

单词 宗教团体

宗教团体 noun ()

religious body n

See also:


religious grouping
religious order

宗教 n

religion n
religions pl
belief n
worship n

团体 pl

groups pl
organizations pl

团体 n

organization n
body n
association n
organisationsBE pl
team n
fellowship n

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 意到,塞浦路斯政府十分重视和赞同关于提高传 宗教团体 的 政治代表性和促进 其认同和文化的建议。
It was particularly pleased to note that the recommendations regarding further promotion
of political representation of members
[...] of traditional religious groups and the promotion [...]
of their identity and culture had
received the full attention and agreement of the Government.
古 巴 称 赞塞尔维 亚努力增进和保护人权,特别是 禁
[...] 止一切 形 式的歧视,增 进国内各族裔 、 语 言宗 教团体 之 间 的容忍和文化间 对话。
It commended Serbia’s efforts to promote and protect human rights, especially the prohibition of all forms of discrimination, the
promotion of tolerance and intercultural dialogue among the various ethnic,
[...] linguistic and religious groups in the country.
第二份资源指南是关于非洲的小武器和轻武器问题, 指宗教团体帮助 其社区和国家解决这一问题的主要方法,并特别介绍了现有的 [...]
It identifies
[...] key ways in which religious communities can [...]
help their communities and countries address the problem and highlights existing initiatives.
它注意到越南 拒绝了关于取消互联网控制,加 宗教团体 的 地 方登记,撤消或修订用于将异见 刑罪化的国家安全法和释放良心犯的建议。
It noted the rejection of recommendations to
lift Internet controls, expedite local
[...] registration of religious organizations, [...]
repeal or amend national security laws used
to criminalize dissent, and release prisoners of conscience.
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质、信徒 较少宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a small number of believers and the form of discrimination to be avoided.
如果另一宗教团体或一 个城市的建立一个殡葬场地,宗教事 务部必须准予建立。
The Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs must grant permission if another religious community or [...]
a municipality wishes to establish a burial ground.
虽然对倡导民族、种族或宗教仇恨的言 论,尤其是这种言论煽动暴力时极为担忧,但美国代
[...] 表团相信,最好的解药就是坚决反对歧视和仇恨犯罪 的法律保护、积极向种族宗教团体 展 开 宣传以及大 力提倡言论自由,而不是禁止和处罚。
While greatly concerned about speech advocating national, racial or religious hatred, especially when it included incitement to violence, his delegation believed that the best antidotes were robust legal protections against discrimination and hate
crimes, proactive government
[...] outreach to racial and religious groups and vigorous freedom [...]
of expression, rather than bans and punishments.
To that end, the Central Census Commission had held a series of meetings with representatives of associations
[...] of minorities and religious communities.
关于平等待遇、协会、公民身分、官方语 言、教育、向公众提供信息 宗教团体 和 伙 伴关系、政党以及政治组织等法律还 规定了更多的权利。
Further rights are provided by laws on equal treatment, associations, citizenship,
the official
[...] language, education, provision of information to the public, religious communities and [...]
partnerships, political
parties and political organizations, etc.
[...] 款,继续通过提高认识的运动及其他具体步骤加强和促进各民族 宗教团体 成员 之间的民族团结、容忍和和平共处,加强通信管理机构在监督公开煽动种族和宗 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party continue to endeavour to combat inter-ethnic prejudices, by, inter alia, applying existing criminal provisions on hate speech and hate crimes, continuing to strengthen, and to promote, through
awareness-raising campaigns, and other
[...] concrete steps, national unity, tolerance and the [...]
peaceful coexistence of members of various
nationalities and religious groups, and by strengthening the monitoring powers of the Communications Regulatory Agency with regard to acts of public incitement to ethnic and religious hatred.
我们大 力支持宗教机构参与各国生活的权利,表达他们的价值观念,甚至试图影响公共 政策,但是,我们不认为宗教团体 可 以 获得特权。
We strongly support the right of religious institutions to participate in the life of nations, to express their values, and even to attempt to influence
public policy, but do
[...] not feel that religious organizations should be granted special dispensation merely because they are religious.
对个人的生命、荣誉和尊严实施特别严重犯罪或对国家、种族 宗教团体 实施 部分或全部破坏行为的人将被判处终身监禁。
Life imprisonment is imposed for the commission of particularly serious crimes against the life, honour or dignity of a person or for actions directed at the partial or total destruction of national, ethnic or religious groups.
[...] 起诉或惩罚,希望知道如何结束宗教犯罪分子的不 受惩罚现象,重建该国不宗教团体 之 间 的信任气 氛。
Since no one had been prosecuted or punished for those crimes, her delegation wished to know how to put an end to impunity for perpetrators of crimes committed on
religious grounds in order to re-establish a climate of confidence
[...] among the various religious communities in [...]
the country.
有多个因素促成了小 学录取人数和入学率的上升:由于从公务员系统之外招聘了大量经短期专业培训
[...] 教室;宣传儿童应就读小学一年级的提高认识活动;实现了更佳的供需平衡,办 法是建立越来越多的公共和私营法语-阿语学校,尤其是在塞内加尔中部地区, 因为居住在这里的人数众多 宗教团体 对 法语学校较为抗拒。
The rise in primary school admission and enrolment is caused by a number of factors: the ongoing expansion of the education system as a result of the recruitment of a large number of teachers from outside the civil service after a short course of professional training; the State’s construction of classrooms and communities’ construction of temporary classrooms; awareness campaigns promoting the enrolment of children in the first year of primary school; and a better fit between supply and specific demand through the establishment of a growing number of public and private French-Arabic schools, especially
in the central part of the country, which is home
[...] to sizeable religious communities that are resistant to French schools.
在属于政府权限范围内的事务中,政府确保对有 宗教团体 的 法 律规范作 出正确解释,并确保所宗教团体受 到 平等对待。
In matters falling within its competence, the Government
ensured the correct
[...] interpretation of legal norms relating to religious communities and the equal treatment of all religious communities.
原特别报告员指出,最佳办法是 宗教团体 本 身 提 出开展这种活动的倡议,然后国家可以提供设施或一些资金。
The best approach, as noted by the former Special Rapporteur, is
when the initiative for such activities
[...] comes from the religious communities themselves, [...]
for which the State may then provide facilities or some funding.
宗教团体标 志 的问题,需要共同协作,单单进行教育和宣传已 显不足,应当寻求全球共同解决该问题的方法,在 流动性极高的当代世界尤其必要,以避免对某一宗 教的排斥。
That issue was all the more relevant given the mobility which currently characterized the world in order to avoid profiling based on a specific religion.
最后,我们深信,联合国应当始终作为一个普遍 框架来强化我们明确而坚定的信息,即国际社会团结
[...] 起来,抵制一切暴力意识形态,共同推动不同文明间 的对话,并在打击恐怖主义的持续斗争中,防止对某宗教团体进行 污蔑和不加区分的攻击。
In conclusion, we are deeply convinced that the United Nations should remain the universal framework to reinforce our clear and strong message that the international community stands united in expressing our rejection of all violent ideologies and in working together to promote dialogue among our civilizations and to
prevent the stigmatization and indiscriminate
[...] targeting of particular religious groups in the ongoing [...]
fight against terrorism.
这 些状况令人担忧,民间组织应当帮助属于宗教少数 群体的女性实现自主,并引 宗教团体 对 这 些女性 的关注。
Civil society must help empower women from religious minorities and sensitize religious communities to their situation.
斯洛伐克对第55 项建议提出保留,该建议要求采取关于行使宗教自由的 措施,使准则和规则更具灵活性,以维护信徒较少 宗教团体 的 权 利,并避免他 们遭到歧视。
Slovakia expressed a reservation to
recommendation 55, which
[...] proposed measures on religious freedom and more flexible norms and rules for religious groups with a small number [...]
of believers and
avoiding their discrimination.
关于宗教或信仰自由问题,卢森堡说,一 宗教团体 或 人 生观的信仰都 受到平等对待。
On freedom of religion or belief, Luxembourg stated that all religious communities or philosophical beliefs were treated equally.
虽然政府以前曾经拟定了一 项关于公证结婚的法律草案,但是没有获得通过,因为所 宗教团体 都 反 对。
While the government had previously prepared a draft law for civil marriage, this had not been
[...] adopted, as all religious groups had rejected it.
[...] 节目主要由不同地方社区的志愿者制作,包括社区中心、老年人、新移民、学 生、各宗教团体和独立团体等。
The Council for Cable TV and Satellite Broadcasting promotes, regulates and supports the broadcasting of community programming, produced mainly by volunteers of various local communities,
including community centers, elderly people, new immigrants,
[...] students, various religious groups, independent [...]
groups, etc.
(n) 支持各种举措,与妇女团体、非政府组织、私营部门、 体 、 宗教团 体和社 区团体,以及其他相关民间社会行为者和旨在保护受到暴力侵害的妇女和 女童、促进两性平等和妇女和女童充分享有所有人权的国际组织结成战略伙伴关 系,并积极参与其中
(n) To support initiatives undertaken by and engage in strategic partnerships with women’s groups, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, media, faith and community groups and other relevant civil society actors and international organizations aimed at protecting women and girls who have been subjected to violence, promoting gender equality and the full enjoyment of all human rights by women and girls
俄罗斯联邦正在成功执行联合国全球反恐战略有关消除有利于恐怖主义蔓 延的条件的各项规定:各种冲突正在通过和平手段加以解决,已在 宗教团体代 表 间建立对话,正在鼓励民族和宗教容忍及尊重所有宗教和文化,以法律(《刑 法》第 [...]
33、34、205 条及第 205 条第 1 和第
2 款)禁止煽动实施恐怖行为、公开 呼吁开展恐怖活动以及公开为恐怖主义辩护,正在执行各项社会方案,并已建立 一个系统,向恐怖主义受害者及其家人提供援助,使他们重返社会。
The Russian Federation is successfully implementing the provisions of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy relating to the elimination of conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism: conflicts are being resolved by peaceful means,
a dialogue has been
[...] established between representatives of various religious denominations, national and [...]
religious tolerance
and respect for all religions and cultures are being encouraged, incitement to commit terrorist acts, public calls to carry out terrorist activity and public justification of terrorism are prohibited by law (arts. 33, 34, 205, 205.1 and 205.2 of the Criminal Code), social programmes are being implemented, and a system of assistance to victims of terrorism and their families and also for their social rehabilitation has been established (arts. 18-21 of the Federal Act on counter-terrorism and regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with those articles).
美国还积极地鼓励民间社会行为者,包 宗教团体 参 与 各宗教之间的对话、 教育工作,并与国内和国宗教团体 和 领 导人建立起了联盟关系,促进各社区内 和社区之间的相互了解,加强对冲突的防范。
The United States also actively encouraged
[...] civil society actors, including religious groups, to participate in interfaith dialogue, education efforts and alliance-building with domestic and international religious groups and leaders [...]
to foster understanding
within and among communities and promote conflict prevention.
[...] 的积极发展已改善了全世界的生活质量,但每个文化宗教团体中的 少数极端分子会谋求利用这种进步, 假借这种技术来传播仇恨、种族主义和排斥。
While positive developments in information and communication technologies have improved the quality of life around that
world, some extremist minorities within
[...] every cultural or religious group seek to take advantage [...]
of that progress to propagate
hatred, racism and exclusion by way of such technology.
强调各国、区域组织、非政府组织 宗教团体 和 媒体可发挥重要作用,促进 宽容及尊重宗教和文化多样性,并在全世界促进和保护人权,包括宗教或信仰自 [...]
Emphasizing that States, regional
organizations, non-governmental
[...] organizations, religious bodies and the media have an important [...]
role to play in promoting
tolerance and respect for religious and cultural diversity and in the universal promotion and protection of human rights, including freedom of religion or belief




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