

单词 孩子


野孩子 n

urchin n


feral child


little devil

See also:

External sources (not reviewed)

通过海 报,主题墙报、绘画比赛及主题班会多种形式孩子们宣传环保理念。
Ltd. has launched an environmental awareness campaign by means of poster, theme wall newspaper, drawing contest, and theme class meeting, etc.
要知道孩子的寶 貴生命,那怕只是㆔數秒鐘的疏忽,也可以成為父母終身的遺 憾。
We have to understand that even a few seconds' negligence may result in the loss of a precious young life, much to the ever-lasting sorrow of the parents.
重要的是呈现孩子的知识和内容,而 不是提供这些内容的技术,因此我们将 [...]
IGEL 的瘦客户机纳入 解决方案之中。
It is the knowledge and content which should be
[...] in front of the child, not the technology [...]
which delivers it, and that’s why we
put IGEL’s thin clients into the solution.
对已经加入养恤金制度第二支柱下 的养恤基金的人,国家会为每孩子 再 向 养恤基金支付父母补助金的百分之一。
For persons who have joined a pension fund under the second pillar of
the pension system, the state pays additional
[...] one per cent per child of the sum of [...]
parental benefit to the pension fund.
我校的目標是令所孩子發展 正面的自尊心,成為一名終身學習者,在人生各階段的個人和就業方面均能成功,和有 [...]
Our school vision
[...] is that every child will develop positive [...]
self-esteem; be a life-long learner; achieve academic, personal
and vocational success at all stages of life; and have a strong sense of personal and civic responsibility.
如果經濟許可,顯微鏡與化學器材可說是絕佳的禮物,如 果能完善使用,則可以擴孩子的科 學知識並更多地接觸科學。
If money allows, such items as microscopes and chemistry
sets can be wonderful gifts and, if used seriously and
[...] responsibly, can expand a child’s knowledge and [...]
exposure to science.
童工在小型的非正式部门特别普遍 孩子 在 大 量的活动中工 作,作为家庭企业的一部分、作为不付工资的家庭工人或被其他人 雇佣。
Child labour is particularly common in the smallscale informal sector, and children work in a [...]
large variety of activities,
as part of family enterprises, as unpaid family workers or employed by others.
这样,在农村,大多数残孩子被剥 夺了接受基础教育的权利,因为在 那里没有特殊学校,也没有包容性的教育系统。
Thus, most
[...] of the disabled children in the rural areas [...]
are deprived of their right of access to basic education because
of lack of special schools and an all inclusive education system.
据普迦和鲍莎的报道,在他们的村里,一 孩子 由 于 没有得到及时的治疗而去世。
In their village, a child died because of inadequate treatment, according to Puja and Pausha.
在上指的情况下,未成年人成为虐待或遗弃、疏忽照顾、家庭暴力、无助 的受害者,或在其他情况孩子的福利、健康、道德成长及教育受到危害或遭到 父母权利的滥用时,未成年人则受到法律制度和现存社会保障机制的保护。
Under such circumstances, minors who have been victims of maltreatment or abandonment, negligence, domestic violence, helplessness or other situations which have endangered their well-being, health, moral up-bringing and education, or have been subject to abusive exercise of parental authority, are protected by the legal system and by existing mechanisms of social protection.
最后,如孩子们要 被送回刚果民主共和国,也会和他们的父亲一起 返回,既不是无人陪同,也不是无人帮助。
Lastly, if the children were to be returned [...]
to the Democratic Republic of the Congo, they would be returned with their father
and would thus be neither unaccompanied nor unsupported.
我 們會繼續加强對非華語學生的教育支援,包括與少數族裔團體及非政府機構 加強協作,以鼓勵非華語家長孩子 一 起參與多元模式的中文活動,讓家長孩子可多 接觸及運用中文;擴大為升讀小一至小四的非華語學生提供的暑 期銜接課程的範疇,讓家長陪伴兒童學習中文;籌備資助計劃,以優化中文 [...] [...]
科教師教授非華語學童學習中文的專業能力;為非華語學生制訂適切的中文 學習目標,配合追踪研究,進一步檢視支援非華語學生學習中文的措施的成 效,從而優化中國語文的學與教。
We will continue to step up education support to the NCS students which includes, among others, our collaboration with ethnic minority communities and NGOs to encourage the NCS parents’ participation in
diversified Chinese
[...] activities together with their children to enhance their children’s exposure to and use of Chinese, [...]
summer bridging
programmes specifically for the NCS students progressing to Primary 1 and Primary 4 to be expanded to allow the NCS parents to accompany their children to learn Chinese, an incentive grant scheme to be launched to enhance the professional competencies of Chinese Language teachers in teaching the NCS students with setting of appropriate targets for the NCS students’ acquisition of Chinese and a longitudinal study to be conducted to further evaluate the effectiveness of measures to support the NCS students’ learning of Chinese, with a view to improving the learning and teaching of the Chinese Language.
其宗旨是帮孩子们树立正确的价值观,例如,尊重生命、尊重规则和法律的 权威性,并了解其他与交通警察的职责、交通信号灯的作用、残疾人在道路交 [...]
The aim is to teach children about the importance [...]
of values such as respect for life, established rules and legitimate authority,
as well as about other aspects related to the functions of the traffic police, traffic lights, and the rights and duties of persons with disabilities in the area of road safety.
政策必须促进在婚姻和家庭关系方面的性别平等,并确保妇女做决定、包 括关于孩子的数 目和间隔时间的决定,是自由的和不受约束的,并且确保食物 [...]
Policies must promote gender equality in marriage and family relations, and ensure that women’s
decision-making, including regarding the number
[...] and spacing of children, is free and unconstrained [...]
and that food and other resources
are equally distributed within the household.
去双语 学校上学帮孩子们适 应新的环境,并且学生 们也可以学习新国家和其他国家的语言。
[...] bilingual school helps children to adapt to their [...]
new home and students may also learn the language and culture
of their new home and of other countries.
下列人员不需事先就业或从事等于工作的活动:在登记失业之前的十二个 月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 180 天抚养 18 岁以下中度、重度和极重度 残疾孩子,8 岁以下孩子或 8 岁至在学校读完一年级孩子的失 业人员;在 登记失业之前的十二个月期间至少 180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长 期无法工作的人,老年人,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定 的照顾者津贴的人,因为宣布长期无法工作而失业的人,在监押的人,在狱中或 拘留所服刑的人。
Previous employment or engagement in an activity equal to work is not required of an unemployed person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed raised, as a parent or a guardian, a child of up to 18 years of age with a moderate, severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of age or a child of 8 years of age until the child completed year one at school; or of a person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently incapacitated for work or an elderly person, or received a caregiver’s allowance under the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration as permanently incapacitated for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
孩子同奥 格斯蒂亚.费丽丝蒂一样住在沙巴州的种植园内,这 孩子 中 的 大部分很少或根本没有机会接受教育。
There are many children like Augustina Felicity, living on the plantations in Sabah, most with little or no [...]
access to education.
出土的 汉朝(公元前206年–公元225年)古代中国陶器上可见到稻
[...] 田养鱼的设计,十三世纪泰国国王的题字,以及例如越南 的“稻和鱼就象母亲孩子”的传统歌曲,这些均实际证明 稻鱼组合在传统上被认为是财富和稳定的指标。
Designs of rice fields with fish on ancient Chinese pottery from tombs of the Han Dynasty (206 BC–225 AD), inscriptions from a thirteenth century king of Thailand, and traditional sayings, such as
one from Viet Nam – “rice and fish are
[...] like mother and children”, are all testament [...]
that the combination of rice and fish
has traditionally been regarded as an indicator of wealth and stability.
2. 如果参与机构向任意方披露了孩子 的 纪 录或有争议部分,则该解释也必须向该方披 露。
2. if the participating agency discloses the
[...] records of your child or the challenged [...]
portion to any party, the explanation must
also be disclosed to that party.
如果您孩子就学于或准备就学于私立学校,且该校坐落于您居住的校区以外,在私立学 校所在的校区官员与您所在校区官员间放行有关 孩子 的 个 人可识别信息以前,必须先征 得您的同意。
If your child is in, or is going to go to, a private school that is not located in the same school district you reside in, your consent must be obtained before any personally identifiable information about your child is released between [...]
officials in the
school district where the private school is located and officials in the school district where you reside.
在非正式照孩子方面,祖母的参与比祖父多,外祖父母的参与比祖父 母多。
Grandmothers are more involved in informal childcare than grandfathers, with maternal grandparents being more involved than paternal grandparents.
根据关于纳米比亚卫生动态性质的各种统计数据,政府充分了解,如果要实 现到 2015 年将儿童死亡率降低三分之二的千年发展目标,就必须在同一时期内 将全国的死亡率降低一半(纳米比亚共和国,2007;路线图:4);如果不进行营 养监测和促进孕产妇和儿童营养,不改善全国弱势群体(尤其是妇女、儿童的和
[...] HIV/艾滋病感染者)的营养状况;不通过使用抗逆转录病毒治疗来预防母亲将艾 滋病毒传染给未出生孩子;不改善保健服务的基础设施,那么,到 [...]
2015 年可 能无法实现千年发展目标 3、4、5 和 6。
Given various statistical data on the dynamic nature of health in Namibia, the Government is fully informed that the Millennium Development Goal to reduce child mortality by two thirds by 2015 can only be achieved if national mortality is halved during the same period (Republic of Namibia, 2007; road map:4); and that without nutritional surveillance and promotion of maternal and child nutrition, as well as improving the national status of nutrition among the vulnerable groups (particularly women, children, and people living with HIV/AIDS); prevention of HIV
transmission from mother
[...] to the unborn child through the use [...]
of antiretroviral treatment; and improvement of the infrastructure for health services, Millennium Development Goals 3, 4, 5, and 6 may not be achieved by 2015 (OECD,
2008:488; Republic of Namibia, 2010:3-4; Republic of Namibia, 2008.
这 意味着波兰的教育体制,在国民教育部和体 育部的监管下,会保证有活动障碍 孩子们 和年轻人的受教育权利。
This means that the Polish education system, under the supervision of the Ministry of
National Education and Sport, is supposed to ensure the
[...] education of children and young people [...]
with activity limitations.
也与那些在这个充满灾难时代仍然经常与巴勒斯坦人合作的人们举行了重要会谈,参 加会谈的组织有:佩雷斯和平中心(特拉维夫);犹太人和阿拉伯人和平中心(Givat Haviva),该中心是 2001
[...] 校(耶路撒冷),该学校为以色列的犹太人及阿拉伯人和巴勒斯坦 孩子 提 供医疗和住院期 间的学习;耶路撒冷以色列研究学院,该学院与也设在耶路撒冷的巴勒斯坦和平和合作中心 [...]
As for those cooperating regularly with Palestinians in spite of the inauspicious times, key meetings were held with: the Peres Center for Peace (Tel Aviv); the Jewish-Arab Centre for Peace (Givat Haviva), winner of the 2001 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education; the School of Pediatric Wards at the Hadassah Medical Center (Jerusalem) which provides medical and inhospital
schooling to Israeli Jews and Arabs, as well as
[...] to Palestinian children; the Jerusalem [...]
Institute for Israel Studies, twinned with
the Palestinian International Peace and Cooperation Centre (IPCC), also based in Jerusalem; and the International Centre for the Study of Bird Migration (Latrun).
教科文组织可以吸取拉丁美洲和加勒比地区信息和传播技术在教育领域的应用方 面取得的经验,例如通过在乌拉圭小学中完成的“网络学习的教育接续性和基础 信息技术--每孩子一台 电脑”(塞瓦尔)计划,以及秘鲁提出的“一 孩子一 台 笔记本电脑”计划,该计划得到了教科文组织的嘉奖。
UNESCO could draw on the experience gained in ICT use in education in the Latin America and the Caribbean region, for instance through the “Educational connectivity and basic information technology for
online learning – one
[...] computer per child” (CEIBAL) plan, completed in primary schools in Uruguay, and the Peruvian “One Laptop Per Child” programme, [...]
which received an award from UNESCO.
[...] 承诺要实现明确目标,以确保到 2015 年不再孩子 一出生就感染艾滋病毒,填补全球防治艾滋病的资源 [...]
缺口,努力实现到 2015 年将资金增加至 220 亿到 240 亿美元,加强普及抗逆转录病毒治疗的工作,以便到 2015
年能让 1 500 万人获得挽救其生命的治疗,将艾 滋病毒感染者中死于结核病的人数减少 50%,并将注 射吸毒者中艾滋病毒的传播率降低 50%。
In this declaration, Member States
committed to clear targets to ensure that
[...] by 2015 no more children will be born with [...]
HIV, to close the global resource gap
for AIDS and to work towards increasing funding to between $22 billion and $24 billion by 2015, to increase universal access to antiretroviral therapy to get 15 million people onto life-saving treatment by 2015, to reduce tuberculosis deaths among people living with HIV by 50 per cent, and to reduce the transmission of HIV among people who inject drugs by 50 per cent.
提交人还回顾指出,她的家庭生活迄今一直以财政无保障和情绪不稳为标 志孩子们无 法上学,从而剥夺了他们根据《公约》第十七条和第二十三条第1 [...]
The author also recalls that her family life has to date been
marked by financial and emotional
[...] uncertainty, and that the children have been prevented [...]
from attending school, thereby denying
them their right to education, and their family rights protected under article 17 and article 23, paragraph 1, of the Covenant.




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