单词 | 安第斯山 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 安第斯山—the Andes mountain rangeExamples:安第斯山脉—Andes mountain chain of South America See also:安第斯adj—Andeanadj 安第斯—the Andes mountain chain
与安第斯山脉地区本土的各民族人民,与占据该地区整个人口很高 比例的非洲后裔群体一起工作非常重要,这一点需要强调。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The importance given to working with indigenous peoples and groups of African descent, who account for a high share of the total population in the Andes, needs to be underscored. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在亚洲、拉丁美洲(扩大到安第斯山脉国家)和非洲开展手工业“卓越认识”的同时与 展出手工艺作品的国际沙龙继续开展合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Award of Excellence in Crafts was pursued in Asia, Latin America [...] (extended to the Andean countries) and Africa, [...]while cooperation continued with [...]international craft exhibition fairs. unesdoc.unesco.org |
计划在安第斯山脉国家开展的实施活动与已制定的工作计划一致,有助于提高各个国 [...] 家的能力。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Programme execution in the [...] countriesof the AndesCluster wasin accordance [...]with the plan of work, and helped to strengthen national capacities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在智利的瓦尔迪维亚省的“安第斯山脉冰 川的质量守衡研讨会”期间举 办的讲习班上审查了建立安第斯山脉冰 川监督网络(AGMN)的时机和方法。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Opportunity and means of [...] building an Andean Glacier Monitoring Network (A-GMN) were examined at a workshop during the “Symposium on Mass Balanceof AndeanGlaciers” held [...]in Valdivia, Chile. unesdoc.unesco.org |
云雾林以 及诸如安第斯山脉的高寒带等其它一些植被类型的 水释放速度都相对较慢,因此可提供重要的储水 [...] 功能。 teebweb.org | Cloud forests, and some other vegetation types such as [...] the paramos of the Andes, also release their [...]water relatively slowly, thus providing [...]an important storage function. teebweb.org |
计划开展两项活动,一项是提高社区对自然灾害和风险的认 识,考虑在加勒比地区开展这项活动(与金斯敦办事处合作),另一项是关于安第斯山脉泥石流的风险评估(由秘鲁政府牵头)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Two activities are envisaged, one on community awareness of natural hazards and risk, which is foreseen to take place in the Caribbean (in [...] collaboration with the Kingston Office) and the [...] other onlandslide risk assessment in the Andeanrange(to be [...]headed by Peruvian authorities). unesdoc.unesco.org |
旅馆Llullu美洲驼是一个浪漫的山区旅馆,位于厄瓜多尔中部的安第斯山脉。 instantworldbooking.com | Hostal LlulluLlama is aromantic mountainhostal,located in the middle of the Ecuadorian Andes. instantworldbooking.com |
关于为制定发展政策作贡献这一问题,几位发言者希望扩大旨在促进和支持文化旅 [...] 游和生态旅游的各项计划的范围,尤其是确定这一领域的准则和最佳做法,寻求与私营部门的合作 [...] 并支持某些具体项目和创新办法,包括一些国家级的项目和办法,如:横跨拉丁美洲安第斯山脉六国的文化之路“Qhapaq Nan-Camino Principal [...]Andino”、橄榄之路,或支持在加勒比组织加勒比 创作艺术节(CARIFESTA)活动和其他合作伙伴关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to helping to define development policy, several speakers were in favour of broadening the programmes for the promotion and support of cultural and ecological tourism, in particular through the definition of standards and good practices in this domain, the seeking of partners in the private sector, and support for specific projects and innovative approaches, including at the national level, such as [...] the cultural route “Qhapac [...] Nân, the main Andean highway”, across sixAndean countries [...]in Latin America, the olive tree [...]route, support for festivals organized as part of CARIFESTA in the Caribbean, and partnerships. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在整个安第斯山脉,大地之母(Pachamama)是对地球母亲最广泛的称呼。 daccess-ods.un.org | Throughout the Andes, Pachamama is [...] the most widespread name for Mother Earth. daccess-ods.un.org |
通过在一些安第斯山国家和巴西执行一些试办项目,来处理以手工和小型采矿业为基础的当地可持续发 [...] 展面临的环境、技术、经济和社会挑战,也正在为减少贫困作出切实的贡献。 unesdoc.unesco.org | An effective contribution to poverty alleviation through pilot [...] projects in selected Andeancountries and Brazil [...]addressing environmental, technological, [...]economic and social challenges of sustainable local development based on artisanal and small-scale mining is also under implementation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在安第斯山脉区 域,自然生态系 统能够以低成本提供这些生态系统服务,因此投资于自然保护具有经济意义。 teebweb.org | IntheAndean region, natural [...] ecosystems provide these ecosystem services at low cost, so investing in nature conservation makes economic sense. teebweb.org |
1996 年,Alejandro 被任命为秘鲁地区行政总裁,之后晋升为安第斯山地区(委内瑞拉、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、智利、玻利维亚和秘鲁)区域经理,随后兼任拉丁美洲区域经理和 [...] SGS 秘鲁区总裁至今。 sgsgroup.com.cn | In 1996 Alejandro was appointed [...] National Chief Executive for Peru, a [...] role which led to his appointmentas Andean(Venezuela, [...]Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia [...]and Peru) Sub Region Manager and latterly the dual role of Latin American Regional Manager and Managing Director, SGS Peru – a role he still holds today. sgsgroup.com.ar |
秘鲁 库茨克城:在海拔 3,416米高的安第斯山上, 空气稀薄,车辆也十分稀少。 life.bosch.com.cn | Cuzco, Peru:in theAndes,at an altitude of [...] precisely 3,416 meters above sea life.bosch.com.cn |
番茄源自秘鲁安第斯山脉和墨西哥,由印加人种植。 clarinsusa.com | The tomato orginates from [...] the PeruvianAndes and Mexico where it was grownby theIncas. clarinsusa.com |
智利是世上最长的国家,长达5000公里的境内保证为你带来多元的旅游胜地,例如安第斯山脉、充满南美活力的圣地牙哥及举世闻名的复活节岛。 homeandaway.hsbc.com | As the longest country in the world stretching more than 5,000 [...] km, Chile gurantees diversified [...] destinations such as the Andes, the properous capital [...]of Santiago and the world-famous Easter Island. homeandaway.hsbc.com |
注意到岛屿、沿海地区、喜马拉雅山、安第斯山和世 界各地大山冰川、地球 两极、非洲等热带地区和水源、受不断增加的自然灾害影响的人民、动植物和一 般生态系统都受到严重威胁 daccess-ods.un.org | Noting the gravedanger toislands; coastal areas; glaciers in the Himalayas,theAndes andmountains worldwide; the [...] Earth’s poles; warm [...]regions such as Africa; water sources; populations affected by growing numbers of natural disasters; and plants, animals and ecosystems in general daccess-ods.un.org |
安第斯土着人民自力更生法律委员会主席 Tomas Alarcon 说,在安第斯 地 区,水 被从安第斯 山中引到 城 市 ,用于采 矿 和工业 化,这对整 个生态 系 统 和 亚 马 逊流域生物多 样 性 的 维 持 造成了有害 影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Tomas Alarcon, President of the Comisión Jurídica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos stated that, in his Andean region, water is diverted from the Andesto the cities for mining operations and industrialization, which negatively affects the overall ecosystem and sustenance of Amazonian biodiversity. daccess-ods.un.org |
该旅馆坐落在安第斯山脉中,四面环山的农田。 instantworldbooking.com | The hostalis located in the [...] middle of the Andes, surrounded by mountainsand farmland. instantworldbooking.com |
在全世界,不论在兴都 库什山脉、在安第斯山脉, 还是在中亚地区,由于气 候变化,冰河都在融解,全球变暖破坏了各国社会的 [...] 农业、基础设施和居住地区得以发展的水文循环和流 动。 daccess-ods.un.org | Across the globe, whether it is in the [...] Hindu Kush, the Andesor CentralAsia, [...]glacial melt occurring as a result of climate [...]change and global warming has the effect of disrupting the hydrological cycles and the flows around which societies have developed their agriculture, infrastructure and settlements. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管我们预计,在强劲的财政和货币刺激下,巴西会出现 反弹,但安第斯山国家 的良好经济表现还是部分地被巴西温和的增长所抵消。 bbvaresearch.com | Sound economic [...] performance in the Andeans waspartially offset [...]with a modest growth in Brazil though the latter is expected [...]to rebound on the back of strong fiscal and monetary stimuli. bbvaresearch.com |
艺术家阿尔贝托·巴拉亚的作品与中国制造的商品流通有关,特别是原产于南北美洲的人造植物。唐人街相当于欲望的图像,把当代观众带入一种18世纪植物探险的情形,那时候,亚马逊和安第斯山脉的原始植被首次被欧洲工匠科学地记录下来。 shanghaibiennale.org | For Baraya, whose work has already engaged with the circulation of goods made in China, especially artificial plants that are originally from the Northern region of South America, Chinatown is the equivalent of desired images, or the images of desire, turning the contemporary viewer into a sort of re-enactor of the [...] botanical expeditions [...] of the 18th Century, when the original vegetation of the Amazonand the Andes was firstrecorded, [...]scientifically, by European draftsmen. shanghaibiennale.org |
日内瓦大学附属医院和Artères基金会联合发展RAFT/Altiplano计划,致力于在玻利维亚安第斯山脉高原地区推广远程医疗。 piaget.com.cn | The RAFT/ Altiplano project developed by Geneva University Hospitals and Fondation [...] Artères sends telemedicine tools to the high [...] plainsof the Andes Cordillerain Bolivia to [...]provide universal access to healthcare using new technologies. en.piaget.com |
2003年,达维士成立了安第斯儿童基金会(Andes [...] Children's Foundation),为南美安第斯山脉高 处的比尔卡班巴山谷(Vilcabamba [...]Valley)里的居民提供帮助。 tipschina.gov.cn | The company founded the Andes Children's Foundation in 2003 in support of the Vilcabamba Valley, [...] high inthe Andes Mountains ofSouthAmerica. tipschina.gov.cn |
资料来源与详细信息: 德国国际合作机构关于 农业生物多样性的主题 宣传单,其中包括 利用 自然资源的各种示例:安第斯山脉的马铃薯、 施 韦 比 施 哈 尔 县 乡 村 猪、厄 瓜多尔的高品质 可 可、摩洛 哥的坚 果树 以及其他各类物种。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | GIZ Issue Papers on agrobiodiversity with various examples ofcapitalizing on nature’s resources: the Schwäbisch-Hall country pig, high-grade cocoa from Ecuador, argan trees in Morocco and various other things. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
此外,全国安第斯 山脉居民、亚马逊河流域居民和非裔秘鲁人发展协会确定、提出、开发、参与并 [...] 管理各种方案和项目,促进土着人民有身份特性的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the National Institute for [...] the Development of Andean, Amazonian and Afro-Peruvian [...]Peoples identifies, proposes, [...]develops, participates and manages programmes and projects for development with identity for indigenous peoples. daccess-ods.un.org |
从葱郁 ,朝气蓬勃丛林的亚马逊河,居五色鸟如金刚鹦鹉 ,大猫 , [...] 有趣的爬行动物和珍稀动物 ,如巨型水獭 , 以後 ,透过云林区的东部安第斯山坡观赏熊仍在流浪, 跨越1982年的高坡上punas家珍稀猫科,马驼 [...] ,羊驼 , 胆小和濒危鼎和3种壮观的火烈鸟 , 您将举行出神的风光和向往去寻找惊人的野生动物如你 [...] 旅行下来乾燥森林西部山区经绿油油的河谷切割成为世界的平川 沙漠和对太平洋沿岸那里你可能遇到鲸鱼 海豹和各种各样的候鸟和本地鸟类 . wiracochaschool.org | From the verdant, vibrant jungles of the Amazon, home of colorful birds such as the macaw, big cats, fascinating reptiles and rare mammals such as the giant otter, onwards and up [...] through the cloud forests [...] of theEastern Andean slopeswhere spectacled bears stillroam,across [...]the sierra and the high altiplano [...]punas, home to rare big cats, llamas, alpacas, the timid and endangered vicuna and three species of spectacular flamingo, you will be held spellbound by the scenery and fascinated to go in search of the amazing wildlife as you travel down through the dry forests of Western mountains via lush green valleys incised into one of the world's driest deserts and on to the Pacific coast where you may encounter whales, seals and a wide variety of migratory and local birds. wiracochaschool.org |
今年头 6 个月,通过咨询和 3 [...] 月在基多教科文组织国家委员会的一次会议,安第斯山脉地区(玻利维亚、哥伦比亚、厄瓜多尔、秘鲁、委内瑞拉)的合作得到了加强。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 86. During the first six months of the present year, [...] cooperation in the Andeanregion (Bolivia, [...]Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela) [...]was strengthened by consultations and a meeting of National Commissions for UNESCO in Quito in March. unesdoc.unesco.org |
尽管我们预计,在2012年所实施的大 强度的财政和货币措施的刺激下,巴西经济会出现反弹。但是,安第斯山国家良好的经济表现却部分地被巴西的低于 预期的增长所抵消。 bbvaresearch.com | Sound economic performance in the Andean countries was partially offset with subpar growth in Brazil though the latter is expected to rebound on the back of strong fiscal and monetary stimuli implemented during 2012. bbvaresearch.com |
厄瓜多尔共和国分为四个自然区域:岛屿区域,加拉巴哥群岛位于该区域内,离厄瓜多尔西海岸1000千米;山脉及安第斯山区域,包括国家中部的所有地带,如奇波拉所火山——厄瓜多尔最高的山峰(海拔6310米);海岸,包括厄瓜多尔所有沿太平洋的海岸线;在东部,亚马逊河厄瓜多尔流域途径这里。 ecuadorenchina.org.ec | The Republic of Ecuador is divided into 4 natural regions: the island region comprising the Galapagos [...] Islands, 1,000 km from the west coast [...] of Ecuador; the mountains and the Andes regionincluding [...]the entire central belt of the [...]country in which Chimborazo volcano is considered the highest peak in Ecuador (6310m altitude); the coast including the entire Pacific coastline of Ecuador; the east where the Ecuador catchment of the Amazon passes by. ecuadorenchina.org.ec |
在过去5年中,作为Doe Run [...] Peru的技术副总裁,并作为项目发起方,我代表执行委员会负责秘鲁安第斯山脉的4.5亿美元Brownfield项目的扩建,我一直在寻找一组专业人员加入并领导我的团队。 grsconsultants.com | As the VP Technology for Doe Run Peru for the last 5 years, and acting Project Sponsor responsible to the Executive Committee for [...] a US$450 million Brownfield’s expansion [...] in the Peruvian Andes, I was looking for [...]a team of professionals to join and head up my owners team. grsconsultants.com |