

单词 完全地

See also:

完全 adj

fully adj
complete adj
whole adj

完全 adv

completely adv
exactly adv
wholly adv
absolutely adv
solely adv



External sources (not reviewed)

雖然本業績計入 MMG 的成績,不能跟之前的業完 全地比較,但值得一提的是五礦資源 2010 年的每股攤薄溢利增加 46.3%至 0.09 美 元。
While it is not appropriate to make too
[...] many absolute comparisons to prior years because of the inclusion of MMG in these results, it is of note that fully-diluted earnings per [...]
share for MMR in 2010
increased by 46.3% to US$0.09.
然而,应继续进行监管改革和 监管全球金融体系,必须及时 完全地 进 行 商定的改 革。
Timely and thorough implementation of the agreed reforms was essential.
因此,並未在該環境中經完全地測 試 ,所以不受技術支援的支援。
Therefore, it has not been thoroughly tested in that environment and is not supported by Technical Support.
僅在 CITRIX 按其獨自酌情權決定部地或完全地 拒 絕 您的要求 後,您方可行使您的法定權利。
Only if and after CITRIX, at its sole
[...] discretion, partly or completely denies your request, [...]
shall you exercise your statutory rights.
(C) 在不違反上述(B)項規定之前提下,當任何聯名帳戶持有人身故、精神失常及/或其他喪失行為能 力、或發生無力償債事件,吾等將會將所有帳戶中持有的貸方餘額以及吾等在任何交易及服務下 應向聯名帳戶持有人支付的所有款項及資產交予聯名帳戶持有人的生存者(若所有聯名帳戶持有
[...] 上所述完成的任何支付應當被視為 完全地 、 絕 對地解除吾等針對所有聯名帳戶持有人的負值 [...]
(C) Subject to paragraph (B) above, we shall hold on the death, or mental and/or other incapacity of or the occurrence of an Insolvency Event in relation to any of the joint Account holder all credit balance or balances and properties in all the Accounts and all monies due by us to the joint Account holders under any Transactions and Services to the order of the surviving joint Account holder (in case of death of all of the joint Account holders, to the executors or administrators of the last surviving joint Account
holder) and any payment by us above
[...] shall be an absolute full and conclusive discharge [...]
of us as against the joint Account
holders (including the deceased and his/her/estate and successor) provided that we may require the production of documentary proof of the death and/or the relevant legal grant to the estate of the deceased.
您可以用本资源为了:监控账户;监控市场上的趋势;分析市场的统计 完全地 接 触 所有信息资源: 从分析信息与牌价到完全合格的Forex电视与更多的。
At this resource you can hold the monitoring of accounts, follow
the market trends, analyze the market
[...] statistics, have a full access to all informational [...]
sources starting from analytics
and quotations up to InstaForex TV channel, etc.
(D) 吾等向任何一位合夥人交付付款或投資,應當有效 完全地 解 除 吾等對合夥企業每位合夥人的義 務,不論有關交付是在該合夥人停止其合夥企業成員身份之前還是之後完成; [...]
(E) 向一位合夥人寄送結單(包括日結單及月結單)、確認書、收據、通知及信件應當被視為是對該
(D) any delivery of payment or Investment to any one partner shall
[...] be a valid and complete discharge of our [...]
obligations to each partner of the partnership
regardless of whether such delivery is made before or after that partner ceases to be a partner of the partnership
先生被剥夺自由是任意的,因为法院审理案件 完全地 或 部 分地没有 遵守获得公正审判的权利中所包含的保证。
Accordingly, the source submits that
the deprivation of
[...] liberty of Mr. Pavlov, Mr. Genashilkin and Mr. Bessonov is arbitrary, since court reviews of the case are in total or partial [...]
non-observance of the
guarantees enshrined in the right to a fair trial.
完全地统计 所有资产和负债以及更多地从经济层面而非法律层面上审查各项交易,这套 标准的采用可以更准确地反映真实的财务状况和教科文组织的表现。
Application of these standards gives a more accurate picture of UNESCO’s real financial position and performance, as its assets and liabilities are covered exhaustively and priority is given to the economic reality of transactions rather than their legal appearance.
因此,软件破解者可以使用任何与操作系统相同优先等级的情形下运行的黑客工具,这使这些黑客工具可以在特定的时间 完全地 监 视软件保护层的运作,然后在特定的地方进行攻击。
Because of this attackers can use cracking tools that run at the
same priority level as the operating system
[...] allowing them to fully supervise what [...]
a software protector is doing at a certain
time and attack it in specific places.
如您選擇設定為拒絕,您將不 完全地 體 驗 本網站互動的特色。
If you choose to decline cookies, you may
[...] not be able to fully experience the [...]
interactive features of the Site.
精确地转移印模是成功修复的基础,只有这样,才可以保证修复 完全地 就 位 ,并且不受任何方向的力。
Precise transfer of the clinical implant situation is a prerequisite for an exactly fitting and tension-free prosthetic restoration.
我们铭记着安全环境依然动荡而且由此带来许 多挑战,与此同时,在结束塔利班统治十年之后,第
[...] 一次有了明确的时间表和清晰的国际战略,以便根据 明确的标准分阶段但完全地将主 要安全职责过渡 给阿富汗国家安全部队。
As we stay mindful of the continuing volatility of the security environment — and the many challenges connected to it — 10 years after the end of the Taliban rule, there is, for the first time, a clear
timeline and a clear international strategy
[...] for the phased but complete transition of lead [...]
security responsibility to the Afghan
National Security Forces, based on clear criteria.
在第 217
[...] 段中,审计委员会报告说,行政当局同意委员会的建议,即行政 当局应确保在未来财政期间充分 完全地 进 行实物核查,以证实财务报表附注中 披露的非消耗性财产数额。
In paragraph 217, the Board reported that the Administration agreed with its recommendation that it
should ensure that, for future financial
[...] periods, full and complete physical verifications [...]
are carried out to support the amount
of non-expendable property that is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
解决方案::日程完全符合微软的对象链接和嵌入技术标准,因此可以完美地支持在网络应用程序和ASP.NET解决方案中的程序开发,并且,我们还为用户保留了诸如胖用户界面 完全地 拖 拉 特性。
Like all DBI COM components, Solutions::Schedule adheres to Microsoft’s OLE standards allowing perfect implementation in Web applications
and ASP.NET solutions, maintaining the rich
[...] user interface and full drag and drop capabilities [...]
we have come to depend on.
重点 一直放在老龄化的发展层面上,不过,关于人权承诺的一般性发言重申了“世界 人权宣言所载基本和不可分割的权利充 完全地 适 用 于老年人”。
Its focus has been on the developmental aspects of ageing, although a general statement of commitment to human rights reaffirmed that the “fundamental
and inalienable rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of
[...] Human Rights apply fully and undiminished to the ageing”.
因此,根据这些原则,可变间接费用(即计划支助费)和直接费用均应当系统 完全 地从预算外项目中扣还。
Therefore, according to these principles, both variable indirect costs
(i.e. programme support costs) and direct costs should be
[...] systematically and fully recovered from extrabudgetary [...]
它可以精确地将种植体的位置及其内六角的方 完全地 转 移到工作模型上。
It transfers the absolute and relative implant position and the position of the inner hex to the master model.
当人们不仅要与缺少阳光做斗争,还需应对节日的压力(导致情绪低落的主要原因)时,精神状况就 完全地 改 变
SAD is particularly a problem in the Northern hemisphere where winter coincides with the popular holiday season of Christmas and New Year’s. People’s mental condition can totally change as they struggle to deal with not only less sunlight but also the stress (a major cause of depression) of the holidays.
这里描述的 LRT 概念应完全地用于 特定于平台的实现中,理解这一点很重要。
It is important to understand that the notion of LRT described here is meant to be used purely within a platform-specific implementation.
因为我们当中没有一个人完全地遵守 神的律法——如果我们要靠着遵守律法称义,就必 完全地 遵 守 神的律法,这 是神所要求的(加拉太书 3:10)。
Because not one of us keeps the Law of God perfectly—which is what God requires if we are to be justified by our obedience [...]
to the Law (Gal 3:10).
但还是让我们回到我当年个人的境况吧…在1990年,我购入了一只Pop Swatch Encantador
[...] -这是一只到现在我还一直珍藏的手表,因为它是那么的光彩四溢却 完全地 不 实 用。
But let’s come back to my world and my financial possibilities… In 1990, I bought the limited Pop Swatch
Encantador – a piece, that I still treasure in my collection because, it’s so beautifully
[...] pretentious and totally unpractical.
雖 然 這 種 江 戶 的 控 御 制 度 一 直 也 有 其 效 用 , 但 它 已 絕 望 地 變 得 不 適 合 日 本 這 個 國 家 的 狀
[...] 況 : 一 旦 它 開 始 破 裂 , 它 便 會 突地 及 完 全 地 塌 下 來 。
Despite its continued efficiency, the Edo system had become so
hopelessly unsuited to the mentality of the Japanese nation that, once it started
[...] to crack, it collapsed suddenly and completely.
美国盼望就安全事务方面完全地与 中 国结成伙伴,例如通过共同努力制止核扩散,让伊朗遵守其国际义务,使韩朝半岛无核化,以及促进在叙利亚、阿富汗和苏丹的和平发展。
The United States looks to
[...] partner more fully with China on security issues, [...]
for example by working together to halt nuclear
proliferation, bring Iran into compliance with its international obligations, denuclearize the Korean Peninsula, and promote peaceful development in Syria, Afghanistan and Sudan.
常设论坛建议巴拉圭政府继续承诺与土著组织协商,紧急寻找途径,以处理 土著社区地完全被剥 夺的极为严重的局面,实施确保土地归还的政策。
The Permanent Forum recommends that the Government of Paraguay should remain firm in its commitment to cooperating with indigenous peoples’ organizations in order to find emergency solutions to the extremely
serious situation of the indigenous
[...] communities that have been wholly dispossessed of their [...]
land, and to implement policies to
ensure the reconstitution of their territory.
但是如果他“直接或间地完全负责 和控制”法院所承认的他是“唯一代理 人”的公司,他怎么能够认真地做这件事?
Regardless of the Court’s reasoning on this matter, it appears to assume, at least implicitly, that an expelled alien’s property rights must be protected by the expelling State.
[...] 中最严重、破坏性最大的犯罪形式,古巴已 完全 准备好在地区和 国际层面上共同做出重要的、一致 的努力,但同时指出,专门或主要在生产和中转中 [...]
心采取行动,问题不能得到解决;主要责任在于大 的消费中心。
In the face of drug trafficking, the most destructive of all forms
of transnational
[...] organized crime, Cuba was totally disposed to collaborate [...]
at the regional and international level in serious
and concerted efforts, but pointed out that the problem could not be solved by acting exclusively — or even primarily — in centres of production and transit; the fundamental responsibility lay with the major centres of consumption.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界地联合国人员及房舍全 保 障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对全和安保部组织进行全 面 管 理审 完 成 以 及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed
activities, pending the
[...] completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission [...]
of the response
of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
阿尔及利亚表示可惜的是,葡萄牙加 入了一个国家集团的集团立场,不接受阿尔及利亚和许多其他国家关于加入一项 核心人权文书,即《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》的建议,虽 然葡萄牙历来是一个移徙工人的发 地 国 , 完全 可 以 理解移徙者受到的痛苦和屈 辱,它建议葡萄牙在这方面起带头作用。
Algeria was saddened that joining the block position of a group of countries, Portugal had not accepted the recommendation of Algeria and many other countries to adhere to a core human rights instrument, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, although Portugal had long been a country of origin of migrant workers and was well placed to understand the suffering and indignity to which migrants were exposed.




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