单词 | 完美的 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 完美的 adjective —perfect adjSee also:完美—perfect • perfectly • perfection 完美 adj—seamless adj • ideal 完的 adj—over adj 美的—Midea (brand)
本答复表明我 们将继续努力与民间社会协商,用我国宪法的话说以创造 更 完美的 联 邦。 daccess-ods.un.org | This response reflects our continuing endeavor, in consultation with civil society, to create, in the words of our Constitution, a more perfect union. daccess-ods.un.org |
进行手机通话及更多功能 Jabra Drive 是为您手机设计的完美的道路伴侣。 jabra.cn | Talk on the phone and so much more… Jabra Drive is the perfect road companion for your mobile phone. jabra.com |
维持和平和 建设和平相互关联,不应分开来看待;两个进程必 须同步进行,以在国家自主权的基础上促进经济振 兴、发展和国家的能力建设,并为制 定 完美的 撤离战略铺平道路;它们必须防止再次发生武装冲突, 并实现持久和平。 daccess-ods.un.org | Peacekeeping and peacebuilding were interrelated and should not be perceived separately; the processes must run in tandem so as to facilitate economic revitalization, development and national capacity-building, on the basis of national ownership, and pave the way towards a seamless exit strategy; they must prevent the recurrence of armed conflict and achieve sustainable peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
落棉 开包机BO-R通常用于预备落棉条,通过这样的 方式可将落棉条完美的喂入 至生产流程并精确 到米。 truetzschler.de | The Waste opener Bo-r is used to prepare sliver waste in such a way that it can be fed into the production flow perfectly and finely metered. truetzschler.de |
瓦克在2013年法国巴黎复合材料展上展出的产品包括两项新开发的VINNAPAS®威耐实品牌产品, 这两种聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAc)固体树脂能够生 成 完美的 无 收 缩表面。 wacker.com | WACKER's exhibits at the JEC COMPOSITES 2013 include [...] two new products from its VINNAPAS® range [...]of polyvinyl acetate (PVAc) solid resins [...]for perfect non-shrink surfaces. wacker.com |
台北,台湾-2011年10月 24日-Tt [...] eSPORTS-高性能专业电竞的代名词,持续贯彻曜越科技的终极使命「致力于创 造 完美的 用 户 经验」! ttesports.com.cn | October 24th, 2011 - Taipei, Taiwan – Tt eSPORTS, the leader of gaming and a sub-division brand of Thermaltake, is exciting to announce [...] SAPHIRA, world’s most advanced pro-gaming [...] engineering technology on mouse, and White-Ra’s [...]Limited Edition signature mouse pad. ttesports.fr |
修道开始在埃及与保罗和安东尼,并蔓延到叙利亚从埃及;圣亚他那修它带来了知识向西方,以及杰罗姆和奥古斯丁,Honoratus和马丁,科伦巴笃和西方monachism,总是望着以东,安东尼和帕科谬斯和伊拉里,尤其是进入罗勒,其 最 完美的 模 型。 mb-soft.com | Monasticism began in Egypt with Paul and Anthony, and spread from Egypt to Syria; St. Athanasius brought the knowledge of it to the West, and the Western monachism of Jerome and Augustine, of Honoratus and Martin, of Benedict and Columba, always looked to the East, to Anthony and Pachomius and Hilarion, and above all to Basil, for its most perfect models. mb-soft.com |
这款全新的水平仪系统由快装板上三个独立的水平仪和球杆上的一个水平仪组成,可始终确 保 完美的 水 平 校准图像。 gitzo.cn | The new leveling system made of three [...] independent leveling bubbles on the quick release plate and one in the ball stem, [...] always guarantee perfectly leveled images. gitzo.ca |
譬如说,一台威力工业网络的 IDS-5011 串行设备服务器可连接到交通信号装置或交通信息显示系统,将传统串行输入和输出重要数据从串行格 式 完美的 转 换成以太网格式。 oring-networking.com.cn | An ORing device server, such as IDS-5011, can be connected to the traffic signal device or traffic information display system with traditional serial inputs and outputs to seamlessly convert such important data from serial to Ethernet format. oring-networking.com |
HUBER+SUHNER MCX超小型卡入式连接器在尺寸、重量、耐用性和应用性能方面达到 了 完美的 平 衡 ,特别适合用于移动和固定通讯系统、GPS 应用及和测试+测量系统领域。 hubersuhner.com | HUBER+SUHNER MCX micro miniature snap-on connectors offer you an excellent blend of size,weight, durability and performance for applications such as mobile and fixed telecommunications, in GPS applications and in Test+Measurement systems for testing instruments and apparatus. hubersuhner.com |
在 Sonderhoff Engineering 公司, 我们发现了完美的混合 与供料技术合作伙伴, 正如国际汽车零配件 供应行业所期望的那样, 他们能够随时随地地为我们提供专业的支持与服务。 sonderhoff.com | In Sonderhoff Engineering, we have found the right partner for mixing and dosing technology, who, should service be required, also assists us in exactly the way the international automotive supplier industry would wish. sonderhoff.com |
一天活动结束之后, 选一家舒适的露天啤酒馆,可用一杯新鲜 生啤给忙碌的一天画上一个完美的句 号。 carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com | After so much activity the best way to end the day is to enjoy a fresh wheat beer in one of the many lovely beer gardens. carl-duisberg-d...tsugo-kouza.com |
接下来2011 [...] LEXUS雷克萨斯尊贵体验之旅将陆续抵达华东、华南其他城市,与消费者共同分享LEXUS雷克萨斯“矢志不渝,追 求 完美 ” 的 品 牌理念及旗下多款豪华车型所带来的绿色环保趋势与激情驾驭乐趣。 lexus.com.cn | Next, the 2011 Taste of Lexus brand event will roll into other cities in eastern and [...] southern China to share the Lexus [...] "Passionate Pursuit of Perfection", the green philosophy [...]and passionate driving pleasure [...]brought by various Lexus luxury vehicles. lexus.com.cn |
Sonderhoff 的密封技术为您提供完美的保护, 防止倾斜、冲击和振动带来的泄 漏和污染。 sonderhoff.com | Sealing systems from Sonderhoff offer perfect protection against leakage or contamination, even thouse caused by drops, shocks and vibrations. sonderhoff.com |
人工神经网技术(ANN)是一个非常 完美的 用 于创建牢靠定标的技术,因为它可以减少当地用户调整定标的需要,通过包括许多变化的产品来提高定标的可靠性。 foss.cn | Artificial Neural Network technology (ANN) is the perfect technology for creating robust calibrations as it reduces the need for local adaptation of calibrations and increases reliability by including large amounts of data from many product variations. foss.us |
注意: 要在倾斜功能上得到完美的波形运动,必须按照递增的 DMX 地址顺序安装扫描仪。 dmx512.ch | Note: To get for example a perfect wave movement on the tilt function, it’s necessary to mount the scanners with ascending DMX addresses order. dmx512.ch |
我並要感謝本局議員和社會各界㆟士,在我們努 力實現「醫療護理,務求完美」的目 標 之際,不斷給予我們支持。 legco.gov.hk | My gratitude also goes to Honourable Members of this Council, and the public for their continued support in our endeavour to provide “Quality Healthcare, Quality Hospital Services” for the people of Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
这种片基,强度高、透明,而且足够轻薄,是生产软性胶 片 完美的材 料。 motion.kodak.com | The base was strong, transparent, and thin enough to perfect a process for manufacturing film on a flexible base. motion.kodak.com |
瓦克在本年度伊斯坦布尔涂料展会推出的另一新产品是可使水平表面极 为 完美的 V I N NA PAS®威耐实LL 5111 L。 wacker.com | Another innovation at this year’s [...] paintistanbul is VINNAPAS® LL 5111 L for perfectly level surfaces. wacker.com |
我認為如果你可以 改革現時的公民教育課程,從小就教授公民教育,包括由小學就開始 教授學生認識自己的國家、認識自己國家的歷史、為何會有今天的中 國、世界上沒有一種制度是十全十美、沒有一個國家的制度可超越別 人而是完美的,讓我們瞭解史實和我們國家的制度,以及香港“一國 兩制”是怎樣誕生等。 legco.gov.hk | I think that if you could reform the existing curriculum on civic education and start the education at a young age, including start teaching students from primary school to learn about their own country, the history of their own country, why has today's China come into existence, that there is no perfect system in the world, that no system of one country can surpass that of the others and is perfect, to let us learn the historical facts and about the system of our country, and what leads to the birth of the "one country, two systems" in Hong Kong and so on. legco.gov.hk |
完美的图片 播放,音乐播放,flash播放,图片插入,附件下载功能,这是f2blog的最为特别之处。 javakaiyuan.com | Perfect picture playback , music player , flash player, picture insertion, attachment download [...] function , which is f2blog the [...]most special. javakaiyuan.com |
曜越科技自1999年起秉持『致力於創造 完美的 使 用 者經驗』之企業使命,與旗下專業電腦DIY品牌【Thermaltake】以穩健的腳步持續延續品牌和產品創新獨具之精神,在業界擁有屹立不搖的地位!自2002年起,Thermaltake推出了第一代Bigwater SE水冷散熱器,提供全方位且多元的散熱商品,包括DIY式、外接式、All-In-One、水氣冷waterblock、水冷散熱系統機殼等,Thermaltake產品設計師及工程師成功將理性與感性融合於產品之中,用以洞燭機先的精準眼光,不斷早一步發掘並滿足使用者需求,屢屢透過創新科技的應用改寫歷史,不但備受消費者推崇,更屢獲全球各項大獎肯定。 thermaltakecorp.com | Thermaltake, the go-ahead for the liquid-cooling system 【Bigwater SE】to the PC gaming hardware and DIY market development was presented in 2002, the scene was set for expansion, and followed with variants of cooling system including the “DIY style”, “external style, “All-in-one Style”, “waterblock” and “liquid-cooling chassis” etc. The brand is therefore launching a new highlight with a new model series while continuing a tradition that has repeatedly met with great enthusiasm throughout the history of the “Bigwater Series” and liquid-cooling chassis, with the new CPU liquid-cooling chassis 【Level 10 GT LCS】and CPU liquid -cooling system 【Bigwater A80】&【Bigwater 760 PLUS】, which emphasize on their superior performance and state-of-the-art technology. thermaltakecorp.com |
在電視兩旁配置一對 BeoLab 12-3 ,房間後方再加上一對 BeoLab 12-2 或 12-1,就能組成一套完美的環繞 音效系統,營造出整體一致的室內風格,為娛樂享受注入新生命。 bang-olufsen.com | With two BeoLab 12-3s around your television, paired with two BeoLab 12-2s or 12-1s in the rear of the room, you have the perfect surround sound system in a cohesive design language to breathe life into your entertainment. bang-olufsen.com |
供奉印度教湿婆神的柏 威夏古寺有着精雕细刻的石刻纹饰和 完美的 建 筑 风 格,融合了其宗教功能及周边的自然环境。 crisisgroup.org | The temple, dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, is said to be exceptional because of the quality of its carved stone ornamentation and architecture, adapted to the natural environment, and religious function. crisisgroup.org |
新车型保留了 Miura [...] 原车独具一格的线条特征:设计师主要对原车的轮廓进行了精简,并消除了多余的细节,目的是使新车型的线条更加简洁、干净,并且忠实地保留了无数跑车爱好者推崇备 至 的完美的 平 衡 比例。 lamborghini.com | The new car retains the extraordinary purity of line characteristic of the original Miura: the designer's intervention has been defined by refining the contours and eliminating any superfluous detail in [...] order to enhance the clean, simple [...] lines and perfectly-balanced proportions of the original [...]that so impassioned enthusiasts. lamborghini.com |
不同方面的光澤使一個必須具備的手錶寶 石 的完美 和 諧與今天的女人的生活的節奏,並確認他的人格魅力四射,感性,強烈而大膽的。 zh.horloger-paris.com | The different facets of shine make this a must have watch jewel in perfect harmony with the rhythm of a woman's life today and confirms his personality glamorous, sensual, strong and bold. en.horloger-paris.com |
目 前将人力资源管理的权力全部下放到各部门的做法导致了模棱两可、支离破碎、各自 为政的决定,再加上缺乏资金来源和正确规划,这些将阻碍即便理论上 是 完美 轮 调政 策的成功实施,有 2003 年的尝试失败为证。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The current practice of entirely decentralizing Human Resources Management to sectors results in opaque, fragmented and compartmentalized decisions – combined with a lack of funding and planning – would jeopardize the success of even a theoretically perfect rotation policy, as is evidenced by the failure of the 2003 attempt. unesdoc.unesco.org |
总部位于美国密苏里州圣路易斯市的 Emerson(纽交所股票代码:EMR)是一家全球领先的公司,其通过将技术与工 程 的完美 结 合 ,为网络能源、过程管理、工业自动化、环境优化技术、工具和储存等业务领域为客户提供创新的解决方案。 emerson.com | Emerson (NYSE: EMR), based in St. Louis, Missouri ( USA ), is a global leader in bringing technology and engineering together to provide innovative solutions for customers in industrial, commercial, and consumer markets through its network power, process management, industrial automation, climate technologies, and tools and storage businesses. emerson.com |
此外,若要切实有效、有的放矢地落实受害者援助行 动计划,实现合作与援助的完美结合 ,需要在国家一级付出更大努力,了解问题 的程度及实地执行的真实情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, in order to achieve an efficient and targeted implementation of the plan of action on victim assistance and to match cooperation and assistance successfully, greater efforts were needed at the national level to understand the scale of the problem and the real state of implementation on the ground. daccess-ods.un.org |