

单词 宋濂

See also:

the Song dynasty (960-1279)
surname Song

name of a river in Hunan

External sources (not reviewed)

其實我的修訂與潘濂議員的原動議 在字眼㆖是強調了「要交給本局審議」及刪除了「要㆗英雙方盡快達成協議」這部分。
In fact, in proposing my
[...] amendment to Mr Steven POON's original [...]
motion, I am, in terms of wording, emphasizing the part
on submitting proposals for the scrutiny of this Council and deleting the phrase "to reach an early agreement with China".
我想再向潘濂議員及麥理覺 議員保證,我們會盡力爭取回應。
I would like to reassure Mr POON and Mr McGREGOR that we shall spare no effort to press for a response.
我相信如果李議員真的這樣做,可能最後會拋棄原先的立 場,改為支持潘濂議員的修訂動議。
I believe that, if Mr LEE does so, he will finally abandon his original position and support Mr Steven POON's amendment.
此种情况包 括边远的南方各府(也拉府、北大年府、那拉提瓦府 ) 和 宋 卡 府 的一部分。
This covers the far south provinces (Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat) and a part of Songkhla Province.
我認為潘濂議員今 日提出的動議是切合時宜的,充分反映了議員和市民翹首以待的心情。
I think the motion moved by Mr Steven POON is timely in that it fully reflects the mood of anticipation of Members of this Council as well as the public.
主席先生,本㆟動議對潘濂議員動議提出修訂,目的是反對自由黨要求港府無限量 對機場總體財務安排增加注資。
My purpose is to oppose the Liberal Party's request that the Hong Kong Government increase without limit its equity injection towards financing the airport.
濂議員問:主席先生,工務司的答覆,可否簡單的這樣理解,即日後機場管理局或 [...]
㆞㆘鐵路公司(有關機場與機場鐵路),如有類似情況出現時,則只有機場管理局與㆞ ㆘鐵路公司的董事局才會知道,立法局是不會知道的?
MR STEVEN POON (in Cantonese): [...]
Mr President, in short, can the Secretary's reply be taken as follows: If similar situation
arises in the future in respect of the Airport Authority or the Mass Transit Railway Corporation (in relation to the airport and airport railway), then only the boards of directors of the Airport Authority and the Mass Transit Railway Corporation will know about the situation but not this Council?
李教授堅持,他希望發出的信息是就專上教育而言,政府希 望採取對香港有利的措施,而他比 宋 達 能 報告》再進一步,提及合 併。
Professor Li insisted that the message that he wanted to send out was that the Government wanted to do what was good for Hong Kong in terms of tertiary education, and he had taken the Sutherland Report one stage further and talked about mergers.
我还要感谢外事办公室副主宋先生 对我们首访新疆的热情款待和所有安排。
I also want to thank Deputy Director General of the Foreign
[...] Affairs Office, Mr. Song, for all the great [...]
hospitality and all the arrangements for
our very first visit to Xinjiang.
据说武 装部队最高司宋吉滴 ·乍格巴上将认为派驻观察员 侵犯了泰国的主权,他认为泰国并未挑起这一争端, 但却为此受到惩罚。
General Songkitti was said to be concerned that the deployment of foreign observers might violate Thai sovereign rights and to feel that Thailand was being punished for a dispute it did not start.
主席先生,本㆟動議修訂潘濂議員的動議,內容㆒如議事程序表所列以本㆟名義提 出者。
MR ALBERT CHAN (in Cantonese): Mr President, I move that Mr Steven POON's motion be amended as set out under my name in the Order Paper.
当天晚上,在金边和平宫举行了开幕仪式,出席开幕仪 式的有柬埔寨首相洪森、联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克拉克、柬埔寨首相特使
[...] 兼柬埔寨地雷行动管理局副局长普拉克·索克宏恩阁下和地雷幸存者、青年活动宋科萨
In the evening an opening ceremony took place at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh featuring the participation of Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen, the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme Helen Clark, Minister Attached to the Prime Minister of Cambodia and
Vice President of the Cambodian Mine Action Authority Prak Sokhonn, and landmine survivor
[...] and youth activist Song Kosal.
主席先生,本㆟謹此陳辭,反對原動議,並支持由潘 濂 議 員提出的修訂動議。
Mr President, with these remarks, I oppose the original motion and support Mr Steven POON's amendment.
我希望作為馬會副主席的主席先生,以及衛生福利司黃錢 濂 女 士 ,能夠積極推 動這個計劃。
I hope that Mr President, who is the Deputy Chairman of the
[...] Jockey Club, and Mrs Elizabeth WONG, [...]
the Secretary for Health and Welfare, will actively promote the scheme.
十六、潘濂議員 問題的譯文:隨 當局最近與香港電訊有限公司訂定價格管制辦法 後,香港已先後出現了㆔種對公用事業公司施行的利潤規管計劃,即價格管制計劃、 股東基金計劃及固定資產淨值計劃。
MR STEVEN POON asked: With the advent of the price control mechanism recently concluded with Hong Kong Telecommunications Limited, Hong Kong has experience of three types of profit regulatory schemes for public utility companies, namely, price control regulation scheme, shareholders fund scheme and net fixed assets scheme.
在政 府公布第㆒套財務方案後,當時啟聯的機場發言㆟潘 濂 議 員 ,曾號稱他們將政府的 機場財務資料,用電腦模型進行分析。
After the Government had announced its first
financing package, the spokesman for the then CRC,
[...] the Honourable POON Kwok-lim, claimed [...]
that they conducted an analysis of the
Government's airport financial information with the help of computer models.
事實㆖, 現時並無需要涉及任何堅定原則,但既然我們須作出選擇,我代表我的選區支持潘濂議員的修訂動議。
In fact, there is no strong principle at stake, but as we have to make a choice, I represent my constituency in supporting Mr POON's amendment.
這區的文物潛力就更不用說,除了有各位議員提到極具考古價值 的龍津石橋外,其實啟德發展區和鄰近範圍亦有數幢建築物和構築物
[...] 是同樣具有歷史價值,包括一個消防局B和相關碼頭、跑道中間部分 的風竿、九龍石、機場碼頭、舊跑道、魚尾石 宋 王 臺 的石刻。
The heritage potential of Kowloon East is even greater. In addition to the Longjin Bridge mentioned by Honourable Members, which is of great archaeological value, several buildings and structures in the Kai Tak Development Area and its vicinity, including a fire station B and an associated pier, a wind pole in the middle of the runway, Kowloon
Rock, the airport pier, the old runway,
[...] Fishtail Rock and Sung Wong Toi Inscription [...]
Rock, are also of historical value.
濂議員 要求我們擴大港口發展局的職權,並建議該局研究本港與華南㆞區的 [...]
Mr Steven POON has called [...]
on us to expand the ambit of the Port Development Board and suggested that the Board should study
how port development in Hong Kong and southern China could complement each other.
對於潘濂、李華明及楊孝華的動議及修訂動議,我 都表示支持。
As for Mr Steven POON's, Mr Fred LI's and Mr Howard YOUNG's motion and amendment motions, I support them.
同时为了保证PDF文档能原汁原味地显示,在编辑Word文档时且勿使用那些比较特别的字体,应只使用系统可默认支持的字体,例 宋 体 、 仿 宋 等 , 这些字体都不需要嵌入。
At the same time in order to guarantee the original PDF document to display, edit Word documents in only once to use special
fonts that should only support the use of system
[...] default font, such as Song, Font, which do not [...]
require embedded fonts.
因此,我會支持楊孝華及潘濂兩 位議員的動議。
Therefore, I shall support the motions moved by Mr Howard YOUNG and Mr Steven POON.
因此,剛才潘濂議員 指出這個事實,㆒點也不誇張。
Therefore, when Mr POON pointed out this fact it was not exaggeration at all.
濂議員的修訂動議較為可取,因為他㆒方面用較溫和的態度指出㆗港兩個政府在 [...]
重要的基建問題㆖要協調及配合,而另㆒方面又保留了李永達議員原動議的精神,促請 政府考慮到交通運輸問題的重要性。
Moreover, at the same time the amendment motion retains
[...] the spirit of Mr LEE Wing-tat's [...]
original motion which is to urge the Administration
to consider the importance of the transportation problems concerned.
譚耀宗議員、潘濂議員都提到基本法的解釋權掌握在㆟大常委會的手 [...]
㆖,我需要講的是,即使掌握解釋權,也不是可以隨便解釋,不能㆒說成㆓,黑說成 白的,仍要按照常理解釋。
Mr TAM Yiu-chung and Mr Steven POON have made [...]
the point that the power of interpretation of the Basic Law lies with the
Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Be that as it may, I would say that the law must be interpreted according to the normal rules of construction and can never be interpreted arbitrarily, say, black be construed as white.
馬捷斯提克金礦公司繼續與Wardrop及其姊妹公司德聰(北京)咨詢有限公司(兩家公司均為德聰科技有限公司旗下子公司)合作完成初步經濟評估,同時針 宋 家 溝 金礦提高生產水平開展必要的中國地質和工程調查。
Majestic continues to work with Wardrop and its sister company, Tetra Tech (Beijing) Consultancy Company Limited, (both subsidiaries of Terta Tech Inc.) to complete a Preliminary Economic Assessment, concurrent with
the required Chinese Geological and Engineering studies required to apply for increased
[...] production levels at Song Jiagou.
2011 年 12 月 13 日国际刑事法院院宋相现 签署的信(附文一),请安全理事 [...]
会注意根据《罗马规约》第八十七条第㈦款做出的关于乍得共和国不予法院合作 的认定,并就此转递 2011 年 12 月 13 日当天的裁决,标题是“根据《罗马规约》
第八十七条第㈦款做出的关于乍得共和国不执行法院关于逮捕移交奥马尔·哈 桑·艾哈迈德·巴希尔的合作请求的裁决”(附文二)。
The letter of 13 December 2011 (enclosure I),
[...] signed by Sang-Hyun Song, President of the [...]
International Criminal Court, refers to
the Security Council a finding, pursuant to article 87(7) of the Rome Statute, of a failure by the Republic of Chad to cooperate with the Court and accordingly transmits the decision of Pre-Trial Chamber I, also of 13 December 2011, entitled “Décision rendue en application de l’article 87-7 du Statut de Rome concernant le refus de la République du Tchad d’accéder aux demandes de coopération délivrées par la Cour concernant l’arrestation et la remise d’Omar Hassan Ahmad Al Bashir” (enclosure II).
本集团要对国际刑事法院(国际刑院)院 宋相 宪法官表示感谢;感谢他介绍关于国际刑院工作的第 [...]
七次年度报告,该报告已通过 A/66/309 号文件提交 联合国。
The Group would like to express its appreciation to the President
of the International Criminal Court (ICC),
[...] Judge Sang-Hyun Song, for presenting [...]
the seventh annual report on the work of
the Court, as submitted to the United Nations in document A/66/309.
據董事作出一切合理查詢後所知、所悉及所信,買方B主要從事投資控股,並為獨立第三 方 ,宋 先 生( 其 單 一 最 終 實 益 擁 有 人 )為 本 公 司 僱 員 兼 股 東 , 於 本 公 告 日 期 持 有 12,000,000股股份。
To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief having made all reasonable enquiry, Purchaser B is principally engaged in investment holding and is an Independent Third Party, save that Mr. Sung, its sole ultimate beneficial owner, is an employee of the Company and a Shareholder holding 12,000,000 Shares as at the date of this announcement.
據 董 事 作 出 一 切 合 理 查 詢 後 所 知 、 所 悉 及 所 信宋 先 生 ( 於 本 公 告 日 期 為 持 有 12,000,000股股份的股東)將須於股東特別大會上就有關出售的決議案放棄投票。
To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, information and belief, having made all reasonable enquiries, Mr. Sung, being the Shareholder holding 12,000,000 Shares as at the date of this announcement, will be required to abstain from voting at the EGM in respect of the resolution regarding the Disposal.




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