单词 | 孩童 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 孩童noun—childnExamples:学步的孩童n—toddlern See also:孩n—childn 童n—childn 童—surname Tong
柬埔寨使用的像 [...] BM-21 之类的武器准确度不高,常 常击中民宅,弹片也伤害到了孩童和牲畜。 crisisgroup.org | Poorly guided Cambodian weapons such as the BM-21 hit homes, and [...] shrapnelmaimedchildren and destroyed [...]livelihoods. crisisgroup.org |
随后,当人们察觉并了解到这些孩童的问题和需要后,便慷慨解囊,帮助Casa Hogar逐步扩充,现在可收容多达25个孩童。 clarinsusa.com | Thanks to the generosity [...] of people aware of the problems and needs of these children, theCasa Hogar gradually developed and now houses upto 25 children. clarinsusa.com |
在尼泊尔 , 非政府组 织 (NGO) [...] 在经营寄宿学校 , 向那些流落街头的孩童和那些由于持续不断的冲突而流离失所的 [...]儿童提供住所 , 让他们上学。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In Nepal, non-governmental organizations [...] (NGOs) are operating hostels to offer shelter and [...] education to street childrenandthose displaced [...]by ongoing conflict. unesdoc.unesco.org |
叙利亚政府强调,以色列在被占领的阿拉伯叙 利亚戈兰的所作所为超出了一切法律和道德界限,最近的例子是以色列占领当局 对一个两岁孩童Fahid Lu'ay Shuqeir 实施两年软禁,其借口是:这个孩子是其 父母在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国学习期间在以色列境外出生的。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government stresses that Israeli practices in the occupied Syrian Golan exceed all legal and moral bounds, the most recent example being the imposition by the Israeli occupation authorities of two years’ house arrest on a two-year-old child,Fahid Lu’ay Shuqeir, on the pretext that he was born outside Israel when his parents were studying in the Syrian Arab Republic. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着孩童的成长,考虑到其能力不断增长,行使其权利的方式也随之 [...] 发生变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a childgrows, the way [...] that his/her rights are fulfilled will change, taking into consideration his/her evolving capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在孩 童、残障 人 士 、 老 人 或 不 谙 世 务 者 来 说 可 能 是 [...] 有 压 迫 性 的 情 况 , 如 果 碰 上 被 告 人 是 性 格 硬 朗 , 老 於 世 故 , 尌 可 能 是 没 有 压 迫 性 了 。 hkreform.gov.hk | What may be [...] oppressive as regardsa child, an invalid or an [...]old man, or someone inexperienced in the ways of the world may [...]turn out not to be oppressive when one finds that the defendant is of tough character and an experienced man of the world. hkreform.gov.hk |
有证据表明,在孩童时期接受过度日光照射会增加其在成年后患皮肤癌的风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Evidence suggests that excessive [...] sun exposure in childhoodcontributes to [...]the risk of skin cancers later in life. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
多年来基金会提供了多项服务:课后日间托管、校内文化活动、为来自破碎家庭的孩童提供奖学金、教育贫困女性。同时,在国际货币基金会(IMF)的赞助下,开设食物银行,并设立综合儿童福利中心,为失业、破碎或资源不足的家庭提供协助。 clarinsusa.com | Various services have been provided over the years: after-school [...] day care, cultural school activities, [...] scholarships for childrenfrom broken families, [...]education for poor women and with [...]the IMF, they have started the Food Bank and set up an integrated child welfare centre for the unemployed, and broken and deprived families. clarinsusa.com |
在孩童初期,脑部正在发展,双眼必须同时接收清晰的影像,脑细胞才可连接到脑部的视力中心点。 hsbc.com.hk | As the brain [...] grows in earlychildhood,each eye must [...]receive a sharp image, so that brain cells can establish a connection [...]to the visual centers in the brain. hsbc.com.hk |
货品於售卖及交付时,系适合当时各该名孩童或未成 年人或其地人士之生活情况,并为其实际需用 。 hkreform.gov.hk | "Goods suitable to the condition in life of such infant or minor or other person, and to his actual requirements at the time of sale and delivery. hkreform.gov.hk |
这个新标准尤为重要,它考虑到攻击学校和医院 不仅威胁数以千计的儿童、教师、医生和辅助人员, [...] 它也完全是攻击社会的未来,剥夺男女孩童不可剥夺 的受教育和卫生的权利,因而危及国家的发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | This new criterion is particularly important, considering that attacks against schools and hospitals not only threaten thousands of children, teachers, doctors and support staff but also represent [...] an attack on the future of societies, [...] depriving boysandgirls of theinalienable [...]right to education and health and therefore [...]undermining the development of the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
圣诞老人只能每年一次去到孩童家里探访他们:但他非常欢迎您去到他的家和他见面,他会带您参观他的办公室。 visitfinland.com | Santa Claus [...] may only visit childrenintheir homes [...]once a year, but he is also delighted to welcome you into his own home [...]and show you around his office. visitfinland.com |
1999年春天,来自各地的孩童参加了在协会土地上亲自植树的造林活动。 audemarspiguet.com | In the spring of 1999,children participated in [...] the planting of “their trees” in grounds belonging to the society. audemarspiguet.com |
在已开发国家,都市规划讨论内容似乎都很类似,现况以郊区为代表,而「新都会主义者」主张重建城市,让人口更密集,社区更适合步行,在他们的构想里,或许实质优点众多,但若社会普遍认为,购屋是成功人生终极指标,要说服大众接受新都会主义,就像要求五岁孩童生日时不吃蛋糕、改吃红萝卜一样困难。 thisbigcity.net | There may be scads of practical benefits to the new urbanist model, but in a culture where home ownership is seen as the ultimate indicator of a successful life, selling new urbanism is about as easy as convincing a five-year-old at a birthday party to eat carrots instead of cake. thisbigcity.net |
幼儿运动员计划是针对八岁以下智障孩童开展的一项以发展运动基础技能为主的项目。 specialolympics.org | Young Athletes provides movement and sport skill [...] development to childrenwithintellectual [...]disabilities who are younger than 8 years old. specialolympics.org |
此定义不包括非营利单位、泌乳顾问或其他医疗照护专业人员直 接提供临床服务给病患的单位、及不包含医疗照护、泌乳与哺乳、婴幼儿的喂养、孕产妇与孩童的营养及母 亲与孩童照护部门等的单位。 iblce.edu.au | This definition excludes non-profit entities; entities through which lactation consultants or other healthcare professionals provide clinical services directly to patients; and entities outside of the healthcare, lactation and breastfeeding, infant and young child feeding, maternal and child nutrition, and maternal and childcare sectors. iblce.edu.au |
源自受欢迎节目的玩具的好处是,可令孩 童与节目的其他观众共同扮演角色,从而创作出现成的剧本。 cpsc.gov | Toys that are based on [...] popular programs let childrenshare roles with [...]other viewers of the same program to create a ready made play script. cpsc.gov |
如孩童感染流感,更会出现肠道感染的病徵,如恶心、呕吐及腹泻等情况,但此 [...] 等病徵在成年的患病者将较少出现。 qhms.com | Childrencanhave additional [...] gastro-intestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea, but these symptoms are uncommon in adults. qhms.com |
虽然琼斯是非常优秀的喇叭手,但他第一个接触到的乐器还是钢琴,自孩童时期,他便自学弹钢琴。 audemarspiguet.com | For although Jones is an excellent trumpet player, it was the piano he [...] discovered first, as a child, and taught himself [...]to play. audemarspiguet.com |
大部分患读写障碍的孩童均在学校上课时出现阅读和书写的困难,他们的表现较同年龄的预期表现较差,而智力也较一般孩童逊色。 hsbc.com.hk | Most dyslexicchildren present reading and writing difficulties in school. They are performing at a level well below what is expected from the age and general intelligence ofthe child. hsbc.com.hk |
公众教育 [...] 近年在总花费上的增加,大多可归因於为身心残障孩童及青少年 提供易於获得之公平教育,所付出的相关花费。 americancorner.org.tw | Much of the overall increase in spending for public education in recent years can be attributed to the costs [...] associated with providing an accessible, [...] equitable education for childrenand adolescents [...]with physical and mental disabilities. americancorner.org.tw |
有证据表明,与经济和教育机会较多的女孩相比,处于社会边缘的贫困女 孩更容易在孩童时期结婚并在青春期生育。 daccess-ods.un.org | Evidence demonstrates that impoverished, marginalized [...] girls are more likely [...] to marry as childrenand togive birth during adolescence than girls with greater [...]economic and educational opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
各种各样的天然产品类别纷杂,主要为儿童专用的草药和维生素,孩童牙齿健康,等。 cn.iherb.com | A wide variety of natural product categories are [...] listed, suchas children'sherbsand vitamins, natural remediesmade for kids, teethingsupport [...]products and others. iherb.com |
当年教会正第一年筹划将原有的音乐营扩展成为暑期儿 童圣经营(VBS),当时同工约有五位弟兄姊妹,大家同心 寻求神的旨意,虽有许多的挑战,但都充满信心顺服神, 为了引领更多的孩童认识主耶稣,而将自己全然摆上, “爱神、爱人、同作主工,宣扬神的道“,秉着这一信念, 於 1993 年开办了美门的暑期儿童圣经营。 mccc.org | That was also the first year the church planned to change the music camp to vacation bible school; there were five brothers and sisters, and they all sought God's will, despite the many challenges, they believed and obeyed God, and based on their faith in “love God, love people, do the Lord's work together, and spread His word,” they started MCCC VBS so more children could be led to Jesus. mccc.org |
现时,专家已引证了虐待动物和人类暴力行为之间的关系。同时,由於日本青年暴力案件日益增长,PFLJ在当地小学开展了有关人道的教育活动,透过与《狗医生》和其他动物之间的亲密接触,教育孩童同情关爱所有生物,及学习有关对伴侣动物的责任心。 animalasia.it | The connection between animal cruelty and human violence is well documented and in response to the growing number of youth-related cases of violence in Japan, PFLJ has launched a humane education programmeat a local primary school to teach compassion and empathy towards all living creatures through close interaction with Dr. Dogs and other animals. animalasia.it |