

单词 安老



it's an ill wind that blows nobody any good
the old man lost his mare, but it all turned out for the best (idiom); fig. a blessing in disguise

See also:

of the past
of long standing
all the time
old (of people)
prefix used before the surname of a person or a numeral indicating the order of birth of the children in a family or indicate affection or familiarity
venerable (person)
(of meat etc) tough

External sources (not reviewed)

月刊今期刊載兩篇專題文章,分別為「2011年居於單人住戶的人口的概況」及「2012年居住在私 安老 院 人 士的概況」。
In this issue, two feature articles entitled "The Profile of the
Population in One-person Households in 2011" and "The Profile of Persons
[...] Residing in Private Elderly Homes in 2012" [...]
are included.
18 支长者健康外展队伍会深入社区 安老院 舍 ,为长者提供健康教育,及为照顾者提供培训,以增进他们在预防残疾及长者 [...]
The 18 Visiting Health Teams outreach into the community and
residential care settings to conduct health
[...] education for the elderly and provide training [...]
for carers to enhance their health
knowledge and skill in prevention of disabilities and caring for the elderly.
(i) 就提供資安老院舍 宿位進行較長遠的規劃 ─ 政府當局 應及早就資安老院舍 宿位的長遠供應進行規劃,以應付 不斷增加的需求。
(i) More long term planning for the provision of subsidised RCHE places – the Administration should have early planning on the long term provision of subsidised RCHE places in order to address the increasing demands.
每名學生必須於兩間不同的社會福利機構實習,服務類型多樣化,包括青少年服務、復康服務 安老 服 務 、家庭及兒童福利服務和社區發展等。
The scope of fieldwork placement covers a broad range,
including children and youth service,
[...] rehabilitation service, elderly service, family [...]
and child welfare, community development.
主席在總結時要求政府當局在先導計劃於 2011年 4月推出後提供下列資料:在先導計劃下提 供服務的獲選非政府機構名單,以及按地區列出接 受服務安老院舍 及長者日間護理中心的分項數 字;並在先導計劃推行一年後,就其成效的檢討向 事務委員會進行匯報。
In closing, the Chairman requested the Administration to provide after the launch of the Pilot Project in April 2011 information on the list of NGOs providing services under the Pilot Project and a breakdown by districts of the number of RCHEs and DEs receiving the services; and to revert to the Panel one year after the launch of the Pilot Project on a review of its effectiveness.
由於家庭成員人數可影響申請家庭的資助幅度,本處有權要求申請人提供有關受供養 父母的證明文件,如租單、住址證明 安老 院 收據等或要求申請人詳細解釋供養父母的情況,讓本 [...]
As the number of family members may affect directly the level of assistance the applicant’s family is eligible for, SFAA has the right to request applicants to provide supporting documents including tenancy agreement,
residential address proof or receipt
[...] of the home for the elderly, etc. for verification [...]
of the dependence of the parents
or request applicants to explain in detail the dependence status of the parents for the SFAA’s consideration.
(C) 在其自置物業、租用單位安老院居住,並由申請人/申請人配偶提供全部生活費用。
(C) has been living in his / her own premises, rented
[...] premises or residing in elderly homes and is totally [...]
supported by the applicant or his / her spouse.
(h) 盲人护安老院为 健康欠佳,或在肢体/ 精神方面有残疾的失明长者提 [...]
(h) Care and
[...] Attention Home for the Aged Blind which provides [...]
residential care, meals, personal care and limited nursing
care for elderly blind persons who suffer from poor health or physical/mental disabilities with deficiency in daily living activities but are mentally suitable for group living.
第一階段的合資格參加者,是經社 安老 服 務 統一評估機制評估為身體機能中度缺損、正在長期護理服務中央輪候冊上輪候資助社區照顧服務或住宿照顧服務的長者,並居於東區、黃大仙、觀塘、深水埗(包括油尖旺及九龍城區)、沙田、大埔、荃灣及屯門。
To be eligible for the first phase of the pilot scheme, which will last two years, applicants must be assessed as moderately impaired under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Service, and be waiting for subsidised community care or residential care service in the Long Term Care Services Delivery System.
由天时技术元素的不同组合、针对行业的不同需求所形成的十个网络服务子操作系统分别是:旅游服务子操作系统、教育服务子操作系统、多媒体及娱乐服务子操作系统 安老 服 务子操作系统、医疗服务子操作系统、工作流服务子操作系统、增值服务子操作系统、航天数学技术子操作系统、跨网信息系统子操作系统及搜索管理子操作系统。
By combing various Timeless Technology elements according to requirements of different industries, the ten Timeless web services sub-operating systems are crystallized; they are: tourism development services sub-operating system,education services sub-operating
system, multi-media entertainment
[...] sub-operating system, elderly services sub-operating [...]
system, medical care services sub-operating
system, workflow services sub-operating system, value-add services sub-operating system, aero-space technology sub-operating system, cross network information sub-operating system, and search management sub-operating system.
學會還於2003年成立志願服務團,讓會員參加一些定期活動,如探訪孤兒院 安老 院 、 殘障人士訓練中心等。
SSA also has a Soka Volunteer Group created in 2003, through which members
participate in regular activities such as befriending
[...] services in hospices and at a training [...]
center for people with disabilities.
The adjudication panel also includes
[...] Chairman of the Elderly Commission, Professor [...]
Alfred Chan Cheung-ming; President of
the City University of Hong Kong, Professor Way Kuo; former chairperson of the Women’s Commission, Ms. Sophia Kao Ching-chi; Managing Director of HK Electric, Mr. Tso Kai-sum; and Chief Executive of HKCSS, Ms. Christine Fang.
我们所有的设施,在未来的兰尼埃三世中心 安老 院 或患老年痴呆症的患者日间护理中心,都对外开放。
All our facilities, be it the future Rainier III Centre, the two residential homes or the day care centre for patients suffering from Alzheimer's, are open to the outside.
同期間,每小時工資中位數低於$50的行業為物業管理、保安及清潔服務($28.5);飲食($33.7);雜項活動(包 安老 院 舍 ;洗滌及乾洗服務;理髮及其他個人服務;本地速遞服務;及食品處理及生產)($34.6);和零售($40.5)。
During the same period, median hourly wage was less than $50 in the
following industries: estate
[...] management, security and cleaning services ($28.5); restaurants ($33.7); miscellaneous activities (including elderly homes; laundry and [...]
dry cleaning services;
hairdressing and other personal services; local courier services; and food processing and production) ($34.6); and retail trade ($40.5).
由2010年10月至2011年1月期间,家庭议会联同公民教育委员会、青年事务委员会 安老 事 务委员会、妇女事务委员会、禁毒常务委员会及家庭与学校合作事宜委员会在公民教育资源中心举办展览,向市民推广「爱与关怀」、「责任与尊重」及「沟通与和谐」的家庭核心价值,合力推动与家庭有关的工作,营造对家庭有利的环境。
From October 2010 to January 2011,
[...] the Family Council collaborates with the Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education, the Commission on Youth, the Elderly Commission, the Women's [...]
Commission, the
Action Committee Against Narcotics, and the Committee on Home-School Co-operation in organising an exhibition at the Civic Education Resource Centre to promote the family core values of "Love and Care", "Responsibility and Respect" and "Communication and Harmony", to give impetus to family-related matters and to create a pro-family environment.
由于政府为长者提供的医疗护理服务不足,教区可成立一个关注长者医疗护理小组研究及执行有关建议(例如:增 安老 院 及长者服务等)。
As healthcare services provided by the Government for elderly are not enough, the Diocese could set up a special task force to investigate this issue and make/implement recommendations.
東華三院自1870年成立以來,一直秉承「救病拯危 安老 復 康、興學育才、扶幼導青」的使命和承諾,時至今日,已發展成為全港歷史最悠久及規模最大的慈善服務機構之一。
Founded in 1870, the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals has become one of the largest charitable organizations in Hong Kong today.
此外,賽馬會屯門盲安老院院 長及九龍盲 安老 院 院 長分別於2011年12月10日及2012年3月24日接受了香港電台第五台的電話訪問,介紹盲 安老 院 服 務及腦退化症服務。
In addition, on line telephone interviews of
superintendents of Jockey
[...] Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind and Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind, concerning the aged blind home service and service for dementia were arranged by RTHK Radio Five on 10 December [...]
2011 and 24 March 2012 respectively.
本學期我校增添了數位新的語文課和文藝課老師﹐他們包括葉舒丹老師(幼幼班助教)、陳桂英老師(4A班)、魏鳳儀老師(7年班)、劉曉音老師(8年班)、 安安老 師 (1 0-11年班)、鄭寶秀老師(工藝班)。
They include Joannie Yeh (Asst. Teacher PK), Kwei-Yin Chen
(4A Grade), Fong-Yi Wei (7 Grade),
[...] Stephanie Liu (8 Grade), Ann Tsao (10-11 Grade) [...]
and Pao-Hsiu Cheng (Advanced Craft).
我們很榮幸邀請到勞工及福利常任秘書長鄧國威先生 安老 事 務委員會主席梁智鴻醫生、平等機會委員會主席鄧爾邦先生及不同界別如通訊科技、教育、衛生、法律、體育、文化藝術及企業之代表為主禮嘉賓。
We were honored to have Mr Paul Tang Kwok - wai, JP, Permanent Secretary for Labour and Welfare of the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Hon Dr. Leong Che-hung, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Elderly Commission and Mr Tang Yeebong, Chairperson of Equal Opportunities Commission, to be the chief officiating guests together with representatives from the different sectors of Information Technology, Education, Health, Law, Sports, Cultural Arts and Commercial Enterprises.
去年早些时候, Allen Jack+Cottier — 澳大利亚一家业内领先的建筑设计公司 —
[...] 在一次国际设计竞赛中获胜,将在西 安老 城 墙 外的1800公顷土地上,按照生态可持续发展的原则规划一个新的社区。
Earlier last year, Allen Jack and Cottier – a leading Australian architectural firm – won an international competition
to design a new community on a 1800 hectare
[...] site outside the old walled city of [...]
Xi’an using the principles of ecological sustainability.
教会开办的医疗和社会服务机构计有医院6家、诊所12家、社会及家庭服务中心42所、宿舍20所 安老 院 14 所、康复服务中心28所,以及自助会社和协会多个。
Medical and social services are provided to at least 6 hospitals, 12 clinics, 42 social
and family service centres, 20 hostels, 14
[...] homes for the aged, 28 rehabilitation [...]
service centres and many self-help clubs and associations.
2011年11月10日;香港訊 ─
[...] [...] 香港浸信會醫院聯同浸信會愛羣社會服務處首創的社會企業合作計劃「浸信會全人家居護理中心」於今天舉行正式成立典禮,並由食物及衞生局局長周一嶽醫生、行政會議成員梁智鴻醫生、社會褔利署副署長(服務)麥周淑霞女士 安老 事 務 委員會副主席林正財醫生、香港浸信會聯會會長唐榮敏牧師、香港浸信會醫院董事會主席劉振洛醫生及浸信會愛羣社會服務處董事會主席陳之望先生主禮開幕儀式。
Guests of honours of the Inauguration Ceremony included Dr York CHOW, GBS, JP, Secretary for Food and Health; Dr Che Hung LEONG, GBM, GBS, JP, Member of Executive Council; Mrs Anna MAK, Deputy Director of Social Welfare (Services); Dr
Ching Choi LAM, B.B.S., JP,
[...] Vice-Chairman of Elderly Commission; Rev [...]
Eric TONG, President of Baptist Convention of Hong
Kong; Dr Chun Lok LAU, Chairman of HKBH Board of Directors and Mr Hopkins Chi Mong CHAN, Chairman of Baptist Oi Kwan.
之后他一直流亡在色雷斯由Justin在518到菲利普波利斯,他在信中攻击的僧侣Teleda正统, 老安 提 , 保罗,又写一封信添加剂的片段在其中发现的手稿。
After he had been exiled by Justin to Philippolis in
Thrace in 518, he attacked the orthodox
[...] patriarch, Paul of Antioch, in a letter to the [...]
monks of Teleda, and wrote another letter
of which fragments are found in manuscript Addit.
人们担心族老安达尔 ·安帕图安的律师总会以某种方式使他们的客户获得释放,这种忧虑在马京达瑙省内外溢于言表。
Fear that lawyers for the patriarch, Andal Ampatuan Sr, will somehow find a way to obtain the release of their client remain palpable in and around Maguindanao province.
它取代了在先前版本中已经有 13 余年老安装器
It replaces the old 13+ year old installer from previous [...]
versions of Fedora.
会议还呼吁所有缔约国即使在目前这种财政困 难的情况下也坚定地致力于实现一个无杀伤人员地雷的世界,让人人的权利都得 到尊重,男老幼都 能有尊严地过着幸福生活。
The Meeting also called on all States Parties to recommit, even in difficult financial times, to realising a world without anti-personnel mines, where the rights of all are respected and where all women, girls, boys and men can live in dignity and prosperity.




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