

单词 学海无涯

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External sources (not reviewed)

基于上述种种原因,澳大利亚首无 疑 是 海 外 院 校 学 生 开始 留 学 教 育 生 涯 的 理 想之所。
All of these reasons make Australia’s capital city
[...] the perfect place for the overseas school students to begin their international [...]
education experience.
斯诺德格拉斯少校是美国海军武装力量中最优秀的飞行员之一。他同时拥有海军嘉奖勋章 海 军 陆 战队成就勋章,职业 涯 辉 煌 无 比。
Lieutenant Commander Guy Snodgrass is one of the best pilots in the American
Naval Armed Forces, highly decorated with both the
[...] Navy Commendation Medal and the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.
该基金会致力于保护和恢复海洋生物,并保证通过研究、教育以及“ 学无 国 界 (R)”的承诺保 海 洋 生 物的生存。
The expedition will be outfitted, equipped and financed by the Living Oceans Foundation, which is dedicated to the
conservation and restoration
[...] of living oceans and pledges to champion their preservation through research, education, and a commitment to "Science Without Borders(R).
无论你 正在寻找您的当前字段或提前推出一个新的职业 涯学 到 的 技能,通过BS Walden的通讯程序,可以应用在广泛的领域。
Whether you are looking to launch a new career or advance in your current field, the skills learned [...]
through Walden’s B.S. in Communication
program can be applied across a broad range of fields.
开始学生涯是人 生大事,尤其是在您准备前往澳大利亚 海 外 国 家留学时更是如此。
Starting university is a big step, especially if you are planning to study in another country such [...]
as Australia.
他的职业涯大部份时间都海外度 过(1962年至1970年期间,先后在安哥拉、几内亚及帝汶等地服务;于1974年至1976年,抵澳担任总督),是一位国际性的指挥家(于1987年至1990年间,在北大西洋公约组织(NATO)担任葡萄牙军事顾问代表;于1996年,担任联合国西撒哈拉公民投票特派团(Minurso / ONU)的军事指挥官、高级军事研学 院 和 国防研 学 院 院长及陆军副参谋长),除此之外,亦是位高等教育机构人员(分別於高级军事研 学 院 、 里斯本技术大学社会与政治科学高等学院及葡萄牙天主教大学政治学院,担任专家导师)。
His professional life was divided between the ancient colonies (Angola from 1962 to 1964 and from 1970 to 1972, Guinea-Bissau from 1965 to 1967 and Timor from 1968 to 1970, and was Governor of Macau between 1974 and 1979), the command and international roles (Military Counselor of the Portuguese Delegation of NATO between 1987 and 1990, Commanding Officer of Minurso/ONU-1996 Military Component, director of the High Military Studies Institute and of the National Defense Institute, and Vice-Chief of the Army Staff), and the universitary teaching (IAEM and masters degrees from the Superior [...]
Institute of
Social and Political Sciences, IEP/UCP).
峰会的历史成果包括:一个由澳大利亚昆士兰州政府和上海市政府合作开展的电子健康项目,一个由 CSIRO ICT中心和海交通大学合作 开展的无线通信项目,以及由 海无 线 通 信研究中心、CSIRO和悉尼麦格理大学(Macquarie University)合作开展的两个网络科学项目。
Outcomes from the summits include: a collaborative project in e-health between the Australian state of Queensland and the Shanghai government, one in wireless
communications between CSIRO
[...] ICT Centre and Shanghai Jiaotong University, and two in networking science between the Shanghai Research Centre for Wireless Communications, [...]
CSIRO and Macquarie University in Sydney.
该报告陈述的重点是在行政管理、通讯、教 学 、 课程编写和评估、 职业涯教育 和指南、劳动市场信息、工作安排和信息控制等方面应用信息和传播技术。
It focuses on the use of ICTs for
administrative purposes,
[...] communication, teaching and learning, curriculum development and assessment, career education and [...]
guidance, labour market
information, job placement and systems control.
这方面,有关女哲学家工作中的学术研究方法和学术标准多样化及女 学 家 学术 生涯发展 状况等问题的介绍和交流,明确了女哲学家在国际一级平等参与培养知 [...]
In that context, their submissions and exchanges on issues such as diversity of approach and academic standards in the work of women philosophers
and the status of women philosophers
[...] in their university careers shed light on challenges [...]
relating to equality in women
philosophers’ participation in knowledge production at the international level and in access to academic prominence.
对儿学习生涯的观 察还证实了对重复学习的效果产生的怀疑。
The observation of
[...] the children's school career confirms the doubts [...]
expressed about the effectiveness of repeats.
学术 生涯中曾经收到无数抬 头为“尊敬的先生”的邮件,发信人显 然将同一封信发给很多其他潜在雇主,我相信,不会有谁会对这 [...]
During my academic career I used to get numerous letters [...]
addressed to “Dear Respected Sir” that had obviously been sent
out to many other potential employers, who I am sure, also showed no interest.
例如,如果中国是用海军军舰而非 渔政或海监船只对美海军无暇号 进行骚扰的话, 美方的反应将会激烈得多。
For example, the U.S. would have likely replied far more robustly
had Chinese naval vessels, as opposed to Fisheries
[...] and China Marine Surveillance vessels, harassed the USNS Impeccable.
在这里,您可以欣赏到美妙的自然风景和本土动物;也可以在一 无 垠 的 海 滩 尽 情散步;在大型市场上观看来来往往的人流;在一流的免费艺术馆和博物馆了 解澳大利亚的艺术和遗产(参见“文化”部分);您还可以参加充满浓郁的澳大利亚气息的节日,如每年夏季在全国各地海滨举行的冲浪救生比赛等。
Enjoy endless walks
[...] along endless beaches; go people watching at fantastic markets; learn about Australia's art and heritage at excellent free galleries and [...]
museums (see the Culture
section); or attend some typically Australian festivals, like the surf life-saving competitions on beaches all around the country during summer.
斐济已经签署世界海关组织的宣言,并将根据上面第 3 段,试探无可能在世海关组织之下请求派遣检查团进行评估,以查明今后是否可能协助改善边界安全。
Having signed the WCO Declaration, and in line with 3
above, Fiji will also explore the
[...] possibility under the World Customs Organization to request [...]
for Diagnostic Mission assessment
to identify possible future assistance to improve border security.
设立海盗特别法庭无论是 在索马里国内设立 还是在该区域另一个国家的领土上设立,都要求索马 里过渡联邦机构奠定必要的宪法和立法基础,包括考 虑这两种办法是否符合 1960 年《索马里共和国宪法》 [...]
和 2004 年《索马里共和国过渡联邦宪章》的相关规定。
[...] specialized anti-piracy courts, either in Somalia or on the territory of another State in the region, [...]
would require that
the Transitional Federal Institutions adopt the necessary constitutional and legislative bases, including considering the compatibility of both options with the relevant provisions of the 1960 Constitution of the Somali Republic and the 2004 Transitional Federal Charter for the Somali Republic.
上述各项努力固然为持久解决索马里沿海海盗问题奠定了基础,但解 海上 无政府 状态的任何长期努力都必须将当前政治与行动上的反海盗活动结合起来, [...]
并为非索特派团的各项努力和我 2009 年 3 月 9 日关于索马里局势的报告 (S/2009/132)中详述的索马里安全举措提供支持。
While all of the above-mentioned efforts pave
the way for a lasting solution to the
[...] problem of piracy off the coast of Somalia, [...]
it is imperative that any long-term effort
to address the lawlessness at sea incorporate the current political and operational anti-piracy activities with support for the efforts of AMISOM and the Somali security initiatives detailed in my report on the situation in Somalia dated 9 March 2009 (S/2009/132).
在本章内,我们将集中讨论现行高校体系存在的薄弱 环节学生减员,完学位的 时间以及职业 涯 的 透明度-而且 我们也会讨论为解决这些问题而付出的努力。
In this section we now focus on the
vulnerabilities that exist
[...] in the current university system—attrition, time to degree completion, and career path transparency—and [...]
describe some efforts to address them.
通过目标明确的继续教育,舍弗勒 集团为其员工的职业涯注入了无 限机遇。
Through targeted further education, the Schaeffler Group offers a wide range
[...] of opportunities for professional careers.
2008 至 2010 年,该中心通过其访问研究员方案,接待了约 40 名访问研究员。
[...] 这个方案旨在帮助来自不同外国部委、国家出口管制机构、新闻机构、研究学 术机构的青年和职业涯中期 专业人士增强技能,使他们能对本国的军备控制和 不扩散政策产生积极影响。
During 2008-2010, the Center hosted approximately 40 visiting fellows through its visiting fellows programme, which is designed to assist young and mid-career professionals in various foreign ministries,
national export control bodies,
[...] journalists and research and academic institutions in developing skills [...]
that will enable them
to have a positive impact on arms control and non-proliferation policy in their respective countries.
(mm) 发展职业咨询、网络和辅导方案,包括利用信息和通信技术的方案, 支持榜样并促进联系世界各地女科学家的方案;促进改善在科学和技术领域留用
[...] 和晋升妇女的措施,特别关注高等教育领域和刚刚进入职业 涯 的 女 科 学 家 以及 重新进入科学和技术领域的妇女
Develop career advisory, networking and mentoring programmes, including programmes that utilize information and communications technology; support role models and facilitate programmes that link women scientists around the world; and promote measures to improve female retention and progression in the fields of science and technology, with a special
focus on women scientists in tertiary
[...] education and early-stage career and women re-entering [...]
science and technology careers
为学生、处于职业涯中期 的科学家和专业人员 开办了多个培训课程和讲习班,并举办了促进决定和决策支助的执行研讨会,其成果是增强 了国家和区域在以下领域的能力:地球观测、运 海 洋 学 、 海 洋 学 、 气 候变化和适应(2010 年,埃塞俄比亚、贝宁、肯尼亚和坦桑尼亚;2011 年,南非);数据信息和产品(2010 年,喀麦隆,肯尼亚);数据浮标培训与合作(2010 年,南非)。
Several training courses and workshops for
[...] students, mid-careers scientists and professionals; and executive seminars for decision- and policy-making support were organized with the result of empowering national and regional capacity in the fields of earth observation, operational oceanography, ocean sciences, climate change and adaptation [...]
(Ethiopia, Benin,
Kenya, United Republic of Tanzania, 2010, South Africa, 2011); data information and products (Cameroon, Kenya, 2010); data buoy training and coordination (South Africa, 2010); tsunami early warning systems training for operators and national staff (Mozambique, Comoros, Haiti, Bangladesh, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu, Myanmar; 2010-2011).
提高职业涯的透 明度学生来说是至关 重要的。
It is critical to provide career transparency to students, especially to doctoral students.
我们保证提供最优的留学计划,节省您的留 学准备时间,迅速开始学生涯。
With ACCESS we guarantee you optimal planning which will save you time in
[...] preparing and starting to study.
在其六十余年的职业涯 中,无论是 现场音乐会还是其音乐录音卢多维特赖特都享有很高的国际声望,包括其指挥的 [...]
Franz Schmidt 四部交响乐作品。
During a career spanning over 60 years, Rajter [...]
won a considerable international reputation, well known both in the concert
hall and for his recordings, which include the four symphonies of Franz Schmidt.
审查小组注意到,已经根据审慎做法制定了鲈鮋鱼群的管理计划,但是沿 海国无力达 成分配协定,严重阻碍东北大西洋渔委有效管理其管制区内的鱼群, [...]
It was noted that management plans were in place in compliance
with the precautionary
[...] approach for the pelagic stocks, but the inability of coastal States to reach [...]
allocation agreements severely
hampered the potential effectiveness of NEAFC to manage stocks within its Regulatory Area and needed to be addressed, in addition to lack of transparency in the development of coastal State agreements.
协尔达公司在2008-2010年间,依靠自身多年在小型油船、 学 品 船 设计积累的经验,在IMO SOLAS及MARPOL 73/78的框架下,历时三年时间,率先专门针对海上石油运输市场,自主创新研发出 无海 水 压 载油船”(简写“NOBS油船”)。
Relying on years of design experience in
[...] small oil tanker and chemical tanker and within the framework of IMO SOLAS & MARPOL 73/78, XED has successfully developed and innovated ” Non Ballast Seawater Oil Tanker”(abbr. NOBS Oil Tanker) in the year 2008-2010, targeting at oil transportation at sea.
远东集团面对此一趋势也迅速采取行动,包括以远纺工业(上海)为核心之纺织化纤产业已结合 海 、 苏州 、 无 锡 等 地之资源完成上下游一条龙垂直整合之布局,在水泥事业方面则以江西亚东、武汉亚东为出发点,建构以长江中上游为基地,长江各分支流域为发展腹地之”T”字型战略队型,百货零售事业则以SOGO百货在大陆之基础结合远东百货近40年百货零售事业之经营KNOW-HOW,以双品牌策略积极产开布局。
V has completed the up- and downstream vertical integration of
[...] its assets in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Wuxi; Far Eastern's [...]
Cement and Building Material Business
has used Yadong Cement Ltd. in Jiangxi and Ya Dong Cement Co. in Wuhan to build a base along the middle and upper Yangtze River and embark on a T-shaped development campaign throughout the hinterland delineated by the Yangtze's tributaries; Far Eastern's Retailing Business has relied on Pacific SOGO Department Store's solid base in China and the Far Eastern Department Store's close to 40 years of retailing know-how to actively advance a dual-brand strategy.
如未进行调解或调无效,《联合 海 洋 法 公约》第十五部分有关解决争端的条 款,经必要修改后,可适用于本公约缔约国之间在解释或实施本公约中出现的任何 争端,无论这些缔约国是否也是《联合国海洋法公约》的缔约国。
If mediation is not undertaken or if there is no settlement by mediation, the provisions [...]
relating to the settlement of disputes
set out in Part XV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea apply mutatis mutandis to any dispute between States Parties to this Convention concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention, whether or not they are also Parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
在这方面,海稳定团无疑可 以发挥重要作用, 而在该特派团内服役的部队与警官人数仍有增加的 空间,以便达到第 1908(2010)号和第 1927(2010)号 决议核准的水平。
In this context, MINUSTAH certainly has an important role to play, and there is still room to increase the number of troops and police officers serving within the Mission to reach the levels authorized by resolutions 1908 (2010) and 1927 (2010).
在整个职业涯中, Black 博士在自己的专业领域内表现非常活跃,领导和参与了许多重要的国内和国际 学 组 织活动、研究项目和社区拓展项目。
Throughout her career, Dr. Black has been extremely active in her area of expertise, leading and participating in numerous important national and international scientific organizational [...]
initiatives, research
projects and community outreach programs.




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