

单词 宁愿

宁愿 verb

favor v

宁愿 adverb

soon adv


宁可 ... 也不愿 prep

rather than prep

See also:

would rather
surname Ning
space between the door and the entrance screen


wish n


External sources (not reviewed)

宁愿借此 机会祝贺卡塔尔为联合国确保在紧 急情况下保护受教育权利的工作发挥了领导作用。
Benin would like to take this [...]
opportunity to congratulate Qatar for its leadership in the context of United Nations efforts
to ensure the protection of the right to education in emergency situations.
在这种 情况下,管理当局可宁愿诉诸 正式系统,以建立指导今后行动的原则,而不愿 为一个单独的案件寻求解决方案。
In such cases, management may prefer recourse to the formal system to establish a principle to guide future action, rather than seeking a solution for a single case.
我们和安理会许多成员一样,怀疑叙利亚政府是 否会致力于遵守特使建议的所有六点内容——叙利 亚政府对这些内容作出了承诺——但我们认为最好 的行动方针是宁愿相信政府和反对派成员会这样 做,相信联合国观察员的实地存在将真正提升联合国 和阿拉伯国家联盟帮助摆脱这场危机的能力。
While we share the scepticism expressed by various members of the Council regarding the commitment of the Government of Syria to complying with all six points in the Special Envoy’s proposal — points that the Government has committed to — we believe that the best course of action is to give the Government and the members of the opposition the benefit of the doubt, and to trust that the presence of United Nations observers on the ground will make a genuine difference to the capacity of the United Nations and the League of Arab States to help find a way out of this crisis.
遗憾的 是,会谈未如期举行,主要原因是 1)尽管这是一个政府事务,但联合王 宁愿 等 大英博物 馆托管委员会的新主席和该博物馆的新馆长分别于 2002 年 6 月和 8 月到任,及 2)希腊希望 将归还所有大理石浮雕列入此次会议拟议的议程项目,而联合王国不同意这一提议。
Regrettably, it did not take place at that time mainly because 1) although this is a Government matter, the UK preferred to wait for the new Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the British Museum, and the new Director of the Museum to take up their posts in June and August 2002 respectively; and 2) Greece wanted to include return of all the Marbles in the proposed agenda items for the meeting and the UK was not in agreement with this proposition.
因此发展中国家可能承受不起技术转让,正 如我们所看到的,一些国宁愿使用不牢固的知识产权体制,将之作为一种手段来获取一 些外来技术的使用权,使用逆求技术手段发展这些技术,从而提高本土的技术能力。
Rather, as we have seen, some countries may use weak IP regimes as a means of gaining access to foreign technologies and developing them using reverse engineering, thereby enhancing indigenous technological capacity.
关于康复中心提 供无与伦比的服务,还有其他一些例子,然而许多 宁愿 保 持低调,由于其工作 性质,抛头露面会有危险。
There are other examples of rehabilitation centres providing unmatched services, yet many prefer to keep a low profile because of the dangers of public exposure resulting from the nature of their work.
27 再则,如果中间商在用 户收到通知得知内容非法后不采取行动关闭内容,他们仍会承担经济责任在某些 情况下还须承担刑事责任,所以他们倾向于为保险起 宁愿 对 潜在的非法内容过 度封查。
Users who are notified by the service provider that their content has been flagged as unlawful often have little recourse or few resources to challenge the takedown.27 Moreover, given that intermediaries may still be held financially or in some cases criminally liable if they do not remove content upon receipt of notification by users regarding unlawful content, they are inclined to err on the side of safety by overcensoring potentially illegal content.
与其开发一套制造工艺来实现烘 箱时间和温度的最佳平衡,许多客 宁愿 选择 ZEUS 来替他们承担这些加 工工作。
Rather than developing a manufacturing process to achieve the ideal balance of oven time and temperature many customers have chosen to have ZEUS perform these operations for them.
区域方面又加了一层复杂性,因 为各国的利益和时间表各不相同,以及哈龙的主要用户的态度不同,它们经宁 愿在区 域以外对它们的哈龙再循环或从世界市场购买再循环的哈龙,而不是利用 区域或本国的回收和再循环设施。
The regional dimension adds another layer of complexity due to divergent interests and time schedules of the countries as well as different attitudes of the main halon users, who often prefer to recycle their halon outside the region or to buy recycled halon from the world market instead of using regional or national R&R facilities.
以色列代表注意到尽管他极为重视有关恐 怖主义的任何指控,但个人代表没有获得认可的非政府组织发言这一业经证明的
[...] 事实便足以支持这项提案,尽管以色列代表团 宁愿 花 费 多些时间来研究该问 题,并获得更多信息。
The representative of Israel noted that while he took any allegations of terrorism very seriously, the proven fact that the individual had spoken on behalf of a non-accredited non-governmental organization was sufficient
grounds to support the proposal, although
[...] his delegation would have preferred [...]
more time to study the issue and to receive more information.
考虑到时间有限,不可能把这些往往相互矛盾的意见都反 映出来,国际生物伦理委员宁愿在 其 委员们就某一修改均表同意时,才作此修改。
In view of the limited time available and the impossibility of reflecting all the views, some of them divergent, the Committee decided to amend the text only where a consensus had emerged among its members.
宁愿多花 点成本购买优质的UTTO产品,因为操作迟缓、停机和代价昂贵的修理都会影响到效率、生产力和利润。
They are willing to pay for [...]
quality UTTO products because sluggish operation, downtime and costly repairs cut into efficiency, productivity and profit.
这二类男青宁愿留在边界附近,而不向利比里亚当局登记,而且决定不参加联合国人权事 务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)为帮助远离边界的偏僻地区难民而设立的各项 方案。
In two instances, such groups of young men preferred to remain near border crossings and not register with the Liberian authorities, and chose not to participate in programmes established by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to provide refugee assistance in secluded areas away from border crossings.
[...] 能会对一向无缘得到采购合同的部门(如中小企业)敞开采购市场,还可能增 加参与和竞争,但从长远看,假如供应 宁愿 停 留 在中小企业的水平上,这类 益处可能无法持久。
On the other hand, some such policies may open the procurement market to sectors that have traditionally been excluded from procurement contracts (such as SMEs) and may increase participation
and competition, though in the longer term such
[...] benefits may not persist if suppliers choose artificially [...]
to remain SMEs.
尽管尤斯塔斯试图赢得他的母亲的爱, 宁愿 勇 气,更不舍的主机和宠物的宠爱。
Though Eustace tries to win his mother's love, she would rather dote on Courage, much to the dismay of both master and pet.
在构成十六行的手表品牌所忽略的流行趋势 宁愿 吸 取与皮革及引用的马术世界遗产的房子他们的灵感。
The sixteen lines that make up the watch brand are ignoring fashion trends, preferring to draw their inspiration from the heritage of the house with references to the leather and the world of horsemanship.
尽管如此,许多国内流离失所 者说,他宁愿争取 长期融入当地,也不愿冒险前往也门或回到本国南部。
Despite this, however, many IDPs said they preferred the durable solution of local reintegration to risking travelling to Yemen or returning to the south of the country.
但它也象征着,人数相对较少的政 治、军事和情报官员在有系统地颠覆厄立特里亚政府和政党机构,他宁 愿通过 非正规且往往是非法的机制来处理国家事务,包括偷运人口、贩运 军火、洗钱和勒索。
It is also symptomatic, however, of the systematic subversion of the Government of Eritrea and party institutions by a relatively small number of political, military and intelligence officials, who instead choose to conduct the affairs of state via informal and often illicit mechanisms, including people smuggling, arms trafficking, money-laundering and extortion.
大概获得了中等教育的青宁愿到高 等教育机构深造,而不那么情愿到职 业教育机构深造。
Probably young people who have acquired secondary education prefer to pursue further studies in higher educational institutions and not so much in vocational educational institutions.
当她的姐姐惩戒爱丽丝的白日梦,爱丽丝告诉她的小猫黛娜, 宁愿 住 在 一个无厘头的梦境仙境。
When her sister chastises Alice’s daydreaming, Alice tells her kitten Dinah that she would prefer to live in a nonsensical dreamland called Wonderland.
有效实施选举周期办法遇到 的其他挑战包括设立半永久性的选举管理机构或推迟任命选举专员;有些政府不
[...] 愿在选举后期间立即开展工作; 宁愿 投 资 于支助选举管理机构之类“核心”领 [...]
Other challenges in effectively implementing the electoral cycle approach include setting up semipermanent electoral management bodies or late appointment of electoral commissioners; the reluctance of some governments to
work in the immediate post-electoral period;
[...] and the preference to invest in ‘core’ [...]
areas such as electoral management body
support rather than ‘complementary’ areas such as political party, electoral dispute, civil society or media support.
这几个国家均围绕他的任务规定启 动了建设性的工作,他对此表示欢迎。国别访问对他 的工作而言是必不可少的,他从所有这些国家的高度 合作中受益良多,虽然他的评估意见有时是忠言逆 耳,因为这些评估意见总是提请各国政府注意它们可宁愿视而不见的一些盲点。
His country missions were essential to his work, and he had benefited from very high levels of cooperation from all those countries, although his assessments were sometimes difficult to hear as they drew Government’s attention to some blind spots that they might prefer to ignore.
很多中国百宁愿在蹲 厕门口排长长的队伍等候,而不愿意使用座便器。
Despite the fact that most locals favor the squat toilet and will wait in a long line rather than use a sit-down, there clearly is demand here for western-style toilets.
但是为了冰雪文化的发展,我宁愿 付 出
The family will be holding wake tommorow before the funeral on Monday.
宁 愿 乞 讨 为 生, 乞 求 施 舍, 也 不 愿 杀 害 我 的 师 长, 如 果 我 杀 了 他 们, 我 在 这 个 世 上 的 一 切 喜 悦 与 财 富 都 会 沾 上 血 腥。
Even to live in this world as a mendicant begging for alms is better than killing teachers, for if l kill them all my joys and riches and desires in this world will be drenched in (their) blood.
周末这两对垫底的难兄难弟将会在维冈的主场展开厮杀,而 宁愿 选 择 攻击力更有保证的一方。
At the game of the coming weekend, the bottom two will crash on Wigan’s home field, and I would rather choose the team with better forward.
宁愿活在 生死边缘,守护着这片农田。
They insist to live between alive and death.
我们想象这些动作在自己的市场,如果我们相信市场上是一个看涨的移动(背景)附近,在“伟大的标志”将是向上运动开始后,价格上涨的移动的指标和振荡器和那些 宁愿 仅 分析价格,它们也有向上移动的最开头的信号通过。
We visualize these movements in their own market, if we believe the market is near a bullish move (background), the "great sign" will be after the start of the upward movement, the price rise will move the indicators and oscillators and to those who prefer to analyze the prices only, they also have the signal through the very beginning of the upward movement.
显然,以色宁愿损害 巴勒斯坦人民、 以色列人民以及两国人民之间和整个地区的和平前景来巩固这种占领,而不愿按 照国际法和联合国决议结束对巴勒斯坦领土长达 45 年的军事占领。
Rather than acting in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions to bring an end to its 45-year military occupation of the Palestinian land, it is clear that Israel has chosen instead to entrench this occupation to the detriment of the Palestinian people, the Israeli people and the prospects for peace between them and in the region as a whole.




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