单词 | 宅邸 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 宅邸 noun—seat nSee also:宅 n—residence n • mansion n 宅—hang around at home • (coll.) stay in at home 邸—surname Di • lodging-house 迸—spurt • burst forth
主席女士,從 歷 史 角 度 來 看 ,地主不 單 擁 有其宅 邸 和四周的土 地,並 且 擁 有其土 地 上 的 所 有 東 西 , 包括僕 人 和 婢 女 。 legco.gov.hk | Historically, Madam President, the lord of the manor owned not only the manor house and the lands surrounding it, but everything else on his lands including, in particular, servants and maids. legco.gov.hk |
富丽堂皇的宫殿曾是现今国家统治者—Al Nahyan 王朝的皇家宅邸。 shangri-la.com | This grand palatial fort was once [...] the majestic residence of the Al Nahyan royal family, the present rulers [...]of the country. shangri-la.com |
委员会坚决谴责刚果民主共和国国家元 首 宅邸 受 到 的袭 击。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee strongly condemned the attacks on the residence of the Head of State of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. daccess-ods.un.org |
Korhogo, 此后他被软禁在一处总统宅邸中。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Gbagbo was transferred to Korhogo, in the northern region, where he has since been under house arrest in a presidential residence. daccess-ods.un.org |
建筑的右翼建于 1750 年,称为“芒特艾里”,是宾夕法尼亚州首席大法官威廉·艾伦 (William Allen) 的乡村宅邸。 wdl.org | The right wing was built in 1750 as “Mount Airy,” the country seat of Pennsylvania Chief Justice William Allen, and early in the 19th century the area took the building’s name. wdl.org |
他们常常托辞躲在私人居室或附近的王 室 宅邸 中。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | As often as possible, they took refuge in their private apartments or in the royal residences nearby. en.chateauversailles.fr |
菲卡亚博物馆和花园 这座50英亩的庄园由农学家James Deering建于1961年,有一座欧式风格的 宅邸 和 美丽的布置井然的花园,可以给观光者一个了解早期南佛罗里达典雅气质的印象。 abgcorp.com | Vizcaya Museum and Gardens This 50-acre estate built by agriculturalist James Deering in 1916, features a European-style mansion and beautiful formal gardens, providing visitors an idea of the earlier elegance of South Florida . abgcorp.com |
梵克雅宝学校位于芳登广场(Place Vendôme)一座私人宅邸内,该建筑建于十八世纪,展现法式艺术风格。 lecolevancleefarpels.com | L'ÉCOLE Van Cleef & Arpels is located Place Vendôme in an 18th century townhouse which embodies French artistic Style. lecolevancleefarpels.com |
晚宴在坐落于洛杉矶霍姆比山庄高古轩先生 的 宅邸 内 举 行。 vacheron-constantin.com | Situated in the Holmby Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, the event was held at the private LA residence of Mr. Gagosian. vacheron-constantin.com |
当朗巴尔(Lamballe)亲王夫人玛丽-泰雷兹·德·萨瓦-卡利尼昂1775年被王后任命为 她 宅邸 的 宫 女长时,诺阿耶伯爵夫人放弃了女官的职位。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | When Marie-Therese de Savoy-Carignan, Princess of Lamballe, was named by the Queen in 1775, Superintendent of her House, the countess of Noailles gave up her responsibilities as lady-in-waiting. en.chateauversailles.fr |
比阿尔杜安-芒萨尔名气更盛的罗伯特·德·科特甚至名扬海外:他是法国高雅审美趣味的代表,因此德意志王族和西班牙君主们纷纷召他前往,为他们建造马德里或波恩的维尔茨堡(Würzburg)、波波斯多夫宫(Poppelsdorf)、施莱海姆宫(Schleissheim)、莱蒂罗宫(Buen Retiro)等宅邸。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | Rather more so than Hardouin-Mansart, the reputation of Robert de Cotte travelled abroad: German princes and Spanish monarchs turned to him for their residences in Würzburg, Poppelsdorf, Schleissheim, the Buen Retiro in Madrid and in Bonn. en.chateauversailles.fr |
15日,住宿在有着至今仍保留完整的库房以及武 士 宅邸 , 四 处飘荡着旧日风味情趣满溢的上山温泉一宿。 cn.tohokukanko.jp | On the 15th, I stayed in Kaminoyama-onsen famous for Samurai houses and old-fashioned atmosphere. en.tohokukanko.jp |
1789年,在大革命的压力下,她们离开了凡尔赛前往过去蓬巴杜夫人 的 宅邸 美 景 堡(Château de Bellevue),这是她们的父王1774年赠与她的。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | In 1789, under the pressure of the Revolution, they left Versailles for the Château de Bellevue, the former residence of Madame de Pompadour, given to her by their father in 1774. en.chateauversailles.fr |
FUJIYA HOTEL(富士屋酒店)作为皇室御用宅邸建 造 于明治28年(1895年),拥有纯日本风格的建筑物和著名庭园。 kanagawa-kankou.or.jp | Fujiya Hotel's classical Japanese style hotel building and garden were built in 1895 as a villa for the Imperial Family to use. kanagawa-kankou.or.jp |
豪森宫殿建于1793年,是当时统治者的 宅邸 。 毗邻文化基金会,到此参观的游客全年均可欣赏各类展览、演出、讲座和其他活动。 shangri-la.com | The heritage village offers a taste of the pre-oil era, with insight into Bedouin life, as well as courtyard houses, wind towers, and examples of ancient irrigation systems used in the region’s oases. shangri-la.com |
江诗丹顿与卢浮宫美国友人协会(American Friends of the Louvre)携手举办特别慈善晚宴,晚宴于5月17日在洛杉矶拉里•高古轩(Larry Gagosian)的宅邸举行 ,意在向卢浮宫博物馆当代艺术项目致敬。 vacheron-constantin.com | Vacheron Constantin partnered with the American Friends of the Louvre to host an exclusive gala dinner in Los Angeles on May 17th at the home of Larry Gagosian, in recognition of the Louvre Museum’s Contemporary Art Programs. vacheron-constantin.com |
事实上,它包括两栋分开的建筑,中间用木廊相连,长廊里装饰着带有玛丽-安托瓦内特姓氏首字母图案的白色和蓝色的釉陶花瓶饰:右侧是真正的王 后 宅邸 , 包 括底层的一间餐厅和一间游戏室,以及二层的一个大沙龙、一个小沙龙和一个中国式的小房间;左侧是台球厅,包括底层的一个台球厅和二层的一个小居室。 zh.chateauversailles.fr | On the right, the Queen’s House itself, the ground floor comprised of a dining room and a games room, while the first floor was made up of a large living room, a small living room and a Chinese room; on the left, the Billiard Room, the ground floor comprised of a billiard room, and a private apartment on the first floor. en.chateauversailles.fr |
2011 年 2 月 27 日,一伙武装袭击者在金沙萨同时袭击卡比拉总统 官 邸 和刚 果(金)武装力量 Kokolo 营地的后勤基地。 daccess-ods.un.org | On 27 February 2011, a group of armed assailants conducted simultaneous attacks in Kinshasa, on the residence of President Kabila and the FARDC logistics base at Camp Kokolo. daccess-ods.un.org |
大使官邸。当 事人向希腊驻内罗毕大使提出在希腊的政治避难请求,但没有得到 答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | He lodged an application with the Greek Ambassador for political asylum in Greece, but never received a reply. daccess-ods.un.org |
48.10 针对专家们的问题,秘书处代表对总干事 官 邸 的 安 全问题和这方面的安排以及消 防合规的问题,特别是米奥里斯/邦万的消防问题作了一些解释。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 48.10 In response to the Experts’ questions, the representative of the Secretariat gave some explanation about the security of the official residence of the Director-General and arrangements in this regard as well as on the compliance of fire safety, particularly on the Miollis/Bonvin site. unesdoc.unesco.org |
同樣地,那些付予公務員及公職人員並按照或參照公務員薪級表 [...] 或公務人員薪級表的某個薪點釐定或調整的津貼(例如辛勞津貼(危險 職務),津貼額按總薪級表第 1 點的 9.3%計算),以及那些按照或參照 [...] 公務員薪級表或公職人員薪級表的調整而調整的津貼(例如 官 邸 家務員合併逾時工作津貼,津貼額每年按公務員低層薪金級別調整),也 [...]會隨公務員減薪相應下調。 legco.gov.hk | Similarly, those allowances payable to civil servants and public officers which are determined or adjusted in accordance with or by reference to a point on the civil service pay scales or the public service pay scales (e.g. Hardship Allowance (Dangerous Duties) is set at 9.3% of Master Pay Scale Point 1), and those allowances which are adjusted in accordance with or by reference to adjustments to the civil service pay scales or the public service pay scales (e.g. [...] Consolidated Overtime Allowance for domestic [...] staff in official residences is adjusted annually [...]in line with the lower salary band [...]of the civil service) will also be reduced following the reduction in civil service pay. legco.gov.hk |
对两个著名目标的武装袭击引发了人们对背后支持者和意图的猜想:2011 年 2 月 4 [...] 日,加丹加省卢本巴希机场遭到袭击;2011 年 2 月 27 日,金沙萨的总 统官邸和重要的军事后勤基地 Camp Kokolo [...]同时遭到袭击。 daccess-ods.un.org | Two armed attacks on high-profile targets provoked speculation about their possible backers and intent: in Katanga, a raid on Lubumbashi airport on 4 February 2011; and, in Kinshasa, [...] simultaneous attacks on the President’s [...] official residence and Camp Kokolo, an important [...]military logistics base, on 27 February 2011. daccess-ods.un.org |
至於就保障物 [...] 業買家所表達的關注,他認為政府當局應把重點放在未完成 住 宅 單位的銷售方面,因為準物業買家不能檢查未完成的單位,以了解單位的 [...] 實用率,他們只能參考售樓說明書所載的資料。 legco.gov.hk | On concerns about protection for property purchasers, he considered that the [...] Administration should focus on the sale [...] of uncompleted residential flats because [...]potential property purchasers could not [...]inspect uncompleted flats to obtain an idea of the efficiency ratio and had to rely solely on the information in the sales brochures. legco.gov.hk |
值得注意的是,尽管外交馆舍(使馆和大使 官 邸 ) 遭 遇了 多起事件和威胁,但迄今未采取任何措施为这两处房舍设置永久警卫。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is noteworthy that, despite numerous incidents and threats against diplomatic premises (the Embassy and the Ambassador’s residential building), no measure has thus far been taken to post permanent guards at the two premises. daccess-ods.un.org |
同时,联科行动目前正 [...] 注重帮助努力重建安全环境和防止出现安全真空;收 缴武器和解除投降的前亲巴博部队的武装;确保机 [...] 场、海港、桥梁、总统府和总统官邸 等 重 要生命线和 战略设施的安全;保护包括巴博先生亲信在内的平民 [...]免遭报复;继续收集所犯侵犯人权罪行证据;以及协 助提供人道主义援助。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the meantime, UNOCI is currently focusing on helping the efforts to re-establish a secure environment and prevent a security vacuum; collecting weapons and disarming surrendering former pro-Gbagbo forces; securing vital lifelines and strategic installations, such as the [...] airport, the seaport, bridges, and the presidential [...] palace and residence; protecting [...]civilians, including Mr. Gbagbo’s entourage, [...]against reprisals; continuing documentation of committed human rights violations; and facilitating the delivery of humanitarian assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |