单词 | 孤子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 孤子 —orphanfatherless sonExamples:孤立子波—instanton (math.) 孤立子—soliton (physics) See also:孤—lone 孤 n—loneliness n
重要的是,这不是一个孤立的例子, 而 是在全球反复出现的主题的一部分。 bksv.cn | Significantly, this is not an isolated example, but part [...] of a common theme that is recurring around the world. bksv.com |
制裁基地组织和塔利班委员会仍是努 力 孤 立恐 怖分子及其实施侵害手段的重要部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Al-Qaida and Taliban Sanctions Committee remains an important part of the efforts to isolate terrorists and their means to inflict harm. daccess-ods.un.org |
制裁基地组织委员会仍是孤立恐怖分 子 , 杜 绝其 造成危害的途径的工作的重要部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Al-Qaida sanctions Committee remains an important part of the efforts to isolate terrorists and their means to inflict harm. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席先生,想做新的、或是舊的殖民 ㆞ 孤 臣 孽 子 的 ㆟ ,請你們不要再阻撓香港㆟了;不 要再阻撓㆗國㆟邁向民主的步伐,否則你們只會被掃入歷史的垃圾堆裏。 legco.gov.hk | Mr President, to those who [...] want to be the “surviving courtiers” of the [...]new or old colony, I call upon them not to hinder [...]any more the progress of the Hong Kong people or the Chinese people in their march towards democracy, otherwise they will only end up in the rubbish heap of history. legco.gov.hk |
2010年12月,正值西方的传统佳节,北京耀中的学生和家长开始为玉 树 孤 儿 收集 帽 子 、 手 套和外衣。 ycis-bj.com | In December 2010, a month seen as the traditional [...] western holiday season, students and parents at YCIS Beijing began [...] collecting hats, gloves, and coats for Yushu orphans. ycis-bj.com |
當 物 質小至 1nm 至 100nm 時 , 由 [...] 於量子效應、物 質 的局限 、同 性 及區域性 , 以 及 巨 大 的 表 面 及 介 面 效應, 使 物 質 發生了 很 多質變 , 呈現出 許 多 [...] 不同於 宏 觀 物 體 , 也 不同於 單 個 孤 立 原 子 的 性質的 現 象 。 legco.gov.hk | When a matter becomes as small as in the range of 1 nm to 100 nm, it will undergo many changes as a result of quantum reaction, the limitation of the matter, assimilation, regionalism, enormous surface and interface effects, many qualitative changes that present [...] themselves into many phenomena that are different from the macroscopic substance [...] and the quality of the single, isolated atom. legco.gov.hk |
这显然表明,国内外的某 些分子一意孤行地 在利用人民真正的要求挑起内乱,破坏国家的政治和经济安全 及稳定,并危及国家主权。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clear that certain elements in the country and [...] abroad were bent on exploiting the genuine demands of the people to stir up [...]internal strife and undermine [...]the nation’s political and economic security and stability as well as national sovereignty. daccess-ods.un.org |
這個神話故事是:傳說仙界有㆒條名叫「香江」的河,河面相當寬闊,水深流急, 河的南岸㆞方雖小,但山靈水秀,是個臥虎藏龍的㆞方,有不少在凡間頗負名氣的㆟ 士和㆒些孤臣孽子都棲身其間。 legco.gov.hk | They were also known as the Gods of Capitalism as they practised capitalism of the mortal world. The land on the northern bank of the river was vast in territory and abundant in natural wealth, and the residents were those who had either truly surrendered their fame and fortune or those who had lofty ideals. legco.gov.hk |
做到这一点的办法就是从事企业社会责任,无论是帮助人们找到绑架或失踪儿童的互联网项目,或只是捐钱买书籍及用品给民 工 子 弟 或 孤 儿 的 学校。 embassyusa.cn | The way you can do that is to engage in corporate social responsibility, whether it’s the internet project to help people find kidnapped or [...] missing children, or whether it’s just donating money to books and supplies to [...] schools that educate migrant kids or orphans. eng.embassyusa.cn |
15 岁以下儿童,特别是向孤儿和军人子 女提供为期两年的军事准备课程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is, however, concerned about the report that at least one secondary school offered two years’ intensive military preparation for children from the age of 15, more specifically orphans and children of military personnel. daccess-ods.un.org |
柯思雅有营养不良的症状,而且走路一瘸一拐,她需要穿特殊的 鞋 子 , 而 孤 儿 院由于资源不足,无法给她提供。 unicef.org | Kesia showed signs of malnutrition and limped because she needed special shoes that the [...] under-resourced orphanage could not provide. unicef.org |
医务人员经常建议残疾儿童的父母将 孩 子 送 进 孤 儿 院。 embassyusa.cn | Medical professionals sometimes advised parents of children with disabilities [...] to put the children into orphanages. eng.embassyusa.cn |
贫穷家庭出生的孩子以及一些孤儿常常处在没有未来的苦难生活中。 csinstrument.com | Many of the less privileged people live a life of abject [...] poverty. Children in poor families and orphans are often born [...]into a life of misery without future. csinstrument.com |
这是解决部分 冲突地区局势仍然不安全的办法,也 是 孤 立 极端 分子 和恐怖分子并确 保阿富汗人继续选择和平而非暴力 的重要办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | That is a good alternative for ending the continuing insecurity in parts of the conflict and an important way of isolating extremists and terrorists and ensuring that Afghans will continue to choose peace over violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些措施 表明,索马里的捣乱分子越来越受到 孤 立 , 他们知道, 通过电波传递的透明政治对话有可能消除他们已经 微小的支持力量。 daccess-ods.un.org | These moves demonstrate [...] the increasing isolation of Somalia’s spoilers, who know [...]that transparent political dialogue on [...]the airwaves could eliminate their already meagre support. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管有其他新成员加入到班级中,或许能帮助 孩 子 们 减 少一 些 孤 独 感,但是通常情况下对于大多数孩子而言这仍然是令人沮丧的经历。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Although the presence of other [...] new children joining the class may help the child feel less lonely, it is still [...]often a daunting experience for most. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
社 会保障通过如下途径实施:以国家补助金形式向拥 有 子 女 的 低收入家庭和无劳动 收入的无劳动能力人士提供社会保障金;向特定种类居民提供资金补偿;向需要 特殊住院条件的人和孤寡老 人提供社会服务;对临时丧失劳动能力的公民以及怀 孕、生产和安葬亲属之人给予社会保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | Social services are provided through guaranteed social payments in the form of aid to low-income families with dependants and to incapacitated persons with no working experience, financial support for certain [...] categories of the population and welfare [...] services for persons in need of special nursing care in hospital conditions, elderly persons living alone at home, temporarily incapacitated persons, and pregnant women and newborns, as well as for inhumation. daccess-ods.un.org |
叛乱分 子采取的这类孤注一掷的举措是和平的公敌,但却不 能阻挡包括 300 名妇女在内的 [...] 1 600 多名代表参加三 周前举行的协商和平大国民会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such desperate measures by the insurgents, avowed enemies of [...] peace, could not deter the participation of over 1,600 delegates, [...]including 300 women, in the Consultative Peace Jirga, held three weeks ago. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于这一情况,国家政策在人的权利和自由领域的优先方向是为儿童和青少年的 身体、智力和精神发展创造最佳且有利的条件,且全力支持 多 子 女 家庭 , 孤 儿和 无父母抚养的儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, one of the Government’s human rights priorities is creating the most favourable conditions for the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of children and young people, as well [...] as providing comprehensive support for [...] large families, orphaned children and children deprived of a family environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
EDS的想加入,但所有的孩子都退 出,留 下 孤 独 的 男孩。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Eds want to [...] join, but all the kids quit, leaving the boys alone. seekcartoon.com |
初來福克斯冰河工作的我,幸好有他們的相伴,令我在福克斯冰河的 日 子 不 會那 麼 孤 單 ( 雖然我也不是很孤單,常常都可以自己找消遣活動)。 4tern.com | As a new employer in Fox Glacier, I am glad to have them by my side. 4tern.com |
Scherer夫人自助出版的回忆录《朝圣路上》向我们描述了她早年遭遇的种种困境:外国教士的 孩 子孤 独 无 伴的童年,中国人长期与战争和贫穷作斗争的日常生活,美国大萧条时期的艰苦,日本侵华战争的血腥屠杀,Johns [...] Hopkins大学严格的护士课程——入学前她刚生了一场差点致命的重病,正处于恢复休养之中——以及在二战之后的动荡与贫困中重建长沙湘雅护理学院的过程。 yalechina.org | Mrs. Scherer’s self-published memoir, To Be a Pilgrim, grants a glimpse into her [...] early years when she endured real [...] difficulties: the often lonely existence of a child [...]of foreign missionaries, the daily [...]realities of China’s long struggles with war and poverty, the hard living in the U.S. during the Great Depression, the gruesome slaughter of the Sino-Japanese war, the rigors of tackling the Johns Hopkins nursing curriculum whilst recovering from a near-fatal illness, and rebuilding Xiangya in the face of uncertainty and poverty in Changsha after WWII. yalechina.org |
然而,Latios死了,他的孩子被留下的 孤 儿。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | However, Latios [...] died and his children were left orphans. seekcartoon.com |
孩子需要家庭和社 [...] 群生活;他们或许太虚弱不能踢足球,但是 坐在场边观看和成为活动的一份子, 远 比孤 零零躺在家里的床上要好得多。 thewpca.org | They need to be involved in family life and the life of their community; they may be too [...] sick to play football, but sitting outside watching and being a part of [...] things is often better than lying inside alone. thewpca.org |
9 岁的女童和超过7 岁的男童。委员会 还关切的是,丧父的孩子往往被视为 孤 儿 , 可以同母亲分离,如果母亲不同意嫁 给其亡夫家庭的男性成员,更可以这样处置。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee is further concerned that [...] children who have lost their father are [...] often considered as orphans and may be separated [...]from their mother, especially if she [...]does not accept to marry a male member of her deceased husband’s family. daccess-ods.un.org |
1995年我在雅礼的任期即将结束之前,我和我的 妻 子 从 一 个中 国 孤 儿 院 认领了我们的第一个女儿(我们叫她Sophie),我们毫不犹豫地找到朱铁蓉——与我们最亲近的中国家族的女族长——请她为我们的孩子取个完美的中文名字。 yalechina.org | Near the end of my term with Yale-China in [...] 1995, when my wife and I adopted [...] our first daughter from a Chinese orphanage (whom we named [...]Sophie), it seemed inevitable [...]that we should go to Sophie Zhu—the closest person we had to a Chinese family matriarch—to receive a perfect Chinese name. yalechina.org |
马赫穆多夫铁匠和他的 妻子收养 14 个孤儿的故事已是举世皆知,他们中有 俄罗斯人、白俄罗斯人、摩尔多瓦人、乌克兰人、列 [...] 托人、犹太人、哈萨克人、鞑靼人和其他不同民族的 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The entire world knows the story of [...] the blacksmith Shamakhmudov and his wife, who [...] adopted and raised 14 orphans, including Russians, [...]Belarussians, Moldavians, [...]Ukrainians, Letts, Jews, Kazakhs, Tatars and others of various nationalities. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会注意到单身母亲或 离婚母亲的子女、孤儿或 父母身份不明的儿童每月的抚养费和寡妇与离婚妇女的 社会保险金和教育补助金有所增加,但仍然关注到,缔约国对离婚和单亲家庭、 [...] 育儿教育、儿童照料服务和设施的支持力度和重视程度不够。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting [...] the monthly pension to children of single or divorced mothers, orphans or children [...]with unknown parents and [...]the increase in social insurance support and education grants to widows and divorced women, the Committee remains concerned at the insufficient support and attention by the State party to divorced and single parent families, parental education, childcare services and facilities. daccess-ods.un.org |