

单词 季度

See also:

surname Ji
the last month of a season
fourth or youngest amongst brothers

External sources (not reviewed)

5. 編製適用規則及法規或上市規則規定的任何報告,以加入年報及賬目、半年報告 以及(如編製以供刊發季度報告
5. prepare any report required by applicable rules and regulations or the Listing Rules,
to be included in the annual report and accounts, half-year report and, if
[...] prepared for publication, quarterly reports.
若計入此計劃的貢獻,季度整體 利潤率為31.6%,與上年度相若。
Including this scheme, the
[...] overall margin for the quarter was broadly unchanged [...]
from the previous year at 31.6 per cent.
與 2012 年前期季度比較,區內的貸款減值準備水 平已略為改善,是由於巴西業務致力改善信貸質 素的措施已初見成效。
When compared with the preceding quarters in 2012, there [...]
was a marginal improvement in loan impairment charges in the region
as measures to improve credit quality in Brazil began to take effect.
[...] 次評估後出現轉變而作出的(上次評估時間為二零零六年第 季度 末 市 場價格處於極度低迷 時侯)。
This re-assessment was performed in response to the change in market forecast and the rebound of alumina prices since the last
valuation, which was carried out at the
[...] end of the third quarter of 2006 when the [...]
market prices of alumina hovered at an extremely low level.
[...] 2011 曆年年底,2011-12 年度最後季度(即 2012 年 1 月 1 日至 2012 [...]
年 3 月 31 日 )東江水的實際 買價,將視乎新的東江水供應協議而定,有關協議會於今年由廣東省和 香港協商和議定。
As the current Dongjiang water supply agreement covers the period up to the end of the calendar year of 2011 only,
the actual purchase price of Dongjiang
[...] water for the last quarter of 2011-12 (i.e. from [...]
1 January 2012 to 31 March 2012) will
be subject to the new Dongjiang water supply agreement, which is to be negotiated and agreed between Guangdong and Hong Kong this year.
(e) 監察本公司之財務報表以及本公司年度報告及賬目、半年度報告 季度 報告 (如有編製刊發)之完整性,並在提交予董事會前,審閱當中所載有關財務 [...]
(e) to monitor integrity of financial statements of the Company and the Company’s annual report and
accounts, half-year report and, if prepared
[...] for publication, quarterly reports and to review [...]
significant financial reporting judgments
contained in them before submission to the Board, focusing particularly on
由刊發年度業績日期之前六十日,或刊 季度 業 績 及半年度業績日期之前三十日,直至公佈相 應業績(不論是否《創業板上市規則》所規定者)之日止期間, [...]
董事不得買賣公司任何證券, 除非情況特殊,例如須應付下述C部所指的緊急財務承擔,而在該情況下,董事須遵守本守則
During the period of 60 days immediately preceding the publication date of the annual results, or
30 days immediately preceding the
[...] publication date of quarterly results and half-year [...]
results, and ending on the date of
the corresponding results announcement (whether or not the announcement is required under the Listing Rules), a director must not deal in any securities of the Company unless the circumstances are exceptional, for example, where a pressing financial commitment has to be met as described in section C below.
會議通告,凡以書面或口頭方式親自發給董事,或按其最後所知香港地址或其提供 予本公司之香港任何其他地址發送予董事者,有關會議通告將被視為適當發給有關
[...] 董事,而就每年至少舉行四(4)次、每次約相隔一 季度 之 會 議而言,應就該等會 議發出至少 14 日之通告。
Notice of a meeting shall be deemed to be duly given to a director if it is given to him personally in writing or orally or sent to him at his last known address in Hong Kong or any other address in Hong Kong notified by him to the Company and in respect of the meetings to
be held at least four (4) times a year
[...] at approximately quarterly intervals, notice [...]
of at least 14 days should be given for such meetings.
為了準備預算,我們假設 2011-12 年度最後季度的買 價維持在與 2011-12 年度首三季度價格 相同的水平,因此與 2010-11 年度的相應百分率相比,2011-12 年度的整體增幅(百分率)較低。
For the purpose of budgeting, the purchase
[...] price for the last quarter of 2011-12 is assumed to stay at the same price level as the first three quarters of 2011-12, [...]
thereby resulting in a
lower percentage of overall increase for 2011-12 when compared with the corresponding percentage for 2010-11.
季度出現 持續復甦,標普500指數上升5%,利 率保持相對穩定,而AA公司債券息差及波動性較二零零九年底水平有所下跌,第 季度 有 所 逆轉,本年度上 半年末標普500指數下跌7.6%,十年期國庫債券息率跌至3%以下,掉期利率跌至接近歷史低位,AA公司債券 息差小幅增加,而波動性增加至與二零零九年上半年末更一致的水平。
The continued recovery
[...] witnessed in the first quarter - the S&P 500 index increased five per cent, interest rates remained relatively steady and AA corporate spreads and volatility declined somewhat from year-end 2009 levels – was reversed in the second quarter – the S&P 500 index [...]
ended the first half
of the year down 7.6 per cent, 10-year Treasury rates dropped below three per cent, swap rates declined to approximate historic lows, AA corporate spreads increased slightly and volatility increased to levels more consistent with the end of the first half of 2009.




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