groups and the right
[...] of national,ethnic,religious or linguistic groups [...]
to enjoy their collective identity
and reject forced assimilation; (c) the guarantee of the rights to non-discrimination and equality, including ending structural or systemic discrimination, as well as the promotion of affirmative action when required; and (d) the guarantee of the right to effective participation of members of minorities in public life, especially with regard to decisions that affect them.
国家不得以任何方式将难民驱逐或遣返( “驱回”) 至其生命或自由因其国籍、参加某一社会团体或因其政治见解而会受到威胁的国家 [...]
或领土边界,除非有正当理由认为该人危害所在国的安全,或除非该人已被 最终判定犯有特别严重罪行,对该国社会构成危险。
A State shall not expel or return (refouler) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to a State or to the frontiers of territories where the person’s life or
freedom would be threatened on account
[...] of his or her race, religion, nationality, [...]
membership of a particular social group
or political opinion, unless there are reasonable grounds for regarding the person as a danger to the security of the country in which he or she is, or if the person, having been convicted by a final judgement of a particularly serious crime, constitutes a danger to the community of that country.
此外,媒体,特别是国家广播公司科特迪瓦广播电视局目前被用于煽动针对 科特迪瓦特定政治团体以及针对特派团的敌对和暴力行为,包括宣 [...]
Furthermore, the media, particularly the State broadcasting corporation Radiodiffusion télévision ivoirienne (RTI), are being used to
incite hostility and violence against
[...] particularIvorianethnic, religious and political groups [...]
and against the mission, including
by propagating hate messages and disseminating false information.
如果受驱逐或递解出境决定影响的外国人在白俄罗斯共和国获得难民地位、 附加保护或庇护,如果由于公民身份、国籍、参加特定社会团体或 政治见解的原因,外国人的生命或自由在某国会受到威胁或可能受到酷刑,因而 不得将其非自愿地遣返或驱逐到该国,则须停止驱逐或递解出境。
Expulsions or deportations are halted when aliens subject to expulsion or deportation decisions are granted refugee status, additional protection or asylum in the Republic of Belarus, and when aliens may not be returned or deported involuntarily to a country where their life or freedom would be threatened on the grounds of their race, religion, citizenship, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinions, or where they may be subjected to torture.
1951 年公约》第 33 条第 1 款所载的不驱回原则指出,任何国家均不得以任何
[...] 方式将难民驱逐或返还(“驱回”)至会使该难民的生命或自由因其国籍、某一特定社会团体的成员资格或政治观念而受到威胁的疆域。
The principle of non-refoulement contained in article 33, paragraph 1 of the 1951 Convention, states that no State shall expel or return (“refouler”) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his
life or freedom would be threatened on
[...] account ofhisrace, religion, nationality, [...]
membership of a particular social group or political opinion.




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