单词 | 宕机 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 宕机 noun —downtime n宕机 —crash (of a computer)See also:宕—put off • dissipated
您是否思考过如果发生IP 提供商宕机、您 丢失了全部文件或者您的客户根本无法借助电话或邮件联系到您,将会给您的业务造成什么影响? servcorp.com.cn | Have you considered what would happen to your business if your IP provider went down, you lost all your files or your clients simply couldn't reach you by phone or email? servcorp.com.cn |
这将每次更换电池的宕机时间 的宕机成本 降至最低,但是系统可能会在电池充电过程中面临 丢失数据的风险。 adaptec.com | This minimizes the amount (and cost) of downtime for each replacement, but exposes the system to potential data loss while the battery is charging. adaptec.com |
数据丢失、通信问题和 IT 宕机将最终损害您的业务和利润。 servcorp.com.cn | Data loss, communication [...] issues and IT down time could ultimately [...]hurt your business and your profits. servcorp.com.cn |
Membrain 可与 RAID 协同工作,并可根据所用的固态硬盘,避免在 SSD 出现故障或进行计划维护时宕机。 sandisk.cn | Membrain works with RAID and, depending on the specific Solid State Drives (SSDs) used, can protect against downtime from SSD failure or planned maintenance. sandisk.fr |
要么投入比日常所需开支更多的费用,要么就得冒着随时可 能 宕机 的 风 险。 emerson.com | You either have to build in more overhead than what is otherwise necessary, or take your chances and risk downtime. emerson.com |
用户数据实时同步,当主用HLR宕机后 , 业务自动切换到数据容灾中心,提升了网络的安全可靠性。 zte.com.cn | When the primary HLR is down, the service automatically switches to data redundancy center, so the network security and reliability is improved. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
在持续可用性方面,Emerson 全球数据中心首年运营便实现了零小时的意 外 宕机 时 间。 emerson.com | In regard to availability, the Emerson Global Data Center experienced zero unplanned downtime in its first year. emerson.com |
带有存储资源管理器 (SRM) 报告的显示板 — 以图形化的方式深入了解备份环境,以监控所有备份活动的状态,查找耗时最久的节点,找到备份的数据,弄清数据是否加密并为灾难恢复做好准备以及跟踪每个生产服务器上的卷、磁盘和内存的使用情况备,从而主动地避 免 宕机 时 间。 arcserve.com | A Dashboard with Storage Resource Manager (SRM) Reporting — Proactively avoid downtime with graphical insight into your backup environment to monitor the status of all backup activities, find the nodes that are taking the longest, locate backed-up data, discover whether data is encrypted and ready for disaster recovery and track volume, disk and memory usage on each of your Production servers. arcserve.com |
力博特浪涌保护产品能够减少宕机和 损 伤,将工时缩短至最小,并同时延长设备的使用寿命。 emerson.com | Liebert surge protection products reduce downtime and damage, minimizing man-hours while simultaneously extending equipment life. emerson.com |
安装初始设备、计划宕机、更 换电池和重新充电相关的IT运 作成本. adaptec.com | Operating IT cost to install the initial device, plan downtime, replace batteries and re-charge them. adaptec.com |
数据丢失、通信问题和 IT 宕机将如何影响您的业务? servcorp.com.cn | How would data loss, communication [...] issues and IT down time affect your [...]business? servcorp.com.cn |
据 Emerson 估算,如果每个美国数据中心可以在当前可用的电源容量的基础上将效率提高 10%,那么在提高效率与降低宕机时间方面,美国企业就能够节约超过 100 亿美元。 emerson.com | Emerson estimates that if every U.S. data center could utilize 10 percent more of its available power capacity, U.S. businesses could save more than $10 billion in increased efficiency and reduced downtime. emerson.com |
当主用服务器出现严重故障时(如系统 宕机 ) , 其 上的Service IP地址会自动漂移到备用服务器上。 surekam.com | In case of serious faults (e.g. system downtime) on the master server, its Service IP address will automatically swift to the standby server. surekam.com |
根据你选择的计划 (Alliance、Preferred 或 Select 支持),产品功能可包括无限次支持、最多 6 [...] 名指定的客户支持联系人、针对一级故障(服务 器 宕机 ) 提供 1 小时回应及每周 7 天的全天候服务、现场技术检查,等等。 store.apple.com | Depending on the program you select -- Alliance, Preferred, or Select Support -- product features can include unlimited support incidents, up to six designated [...] customer support contacts, one hour response for [...] priority 1 (server down) issues 24/7, [...]an onsite technical review, and more. store.apple.com |
此功能很重要,因为它能减少宕机时 间、提高恢复过程的可靠性并节省 IT 资源的时间。 arcserve.com | This is important because it results in less downtime, a more reliable recovery process and reduced IT resource time. arcserve.com |
这些功能有助于消除冗余数据、降低存储成本,因此您可以在指定磁盘上存储更多恢复点,还可以提供可操作信息以帮助减少非计 划 宕机 时 间。 arcserve.com | These features help eliminate redundant data and reduce storage costs, enabling you to store more recovery points on a given disk and provide actionable information to help reduce unplanned downtime. arcserve.com |
我们很高兴Virtuozzo产品能获得业内的广泛认可,这是Virtuozzo产品为客户带来价值的最佳证明,Virtuozzo拥有卓越的性能和内置的 零 宕机 迁 移 特征。 parallels.com | We are gratified by the recognition in the industry, which is testimony to the value delivered by our Virtuozzo product with its performance advantages and built-in zero downtime migration," said Serguei Beloussov, CEO, SWsoft. parallels.com |
CA ARCserve 的高可用性和复制解决方案帮助您的企业保持全天候运行状态;同时最大程度地减少代价昂贵的服务 器 宕机 , 并 满足您公司的日益苛刻的 SLA。 arcserve.com | CA ARCserve’s high availability and replication solutions help ensure your business stays up and running 24x7; minimizing costly server downtime and exceeding your company’s demanding SLAs. arcserve.com |
ODCA 服务协调使用模型 1.0 —宕机和维 护安排可按需使用,指明哪些功能和 服务要素需要在线维护,哪些需要 宕机。 opendatacenteralliance.org | ODCA Service Orchestration Usage Model 1.0 – A downtime and maintenance schedule is available on-demand, indicating which functions and service elements are maintained online, and which require downtime. opendatacenteralliance.org |
巡检过程中发现,由于很多设备长时间的运转,设备生成了很多的垃圾文件,日志占据了系统很多的空间,一些垃圾进程也长时间的驻留在内存中,所以造成了系统性能下降,甚至造成业务中断系 统 宕机 , 所 以在巡检过程中清除垃圾日志和一些没用的系统进程,检查还原crontab;(因为有些设备承载着重要应用,不能重启系统)所以在巡检过程,对这些不能重启的设备增加swap空间以此来缓解内存使用;在数据库服务器巡检时发现,很多数据库的存储空间已满,为了缓解这种状况,对数据库的存储空间进行扩充,或逻辑的移动数据文件;在巡检过程中还发现有些设备没有在机房环境内运行,对这些设备采取了例行停机,进行除尘等工作。 surekam.com | During the inspection, due to long time operation, a lot of junk files have been generated in the system. For example, system logs occupy a lot of space and some junk processes are running in memory, which degrades system performance or causes system downtime during business operation. surekam.com |
我們也力推多項延宕多年 的大型基建項目陸續上馬和開工,為建 造業相關工種創造數以萬計的就業機會。 legco.gov.hk | In doing so, we have created tens of thousands of job opportunities for the construction trades concerned. legco.gov.hk |
這項立法工作延宕 已久 ,因此,我促請有關政策局邁步向前,莫再遲疑,並同時提高這方面的 透明度,令消費者受惠。 legco.gov.hk | This legislation is much overdue and I urge the Bureau to move ahead without hesitation, and to enhance transparency for the consumers. legco.gov.hk |
尽管过去 50 年里充满了跌宕起伏,但人民的愿 望依然未变。 daccess-ods.un.org | Despite of the upheavals of the past 50 years, people’s aspirations remain unchanged. daccess-ods.un.org |
强调确保立即将任何被逮捕或羁押的人交由法官或其他独立司法官员当 庭审判,允许其迅速定期获得医疗和法律咨询,允许其家人或第三方探视,并有 [...] 权向法院提出诉讼,以便法院能够毫不 延 宕 地 判定拘留和待遇的合法性,凡此种 [...] 种是防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的有效法律和程序保 障 daccess-ods.un.org | Stresses that ensuring that any individual arrested or detained is brought promptly before a judge or other independent judicial officer in person, permitting prompt and regular medical care and legal counsel and visits by relatives or third parties, as well as the right to take proceedings [...] before a court to enable the court to decide [...] without delay on the lawfulness [...]of detention and treatment, constitute effective [...]legal and procedural safeguards for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会可正式请缔约国提供资料,解答非 政府组织资料中提出的问题,并且不再 延 宕 立 即提交逾期报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee may formally request the State party to provide it with information addressing issues raised in the submissions of non-governmental organizations and to submit its overdue report without further delay. daccess-ods.un.org |
强调确保立即将任何被逮捕或羁押的人交由法官或其他独立司法官员当 庭审判,允许其迅速定期获得医疗和法律咨询,允许其家人或第三方探视,并有 权向法院提出诉讼,以便法院能够毫不 延 宕 地 判 定拘留和待遇的合法性,凡此种 种是防范酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚的有效法律和程序保 障 daccess-ods.un.org | Stresses that effective legal and procedural safeguards for the prevention of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment include, inter alia, ensuring that any individual arrested or detained is brought promptly before a judge or other independent judicial officer in person, and permitting prompt and regular medical care and legal counsel as well as visits by family members daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 委员会可通过主席发函,正式提请有关缔约国注意收到的资料,并促 请缔约国不再延宕立即提交逾期报告。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The Committee may formally — through a letter from the Chairperson — bring to the attention of the State party concerned the information received and urge the State party to submit its overdue report without further delay. daccess-ods.un.org |
英國倫敦第一座臨時貨櫃商場原訂於夏季啟用, 延 宕 多 時,最近終於開幕,「Boxpark」位於倫敦東區,座落在Bethnal Green Road和Shoreditch High Street交叉口,完全以回收利用的貨櫃打造而成,經營者稱之為「零售革命」,上個星期我前往現場,目睹是否名符其實。 thisbigcity.net | Located in east London, at the intersection of Bethnal Green Road and Shoreditch High Street, ‘Boxpark’ is made entirely from reused shipping containers and has been called a ‘retail revolution’ by its owners. thisbigcity.net |
此外,第三期工程原本預定於2011年完工,將增加20公里專用道,也會新增250輛公車,卻已 延 宕 一 年 ,主因在於貪腐弊案,前市長莫雷諾(Samuel Moreno)已為此入獄。 thisbigcity.net | And if this wasn’t enough, the construction of phase 3 – planned to open in 2011, adding 20 kilometers of BRT lanes along with 250 more buses to the entire network – is one year behind schedule, largely due to issues with corruption that today has the former mayor of Bogotá, Samuel Moreno – in prison. thisbigcity.net |
在老特拉福德经历了所有的折磨,跌 宕 起 伏 和遭受嘲笑的日子后,他现在需要一个这样的球队,能使他舒服得打比赛,能使他不必介意那想讨厌的苍蝇一样围着他晃来晃去的5000万英镑的压力。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | After all the wear and [...] tear, the ups and downs and jeers-outnumbering-cheers [...]days at Old Trafford, he now needs to play [...]for a team where he can move at a more comfortable level and where he won’t be minding anymore about the pressure of playing with a £50-million price tag dangling over his head like a pesky fly. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |