

单词 完全改变

See also:

完全 adj

fully adj
complete adj
whole adj

完全 adv

completely adv
wholly adv
exactly adv
absolutely adv
solely adv

改变 n

change n
changes pl

改变 v

change v
switch v
mould v

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然法院拒绝考虑大会提出征求意见 请求的动机或其追求的目标,但却自认为获得授权改动该请求的措辞,以至于完全改变了其含义和范围。
Whereas the Court declines to consider either the motivation of the General Assembly or the aims it was pursuing by means of its request for an opinion, it has
nonetheless deemed itself authorized to modify the wording of the
[...] request, to the point of completely altering its meaning and scope.
关于这个问题,高级别小组一名成员指出,宪法委员会撤销 13.10%的选票产生了决定性的影响 完全改变 了 投 票的结果。
Concerning that question, a member of the Panel observed that the cancellation of 13.10 per cent of
the votes by the Constitutional Council however had a
[...] decisive impact which completely changed the result of the polls.
朝鲜民主主义人民共和 国必完全改变其发 展核武器政策和人权方面的政 策,然后才有资格谈论联合国其他会员国的政策。
The Democratic People’s
[...] Republic of Korea must totally change its policies on [...]
its nuclear weapons development and on human
rights before it can talk about the policies of other Members of the United Nations.
匿名信V2 则完全改变了匿 名信V1中的语气,声称“我们并未表示任何与该报告相关的独立人员,其明知却故意做出不适当的举止。
The Anonymous Letter V2 completely alters the tone of the Anonymous [...]
Letter V1 and states "we do not suggest that any independent
person associated with that report has knowingly acted in an inappropriate manner".
全球顶尖的制造商均依赖于 Despatch 实现其关键的制程进步,这些进步 完全改变 我 们 的生活方式。
The world’s top manufacturers rely on Despatch for critical process advancements that revolutionize the way we live.
自冷战时期以来,维持和平的概念已 完全改 变。
Since the cold war era, the concept of
[...] peacekeeping has been entirely transformed.
[...] 系涉及的内容包括:⑴ 激进的立场,要完全改变国家的经济战略或发展模式, 向不同但尚未完全确定的替代性政策转变(例如包括对贸易政策、公共部门职责、 [...]
社会政策等同时作出重大改变);⑵ 中庸立场,谋求实行更好的政府干预措施(加 强监管,早期警示系统,提高透明度等);⑶
基本被动的立场,希望通过外因推 动复苏(新的经济秩序,加强国际发展援助,较为发达的经济体通过增长重振经 济需求等)。
The stakes range from radical positions
[...] advocating a total change in the economic [...]
strategy or development model of the country
and a move towards different — albeit not welldetermined — alternative policies (for instance, major, simultaneous changes in trade policy, public sector roles, social policy, etc.), to intermediate positions seeking better government interventions (enhanced regulation, early alert systems, more transparency, etc.) and essentially passive positions that anticipate a rapid recovery as a result of external factors (a new economic order, enhanced international development aid, recovery of economic demand from growth to come in the more advanced economies, etc.).
与拉普兰的冬天旷野“相恋”, 完全改变 您 的 生命。
Fall in love with the winter
[...] wilderness and it could completely change your life.
与拉普兰的冬天旷野“相恋”, 完全改变 您 的 生命。
Some people prefer winter to summer and reindeer herder Nils-Matti is one of them.
[...] 础设施处于原始状态,人均消费水平很低,而如今, 我们已经取得了种种成就完全改变 了 国 家的形象, 而且已加入国际社会这个大家庭。
In the years that Uzbekistan has been independent, our country has transitioned from a one-sided, hypertrophied, raw-materials-based economy comprised of a destructive monopoly over cotton production, primitive productive and social infrastructure and low
per-capita consumption to making
[...] achievements that have entirely changed its image and made [...]
it part of the world community.
这位充满热情的制表大师回想起:"有一次,一枚腕表被退回来给我们,因为当我们在刻镂摆陀时,切掉了一撇,结果,这么一来,字 完全改变 了 "。
One time, a piece was returned to us because we cut out a point
when we skeletonized the rotor, and in doing so the
[...] meaning of the word had completely changed,” the enthusiast [...]
欧洲联盟一再要求为特别政治任务作出的预测 和编制的预算符合实际,然而,所提出的各种方案总 而言之完全改变联合国的预算流程。
The European Union had repeatedly requested realistic forecasting and budgeting for special political missions.
过去 我们并不知道野生小麦是如 此珍贵的资源 这个保护项完全改变了 群众对野生小麦的认识 而且 在我们与 沙漠化做斗争的过程中 [...]
该项目还为我们 修建灌溉系统提供资金和技术支持 我们 通过在项目地区实施禁牧政策保护野生小 麦 并得到了当地群众的支持
The project has completely changed public awareness [...]
about this. And in our battle against desertification, we are receiving
concrete support from the project in the form of financial help and technical skills in the construction of irrigation systems.
29 四年后,即 1994 年,Lemaire 教授介绍了马米拉发生的翻天覆地的巨大变化,“它完全改变了城 市独特的传统景观,成为圣城城市化进程中一颗耀眼的明珠。
It totally modifies the immediate environment on the Western flank of the historic city in developing – following an urban
concept – a zone which, it
[...] is true, is strongly untidy and has already been much disrupted along this century.29 Four years later in 1994, Professor Lemaire reported on the changes that had taken [...]
place in Mamilla as “the
most dramatic alteration of the unique landscape that constituted one of the urbanistic treasures of the Holy City.
我想,并会建议任何人谁需要一个PDF转换为Word文档(或纯文本) -
[...] 的问题,我已经告诉在过去的人会产生“前途未卜”的结果,充其量... 在这方面,该产品完全改变我的 心态。
I would, and will, recommend this to anyone who needs a PDF converted to a word document (or plain text) - a subject I've told
people in the past would produce 'iffy' results at best...
[...] this product has entirely changed my mindset in that regard.
20世纪60年代,美国麻省理工学院的气象学家Edward Lorenz在计算机上模拟气候类型,
[...] 当他把一个中间值提高精度再送回模型中去,惊奇地发现本来很小的差异,竟 完全改变 了 模 型结果。
During the 1960s Edward Lorenz, a meteorologist at MIT,  worked on a project to simulate weather patterns on a computer. He accidentally
stumbled upon the butterfly effect after deviations in calculations off by
[...] thousandths greatly changed the simulations.
缔约国没有义改变完全符合 《公 约》义务的政策和法律,如通过禁止或限制堕胎保 护未出生胎儿的法律。
States Parties were under no
[...] obligation to change policies and laws that were fully consistent with their [...]
obligations under the
Convention, such as laws protecting unborn children by prohibiting or restricting abortion.
[...] 器 (校准位置的 ±1 个分接位置)时,明显地需要用更大 的力气,已开始的分接变换操作一定要 完 , 不 得中改 变转向
When operating the change-over selector (adjustment position ± 1 tap position) which you can tell by the increased amount of
force required, the already started switching
[...] operation must be completed without changing the direction [...]
of revolution.
[...] 大会提议做出修正,以使《儿基会财务条例和细则》与《公共部门会计准则》保 持一致。按照《公共部门会计准则》,儿基会将从经过 改 的 权责发生制会计方 法,变为完全的权 责发生制会计方法,预期透明度、问责和可比性将因此得到 改善。
The amendments are therefore proposed to align UNICEF Financial Regulations and Rules
with IPSAS under
[...] which UNICEF will change from a modified accrual method of accounting to a full accrual method [...]
of accounting, with
the expected benefit of improved transparency, accountability, and comparability.
他们再次确认其对苏丹和南苏丹两国主权、独立、统一和领土完整的 坚定承诺,并重申国家的领土边界不容以武 改变 , 领 土争端 完全 以 和 平方式 解决。
They reaffirmed their strong commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity, and territorial integrity of the Sudan and South Sudan and reiterated that the
territorial boundaries of
[...] States shall not be altered by force and that any territorial disputes shall be settled exclusively by peaceful means.
与此相反,在必要时,委员会可以通过设立特别工作 组、重新分配委员会成员的任务以 改变 以 投票方式取得一致意见的做法,以便 完成增加的工作量。
Rather, the Committee could handle its additional workload by establishing special working groups, redistributing tasks among its members and replacing consensus by vote, if need be.
在给有载切换开关油室加完油并将分接选择 完全 浸入 变压器 油中之后才允许调节有载分接开关。
The on-load tap-changer must not be operated before the
diverter switch oil compartment has been filled with oil and the tap
[...] selector has been completely immersed in transformer oil.
会议宣布,《公 约》的范围全面的 ,第一条明确包括类型和数量不属于预防、保护或其他和平 用途所正当需要的所有天然或人造或人 改变 的 微生物剂或其他生物剂和毒素及 其组分,不论其来源或生产方法如何,不论其是影响人、动物还是植物。
The Conference declares that the Convention is comprehensive in its scope and that all naturally or artificially created or altered microbial and other biological agents and toxins, [...]
as well as their components, regardless
of their origin and method of production and whether they affect humans, animals or plants, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes, are unequivocally covered by Article I.
人口结构变、全球化 、技术变革以及需要迈向高效绿色生态经济要求在今后几 年制订一项雄心勃勃的就业战略,这项战略本身则有赖于整个宏观经济和可持续 发展投资环境的获改善。
Demographic trends, globalization, technological advances and the need to move towards a green, eco-efficient economy all call for an ambitious employment strategy over the coming years, which will depend on an improvement of the overall macroeconomic [...]
and investment in sustainable development.
要建立一个与国家进程相匹配的国际进程, 对不合理债务进行认真研究,包括个案研究,以便提出能够最 全 面 和 无条件免 除债务的政策,改变借出 和借入的政策和做法。
An international process with counterpart national processes should be established, aimed at a rigorous study of illegitimate debt, including case studies, in order
to come up with
[...] policies that lead to full and unconditional debt cancellation and changes in lending and [...]
borrowing policies and practices.
显然,为了铲除敌对行动的根源,必 完 成 许 多 任务,包括处理火箭弹供应和武器走私问题;确保边 界安全,以便我们能够为在 2005 年《通行进出协定》 原则的基础上重新开放过境点铺平道路;以及为以色 列人民提供全,改善加 沙人民的生活。
Obviously, there are many tasks to be
[...] done to root out the causes of the hostilities, including dealing with the provision of rockets and the smuggling of weapons, securing the borders so that we can lay the basis for the reopening of crossings based on the principles of the 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access, and providing security for the Israeli [...]
people and a better life for the people of Gaza.
此外,我们坚信,使全面禁止 核试验条约》及早生效和在香农任务的基础上立即开 始并及完成关于裂变材料 禁产条约的谈判是朝着 实现核裁军方向迈进必须采取的步骤,这应予大力和 坚定地推进。
Moreover, we firmly believe that the
[...] early entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and the immediate commencement and early conclusion of negotiations on an FMCT [...]
on the basis of
the Shannon mandate are essential steps towards achieving nuclear disarmament and should be pursued with vigour and determination.
在用户有权披露和分发本文档的许可范围内,用户只可以转送、分发和/ 或影印此受版权保护的未改变的完 整 文 档,其中包括其所有页眉、页脚、免责声明以及其他信息。
To the extent the user is entitled to disclose and distribute this document, the user may forward, distribute,
and/or photocopy this copyrighted
[...] document only if unaltered and complete, including all [...]
of its headers, footers, disclaimers, and other information.
中国改革开放以来短短30 年的时间内,人口再生产类型完成了由“高出 生、低死亡、高自然增长”的传统模式向“低出生、低死亡、低自然增长”的现 代模式变,完成了发达国家通常需要上百年才能走完的转变历程。
In the thirty-odd years since the inauguration of the policy of reform and opening up, China’s population growth pattern has completed the transition from the traditional “high birth-rate, low death-rate, high-growth” model to a modern “low [...]
birth-rate, low death-rate,
low-growth” model, a process that developed countries usually require a century or more to complete.
全理事 会还决定,第 1540(2004)号决议所定任何义务均不得解释为与《不 扩散核武器条约》(《核不扩散条约》)、《禁止发展、生产、储备和使用化学武 器及销毁此种武器的公约》(《化学武器公约》)以及《关于禁止发展、生产和储 存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约》(《生物武器公约》)缔约国的 权利和义务相抵触或对其加改变, 或 改变 国 际原子能机构(原子能机构)或禁止 化学武器组织的责任。
The Security Council also decided that none of the obligations set forth in resolution 1540 (2004) should be interpreted so as to conflict with or alter the rights and obligations of States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (Chemical Weapons Convention) and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction (Biological Weapons Convention), or alter the responsibilities [...]
of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) or the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).




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