

单词 安富恤穷

External sources (not reviewed)

由於獲批的恤安置申請並無根據申請㆟ 的生活及健康狀況分類,所以我們暫時未能提供有關的分項數字。
The applications approved for compassionate rehousing are not categorized [...]
in terms of the applicants' living and health
conditions and such a breakdown is, therefore, not readily available.
男性和女性、老人和年轻人富人和 穷 人 、 小型和大型企业等,均不同程 度受到影响,对灾害影响也有不同方式的响应。
Men and women, the old
[...] and the young, the rich and the poor, and small-scale [...]
and large-scale undertakings are all affected
differently and have different ways of responding to hazards that affect them.
按照《重穷国债 务倡议》,几内亚比绍正在接受减 免债务审查,随后的任何收入增加都将允许政府解 决恤金、安全部 门改革和投资社会和基础设施方 案等问题,以促进该国的经济发展。
Guinea-Bissau was being considered for
debt relief under the
[...] Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative and any subsequent increase in revenue would allow the Government to address the issue of pensions and security sector reform and [...]
invest in social and
infrastructure programmes to boost the country’s economic development.
哈萨克斯坦的发展议程侧重于缩富 人 与 穷 人 之 间的差距,通过减少脆弱 性增强人安全、改善社会服务的提供、恢复自然环境、促进民间社会的参与和提高 国家的机构能力。
The development agenda of Kazakhstan is focused on
[...] narrowing the gap between the wealthy and the poor, enhancing human security by reducing vulnerability, [...]
improving delivery
of social services, recuperating environmental situations, strengthening civil society participation, and improving the institutional capacity of the State.
2007 年 7
[...] 月,秘书处论坛和非洲问题特别顾问办公室在日内瓦主办了一次经 济及社会理事会部长级早餐圆桌会议,题为“实行可持续森林管理,促进有利穷人的财富、粮食安全与 和平的创造:全球现实和区域创新”。
The secretariat of the Forum and the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa hosted an Economic and Social Council Ministerial
Round-table Breakfast
[...] entitled “Promoting pro-poor generation of wealth, food security and peace through [...]
sustainable forest management:
global realities and regional innovations” in Geneva in July 2007.
发达国家与发展中国家之间的差距 富 人 与 穷 人 之 间 和农村人口与城市人口之间的不平等持续存在而且非常严重,需要加以解决。
Disparities between developed and developing countries and
[...] inequalities between the rich and the poor, and between rural [...]
and urban populations, inter alia,
remain persistent and significant and need to be addressed.
关于安全部门改革和法治,重点将是:(a) 国家综合性安全部门改革战略的
执行,包括通过西非经共体/葡语共同体路线图予以支持;(b) 国防和安全部门
[...] 的复员工作以及根据性别平等和人权标准对警务人员和国内治安人员进行审核 和认证的进展;(c) 增加最脆弱群体诉诸法律的机会并强化司法部门,包括狱政 改革,以解决有罪不罚问题和打击贩毒及跨国犯罪;(d) 通过一安全部门改革 高级别会议为恤基金 和包括复员援助和重返社 安 排 在 内的相关举措开展协 调和资源调动活动。
Regarding Security Sector Reform and the rule of law, the focus will be on: (a) the implementation of a national holistic Security Sector Reform strategy, including support through the ECOWAS/CPLP road map; (b) demobilization in the defence and security sectors and progress in the vetting and certification process for policing and internal security personnel, in accordance with gender and human rights standards; (c) increasing access to justice for the most vulnerable and strengthening the justice sector, including penitentiary reform, to address impunity and combat drug trafficking and transnational crime; and (d) coordination and
resource mobilization
[...] activities for the pension fund and related initiatives, including reinsertion and reintegration arrangements, through a high-level Security Sector Reform event.
设 计21”也扩展到另一计划,即“奉献 21”,它为富汗贫穷儿童建立了艺 术活动培训中心;“作为最贫困青年 [...]
就业机会窗口的传统手工艺”项目旨 在加勒比某些国家为贫困儿童和青年 提供传统手工艺技术。
Design 21 was also extended to another programme, Tribute 21, a framework in which a training centre
for artistic activities for
[...] underprivileged children in Afghanistan was established; [...]
traditional crafts as a window to job
opportunities for the poorest youth, aimed at providing disadvantaged children and youth with skills in traditional crafts in selected countries in the Caribbean.
妇女和性别平等是讨论的核心:老年妇女更容易受到暴力侵害、被 忽视、生活穷、养恤金更 低或者根本没有养恤金,因为许多妇女 一生主要都在非正规行业就业。
Women and a gender dimension central to the discussion: older women are more at
risk of violence, neglect
[...] and poverty and of living with lower pensions or no pension at all, as [...]
many women primarily work
in the informal sector all their lives.
此外,如情況需要,這些受助㆟可在公共屋 獲得特別恤 安置。
Depending on need, they can also benefit
[...] from special compassionate housing in [...]
public housing estates.
在决定是否应将现用于常任法官 的恤金办法扩及连续服务 3 年以上的审案法官时,大会似可考虑由于 两法庭业务的变化(即审案法官的数量已临时增加;若干审案法官 安全 理事会授权在 3 年上限后继续服务;以及一些审判分庭被分成若干部 分,其中只包括审案法官),两类法官服务条件上的差异是否仍有理由继 续存在。
In determining
[...] whether the existing pension scheme for permanent judges should be extended to cover ad litem judges who have served continuously for more than three years, the General Assembly may wish to consider whether, given the changed circumstances of the Tribunals’ operations (namely that the number of ad litem judges has been temporarily increased; several ad litem judges have been authorized by the Security Council to serve [...]
beyond the three-year
maximum; and some Trial Chambers have been split into sections which may consist only of ad litem judges), the differences in the conditions of service of the two categories of judge continue to be justified.
若個別離婚人士或家 庭有真正和迫切的房屋需要,例如與配偶繼續在同一單位 內共同生活,會面對極大的困難而需另覓居所,卻沒有能 力自行解決問題,社工會考慮轉介符合申請“ 恤安 置 ” 資 格的人士(即為已正式向法庭提交離婚呈請書,但仍未獲頒 離婚令的人士) 予房屋署,推薦他們透過“恤安置”下的 “有條件租約計劃”入住公屋,解決其房屋問題。
For individuals or families on divorce proceedings with genuine and pressing housing needs, such as those facing undue hardship in continuing to stay in the same unit with the party with whom a divorce is being contemplated but are unable to secure an alternative abode by themselves, social workers will consider recommending eligible applicants (that is, people who have filed bona fide petitions for divorce to the Court but the divorce proceedings are not yet finalized) for CR to the HD for consideration of allocating public rental housing units (PRHs) in the form of Conditional Tenancy (CT) under the CR Scheme.
发展不应 以投入来衡量,而是应以表明人们从 穷 走 向 富 裕的 结果来衡量。
Development should be measured not by inputs, but by outcomes showing the movement of people from poverty to prosperity.
在苏丹,天课义务被看作是一种社会保障机制,体现了国家关注在一 富人 帮助穷人的 社会中,向个人灌输团结的观念和人类相互理解。
In the Sudan, the obligation of zakat is viewed as a social security mechanism embodying the State’s concerns to instil a sense of solidarity and mutual human understanding among the individuals in a society where the rich help the poor.
[...] [...] 还必须通过国际合作进程解决下列问题,包括:全世界很多人处于欠发展和贫困 状况;贫富差距拉大(30 年前全世界人口中 20%最富有的和 20%最穷的之 间的收 入差距是 30 倍,如今扩大到 60 倍);贩运毒品和武器;政治、种族和宗教冲突; [...]
This means that, beyond the need to regulate financial markets, it is essential to view international cooperation processes as a means of solving problems such as, inter alia, the underdevelopment and extreme poverty in which much of the world’s
people live; the widening
[...] gap between rich and poor (the income gap between the richest and poorest [...]
20 per cent of the global
population is 30 to 60 times greater than it was 30 years ago); drug and arms trafficking; political, ethnic and religious conflicts; and migration from poor countries.
委员会成员特 别指出,气候变化对所有会员国,无论 富 国 还 是 穷 国 , 都是一种严重威胁,在这种情况 下,教科文组织显然需要根据其有关非洲和性别问题的优先事项,着重关心那些最弱势的国 [...]
It was emphasized that, while climate change is a serious threat for all
[...] Member States, rich and poor, UNESCO obviously [...]
needs to focus its efforts on those
most vulnerable, in particular least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing States (SIDS) and those with fragile ecosystems, such as drylands, and be guided by UNESCO priorities on Africa and gender.
134.4.2 採納、修改或執行有關董事、其聯繫人及本公司或其任何 附屬公司僱員的養老金或公積金或退休、去世或傷殘恤 計劃,而該等計劃並無向任何董事或其任何聯繫人提供一 般不會給予與該計劃或基金有關類別人士的任何特權或利 益;及 134.5 董事或其任何聯繫人僅因擁有本公司股份或債權證或其他證券權益而 與其他持有本公司股份或債權證或其他證券的人士以相同方式擁有權 益的任何合同安排。
134.4.2 the adoption, modification or operation of a pension or provident fund or retirement, death or disability benefits scheme which relates both to Directors, their Associates and employees of the Company or any of its subsidiaries and does not provide in respect of any Director or any of his
Associates as such any
[...] privilege or advantage not generally accorded to the class of persons to which such scheme or fund relates; and 134.5 any contract or arrangement in which the Director or any of his Associates is/are interested in the same manner as other holders of shares or debentures or other securities of the Company by virtue only of his/their interest in shares or debentures or other securities of the Company.
有 關修訂包括在恤安置限額㆗,預留部份可調整的配額;將入息限額由等於申請公共 援助的限額,提高至等於列入輪候公屋總登記冊的限額;容許離婚㆟士和撫養的子女, [...]
加入在公共房屋居住的父母的戶籍;接受由認可非政府機構就這類個案的推薦,以及 確保盡可能在㆔個月內完成處理這類申請。
These changes include setting aside an adjustable
[...] sub-quota within the compassionate rehousing quota; raising the [...]
income eligibility limit from
the Public Assistance to the General Waiting List level; allowing a divorcee and his or her children to be added to the tenancy of parents already in public housing; accepting recommendations on such cases by approved non-government organizations; and ensuring that applications are processed within three months as far as practicable.
无 论过去将人们区分开的是政治差别还是意识差别,但今天最大最明显的区别穷 人和富人之间的差别。
Whatever political or ideological differences
divided people in the past, today’s biggest and most glaring divide is
[...] between those who are poor and those who are not.
就不獲社署推薦“恤安置”(包括“有條件租約計劃”)的個 案而言,當中原因包括申請人沒有採取正式行動取消其私 人住宅物業或資助自置居所計劃下的業權;沒有足夠的醫 療或社會因素支持其申請;申請人有足夠財政資源解決其 居住問題;以及未能核實申請人的婚姻或子女的管養權安 排等。
The reasons for not recommending CT by the SWD included failure of the applicants to take any formal action to cancel their ownership of private properties or subsidized home ownership flats; insufficient medical or social grounds to support the applications; applicants having sufficient financial means to meet their housing needs; and the marital situation of the applicants or the custody arrangements of the children could not be verified, and so on.
此外,有真正和迫切住屋需要的個別人士或 家庭,亦可向社會福利署申請透過 恤安 置 盡 快入住公屋。
In addition, individuals or families with genuine and pressing housing
needs could also apply to the Social Welfare Department for early allocation of
[...] PRH flats under Compassionate Rehousing.
此外,恤安置只適用於因健康或個 人問題而 遭遇特別困難的 住戶,並不適用於因經 濟不景 氣而出現財政困難的資助計劃受 [...]
惠 人。
Besides, compassionate rehousing was only given to [...]
households suffering from exceptional hardship on medical or social grounds
which was not applicable to SHO beneficiaries who suffered financial hardship as a result of the economic downturn.
这符合上文所述的费用分安排, 即作为 恤 基 金担 任联合国和其他基金和方案工作人员养恤金委员会秘书处的回报,联合 [...]
This is in conformity
[...] with the cost-sharing arrangement, which stipulates that [...]
in return for the Fund acting as the secretariat of the Staff Pension Committee of the United Nations
and the New York-based funds and programmes, the United Nations provides certain services to the Fund free of cost.
另外,房署亦應考慮受虐待婦女的特 別情況,簡化調遷他區的手續,以及放寬有條件 恤安 置 申請的審核標準。
Moreover, the Housing Department should also give consideration to the special situation of abused women,
simplify the application
[...] procedures for rehousing in another district and relax the criteria for compassionate rehousing.
[...] 以使较贫穷的国家能够参与维和行动,这将有助于 加强区域能力,并结束对维和需要双重反应:一个 面富人,一个面穷人。
It therefore proposed that a facility should be set up that would promote partnerships so that poorer countries could take part in peacekeeping operations; that would help strengthen
regional capacities and bring to an end the two-tiered response to peacekeeping
[...] needs: one for the rich and one for the poor.
[...] 气候变化、粮食危机、世界金融危机和全球化其他方 面的负面影响;这些影响使世富国 和 穷 国 之 间的差 距有所扩大。
Like other countries, Lebanon has suffered and continues to suffer from the negative repercussions of climate change, the food crisis and the world
financial crisis, as well as from other aspects of globalization, which have widened
[...] the gap between the world’s rich and poor.
海洋科学及其辅佐技术,通过增进知识并将其用于管理和决策,可以对以下 方面作出重大贡献:消除穷,确 保粮 安 全 、支持人类经济活动,保全世界海洋 环境,帮助预测自然灾害并减轻自然事件和灾害的影响及采取对策,以及一般而言, [...]
促进把海洋及其资源用于可持续发展的目标(见A/56/121,第 3 段)。
Marine science and its supporting technologies, through improving knowledge and applying it to management and decision-making, can
make a major contribution to
[...] eliminating poverty; ensuring food security; supporting human [...]
economic activity; conserving
the world’s marine environment; helping to predict, mitigate the effects of and respond to natural events and disasters; and generally promoting the use of the oceans and their resources for the objective of sustainable development (see A/56/121, para. 3).
我们提议建立新的国 际支助架构,并进一步呼吁更加从根本上转 富 人 与 穷 人 、 强者与弱者、男子与 妇女、当权人士与无产阶级、主导者与边缘者之间的关系。
Our calls echoed proposals for a New International Support Architecture, and gone further in calling for a
more fundamental transformation of the
[...] relations between rich and poor, powerful and powerless, [...]
men and women, the elites and
those without resources, the dominant and the marginalized.
他们指出:(a) 公共支出的影响通常大于减税;(b) 有些形式的公共支出与 其他形式的公共支出相比,对增长的影响更大;(c) 对穷人减税比富人减税更 能产生刺激需求的效果。
It was noted that (a) public expenditures usually had greater effects than tax cuts; (b) some forms of public expenditure had greater growth
implications than others; and (c)
[...] tax cuts for the poor had greater demand-boosting impacts than tax cuts for the rich.
[...] 金額一般足夠繳付全數的公屋租金;而社署署長可行使酌情權, 批准向居於私營房屋而正在輪候 恤安 置 , 或正輪候入住受資助 安老院舍的綜援受助人,發放超過最高金額的租金津貼,以繳付 [...]
Generally, the amount of rent allowance can cover the full rental of a PRH flat. For CSSA recipients living in
private housing, who are on the
[...] waiting list for compassionate rehousing or admission [...]
to a subvented home for the elderly,
the Director of Social Welfare may exercise discretion to approve a rent allowance higher than the applicable MRA level to cover the actual rent paid.




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