单词 | 孝感市 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 孝感市—Xiaogan prefecture level city in HubeiSee also:孝感—Xiaogan prefecture level city in Hubei 孝—mourning apparel filial piety or obedience
二 零 一 二 年,本 集 团 计 划 於 第 四 季 度 在 广 东 省 新 会 区 三 [...] 江 镇 之 新 厂 房 投 产80,000吨、於 辽 宁 省 鞍 山 市 厂 房 投 产30,000吨,并 於 湖 北省孝 感 市厂房投 产40,000吨。 cre8ir.com | The Group plans to increase production capacity in the fourth quarter of 2012 by 80,000 tons by the new plant in Sanjiang Town, Xinhui District, [...] Guangdong Province; 30,000 [...] tons by theAnshan plant in Liaoning Province, and 40,000 tonsby Xiaogan plantin Hubei [...]Province. cre8ir.com |
在为这些行为孝道回报,感谢Pitris保护他们不受伤害,并促进他们的福利。 mb-soft.com | In return for [...] these actsof filial piety, the gratefulPitris protected [...]them from harm and promoted their welfare. mb-soft.com |
年 内 新 增 华 中 湖北孝 感生产基 地 约50,000 吨 [...] 产 能,使 集 团 整 体 产 能 达 至 约370,000吨。 vindapaper.com | During the year, the newly enlarged [...] production base in Xiaogan, Hubeiin Central [...]China provided an additional capacity of [...]approximately 50,000 tons and which boosted the Group’s overall annual capacity to approximately 370,000 tons. vindapaper.com |
鉴于对手风险的性质和投资的偿还期限,与这些投资有关的市场风险的敏感性分析不会 披露重大价值变量。 unesdoc.unesco.org | A sensitivity analysis of the marketrisksrelated to these [...] investments would not disclose significant variations in value [...]given the nature of the counterparty risk and maturity period of the investments. unesdoc.unesco.org |
阿尔及利亚感到鼓舞的是,马耳 他已经采取措施并作出努力,增进弱势群体,尤其是儿童和妇女的权利,同时还 在推动妇女进入劳动力市场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Algeria was encouraged [...] by the measures and efforts already under way to promote the rights of vulnerable groups, especially children and women, and by the increased participation of women inthe labour market. daccess-ods.un.org |
即使是标准版本的全新M 系,都能带出超凡的舒适感与无論城市或越野路面都应付自如的超卓表现。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | Even the standard version of the [...] new M-Class offers a high levelof comfort, dynamic [...]on-road han-dling and outstanding off-road capabilities. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
一方面,城市化提供了能够改善生活质量和 城区传统特征的经济、社会和文化机遇;另一方面,城市密度和规模增长无节制的发展带来的改 变会损害地方特质感、城市结构的完整性以及社区的特性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | On the one hand, urbanization provides economic, social and cultural opportunities that can enhance the quality of life and traditional character of urban areas; on the other [...] hand, the unmanaged changes in urbandensity and growth [...] can undermine thesense of place, the integrity oftheurban fabric, and [...]the identity of communities. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在心理健康方面,本校透过不同形式的活动向学生灌输不同价值观及态度(如: 健康、自律、良好习惯、关爱、孝顺、共融、责任感、坚毅)。 hktawts.edu.hk | With the school visions and mission, we have infused students with different values and attitudes (e.g., [...] health, self-discipline, good [...] habits, care, filialpiety,fusion, senseofresponsibility [...]and fortitude) through diverse activities, including hktawts.edu.hk |
谢孝衍詹姆斯博士ANIMO:一位科学家,他的职业生涯缩短,当它被发现,他扭曲的遗传实验动物。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Dr. Aloysius James Animo: A scientist whose career was cut short when it was discovered that he was performing twisted genetic experiments on animals. seekcartoon.com |
上述市场风险敏感度反映臨时市场变动的影响,因此,对本集团利润进行分部分析时,该等变动的主要影响将记入投资回报短期波 动。 prudential.co.uk | Themarket risk sensitivitiesshown above reflect the impact of temporarymarket movements and, [...] therefore, the primary effect [...]of such movements would, in the Group’s segmental analysis of profits, be included within the short-term fluctuations in investment returns. prudential.co.uk |
一个至关 紧要的发现是,只有规模很大的市场能够充分感受竞争的益处,市场越小,认为值得进入 市场的非专利品企业就越少,消费者的消费价格就越高。 iprcommission.org | A crucial finding is that the full [...] benefits of competition [...] will only be felt atquite large market sizes – in smaller markets fewer generic firms will consider themarket worth entering [...]and prices to consumers will be higher. iprcommission.org |
本人能够在本案中担任胡桃市的特别顾问感到非常荣幸,我们衷心地希望胡桃市及 其居民获得最佳利益。 cityofwalnut.com | It has been a pleasure to serve as Walnut’s Special Counsel in this matter, [...] and our firm wishes the Cityandits residents the best. cityofwalnut.com |
答:邮轮假期的一个亮点就在于邮轮能够带您感受新的城市和新的景色。 msccruises.com.cn | A. One of the highlights of a cruise holiday is [...] being able to discover new cities and sights. msccruises.com.eg |
在哈尔滨购物可感受到这个城市丰富、多元的文化,这里有玉饰、珠宝、俄罗斯面包和雕塑以及中国和俄国的其他文化艺术品。 shangri-la.com | Shopping [...] in Harbin reflects the city'srich, multi-cultural [...]history. Jade jewellery, Russian bread and sculptures and other [...]cultural artefacts representing both nations are readily available. shangri-la.com |
在 2011 年 2 月 22 日第 2 次会议上,委员会选举木村彻也(日本)担任副主 席,接替已辞去副主席职位的足木孝(日本)。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the 2nd meeting, on 22 February 2011, the Commission elected Tetsuya Kimura (Japan) to replace Takashi Ashiki(Japan), who had resigned as Vice-Chair. daccess-ods.un.org |
最新调查显示,市民对各地人民观感的排名中,表示对香港市民自己好感的占44%,净值为正36个百分比;其他两岸人民方面,表示对大陆、台湾及澳门人民好感的分别占27%、51%及48%,净值分别为正1、49及47个百分比;其他地区和国家人民方面,市民对新加坡、加拿大、澳洲、英国、南韩、泰国及德国人民最好感,净值分别为正57、48、45、37、32、31及31个百分比;表示对日本、美国、法国及意大利人民的好感净值分别为正29、24、20及16个百分比;最後,表示对菲律宾人民的好感净值只有负14个百分比。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the other cross-strait regions, the corresponding positive figures for the Mainland, Taiwan and Macau peoples were 27%, 51% and 48% while their net values are positive 1, 49 and 47 percentage points respectively. As for the feelings on peoples of other regions and countries, the net values for Singapore, Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom, South Korea, Thailand and Germany were highest, with positive 57, 48, 45, 37, 32, 31 and 31 percentage points respectively, while those for the Japan, the United States, France and Italy were positive 29, 24, 20 and 16 percentage points correspondingly. hkupop.hku.hk |
年 内,於 华 中 湖北孝 感生产基 地 进 行 产 能 提 [...] 升,新 增50,000吨 年 产 能,并 展 开 东 北 辽 宁 鞍 山 的 新 项 目 建 设。 vindapaper.com | The Group added 50,000 tpa (ton per annum) to the capacity of its [...] production basein XiaoGan, HuBei in Central [...]China and commenced the construction of [...]a new plant in AnShan, LiaoNing in Northeast China during the year. vindapaper.com |
规划更合理、运作更好的城市有助于指引我们走向我们想要的未来;每个人都有充足住房、饮水、卫生条件、保健和其他基本服务的城市;提供良好教育和就业前景的城市;建有节能楼房和公共交通系统的城市;让所有人都有归属感的城市。 un.org | Better planned and better functioning cities can help guide us to the future we want: cities where everyone has adequate shelter, water, sanitation, health and other basic services; cities with good education [...] and job prospects; cities with energy-efficient buildings and public [...] transport systems; citieswhere all feelthey belong. un.org |
回归後首五年,民研计划的周年调查一般都包括「市民回归心情」、「市民回归前後的身份认同感」、「市民对香港回归後整体环境的评价」、「市民对回归前後社会转变的评价」、「市民对中央政府的观感」及「回归後市民对中央政府对香港政策的评价」。 hkupop.hku.hk | For the first five years after the handover, HKUPOP's [...] handover anniversary surveys generally [...] included "People's feelings about thehandover [...]anniversary", "People's ethnic identity [...]before and after the handover", "Overall evaluation of Hong Kong's condition after the handover", "People's evaluation of changes before and after the handover", People's feelings about the central government" and "People's evaluation of the policy of the central government on Hong Kong after the handover". hkupop.hku.hk |