

单词 安土重迁

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但是,单个登记的财产所有人 往往得到优先考虑,因为国际机构显得不愿意 土地 保有权不明朗的迁或重新安置地 方进行投资。
Yet, individually registered property owners tended to be given
preference, as international agencies showed reluctance
[...] to invest in places of return or relocation where land tenure was unclear.
此外,《宣言》第 10 条还禁止强土著人 民迁离其土地或领土,要求事先获得有关土著人民的自由知情同意,商定公正和 公平的赔偿,并在可能时提供返回的选择( 重 新 安 置 )
It also prohibits, in its article 10, any
forcible removal of
[...] indigenous peoples from their lands or territories, imposing the requirements of free, prior and informed consent, agreement on just and fair compensation and, where possible, the option of return (for relocations).
(g) 支持流离失所的个人或群体基于自由和知情选择,安全和有尊严地自 愿返回原来的家园土地或 习惯居住地,确保流离失所者 重 新 安 置 和 融入当地 社会的条件符合关于适足住房、强迫 迁 和 另 行安置的准则所体现的国际人权法 律和标准,尤其是《关于国内流离失所问题的指导原则》和机构间常设委员会通 过的《在自然灾害状况下保护人口工作业务指南
(g) To support the voluntary return of displaced
persons or groups to
[...] their former homes, lands or places of habitual residence, in safety and dignity based on a free, informed choice, and to ensure that relocation and local integration conditions for displaced persons are in accordance with international human rights law and standards as reflected in the guidelines pertaining to adequate housing, evictions and displacement, [...]
in particular the
Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement and the Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters adopted by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee
该清单表明,标为A类 项目的 15 个问题和活动:重污染空气土地或水;影响濒危物种或受保护物种的生存环境;直接 影响公安全;强迫迁;引 起大量失业;影响弱 势群体;滥用武装保卫力量等。
The list indicates 15 issues and activities
that mark Category A projects:
[...] major pollution of air, soil or water; impact on habitat important to endangered/protected species; work that directly affects public safety; involuntary resettlement; [...]
substantial job losses; effects
on vulnerable groups; uncontrolled use of armed security forces; etc.
即使是公共安全问题正当合理土地 使 用或住房方面 的决定也必须遵守人权标准,并且也要权衡 迁 和重 新安置的社会经济成本。
Even when public safety concerns were
[...] legitimate, decisions on land use or housing must still be subject to human rights standards and weighed against the socio-economic costs of displacement and resettlement.
常设论重申,各国需要处理包括军队、民兵和其他武装团体在内 安 全部 队开展军事化活动,包括废止宪法保证、侵 土 地 、 强制占领 迁 移 , 对 土 著人 民土地、领土和其他集体权利的影响。
The Permanent Forum reiterates the need for States to address the impact of militarization, including suppressing constitutional guarantees, appropriation of land, forcible occupation and displacement, on the land, [...]
territorial and other collective
rights of indigenous peoples, perpetrated by security forces, including the military, militias and other armed groups.
特别报告员在意见中涉及的问 题包括:在土著人民领地内部进行涉及自然资源的采掘和发展项目,包括采矿和 水电项目;在土著人民的圣地或具 重 要 文 化意义的地区发生的利益冲突导致对 这土地的威胁;土著人民从其传 土 地 和 领地 迁 出 ;以及制定的国家法律 和政策可能对土著人民的生活产生负面影响等问题。
The issues touched upon by the Special Rapporteur in his observations include extractive and development projects involving natural resources taking place in indigenous peoples’ territories, including mining and hydroelectric projects; threats to indigenous
peoples’ sacred places or
[...] areas of cultural significance owing to competing interests on those same lands; removals of indigenous peoples from their traditional lands and territories; [...]
and the development
of national laws and policies that might result in negative impacts on the lives of indigenous peoples.
雖然要在有安排實 施㆒段時間後才可評估其效果,但這無疑是邁 開重要的 ㆒步,使業內運作得到更理想的規管。
Although their effectiveness can only be assessed after they have been in operation for some time, there is little doubt that they represent a major step forward for the better regulation of the profession.
在继续重新组织军营以支持《瓦加杜古政治协议》、恢复国家行政机构 安全 强 化措施以及在 2008/09 年度开展的其他基础设施工程方面,计划在 2009/10 年度 为阿佐佩、迪沃、伊西亚、图莱普勒(扩建)、布纳 ( 搬 迁 ) 等 地部 队 重 新 部 署地点的 军事特遣队提供硬墙和住宿设备。
In continuing with the reorganization of camps in support of the Ouagadougou Political Agreement, the
restoration of State
[...] administration, security enhancements and other infrastructure works carried out in 2008/09, the provision of hard wall and accommodation equipment for military contingents at troop redeployment sites in Adzope, Divo, Issia, Toulepleu (expansion), Bouna (relocation), is planned [...]
for 2009/10.
总部外--非集中化计划的管理:该拨款项目下出现总额为 190 万美元的赤字,主要是由 于增加了总部外办事处的人事费,如:离职费(60 万美元);为塔什干和达喀尔办事 处设立临时职位(20 万美元);总干事批准重新定 级和职位的设立(20 万美元); 养恤金分摊额和产假范围的额外要求(10 万美元);加强总部外办事处的行政力量 (10 万美元);与欧洲高等教育中心办公室有关的开支(10 万美元);特殊服务合同 转为服务合同(10 万美元);喀布尔的工作人员安全 原 因暂 迁 往 曼 谷(5 万美 元)。
BFC field: The overall deficit of $1.9 million on this appropriation line mainly pertains to additional staff cost requirements for field offices such as: separation payments ($0.6 million); Creation of temporary posts for the Tashkent and
Dakar offices ($0.2 million); reclassifications and post creations approved by the Director-General
[...] ($0.2 million); additional requirements for pension contributions and maternity leave coverage ($0.1 million); Strengthening the administrative capacity of Field Offices ($0.1 million); cost related to the CEPES office ($0.1 million); Conversion of SSA contacts to Service Contracts ($0.1 million) and the temporary relocation of Kabul staff to Bangkok for security reasons ($0.05 million).
[...] 年世界首脑会议成果文 件》、《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》(《约翰内斯堡执行计划》)和新伙伴关系框架 中列明的非洲可持续发展的各项挑战,本次级方案的战略将继续强调在区域合作和一体化范畴 内促进农业结构改造和粮安全的政策和战略,尤其 重土 地 、 水、森林、城乡联系、人类住 区和气候变化。
In response to the sustainable development challenges in Africa identified in the 2005 World Summit Outcome, the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (“Johannesburg Plan of Implementation”) and the NEPAD framework, the strategy of the subprogramme will continue to emphasize policies and strategies for
structural agricultural
[...] transformation and food security within a perspective of regional cooperation and integration, with a particular focus on land, water, forests, [...]
urban-rural linkages and
human settlements and climate change.
每年都有数以 千计的农民成为征土地、强迫迁 和 另 行 安 置 的 受害者,这种情况可能会因为 新的全球“争夺土地”现象而达到前所未有的程度。
Every year, thousands of peasant farmers are the
[...] victims of expropriation of land, forced evictions and displacements [...]
- a situation that could
reach an unprecedented level owing to the new phenomenon of the global “land grab”.
报告审查了第 65/105 号决 议所确定的主题,包括生命安全 权; 拆 迁 和 影响巴勒斯坦被占 土 人 口构成的 其他做法;对以色列平民区发射火箭和迫击炮,造成人员伤亡;限制行动自由和 货物;以及逮捕和拘留。
The report examines themes identified in resolution
65/105, including the
[...] right to life and security; displacement and other practices affecting the demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian Territory; the firing [...]
of rockets and mortars
against Israeli civilian areas resulting in loss of life and injury; restrictions on the freedom of movement and goods; and arrests and detention.
公司与土著人民之间进行直接谈判也许是最为有效和可行的方式,可 就在土著领地之内或附近开采自然资源达 安 排 , 充分 重土 著 人民的权利,这 种方式还可为土著人民提供追求自身发展优先事项的机会。
Direct negotiations between companies and indigenous peoples may be the most efficient and
desirable way of arriving
[...] at agreed-upon arrangements for the extraction of natural resources within or near indigenous territories that are fully respectful of indigenous [...]
peoples’ rights,
and they may provide indigenous peoples with opportunities to pursue their own development priorities.
常设论坛注意到向 2011 年 5 月在努克举行的北极理事会部长级会议汇报的 情况,其中涉及气候变化和北极工业发展的累积效应影响可能对牧场造成损失, 并对驯鹿季节性牧场之间重要迁徙 造成破坏、阻止或拖延,从而危 土 著 驯鹿 牧民的适应能力。
The Permanent Forum notes the information reported to the Arctic Council ministerial meeting held in Nuuk in May 2011 on the impact of cumulative effects of climate change and industrial development in the Arctic, which threaten to cause the loss of grazing lands and the
destruction, blockage
[...] or delay of critical reindeer migrations between seasonal pastures, and thereby jeopardize the adaptive capacity of indigenous reindeer herders.
除了增产方面取得的成功,中国经济与社会在过去二三十年间发生 重 大变 迁以及土地退 化和气候变化造成的威胁,都带来了各自的挑战。
At the same time, apart from these successes in raising production, the massive transition of the Chinese economy and society
over the past generation, and the
[...] threats represented by land degradation and climate [...]
change, have brought about their own challenges.
该计划的目的是有控制地几乎全部排 除溶解和集中在水中的二氧化碳,以确保相关地区 安 全 并 使 迁 出 的人 口 重 新回 来定居。
The project is aimed at the controlled and almost complete extraction of CO2 dissolved in the water in a concentrated form, in order to make the areas concerned secure and enable the displaced population to return.
但是,委员会认 识到,将一级数据中心从秘书处大 安 全 迁 往 北 草坪设施是基本建设总计划中一 个必不可少的组成部分,可靠的二级数据中心是一 重 要 因 素(另见 A/63/736 第 49 段)。
However, the Committee
[...] recognizes that the secure relocation of the primary data centre from the Secretariat Building to the North Lawn facility is an essential component of the capital master plan and that a reliable secondary data centre is an important factor (see also [...]
A/63/736, para. 49).
各方将不能干涉境内流离失所者和 回归难民对目的地做出的选择,也不能强迫其留在、回归 迁 移 到 严 重 危 险安全的 局势中或缺乏正常生活所必须的基础服务的区域。
The Parties shall not interfere with IDPs’ and returning refugees’ choice of destination, nor shall they
compel them to remain in,
[...] return to, or move to situations of serious danger or insecurity, or to areas [...]
lacking in basic services
necessary to resume a normal life.
尽管黎巴嫩密切关注在上述全面办法之外为实 现部分解决和开始解决而采取的举措,但黎巴嫩重 申,将不会同意任何黎巴嫩并未参与、或者任何违背
[...] 其重要国家利益,尤其是违背其反对以任何形式在黎 巴嫩土重新安置巴 勒斯坦难民的主权权利的中东 问题解决方法。
While Lebanon closely follows initiatives undertaken to reach partial solutions, or beginnings of solutions, made outside the aforementioned comprehensive approaches, it reiterates that it would not agree to any solution for the Middle East cause in which it does not participate or which contradicts its high national
interests, particularly its sovereign right to
[...] oppose any form of resettlement of Palestinian [...]
refugees in its territories.
[...] 多邊化"安排借款的機會不大,但金管局副總裁(發展) 強調,香港參與"清邁倡議多邊化"安 排 具 有策 重要 性,因為"清邁倡議多邊化"安排的 成立向國際市場作 出了有力的證明,顯示區內的經濟體系決意合力解決 [...]
While it was unlikely that Hong Kong would need to borrow through the
liquidity arrangement of
[...] CMIM, DCE(D)/HKMA stressed the strategic importance for Hong Kong to participate in CMIM because [...]
the establishment
of CMIM was a powerful demonstration to international markets of the determination of the regional economies to work together to overcome short-term liquidity issues so as to promote overall financial stability in the region.
除此之外,虽则紧张局势加剧,但 迁 徙季 节期间未发生重安全事件。
The migration season
[...] otherwise passed without serious security incidents, despite heightened [...]
同样至重要的 是,在企业活动中纳入作 土 著 人 民和社 迁 离 各 自 土地 后 果的特殊赔偿保障,包括那些有利于个人的土著土地购买计划。
It is also particularly important to include in corporate activities special guarantees of compensation for the removal of indigenous communities [...]
and peoples from their lands, including in projects that involve
the acquisition of indigenous lands held under individual titles.
我们必须创 造条件,以进行有意义的谈判;从而解决 土 、 安 全、 难民和耶路撒冷重要的 最终地位问题,并结束 1967 年以来的占领。
We must create the conditions for meaningful negotiations that will resolve the core
permanent status issues
[...] — namely, with regard to territory, security, refugees and Jerusalem — and [...]
end the occupation that started in 1967.
联合国土著人民权利宣言》在下列方面明确肯定自由、事先和知情同意土著人民迁离其土地或领土(第 1 0 条);补偿被侵占的土著文化、知识、宗教和 精神财产(第 [...]
11 条第 2 款);在通过和实施可能影响土著人民的立法和行政措施 之前征求同意(第 19 条);补偿未经土著人民同意剥夺的土地或资源(第
28 条第 1 款);在其领土处置有害物质(第 29 条第 2 款);以及在批准影响到土著人民土地 或领土和其他资源的项目以前征得这种同意(第 32 条第 2 款)。
Free, prior and informed consent has been explicitly affirmed in the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous
[...] Peoples in relation to the relocation of indigenous peoples from [...]
their lands and territories (article 10);
redress with respect to the appropriation of their cultural, intellectual, religious and spiritual property (article 11, paragraph 2); obtaining such consent before adopting and implementing legislative and administrative measures that may affect indigenous peoples (article 19); redress for their lands or resources taken without their consent (article 28, paragraph 1); disposal of hazardous materials in their territories (article 29, paragraph 2); and obtaining of such consent prior to the approval of development projects affecting their lands or territories and other resources (article 32, paragraph 2).
食物权问题特别报告员发出的大多数紧急呼吁也都是基于有关 征土地、强制迁和另行安置的指控。32 近年来的全球“争夺土地”现象使 这些问题又增加了新的内容,因为一些国家的政府和公司在其他国家购置和租赁 [...]
大片生产用地,将生产的粮食出口运回本国,或种植生物燃料,以满足全球北方 国家的燃料需求。
From 1995 to 2005, Foodfirst Information and Action Network International worked on more than 100 cases of violations of the right to food, and concluded
that the majority of them were
[...] related to expropriation of land, forced evictions and displacements.31 [...]
Most urgent appeals
made by the Special Rapporteur on the right to food are also based on allegations of expropriation of land, forced evictions and forced displacements.32 The recent phenomenon of global “land-grab” has added another dimension to these concerns as Governments and companies seek to buy and lease large tracts of productive land in other countries, to food to be exported back to their countries, or to grow biofuels to fill the petrol tanks of those in the global north.33 21.
阿尔巴尼亚安哥拉 、阿根廷、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米 尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、 意大利、日本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马里、摩洛哥、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国土耳其 、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Spain, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors.
在西藏自治区 开展的重新安置政策已扩大到非牧民,其目的是在“安居”政策下将西藏的大部 分农村人重新安置、迁移或 安排在新建的集中住区定居,因为“安居”政策要 求拆毁并重建“不合适的”住房。
The resettlement policy conducted in the Tibet Autonomous Region has expanded to non-herders, and is aimed at resettling, relocating or rehousing a majority of the Tibetan rural population into newly built concentrated settlements, under a ―Comfortable Housing‖ policy that calls for the destruction and reconstruction of ―unsuitable‖ dwellings.
这项建议是基于高专办进行的大范围的评估,题为“柬埔寨的 迁 和重 新安置:人的代价、影响和解决办法”,它研究了 迁 和 重 新 安 置 的几个案例, 有正面的,也有负面的,分析了对受影响家庭在生活条件、住房、水供应、教育 和健康保健、创收和重新谋生的机会等方面的影响。
This recommendation is in part based on an extensive
assessment conducted by OHCHR,
[...] entitled “Eviction and resettlement in Cambodia: human costs, impacts and solutions,” which examines several examples of evictions and relocation, both positive [...]
and negative, and analyses
their impacts on the living conditions of the affected families with regard to access to housing, water, education and health care, and on the opportunity to generate income and recreate a livelihood.
津巴布韦再度承诺,将排雷行动中 迁 移 至 便于 所有人抵达的地区,再设立一支排雷中队 重 新 调 查所有已知雷场和疑似危险区 域,并继续进行排雷和雷险教育。
Zimbabwe recommitted to relocate from its mine action centre to an areas where it will be easily accessible to all, to establish another demining squadron, to resurvey all known minefields and suspected hazardous areas, and, to continue with mine clearance and mine risk education.




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