单词 | 学术自由 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 自由n—freedomn rightn freedomsn democracyn expressionn 自学—study on one's own
学术自由是指即使研究所得结论未必受欢迎或与公众意见 相反,学院仍有自由根据研究结果及取得的学术成就教学和 发言。 legco.gov.hk | speak out as the fruits of their research and scholarship dictate, even though their conclusions may be unpopular or contrary to public opinion. legco.gov.hk |
罗太说她没有如莫礼时教授及陆教授所指要求解雇四名教院 职员,亦没有在任何方面干预这些职员的学术自由。 legco.gov.hk | Mrs Law said she had not demanded the dismissal of the four academic staff members of HKIEd as [...] alleged by Professors Morris and Luk or that she had in any way [...] interfered with the academicfreedom of thosestaff members. legco.gov.hk |
我们相信一个清晰的 [...] 大学管治架构,有助香港大学继续推动高等教育,维护学术自由,达致知识有效承传。 legco.gov.hk | We believe a clear university governance structure will help the HKU in [...] continuously promoting higher education and [...] upholdingacademic freedom, thereby achieving [...]effective passing on of knowledge. legco.gov.hk |
他亦否认曾告诉陆教授不要坚持院校自主和学术自 由,以免开罪政府官员。 legco.gov.hk | He also denied having told Professor Luk not to offend Government officials by insisting on having [...] institutional autonomy and academic freedom. legco.gov.hk |
李资深大律师批评罗太在作供完结时歪曲学术自由的含意, 又指罗太以没有研究根据及内容错误为理由干预批评文章在报章上发 [...] 表,实属错误。 legco.gov.hk | Mr Lee SC criticized Mrs Law for providing a [...] distorted meaning ofacademicfreedom at the endof her [...]evidence and suggested that she was [...]wrong to justify her interference with the publication of critical newspaper articles on the basis that those articles were not based on research and that their contents were wrong. legco.gov.hk |
我们之所以要有学术自由,并不是因为大学教授、讲师要有特权,而是 因为它是与整体社会利益有关的。 legco.gov.hk | We must haveacademic freedom, not somuch because [...] we need to accord any privileges to university professors and lecturers, [...]but because this freedom is closely related to the interests of society as a whole. legco.gov.hk |
我们认为客观地分析教资会的行动和意見,得出的结 論会显示教资会是独立於政府,并一直履行本身的角色,即保障学术自由和院校自主,以及确保社会投放在教资会资助院校的大 量公帑用得其所,并能向公众交代。 legco.gov.hk | We consider that an objective analysis of the UGC’s actions and advice shows that it is independent of the government and has continued [...] to fulfill its role, both [...] of protecting academic freedom and instructional autonomy, while also [...]ensuring value for money [...]and public accountability for the large sums society invests in the UGC funded institutions. legco.gov.hk |
在紧接句号之前加上“;(十八) 在保障大专院校自主权和学术自 由的前提下,鼓励大专院校向香港学术及职业资历评审局申请 [...] 甄审其开办的学位课程,以取得资历架构认可;(十九) 尽快落 实《二零一一至一二年施政报告》中有关推出前皇后山军营用 地,供合资格的办学团体申请开办非牟利私立大专院校的建 [...]议;及(二十) 增加政府用於应用研究的科研支出,并改善研究 资助局现时不利推动创新与科技应用研究的大学研究经费分配 机制”。 legco.gov.hk | To add "; (18) on the premise of protecting [...] theautonomy and academicfreedom of tertiary [...]institutions, to encourage tertiary [...]institutions to apply to the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications for accreditation of the degree programmes they offer, so as to obtain recognition; (19) to expeditiously implement the recommendation put forward in the 2011-2012 Policy Address on putting up the Queen's Hill site for qualified sponsoring bodies to apply for establishment of non-profit-making private tertiary institutions; and (20) to increase the Government's technological research expenditure on applied research, and improve the Research Grants Council's existing university research funding allocation mechanism, which is not conducive to promoting innovation and applied technological research" immediately before the full stop. legco.gov.hk |
a. 大学教育资助委员会( 下称" [...] 教资会")应作为大专院校与政府 之间的" 缓冲" ,一方面保障院校的学术自由及自主,另一方 面则确保纳税人的金钱用得其所。 legco.gov.hk | a. The University Grants Committee (UGC) should act as a "buffer" between the tertiary [...] institutions and the Government, [...] safeguarding the academicfreedom and autonomy of the institutions [...]on the one hand, and ensuring [...]value for money for the taxpayers on the other. legco.gov.hk |
他们的指控极为严重,涉及不诚实、失职,以及教 统局和教资会对学术自由和院校自主的干预。 legco.gov.hk | They were extremely serious allegations, involving [...] dishonesty, dereliction of duty, and [...] interference withacademic freedom and institutional autonomy byboth EMB [...]and UGC. legco.gov.hk |
如果大学常强调要有学术自由而回避监察,连这些简 单的劳资纠纷也不肯让公众监察,这是非常不妥当的。 legco.gov.hk | If the universityalways evades monitoring by stressing the need to maintain academic freedomand refuses monitoring [...] by the public [...]even in respect of these simple labour disputes, that would be most inappropriate. legco.gov.hk |
1.15 委员会的职权范围( 载於附录 I ) [...] 为:(a)确定该三项指控是否 [...] 属实;(b)根据所确定的事实,查明教统局局长或其他政府官员有否不 适当地干预教院的学术自由或其院校自主;以及(c)根据上文(a)及 (b) 项的调查所得,就政府日後向教院表达有关行使教院权力或贯彻其宗 [...]旨的意见时可采取的方法和方式,提出建议( 如有的话) 。 legco.gov.hk | 1.15 The Terms of Reference of the Commission (set out in Appendix I) are (a) to ascertain the facts relevant to the Three Allegations; (b) to ascertain, on the facts as found, if there has been any improper interference by SEM or [...] other Government [...] officials with the academicfreedom or the institutional autonomyof HKIEd; and [...](c) on the basis of the [...]findings in (a) and (b), to make recommendations, if any, as to the ways and manner in which any advice by the Government to HKIEd, with respect to the exercise of HKIEd’s powers or the achievement of its objects, might be given in future. legco.gov.hk |
联盟及代协进会为了尊重我们的学术自由,因此让民意研究计划保持所有问卷题目的最终审议权,及由我们承担一切研究设计的责任。 hkupop.hku.hk | As the Union and the Association [...] respect our academic freedom, they let the [...]Public Opinion Programme have the final say [...]in designing the questionnaire and the research method, and the Programme will bear the final responsibility. hkupop.hku.hk |
当然,我绝对相信,现时加入校董会或将来的校 务委员会的立法会议员,绝对不会干预大学的学术自由。 legco.gov.hk | Of course, I am sure that Legislative Council [...] Members who join the Council now or in the future definitely will not [...] interfere withthe academicfreedom of the university. legco.gov.hk |
政府并决定成立 多个工作小组,研究因此而衍生的多项相关事宜,其中一个工作小组 的研究重点,就是学术自由和院校自主。 legco.gov.hk | The government also decided to create a number of working groups [...] to study relevant issues arisen from the incident, one of [...] which focused on academic freedom and institutional autonomy. legco.gov.hk |
他指出,建 议中的专责委员会的调查焦点,仍是学术自由和院校自主,只不过把调查范围扩大至包括教院以外的 其他大专院校而已。 legco.gov.hk | He pointed out that the focus of inquiry by the [...] proposed select committee [...] would still beacademic freedom and institutional autonomy, with the [...]scope of investigation being [...]expanded to cover other tertiary institutions in addition to HKIEd. legco.gov.hk |
陆教授强调,由於教院未能正名为大学,学额又被削减,加 上在教资会削减拨款的时候明知合约有等同侵犯学术自由的不合理条 款下仍须递交标书,以及那些怂恿其优秀的员工离开教院的行动,均 对教授构成压力。 legco.gov.hk | Professor Luk emphasized the pressure arising from HKIEd’s failure [...] to attain university [...] status, the studentnumbers cut, the need to submit tenders in times of UGC budget cuts despite the unreasonable terms amounting to infringementof academic freedom, and the attempts [...]to entice its good staff to leave. legco.gov.hk |
她认为罗太的做法侵犯学 术自由和干预院校的自主。 legco.gov.hk | She considered that Mrs Law’s approach was an [...] infringement ofacademic freedom and an interference with institutional autonomy. legco.gov.hk |
故此,为了公 众利益,为了显示特区扞学术自由的决心,立法会是绝对有责任在港大报 告书的基础上进行跟进的,而事实上亦只有立法会有权力可以继续跟进这件 [...] 事 ─ 即是说路祥安先生和前港大校长讨论之前,究竟发生何事,包括董 先生有否授意路先生叫停这项民调工作呢? legco.gov.hk | Therefore, for the sake of public interest and to demonstrate [...] the determination of the HongKong Special Administrative Region [...] (SAR) in defending academicfreedom,theLegislative [...]Council is duty-bound [...]to take follow-up actions on the basis of the Panel report and in fact, only the Legislative Council has the authority to continue following up this incident, that is, to find out what actually transpired before Mr Andrew LO's discussion with the former Vice-Chancellor of the HKU, including whether Mr TUNG had asked Mr LO to see to it that the opinion polls would come to a halt. legco.gov.hk |
发挥专业精神,就要积极保障专业团体、和专业人士的权利和自由,包括学术自由、新闻自由、宗教自由等等。 hkupop.hku.hk | To exert professionalism, we must [...] actively safeguard the [...] rights and freedomsenjoyed by the professional bodies and our professionals, including their academic freedom, press [...]freedom, and religious freedom. hkupop.hku.hk |
罗太亦否认教统局资助的项目有关研究工具和资料的拥有 [...] 权、课程内容的规管和讲者人选,以及录影上课情况的合约条款,等 同以财政经济手段干预学术自由的说法。 legco.gov.hk | Mrs Law also denied the suggestion that the contract terms of EMB-funded projects relating to rights over research instruments and materials, control over course contents [...] and choice of speakers, and the videotaping of sessions amounted to [...] infringement of academic freedom by financial means. legco.gov.hk |
作为自由社会的知识份子,我们当然信奉学术自由,和保障学术与言论自由的民主制度。 hkupop.hku.hk | As intellectuals living in a free society, we no doubt believe in academic freedom, and a democratic system which protects academic freedomand free speech. hkupop.hku.hk |
锺庭耀认为,基於维护学术自由和资讯自由的前提下,所有针对票站调查以至一般民意调查的规管,应该根据三项原则制订:即政府愈少监管愈好,资讯流通愈畅顺愈好,和愈早制订专业守则愈好。 hkupop.hku.hk | According to Robert Chung, in order [...] to protect academicfreedom andthe free [...]flow of information, any restriction on opinion [...]polling including exit polling should be based on three principles: the less government restriction the better, the more free flow of information the better, and the earlier we could establish a professional code of practice the better. hkupop.hku.hk |
谁来界定学术自由? hkupop.hku.hk | Who Defines Academic Freedom? hkupop.hku.hk |
学术自由没有界定,官学交流不清不楚,本地民意研究与国际社会没有接轨。 hkupop.hku.hk | Academicfreedom was ill-defined, [...] and government-academia exchanges were ambiguous. hkupop.hku.hk |
b. 政府应为研究工作成立特定的基金;应成立工作小组,就如 何保障并促进学术自由及院校自主进行检讨;应成立人权委 员会,并赋权该委员会调查侵犯学术自由及院校自主的事件。 legco.gov.hk | b. Government should set up a specific fund for research; a task force to conduct a [...] review on ways to protect [...] and enhanceacademic freedom andinstitutional autonomy; and a Human Rights Commission with powers to investigate infringement ofacademic freedom and institutional[...]autonomy. legco.gov.hk |
民意研究计划在回归後以24项主观指标不断测试巿民对社会发展的观感,当中10项与各种自由有关,包括言论自由、新闻自由、出版自由、游行示威自由、结社自由、罢工自由、出入境自由、学术自由、文艺创作自由和信仰自由。 hkupop.hku.hk | Since the handover, POP has continuously conducted tests to grasp the public mood on our society's development using 24 subjective indicators. Among them, 10 are related to different kinds of freedom, including freedom of speech, press, publication, procession and demonstration, association, as well [...] as that to strike, enter or leave the [...] region, engage in academic and artistic activities, [...]and that of religious belief. hkupop.hku.hk |
这个源於唐朝的词汇,原指拥有智识与学术自由的私人学术机构。它具有三个基本职能:一是收集重要文献作品,二为在导师的教导下学习的场所,以及对文学、历史与哲学各领域的古典作品进行更深入研究的学术理论及流派。 isf.edu.hk | Originating inthe Tang Dynasty, the traditionalshuyuan was a private sanctuary of intellectual and academic freedom that had three [...] essential purposes: [...]a place to collect important literary works; a place for study under tutors; and a place in which to conduct deep research into the classics of literature, history, and philosophy. isf.edu.hk |
回归过後,我们的资源并没有增加,工作压力没有减少,需要调查的项目反而多了。幸好,我们并没有受到什麽政治压力或行政迫害,可算是学术自由的一个见证。 hkupop.hku.hk | Although there was no increase in resources, nor reduction in workload (our research items have, in fact, increased), we areglad tosay that we have not faced any political pressure, or administrative encroachment. hkupop.hku.hk |