

单词 孙大圣

See also:

surname Sun


grandchild n
grandsons pl

大圣 n

king n
emperor n
Buddha n

External sources (not reviewed)

下列国家加入到该决议草案的提案国行列:阿 尔巴尼亚、安道尔、奥地利、孟加拉国、比利时、 巴西、保加利亚、中非共和国、乍得、科摩罗、塞 浦路斯、法国、德国、格林纳达、几内亚比绍、匈 牙利、爱尔兰、大利、 牙买加、日本、约旦、黑 山、瑙鲁、挪威、巴布亚新几内亚、葡萄牙、摩尔 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚圣卢西亚、 圣 基 茨 和尼维 斯、萨摩亚圣马力 诺、斯洛文尼亚、所罗门群岛、 索马里、西班牙、塔吉克斯坦、泰国、特立尼达和 多巴哥、土库曼斯坦和图瓦卢。
The following had joined the sponsors of the draft resolution: Albania, Andorra, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Central African Republic, Chad, the Comoros, Cyprus, France, Germany, Grenada, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Montenegro, Nauru, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Saint Lucia, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Samoa, San Marino, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Tajikistan, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkmenistan and Tuvalu.
该代表忆及,在主题为“为孙后代大气层 ”的研讨会上已经强调控制氢氟碳化合物的重要性,因此也表示强烈 [...]
Recalling that the importance of control of
HFCs had been underscored during the
[...] seminar on protecting our atmosphere for generations [...]
to come, the representative also
expressed strong support for maintaining the proposed amendments on the agenda and discussing them in a formal contact group.
当他们正在争论谁应该扮演的角色 孙 悟 空 的中 大 雄 建 议,真正的猴子称大王所扮演的角色。
As they are arguing about who should play the role of the monkey king, Nobita suggested that the real monkey king should play the role.
论坛在前几届会议上得知人权高专办分别于 2006 年 11 月 在玻利维圣克鲁斯-德拉谢拉和 2007 年 10 月在基多就这一问题举办了一系列 研讨会。2008 年 11 月,土著事务国际工作组与保护在亚 孙 、 大 查 科和巴拉圭 东部地区自愿与世隔离和初步接触外界的人民国际土著委员会又举办了一次讲 习班。
A further workshop was organized in November 2008 by the International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) and the International Indigenous Committee for the Protection of Peoples in Isolation and in Initial Contact of the Amazon, the Gran Chaco and Paraguay’s Oriental Region (CIPIACI), with the participation of the Office and indigenous peoples’ representatives to discuss ways and means to finalize the guidelines.
Callot岛:优秀的钓鱼场,她有两个可爱的海滩,罢工蓄尔泽语 圣 参 孙 海 滩
The island of Callot excellent fishing, she has two lovely beaches, the strike and Guerzes Beach St. Samson.
下列会员国的代表团团长: 澳大利亚、奥地利、巴巴多斯、波斯尼亚—黑塞哥维那、加拿大、哥伦比亚、科摩罗、克罗地亚、
[...] 宛、马达加斯加、马来西亚、尼泊尔、荷兰、巴基斯坦、非律宾、波兰 大 韩 民国、罗马尼亚圣 卢西 亚、塞内加尔、南非、西班牙、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、突尼斯、美利坚合众国、也门。
The heads of delegations of the following Member States: Australia, Austria, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Colombia, Comoros, Croatia, Cuba, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Gabon, Ghana, Grenada, Jordan, Kuwait, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malaysia, Nepal,
Netherlands, Pakistan,
[...] Philippines, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Saint Lucia, Senegal, South [...]
Africa, Spain, Syrian Arab
Republic, Tunisia, United States of America, Yemen.
波兰是第一个 与中国签署此项协议的欧盟新入盟成员国”,中国驻波 大使 孙玉玺强调,“这项协议只会和在他们各自区域具有很强的经 济地位及政治影响力的国家签署,如:法国、德国、意大利, [...]
Poland is the first country among new EU member
states to sign such agreement
[...] with China, noted Sun Yuxi, China’s ambassador to Poland. “Such agreements [...]
are always signed with
countries that have a strong economic position and political influence in their region, such as France, Germany, Italy and now Poland.
离开船去游览维斯比参观的主要景点,其中包括中世纪 大 教 堂 , 圣 尼 古 拉修道院和Fornsalen博物馆,里面展示了坚固的维京时期银器。
Leave the ship and explore Visby’s key sights, which include the medieval cathedral, the ruins of the St. Nicolai Monastery and the Fornsalen Museum, which houses a sturdy display of Viking silver.
另一位代表称,在“为孙后代保护 大 气 层”研讨会期间,发言人曾表 示,对四氯化碳的使用呈上升趋势;他认为这一论断和评估小组的立场是相反 的,并要求解释该差异。
Another representative said that during the seminar on protecting our atmosphere [...]
for generations to come the presenter had
indicated that the use of carbon tetrachloride was trending upward; that assertion, he said, was contrary to the position of the Panel, and he asked for an explanation of the discrepancy.
[...] 督下继续推动政治进程,以确保将在 1967 年边界内 建立圣城为 首都的独立巴勒斯坦国,根据 1948 年大会第194(III)号决议找到巴勒斯坦难民问题 的公正和商定解决办法,并释放所有被关押者和囚 犯。
The resolution to be adopted by the Security Council on the cessation of aggression and war against Gaza must reiterate the need for the political process to continue under genuine and effective international supervision in order to ensure that an independent
Palestinian State will be
[...] created within the 1967 borders and with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital; that a just and [...]
agreed solution will
be found to the issue of Palestinian refugees in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III) of 1948; and that all detainees and prisoners will be released.
大的包括圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最终淘汰管理计划和乌拉 圭附件 [...]
A 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最终淘汰溶剂行业的 消耗臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用作土壤熏蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘汰四
For Canada, those covered the terminal [...]
phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector
in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, and the terminal CTC phase-out project in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of methyl bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
专题发言人回答了阿尔及利亚、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、瑞典(代表欧洲 联盟)、马来西亚圣卢西亚、大韩民国、巴基斯坦、摩洛哥、印度尼西亚和危 地马拉的代表和牙买加和坦桑尼亚联合共和国的观察员以及两位应答人——公 [...]
共服务国际的 Peter Waldorff
和国际雇主组织的 Janet Asherson 提出的问题, 随后主持人作了总结发言。
The panellists responded to points raised by the representatives of Algeria, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela,
Sweden (on behalf of the European
[...] Union), Malaysia, Saint Lucia, the Republic of Korea, Pakistan, [...]
Morocco, Indonesia and Guatemala
and the observers for Jamaica and the United Republic of Tanzania, as well as by the respondents, Peter Waldorff, Public Services International, and Janet Asherson, International Organization of Employers, after which the moderator made concluding remarks.
下列专 题小组成员发了言:巴西经济和技术事务副秘书长佩德罗·路易斯·卡内罗·德
门东萨、孟加拉国常驻联合国日内瓦办事处代表兼贸发会议贸易和发展理事会主 席德巴普里亚·巴塔查里亚、伊比利亚-美洲秘书处伊美合作事务秘书米格尔·哈
[...] 基姆、非洲经济委员会执行秘书阿卜杜利奇·詹纳、中国常驻世界贸易组 大使 孙振宇以及芬兰外交和发展事务部长帕沃·韦于吕宁。
Statements were made by the panellists: Pedro Luis Carneiro de Mendonca, Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Technological Affairs of Brazil; Debapriya Bhattacharya, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations at Geneva and President of the Trade and Development Board of UNCTAD; Miguel Hakim, Secretary for Iberoamerican Cooperation, Iberoamerican Secretariat; Abdoulie Janneh,
Executive Secretary of the Economic
[...] Commission for Africa; Sun Zhenyu, Ambassador [...]
of China to the World Trade Organization;
and Paavo Väyrynen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of Finland.
的犹太法典最后redaction是保留给后代 孙 , 大 概 因 为太巴列学院活动与东正教终止(约425)停止。
The final redaction of the Talmud was reserved for the succeeding generation, probably because the activity of the Academy of Tiberias ceased with the discontinuance of the patriarchate (c. 425).
如果我们遵守《圣经》教导的原则,我们的国家将继续昌盛并要繁荣;但是如果我们和我们的 孙 忽 略 《 圣 经 》的教导和权威,没人说得清会有怎样的灾难突然把我们压倒,把我们的荣耀埋葬在深深的阴暗里。
If we abide by the principles taught in the Bible, our country
will go on prospering and to prosper;
[...] but if we and our posterity neglect its instruction [...]
and authority, no man can tell
how sudden a catastrophe may overwhelm us and bury all our glory in profound obscurity.
He learned that everyone's horses
[...] by their speed were divided into three [...]
different classes: regular, plus, and super, and
thus different at decorations, and the rule is to have three rounds in a race; each of the horses must be used in one round; the one who won two rounds was the winner.
气候变化、森林砍伐和林火的相互作用导 大 片 亚 马 孙 森 林 顶梢枯死, 后果影响到全球气候、区域雨量、区域农业生产和大量物种的灭绝
The dieback of large areas of the Amazon forest, [...]
due to the interactions of climate change, deforestation and fires, with
consequences for the global climate, regional rainfall, regional agricultural production and widespread species extinctions
考虑到法律委员会在第 33 C/94 号文件中提出的意见,委员会建议大会通过载于第 33
C/65 号文件第 3 段、经西班牙和捷克共和国口头修正并得到斯洛文尼亚、哥伦比亚、日本、法国、印度尼西亚、冰
[...] 岛、马来西亚、委内瑞拉、澳大利亚、赞比亚、加 大 、 圣 卢 西亚、俄罗斯联邦和摩纳哥附议的决 [...]
议草案(第 33 C/89 号决议)。
Taking into consideration the observations by the Legal Committee in document 33 C/94, the Commission recommended that the General Conference adopt the draft resolution contained in paragraph 3 of document 33 C/65 as amended orally by Spain and the Czech Republic and supported by Slovenia, Colombia, Japan, France, Indonesia,
Iceland, Malaysia, Venezuela, Australia,
[...] Zambia, Canada, Saint Lucia, Russian [...]
Federation and Monaco (33 C/Resolution 89).
[...] 成为保存法庭记录的理想场所,这是一个使本次区域 和整个非大陆子孙后代受益的重要历史教育机构。
We strongly believe that the infrastructure already in place makes Arusha an ideal location to keep the records of the court as an
important historical learning institution
[...] for the benefit of future generations in the [...]
subregion and the African continent as a whole.
还创办了两所土著大学:亚马孙区 域 大 学和 Tauca 土著大学。
Two indigenous universities have
[...] also been founded: the Amazonas Regional University and [...]
the Tauca Indigenous University.
他的母亲,慈禧太后玛丽Feodorovna,从巴黎访问,并给出了一个音乐盒和一条项链上刻有“一起在巴黎”作为临别礼物给她8岁 孙 女 , 大 公 夫人阿纳斯塔西娅。
His mother, the Dowager Empress Marie Feodorovna, is visiting from Paris and gives a music box and a necklace inscribed with the words “Together in Paris” as parting gifts to her eight-year-old granddaughter, the Grand Duchess Anastasia.
这个版本的圣本笃生平介绍是根据《对话录》的第二部而作;一般认为《对话录》 圣大 格 列高利(Saint Gregory the Great,590-604 [...]
This version of the life of Benedict, the patriarch of
Western monasticism, is based on Book II of the Dialogues
[...] traditionally ascribed to Saint Gregory the Great [...]
(pope 590–604).
在 2 月 24 日第 5 次会议上,哥伦比亚、俄罗斯联邦、荷兰、阿曼、中国、 苏里南、白俄罗斯、意大利、立陶宛、墨西哥、喀麦隆、苏丹、德国、澳大利亚、
[...] 多米尼加共和国、蒙古、约旦、沙特阿拉伯、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、土耳其、佛得 角、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、萨摩亚 圣 卢 西 亚、加 大 、 巴拉圭、巴哈马大韩民 国、南非、印度、新西兰、阿根廷、瑞士和斯洛文尼亚的观察员发了言。
At the 5th meeting, on 24 February, statements were made by the representatives of Colombia, the Russian Federation, the Netherlands, Oman, China, Suriname, Belarus, Italy, Lithuania, Mexico, Cameroon, the Sudan, Germany, Australia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the observers for Cuba, France, Senegal, the Dominican Republic, Mongolia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Turkey, Cape Verde,
[...] (Bolivarian Republic of), Samoa, Saint Lucia, Canada, Paraguay, the Bahamas, the Republic [...]
of Korea, South Africa, India, New
Zealand, Argentina, Switzerland and Slovenia.
2010 年期间,在下列地点举行过或将举行培训研讨会:波 大 、 圣 雷 莫、意 大利、纽约、克拉克夫、波兰、坎帕拉、布宜诺斯艾利斯和柬埔寨。
In 2010, training seminars have been or will be
[...] conducted in Bogota, San Remo, Italy, New [...]
York, Krakow, Poland, Kampala, Buenos Aires and Cambodia.
尤其值得一提的是 2012 年
[...] 11 月 11 日在日内瓦举行了主题为“为孙后 代保 护 大 气 层”的研讨 会,这次活动为铭记各项臭氧条约取得的成就,以及在应对气候变化等其它环 [...]
Of particular note was a seminar that had been held
in Geneva on 11 November 2012 on the
[...] theme of “protecting our atmosphere for generations [...]
to come”, which had provided the
opportunity to remember all that had been achieved under the ozone treaties and the lessons that could be learned and applied when responding to other environmental threats, including climate change.
至于该集团的其它品牌,包括自有和获授权许可的品牌,法拉蒂还提到,Moschino Cheap &
Chic将参加二月举行的伦敦时装周(见1月11的 MFF报道),Alberta
[...] Ferretti最近在米兰举行的时装秀上推出了半高定时装,刘凌 孙大 为 担 任卡夏尔(Cacharel)创意总监后即将推出的第二个系列,以及由Aeffe生产的Cédric [...]
As for the group’s other owned brands and licences, Ferretti was keen to mention the presence of Moschino Cheap & Chic at London Fashion Week in February (see MFF of 11 January), the recent Alberta Ferretti event in Milan with the
presentation of the demi-couture offerings,
[...] Ling Liu and Dawei Sun’s forthcoming [...]
second collection as the creative directors
of Cacharel, and the debut on 28 February in Paris of Cédric Charlier’s first collection, which will be manufactured by Aeffe.
大圣约 翰,纽芬兰区域海上搜救。
St. John’s, Canada, Maritime Search and Rescue Newfoundland Region.
各位部长铭记解决青年人挑战和潜力的方式将影响到当前的社会和经济条 件以及孙后代 的福祉和生计,强调需要进一步努力促进青年人的利益,除其 [...]
他外,支持青年人发展其潜力和才华,并解决青年人面临的社会挑战的负面影 响。
Bearing in mind that the ways in which the challenges and potential of young people are addressed will influence current social and
economic conditions and the well-being and
[...] livelihood of future generations, Ministers [...]
stressed the need for further efforts
to promote interests of the youth, inter alia, by supporting young people to develop their potential and talents and tackling the negative impact of social challenges facing the youth.
宗教间国际鼓励塞浦路斯为取消限制性措施而创造有利条件,因为 这将使得信徒能够行使其宗教信仰自由并且每年前往 圣 , 同 时通过建立一项机 制打击贩卖妇女的现象,帮助受害者重新融入社会和经济生活。
Interfaith International encouraged Cyprus to set up favourable conditions for the removal of restrictive measures, which would make it possible for the faithful to exercise their religious freedom and to visit places of pilgrimage annually, and to combat trafficking in women by setting up a mechanism for the reintegration of victims in social and economic life.




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