

单词 学府

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澳大利亚的各大高学府以及 社区内大多设有开展各类宗教活动的设施与场所。
Most universities and communities [...]
within Australia have facilities and places of worship for all types of religions.
中学生毕业时将举行中学毕业 会考,完成本阶段学业、考试及格的学生将获得中学毕业文凭,并且有机会升入 高学府。
The lyceum education concludes with the baccalaureate examination, and upon successful completion thereof a baccalaureate diploma is awarded, which offers the possibility to enter higher education.
同时,硕士研究生项目也向医学和药 物学专业高学府的毕业生开放。
The Master’s postgraduate studies are also open for the graduates from medical and pharmaceutical higher institutions.
本届的毕业生收到了众多全球知 学府 的 录 取通知,例如:英国的圣安德鲁斯大学,加拿大的多伦多大学以及美国的威斯康辛大学等等。
The delighted students received a vast number of university offers from all over the globe including the University of St. Andrews, the University of Toronto and the University of Wisconsin.
真的很高兴来到这所出色学府,在我面前正好是中国未来企业、 府 、 科 学 、 艺术以及学术界领导人的一小部分。
It’s really a pleasure to be
here at this great
[...] institution of learning and to have in front of me here just a sample of the future leaders of China in business, in government, in the sciences, the arts, [...]
and in academia.
图鲁兹市是法国第一高学府城,也是 Airbus Industries空中客车工业总公司和 [...]
Toulouse - France’s
[...] second largest university town - is home [...]
to AIRBUS INDUSTRIES and the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES).
澳大利亚政府在新的分数测试中为潜在移民列出了一份愿望清单(wish list),包括当学府的研究生学位、澳大利亚工作经验及极高的英语语言测试分数。
With the new Points Test, the
[...] Australian government laid out a [...]
wish list for potential migrants, including postgraduate
degrees from local institutions, work experience in Australia and high English language test scores.
北京大学是中国著名高学府,综 合性大学,为中国最早建立的大学,北京大学有众 多相关领域的院士及知名教授,具有综合性、多学科的优势,其地质与环境学院的世界遗产 [...]
As the oldest university in China, it has numerous academicians and eminent professors [...]
in the related disciplines and offers
wide-ranging multidisciplinary advantages. The World Heritage Research Centre attached to the School of Geology and Environmental Studies, the Centre of Landscape Architecture, the Heritage Protection Research Centre, and the Centre of Archaeology attached to the School of Archaeology and Museology all conduct teaching and training activities in the fields of cultural heritage protection, heritage research and conservation planning.
此后在法国著学府欧洲 工商管理学院(INSEAD)另成功获得工商管理硕士学位。
She has also successfully completed a Master of
[...] Business Administration (MBA) at the prestigious INSEAD Business School in France.
委员会感到关切的是,合格的教职人员和适当的教学材料严重短缺,为希 望进入土库曼斯坦和国外高等教 学府 深 造 的中学毕业生造成了障碍。
The Committee is concerned about the acute lack of qualified teaching personnel and of appropriate teaching materials creating obstacles for secondary school graduates wishing to enter higher educational establishments in Turkmenistan and abroad.
在汝拉山谷的Sentier村镇以其高质量的技术和艺术创作著名,汝拉山谷技术学院 (ETVJ)就位在此区,这里是任何想学习微型机械钟表工程、首饰制作和细观力学的人最佳 学府。
In the Village of le Sentier in the Vallée de Joux, a region well known for the high quality of its technical and artistic creations, the Ecole Technique de la Vallée de Joux (ETVJ) is the institution of reference for anything having to do with horologic microengineering, jewelry making and micromechanics.
这项典礼的目的不仅是认同ACCA和世纪大学学院之间的合作关系,同时将世纪会计大专文凭和会计(荣誉)学士学位毕业生得以分别获得豁免4张或9张英国特许公认会计师公会(ACCA)试卷协议正式化,此豁免数量是颁发给世界各地的高等教 学府 的 顶 限。
The ceremony was held not only to recognise the ongoing collaboration between ACCA and SEGi UC, but also to formalize the agreement whereby SEGi Diploma in Accounting graduates and Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) graduates will be given exemption accreditations for 4 ACCA Papers
and 9 ACCA Papers respectively, the maximum number of exemptions awarded to any
[...] institution of higher learning worldwide.
此外还会同国家政府的相关实体、州政府和地方 府 、 学 术机构、非政府组织、民间社会和社区开展了各种活动。
Various activities had been carried out with relevant
national Government entities, state and
[...] local governments, academic institutions, [...]
non-governmental organizations, civil society and communities.
澳大利亚人通常用“私立学校”来指代非 府学 校 ,而 政 府学 校 则 经常称为“公立”或“州立”学校。
In Australia, people normally use the term ‘private school’ to refer to non-government schools in general, while government schools are often referred to as ‘public’ or ‘state’ schools.
这些学生是东帝汶府学员中的首批,预计 2009 年和今后各年将有更 多的学生到来。
These students represent the initial batch of Timorese Government scholars, and [...]
more are expected to arrive in 2009 and succeeding years.
此外,今天的决议应当导致就学校和医院的军事 用途进行必要的讨论,从而鼓励更多的 府学 习 尼 泊 尔和菲律宾的榜样,把学校作为和平区进行保护。
Furthermore, today’s resolution should lead to necessary discussion on the military use of schools
and hospitals, thus
[...] encouraging more Governments to follow the [...]
lead of Nepal and the Philippines in protecting schools as zones of peace.
小组委员会和工作组委员会包括专家委员会成员和来自各国 府 、 学 术 界、 工商界、民间社会和政府间组织并在相关领域拥有特殊专长的观察员。
Subcommittees and working groups comprise Committee members and
[...] observers from Governments, academia, the business [...]
sector, civil society and intergovernmental
organizations with special expertise in the relevant area.
目前,FISITA涵盖38个国家的汽车工程学会,是为全球汽车工程师、产业、 府 、 学 会 及 其它相关组织打造的最具影响力的交流平台。
It is now an umbrella organization for the national automotive societies in 38 countries and it has been built up as
the most influential platform for
[...] engineers, industry, government, academia and other organizations [...]
from across the world.
我们赞扬现有的公私伙伴关系,呼吁产业界、 府 、 学 术 界 和其他非政府 利益攸关方继续保持并建立新的和创新型公私伙伴关系,以提高能力,增强技术, [...]
We commend existing public-private partnerships, and call for continued, new and
innovative public-private partnerships
[...] among industry, governments, academia and other [...]
non-governmental stakeholders, aiming
to enhance capacity and technology for environmentally sound chemicals and waste management, including for waste prevention.
除了母语塞尔维亚语之外,耶雷米奇先生还精通英语,获得剑桥大学(联合王国)的理论物理科学学士学位和哈佛大学约翰•肯尼迪 府学 院 (美 国)的公共行政硕士学位。
Fluent in English, in addition to his native Serbian, Mr. Jeremić holds a Bachelor of Science degree in theoretical physics from Cambridge University (United
Kingdom) and a Masters in Public Administration from Harvard University’s John F.
[...] Kennedy School of Government (United States).
报告是府、学术界 、非政府组织及其他相关利益攸关方通过全面磋商方式为编撰报告提 供投入结出的成果。
It is a product of a whole of government approach where the Government, Academia, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and other interested stakeholders were consulted for their inputs in the compilation of the Report.
最后,他呼吁各国家、府、学术界 和私营部门 联手发动一场新的绿色革命。
In closing, he called
[...] on countries, Governments, academia and [...]
the private sector to join forces to bring about a new green revolution.
20.45 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 来自府、学术机 构和私营部门的专家 在专家组会议上和在经济合作和一体化委员会下设立的专家网中积极参与并做出贡献;(b) [...]
各 国政府愿意开展政策辩论,并采取步骤落实委员会通过的政策建议;(c)
预算外资源能满足经 济转型成员国对能力建设和政策咨询服务日益增长的需求。
20.45 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that (a) there is active
participation and contribution by
[...] specialists from Governments, academia and the private [...]
sector at expert group meetings
and in expert networks created under the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Integration, (b) Governments are willing to engage in policy debates and to take steps to implement policy recommendations adopted by the Committee and (c) extrabudgetary resources match the increasing demand from member States with economies in transition for capacity-building and policy advisory services.
活动的目的是与各国府、学术机构和协会、联合国及其有关机构合 作,收集国际知识和经验。
Activities are aimed at gathering
international knowledge and experience in
[...] cooperation with Governments, academic institutions [...]
and associations and the United Nations and its related bodies.
在 8 月底和 10
[...] 月分别召开了两次联席座谈会,敦促各国政府与民间社会开 展互动,由此为瑞士国内及国际民间社会与各国政府同其他国家 府 、 学 术 界、 国际组织及其相互之间就如下论坛议题集思广益创造了条件:2010 年墨西哥论坛 [...]
的成果;这些成果与 2011 年论坛专题方案之间的关系;民间社会在论坛中的作
用;以及,如何在 2010 年工作的基础上在 2011 年论坛期间深入推动民间社会与 政府之间的互动。
The two joint symposiums convened at the end of August and October entailing interaction between Governments and civil society offered a space for Switzerland and
international civil
[...] society and Governments to brainstorm with Governments, academics, international [...]
organizations and each
other with respect to Forum issues, namely, the outcomes of the 2010 Forum in Mexico, the connections between those outcomes and the thematic programme for the 2011 Forum, the role of civil society in the Forum, and how to build on the efforts of 2010 so as to strengthen interaction between civil society and Governments in the 2011 Forum.
政策 改变的驱动力来自“与民间社会组织、地方、省及国家 府 、 学 术 机 构、其他全 球组织及私营部门发展关系”[6]。
Policy change was driven “by cultivating relationships with civil
society organizations; local, provincial
[...] and national governments; academic institutions; [...]
other global organizations; and the private sector” [6].
[...] Shah先生说:“随着印度经济现代化水平和不断提高,学生们渴望掌握计算机技巧,以便为他们将来的数字化工作做准备,然而大多数 府学 校 的学生从未有机会敲打一下键盘或点击一次鼠标。
With the modernization of India's economy, students are eager to learn the computer skills that will prepare them for the digital workplace -- but most government school students have never even had the chance to type on a keyboard or click a mouse," said Mr. Raj Shah, chief marketing officer of NComputing,
"This computerization project shows how
[...] forward thinking governments can use proven and [...]
practical technologies like NComputing to bridge the digital divide.
援助侧重于以下几个方面:(a)建立符合国际标 准和规范的法律和政策框架;(b)加强国内机构特别是反腐败机构和刑事司法机 关的能力,以便以综合协调的方式有效预防和控制腐败;(c)在公共和私营部 门,包括在公共资源管理方面,增强廉洁和问责制并提高透明度;(d)协助有关府机关 进行国际合作并在国内和国际范围追回资产;(e)与国际社会成员和联 合国系统成员发展战略性和主题性的合作伙伴关系,以确保技术援助提供工作 的一致性;(f)支助建立网络和平台,使会员国在区域和国际层面进行政策对话 和同学习。
Assistance focuses on (a) establishing legal and policy frameworks consistent with international standards and norms; (b) strengthening the capacity of domestic institutions, in particular anti-corruption bodies and criminal justice institutions, to effectively prevent and control corruption in an integrated and coordinated way; (c) enhancing integrity, accountability and transparency in public and private sectors, including the management of
public resources; (d)
[...] supporting relevant Government institutions in international cooperation and the recovery of assets at the domestic and international levels; (e) development of strategic and thematic partnerships with members of the international community and United Nations system to ensure coherency in the delivery of technical assistance; and (f) supporting the establishment of networks and platforms for policy dialogue and peer learning among Member States [...]
at the regional and international levels.
那慕尔的 这一教席是与非府学术组织大学间研究和联系为发 展服务计划(PRELUDE)联合设立的,是为包括全 世界四十二所大学在内的姊妹大学一大学间研究和联 系为发展服务计划网服务的;通过在摩洛哥卡萨布兰 卡--艾因绍克大学创建第一个教科文组织移民与人权 教席,加强了在这一非常复杂领域的研究能力;埃及 开罗美国大学扩大了姊妹大学被迫移民网。
The Namur Chair is a joint venture with academic NGO PRELUDE (Programme d’Etudes et de Liaison Universitaire pour le Développement) and is serving the UNITWINPRELUDE Network including 42 universities worldwide; Capacity-strengthening in highly complex study areas through the launching of the first UNESCO Chair in Migration and Human Rights at the University of Casablanca-Aïnchock, Morocco; Enlargement of the UNITWIN Forced Migration Network by the American University of Cairo, Egypt.
直接从区域互联网注册管理机构接收资源的组织包括互联网服务供应商(ISP)、电信机构、大型企业、 府 、 学 术 机 构以及包括终端用户在内的利益相关人。
Organizations that receive resources directly from RIRs include Internet Service Providers (ISPs),
telecommunications organizations, large
[...] corporations, governments, academic institutions, [...]
and industry stakeholders, including end users.




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