

单词 宗师

See also:

take as one's model (in academic or artistic work)
surname Zong

External sources (not reviewed)

坎宁安,“一个历史的锡克教徒”(加尔各答,1904; MACGREGOR,(2卷,伦敦,1846年)“的锡克人的历史”;苑“的锡克教徒史”“GOUGH”的锡克教徒和锡克战争“(伦敦,1897年),赛义德穆罕默德拉蒂夫”的旁遮普史“(加尔各答,1891年);
[...] SINGH塔帕尔,”斯古鲁那那德瓦“(拉瓦尔品第,1904年); BHAGAT拉克什曼辛格,”一个生活小品和工 宗师 G o v in d辛格“(拉合尔,1909年); MACAULIFFE,他说:”锡克宗教“(6卷,牛津,1909年); [...]
CUNNINGHAM, "A History of the Sikhs" (Calcutta, 1904; MACGREGOR, "History of the Sikhs" (2 vols., London, 1846); COURT, "History of the Sikhs"' GOUGH, "The Sikhs and the Sikh Wars" (London, 1897); SAYED MOHAMED LATIF, "History of the Punjab" (Calcutta, 1891); SEWARAM SINGH THAPAR, "Sri Guru Nanak Deva" (Rawalpindi, 1904); BHAGAT LAKSHMAN SINGH, "A
short Sketch of the life
[...] and Work of Guru Govind Singh" (Lahore, 1909); MACAULIFFE, "The Sikh Religion" (6 vols., Oxford, [...]
1909); TRUMPP,
"The Adi Granth, the Holy Scriptures of the Sikhs" (London, 1877), stigmatised by Macauliffe as an unreliable translation.
他对文 学、故事、小说和散文的巨大贡献使其成为作家、短篇小说家、散文学家、随笔作家、新闻 记者和历史学家宗师,后者中有些人成为了拉丁美洲及加勒比地区最杰出的人物。
His significant contribution to literature, to storytelling and to novel- and essay-writing has made him a mentor for writers, shortstory writers, essayists, journalists and historians, among them some of the most outstanding figures of Latin America and the Caribbean.
西班牙征服墨西哥早期,宗教教师 没 有学会土著人民的语言前,他们使用图画故事来描绘基本的教义,传播基督教福音。
In the early period of the Spanish conquest of
[...] Mexico, before religious instructors had learned the [...]
languages of the indigenous peoples,
they used pictorial stories describing basic teachings to spread the Christian Gospel.
宗教领袖与朝圣和宗教事务部及妇女事务部一起制定和分发对毛拉、 伊玛姆宗教教师的妇 女权利和《消除对妇女暴力法》培训方案。
(f) Religious leaders, together with the Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Women’s Affairs, should develop and deliver training
and awareness-raising programmes for
[...] mullahs, imams and religious teachers about women’s [...]
rights and the Elimination of Violence against Women Act.
故此,不论其宗教背景, 学校均应在人事管理方面恪守公平的原则,从而避免个别 师 因 其 宗 教 信 仰而遭 歧视。
In this respect, schools, irrespective of their religious background, should observe the fairness
principle in personnel matters and hence avoid
[...] individual teachers being discriminated on the basis of religious belief.
男性青少年被拘留者解释说,有时由 师 教 阅读 和 宗 教 课 ,而且非政 府组织也教他们诸如美发等其他技能。
Male adolescent detainees explained that classes were sometimes given
[...] on reading and religion by teachers, and that NGOs [...]
also taught them other skills such as hairdressing.
这些努力旨在加强 当地团结,让学校校长宗教教师、 政 府官员和学生共享信息,以及提高公众的 [...]
These efforts aim at enhancing local
solidarity and information sharing among
[...] heads of schools, religious teachers, government [...]
officials and students, as well as raising
public awareness of the legal consequences of committing such crimes against students and teachers.
师在宗教和 疾病治疗仪式上用灵 藤水(“灵魂之藤”的意思)诊断和治疗疾病、通灵、占卜未来。
The shamans use ayahuasca (which means "vine of the soul") in religious and healing ceremonies [...]
to diagnose and treat illnesses,
meet with spirits, and divine the future.
当地教会是个建筑物,人们在那里聚集、接受专业 师 的 宗 教 服事;该牧师受过专门的培训, 带领每个星期天上午的聚会,以及为人民主持其他活动,如婚礼和丧礼。
The local church is a building where people
[...] gather to receive religious services from [...]
professional ministers who have been specifically
trained to lead meetings each Sunday morning as well as the other activities for the people such as weddings and funerals.
一旦现存的领袖,如师、宗派负责人和其他关键基督徒看到建立教会运动很清楚是神的旨意,他们 就会鼓励他们所带领的机构来帮助。
When existing
[...] leaders such as pastors, denominational officials and [...]
other key Christians see that the church planting movement
is clearly the will of God, they will encourage the structures they lead to help.
各国 应扩大努力和师、宗教领 袖和社区组织一起工作消除儿童家务工 作。
States should expand efforts
[...] to work with teachers, religious leaders and community [...]
organizations to end child domestic labour.
过去两年,促进将信通技术应用于教育的主要活动有:(a) 把中小学教科书 和教学材料上载到一个活跃的网站,其中包括 50 种孟加拉语书籍、26 种英语中 学教科书和 33 种小学教科书;(b) 向师范学院的教师培训员提供培训,教导他 们如何开发数字化内容,以便在课堂上采用基于信通技术的教与学方法;(c) 向 6 500 名中学教师提供计算机培训;(d) 向 20 500 所学校(包括宗教学校)提供膝
上型计算机和多媒体投影机;(e) 开设 17 个流动计算机实验室,帮助住在边远
[...] 地区的学生认识信通技术;(f) 在 20 所普通学校、35 所宗教学校和 20 所师范学 院建立现代化计算机实验室;(g) [...]
在 128 个区建立信通技术培训和资源中心。
Major activities promoting the use of ICT in education in the last two years are as follows: (a) Textbooks and education materials for primary and secondary education uploaded in a dynamic website which includes 50 Bangla version books, 26 English version secondary education textbooks and 33 primary education textbooks; (b) Training of teacher trainers from the teacher training colleges on developing digital content to facilitate ICT-based teaching-learning processes in class; (c) Computer training for 6,500 secondary schoolteachers; (d) The supply of laptop computers and multimedia projectors to 20,500 schools and madrasas; (e) The launch of 17 mobile computer labs to orient students living in remote locations; (f)
Establishing modern computer labs in 20
[...] schools, 35 madrasas, and 20 teacher training colleges; (g) [...]
Establishing ICT training and resource centres in 128upazila. 58.
印度希望了解德国一些州 颁布法律禁 止 公 立 学校师 配 带宗教符号的情况。
India asked for information regarding German states having issued legislation
[...] forbidding teachers in public schools to wear certain religious symbols.
在宗教学校教育能力建设项目之下,政府除了在宗教学校教育课程中推行科 学和计算机教育之外,还在 100 所宗教学校推行专业教育课;有 3 370 名宗教学师获得 教育管理的各个方面的培训。
Under the capacity-building for madrasa education project, the Government introduced vocational education courses in 100 madrasaa besides introduction of science and computer education in the madrasa education curriculum; 3,370 madrasa teachers were provided with training on various aspects of education management.
各国都有义务利用学校系统固有的多方面机会,提供适当的教材,为师提供宗教间 的培训,促进学生之间的交往。
States have an obligation to make use of the manifold options inherent in the school system by
providing appropriate teaching material,
[...] offering interreligious training for teachers and facilitating [...]
encounters among pupils.
为了消除对妇女的一切形式的暴力,政府以及非政府组织采取了好几项措 施,各个团体,其中包括警察部门以及各 宗 教 团 体的 师 , 接 受了培训,了解 家庭暴力的各个不同方面,提供培训的是制止对妇女暴力基金会以及妇女权利中 心。
In an effort to eliminate all forms of violence against women, the Government as well as NGO’s have taken several measures among which various
groups-among which the police and
[...] priests of various religious groups- were trained [...]
in different aspects of domestic violence
by the Foundation Stop Violence against Women (SSGTV) and the Women’s Rights Centre (WRC).
我们已聘 请索马里宪法学者、师、宗教学者及索马里文化专 家与独立的委员会共同审阅宪法草案。
We have engaged Somali
[...] constitutional scholars, lawyers, religious scholars and experts [...]
in Somali culture to review the
draft constitution, along with the independent commission.
应该与家长、社区宗教领袖、师 及 儿童密切协作,开展各项举措,提高 社区对儿童权利以及儿童与武装团体的关联产生的长期影响的认识,促进改变态 度或鼓励社区和宗教领袖进行干预,以停止招募儿童行为。
Initiatives to raise community awareness about the rights of children and the long-term implications of children’s association with armed groups and to promote attitudinal change or encourage the intervention of community and religious leaders to halt child recruitment should be conducted in close collaboration with parents, community and religious leaders, teachers and children themselves.
兰州大学藏缅—阿尔泰民族非物质文化遗产研究所现正在负责2007年度国家社会科学基金《藏蒙医学史研究》(项目批准号为07BMZ014),该项目主持人为该所所长兼美国印第安纳大学人类学系研究员、兰州大学历史文化学院博士生 师宗 喀 ·漾 正冈布教授。
Tibeto-Burman-Altai Minority Intangible Culture Heritage Research Institute of Lanzhou University is undertaking the project of research on Medicine History of Tibet and Mongolia sponsored by National Fund for Social Sciences (project approve no: 07BMZ014) in 2007.
与会者建议,教科文组织应支持旨在促进非洲统一的活动、以及在非洲某些分地区促 进不同民族间和不宗教间 对话的活动;教科文组织还应发起行动,通过教育和传播活动帮 [...]
Participants suggested that UNESCO should support activities aimed
at the unification of Africa and at
[...] inter-ethnic and interreligious dialogue [...]
in certain subregions of Africa and should
also initiate action to help prevent conflicts through activities in education and communication.
斯洛伐克认为,该建议没有明确确定所要求的灵活性的性质、信徒 较少宗教团体的定量参数和应加以避免的歧视形式。
It considered that the recommendation did not identify clearly the nature of the requested flexibility, the quantitative parameters of a small number of believers and the form of discrimination to be avoided.
宗教间 国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能够行使宗教信 仰自由并且每年前往朝圣,同时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to [...]
visit places of pilgrimage
annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.
依条约规定,或因谈判国数目有限和因条约的目的 宗 旨 ,任何其他国家参加该条约必须 认为应经全体当事国或全体缔约国同意时,新独立国家只有在获得此种同意后才可确立其成 为该条约当事国或缔约国的地位。
When, under the terms of the treaty or by reason of the limited number of the negotiating States and the object and purpose of the treaty, the participation of any other State in the treaty must be considered as requiring the consent of all the parties or of all the contracting States, the newly independent State may establish its status as a party or as a contracting State to the treaty only with such consent.
在和平时期开展活动时,各国应当采取一切适当的措施,使自己的行为符合保护文化 遗产的要求,尤其是符合 1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》、1956 年《关于国际考 古发掘原则的建议书》、1968 年《关于保护公共或私人工程危及的文化财产的建议书》、 1972 年《关于在国家一级保护文化和自然遗产的建议书》和 1976 年《关于保护历史或传统 建筑群及其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》所确定的原则 宗 旨。
When conducting peacetime activities, States should take all appropriate measures to conduct them in such a manner as to protect cultural heritage and, in particular, in conformity with the principles and objectives of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, of the 1956 Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations, the 1968 Recommendation concerning the Preservation of Cultural Property Endangered by Public or Private Works, the 1972 Recommendation concerning the Protection, at National Level, of the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 1976 Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas.
(h) 如果符合该条例,董事可在他的董事职位以外,按各董事决定的期间和(关 于酬金或其他的)条款,在本公司持有任何其他职位或有收益的职位(除 审师的职 位外),任何董事或准董事不应因为他与本公司就他担任其他 职位或有收益的职位或作为卖方、买方或其他的年期签定合约而被撤职, 而任何该等合约或任何由本公司或其代表签定而任何董事有利益的合约 或安排,也无须废止,立约的或有利益的董事也无须因为该董事持有该职 位或由此而成立的受信责任,向本公司交代从该合约或安排所得的任何利 润。
(h) Subject to the Ordinance, a Director may hold any other office or place of profit under the Company (other than the office of auditor) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and on such terms (as to remuneration and otherwise) as the Directors may determine and no Director or intending Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company either with regard to his tenure of any such other office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or otherwise, nor shall any such contract, or any contract or arrangement entered into by or on behalf of the Company in which any Director is in any way interested, be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company for any profit realised by any such contract or arrangement by reason of such Director holding that office or of the fiduciary relation thereby established.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译成分庭的一种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有师 的 上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
优质教育的下列方面受到了重视:支持课程体系的审查 和修订,特别是根据各国的优先工作和阿拉伯世界的需求纳入价值观教育和伦理教育;“以 学习者为中心”的教育;改进教学工作,包括能力培养和 师 培 训 ;提高 师 地 位;制定标 准进行评估;制订关于优质教育的国家标准。
The following elements of quality education were highlighted: focus on assistance in curricula review and revision, particularly the introduction of values education and ethical approaches, in accordance with national priorities and Arab needs; “learner-centred” education; improvement of teaching including capacity-building and teacher training; improvement in the status of teachers; development of benchmarking and assessment; elaboration of national standards regarding quality education.
根据《工作和休息时间法》,下述各类的工作已经缩短了工作时间: 从事地下工作、对健康构成危害的工作或特殊性质的工作的雇员――最多每 天七小时既每周三十五个小时;在学校和其他托儿机构工作的 师 和 教 育工 作者,在教育工作的其他人员以及根据与保健服务提供机构订立的雇用合同 工作的心理学家和语言治师―― 最多每天七小时既每周三十五个小时。
Under the Working and Rest Time Act, the following categories of workers have reduced working time: employees who perform underground work, work that poses a health hazard or work of a special nature — up to seven hours per
day or thirty-five
[...] hours per week; teachers and educators working in schools and other child care institutions, and other persons working in the area of education, and psychologists and speech therapists working on the basis of employment contracts entered into with a provider of health care services — up to [...]
seven hours per day or thirty-five hours per week.




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