单词 | 季后赛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 季后赛 —a playoffSee also:季—surname Ji • the last month of a season • fourth or youngest amongst brothers 赛 n—competition n • match n 赛—better than • superior to • excel • surpass 赛季—season (sports)
1992-93赛季,曼联反转纽卡斯尔,之后 1 9 9 5 - 9 6 赛季 , 阿 森纳在最后16轮赢了14场反转曼联,最后以一分优势力压曼联夺冠。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | In 1992-93, United reversed Newcastle while 1995-96 saw Arsenal turning the tables against Man U as the Gunners won 14 out of their last 16 matches and claiming the title by just a single point. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
但是,阿曼恩的运势在随后的赛季中 急 转直下,经历了他的职业生涯最低点:在2006年都灵冬季奥运会上,阿曼恩以惨败告终。 swissworld.org | However, Ammann saw his form [...] nosedive the following season, experiencing a [...]new career nadir that culminated in his bitter [...]defeat at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin. swissworld.org |
4.1.2 每季比赛(每四周)结束后,Admiral Markets 会列出季赛获胜者名单。 forexball.admiralmarkets.com | 4.1.2 After the season has ended, Admiral Markets forms the winners list of the season. forexball.admiralmarkets.com |
经由八组国家代表队经历淘汰赛后,, AM OTEL 一路过关斩将成为SFWC的冠军获得美金10,000元及取得前往参加十二月三号在韩国举行的2011年WCG比赛。 ttesports.com.cn | With 8 International representatives [...] battling to edge each other out, AMOTEL [...]survived to the last moment and proclaimed [...]that title as SFWC Winner 2011, with sweet prize cash USD $10,000 and began their last journey to WCG 2011 at South Korea, on December 3rd 2011. ttesports.es |
兰博基尼宝珀 Super Trofeo 超级挑战赛经过在本赛季创下 参赛人数纪录,成功举办精彩纷呈的比赛,并赢得媒体覆盖率的不断增长、逾四百万追随者的广泛社会媒体参与以及全新亚洲赛的迅速发 展 后 , 即将于本周末在纳瓦拉赛道迎来扣人心弦的总决赛。 lamborghini.com | As a season of record grids, compelling racing, growing media coverage, extensive social media engagement of over 4 million followers and a burgeoning new series in Asia, the Lamborghini Blancpain Super Trofeo Series heads to a dramatic finale at the Circuito de [...] Navarra this weekend. lamborghini.com |
本公司即正式成为大分TRINITA 足球队的公认合作伙伴之后,又于2012 年 赛季 开 始 ,同时签约作为「大分TRINITA女子足球队」队服(前胸标志)的广告赞助商开展了一系列的声援宣传活动。 j-lease.jp | We have arranged for Oita F.C. to become an official [...] partner of Oita Trinita which has played in the J League Division2 since 2011. j-lease.jp |
由于我们的经营历史较短、财力资源有限、市场认可度有限、市场竞争激烈以及在APDN呈送美国证券交易委员会的报告(包括2011年12月8日提交的10-K表年报 和 后 续 的 10 -Q 表 季 报 ) 中详细描述的各种其他因素,实际结果可能与前瞻性表述中预测的结果有实质性差异。 tipschina.gov.cn | Actual results could differ materially from those projected due to our short operating history, limited financial resources, limited market acceptance, market competition and various other factors detailed from time to time in APDN's SEC reports and filings, including our Annual Report [...] on Form 10-K, filed on December [...] 8, 2011 and our subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10-Q. [...]APDN undertakes no obligation [...]to update publicly any forward-looking statements to reflect new information, events or circumstances after the date hereof to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. tipschina.gov.cn |
该Schlubs严峻的手表整个赛季我陷 入困境的小马电视连续剧拙劣地模仿我的小马,他学会了从曼迪,该节目被取消了,并没有结束。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | The Schlubs: As Grim [...] watches the entire season of My Troubled Pony TV [...]series (parodying My Little Pony), he learns from [...]Mandy that the show was cancelled and doesn’t have an ending. seekcartoon.com |
这是我参加的第四个赛季,也 是我第二次得奖,这真的令人难以置信,特别是这 个 赛季 对 我 而言是一次巨大的考验,比赛非常非常困难,而这也是我如此渴望为自己、为团队和 Michel 赢得比赛的原因。 lamborghini.com | This is my fourth season and my second title, which is unbelievable, especially as this season has been a big test, [...] very very difficult and that's why [...]I wanted to win so much for myself, the team and Michel. lamborghini.com |
在与伊拉克各利益攸关方进一步协商 后 , 工 发组织代表说,原则上,伊拉克不反对 使用碳氢化合物为替代制冷剂,但条件是应确保:该技术在技术上是可行的,即可以得到 这些产品所需要的构件和原材料;最 后 产 品价格与使用 HFC-134a 的产品价格相当;该项 目制造和维修方面的安全因素得到解决;使用碳氢化合物的产品性能与使用 HFC-134a 的 产品性能相似,必须铭记,巴格达夏 季 气 温可轻易达到摄氏 50 度;提 供关于多边基金资助 的商用制冷转换碳氢化合物技术项目类似经验的信息。 multilateralfund.org | Following further [...] consultations with stakeholders in Iraq, the representative of UNIDO said that in principle, Iraq did not object to using hydrocarbon as the replacing refrigerant, subject to ensuring that: the technology was technically feasible in terms of the availability of components and raw materials for such products; the final product price was comparable to HFC-134a products; safety considerations were fulfilled within the project, covering both manufacturing and servicing aspects; the performance of hydrocarbon-based products was similar to that of HFC-134a products, keeping in mind that the temperature in Baghdad could easily reach 50 degrees Celsius in the summertime; and information [...]was provided on similar [...]experience with projects funded by the Multilateral Fund for shifting commercial refrigeration to hydrocarbon technology. multilateralfund.org |
在计划的首批项目中,IMG [...] Dogus将帮助贝西克塔斯足球投资公司按照世界标准改造和现代化其在土耳其的青年体育学院 和 赛季 结 束 训练营。 tipschina.gov.cn | In one of the first projects being planned, IMG Dogus will assist [...] Besiktas in revamping and modernizing to global standards its Youth Sports [...] Academy and Close Season Training Camp in Turkey. tipschina.gov.cn |
请点击图片观看成为腕表灵感来源的传 奇 赛季 , 并 一同窥探崭新的设计特点。 oris.ch | To see the season that inspired the [...] watch, and to discover the new design features, please visit the gallery. oris.ch |
波兰基础设施的质量在举办 2012 年“欧洲杯”足球赛后得到 改善,缩小了与新兴市 场平均水平的差距;巴西目前低于基准,但作为 2014 年“世界杯”足球赛和 2016 年奥运会的举办国,机会已来临。 bbvaresearch.com | The quality of Poland’s infrastructure improved on hosting the football Euro Cup in 2012, closing the gap with the EMs average; Brazil is at present below the benchmark, but an opportunity appears as a host country of the football World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016. bbvaresearch.com |
我们故乡的Cutten俱乐部(www.cuttenclub.com)上个秋天为冬季搭建网球气膜时,发现在经过17个 冬 季后 , 原 先的Yeadon气膜不适合再迎接第 18 个 赛季。 yeadondomes.com | When the Cutten Club (www.cuttenclub.com) of our own hometown of Guelph went to put up [...] their tennis dome for the winter season last fall it was readily apparent that [...] after 17 winter seasons, that their original Yeadon® dome was not going to be able to provide an 18th season. yeadondomes.com |
从 2010/11 年度拟议预算(A/64/632)第五节 B 部 分提供的资料中,行预咨委会注意到,鉴于联苏特派团在整个任务区执行各项建 设项目的时限、其有限的能力以及旱 季 进 行 任何施工时间较短等因素,特派团决 定先兴建一些永久建筑物,以应付因部队重组而来到区总部的工作人员的住宿需 求以及在州一级增多的实务人员,然 后 再 替 换任何现有的硬墙宿舍。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee notes from the information provided in section V.B of the proposed budget for 2010/11 (A/64/632) that, given the time frame for UNMIS to [...] implement the various [...] construction projects throughout the Mission area, the limited capacity and the short time frame available during the dry season to undertake any construction work, the Mission determined that permanent structures would be built to cater for any shortfalls [...]in accommodation [...]requirements for staff in sector headquarters as a result of the reconfiguration of military units and the additional presence of substantive personnel at the state level, before any replacement of existing hard-wall accommodation. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年最后一季度, 毒品和犯罪问题办 公室着手对可卡因的跨国市场进行深入分析,将于 [...] 2010 年报告分析结果。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the last quarter of 2009, UNODC started [...] in-depth analytical work on the transnational cocaine market and will report its findings in 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
2004 年 下半年,在执行局秋季届会之后,还 将举行一轮多国磋商,并寻求具有更大的参与性,包括 教科文组织全国委员会和各国利益相关单位的参与,确定多国层面的优先需求,以供写进 [...] 33 C/5 文件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The organization of a further round of cluster [...] consultations later in 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive [...]Board, will seek to introduce [...]a more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level, in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, proposed to be included in document 33 C/5. unesdoc.unesco.org |
预 计在 2004 年底,即紧接执行局秋季会议之后举 行下一个阶段的多国磋商,以便让各国全委 会和各国的所有有关各方更加广泛地参与确定各多国小组的优先需求,供在编写 33 C/5 时加 以考虑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The holding of a further round of cluster consultations, towards the end of 2004, following the autumn session of the Executive [...] Board, would aim [...]to introduce a more participatory process, including the involvement of National Commissions and stakeholders at the national level in the identification of priority needs at the cluster level, which should be included in document 33 C/5. unesdoc.unesco.org |
最后,电子公报季刊“ 从话语到行动”第 五期已出版,讨论了各会员国和联合国各机构为消 除侵害妇女的暴力行为所采取的各项措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, the fifth issue of the Division’s quarterly electronic newsletter, [...] “Words to Action”, featuring measures that Member [...]States and United Nations bodies had taken to address violence against women, had been published. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些缉获量可能更密切 [...] 地反映零售而非批发市场,但联合王国边境管理局缉获的海洛因的纯度也有类 似的下降,尽管下降不太明显,从 2009 年第三季度的 58%降至 2010 年最后一 个季度的 31%(见图九)。 daccess-ods.un.org | These seizures likely reflect more closely the retail rather than the wholesale market, but a similar, albeit slightly less pronounced, decrease was also observed in the purity of seizures made by the United Kingdom Border [...] Agency, which fell from 58 per cent in [...] the third quarter of 2009 to 31 per cent in the last quarter of 2010 (see [...]figure IX). daccess-ods.un.org |
作为一名专业运动员必须知道比赛后 如 何帮助身体复原。 jabra.cn | Part of being a professional athlete is knowing how to [...] help the body recover after a race. jabra.com |
该网站讲述了世界超级跑车锦标赛2007 赛季 的 精 彩故事,在这个激动人心 的 赛季 , 玛 莎拉蒂包揽了GT1组别的全部四项桂冠。 maserati.com.cn | The site that tells [...] the story of the extraordinary FIA GT 2007 season in which Maserati has won all four titles [...]up for grabs in the GT1 class. maserati.it |
魔贾斯的受伤,仍然在再生室的第一 个 赛季 , 但 完全愈合的时候,他cybernetically增强,给了他巨大的规模,强度和耐久性,使他每外星人本可以访问当时的比赛。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Vilgax was injured and remained in a regeneration [...] chamber in the first season, but when completely [...]healed, he was cybernetically enhanced, [...]giving him colossal size, strength and durability that made him a match for every alien Ben could access at that time. seekcartoon.com |
本赛季,诺维奇只赢了一场客场比赛,所以考虑到维冈已经成为有规律的“逃离”降级区的球队,我认为马丁内斯的球队在本周末会得到重要的3分。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Norwich meanwhile have only [...] won one game this season away from Carrow [...]Road, so considering Wigan have become a regular ‘escape [...]act’ in terms of the Relegation zone - I’ll be taking Roberto Martinez’s side to get a vital 3 points this weekend. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
今年最后一个季度将 制定有关改进的具 体建议,并提交人权高专办高级管理小组。 daccess-ods.un.org | Concrete recommendations for improvements will be developed and presented to the OHCHR Senior Management Team during the last quarter of the year. daccess-ods.un.org |
自我伤痕累累,跳过要求,他和里格比的 复 赛后 , 他 破坏了末底改和里格比的视频游戏系统。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Ego bruised, Skips demands that he [...] and Rigby have a rematch after he destroys Mordecai [...]and Rigby’s video game system. seekcartoon.com |
在会议第三十二届会议举行之时,正在制定一项全球气候服务框架执行计划和 管理模式,供将于 2012 年最后一个季度举 行的气象组织大会特别会议讨论,气 象组织和其他许多联合国实体、国家政府和利益相关者参与了制定工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the participation of WMO and a wide range of other United Nations entities, national Governments and stakeholders, a GFCS implementation plan and governance model were under development at the time of the thirty-second session of the Meeting, for discussion at the extraordinary session of the WMO Congress, to be held in the final quarter of 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然黑色和银色的颜色选择留在家中最流行的电话,松下很高兴能为消费者提供新的选择与酒红色和金属蓝色手 机 赛季 , 刚刚度假时间了。 technologeeko.com | While black and silver remain the most popular color choices for home telephones, Panasonic is [...] pleased to offer consumers a choice with the new wine red and metallic blue phones, [...] just in time for the holiday season. technologeeko.com |
根据新的 [...] FIA(国际汽车联合会)规则,为使发动机寿命翻番,每位车手每 个 赛季 仅 允 许使用最多八台发动机,加上四台用于测试的发动机(即,每支一级方程式车队限制使用 [...] 20 台发动机),每台发动机预计要使用超过 2000 km。 bksv.cn | Under new FIA rules (Federation Internationale de L’Automobile), and in order to double engine life, each driver is only [...] allowed to use a maximum of eight [...] engines per driver per season plus a total of [...]four for testing (that is, 20 per Formula [...]One team) and each engine is expected to run for more than 2000 km. bksv.com |