

单词 孙传芳

See also:


grandchild n
grandsons pl


External sources (not reviewed)

我们期待着将他们的美好而富有想象力的故事和图画带来与中国的儿童和家庭分享,”澳大利亚驻华大 使 孙芳 安 女 士说。
Australian authors and illustrators have long excelled in this genre, and we look forward to bringing their wonderful and
imaginative stories and pictures to Chinese children and families,” said Australian
[...] Ambassador to China, Ms Frances Adamson.
在这一国际年期间,好些国家开展了旨在保护这一记忆 和将其更好传承给子孙后代的行动。
During the Year several countries took initiatives to safeguard this memory so that it would
[...] be better handed down to future generations.
孙芳安大 使说:“白皮书阐明了澳大利亚对于与亚洲,尤其是与中国的联系所持的战略性和前瞻性态度。
Ambassador Adamson said “The White Paper sets out Australia’s constructive and forward-looking attitude to Asian engagement, particularly with China.
讨论提及条约教 育发挥着向未来孙后代传授条 约资讯的作用,并且是避免丧失土著对原文要义 口头理解的关键。
The role of treaty education was mentioned as
[...] critical in passing the message of treaties on to future generations and not losing [...]
the indigenous oral
understanding of the original documents.
孙芳安大 使还对澳大利亚政府扩大在亚洲的外交范围的想法表示欢迎,其中包括在条件允许的情况下在沈阳设立新的总领事馆。
Ambassador Adamson also welcomed [...]
the Australian Government’s intention to enhance Australia’s diplomatic footprint in Asia,
including the aspiration of opening a new Consulate-General in Shenyang when circumstances permit.
孙芳安大 使还说:“除了贸易和投资,我们在军事、政治、文化和研究等领域的联系也在我们两国前辈高瞻远瞩的行动基础之上不断增强。
Ambassador Adamson continued [...]
“Beyond trade and investment, our defence, political, cultural and research links, among others,
are building on the farsighted actions of our predecessors in China and Australia, and we look forward to further growth and expansion in the mutually-beneficial ties we share.
我们当前的任务主要是两个方面:一方面是如何通过创新的具体行动落实这些价值观, 另一方面是通过不断灌输和不断重申来传播这些价值观念,特别 传 递 给 子 孙 后 代
The current challenge is dual: to translate them into reality through concrete action and to re-instil and regularly reaffirm these values, especially in succeeding generations.
这些措施可确保把大堡礁作为世界标志性海 洋保护区之一传给子孙后代
These measures ensure that the Great Barrier Reef is
[...] passed on to future generations as one of the iconic [...]
marine protected areas in the world.
非洲联盟将不遗余力地实施一切措施,使和平成 为所有非洲儿女的日常现实以及世界各地无数人的 共同梦想,而且我们必须把这一梦 传 给 子 孙 后 代
The African Union will spare no effort to implement all measures to make peace a daily reality for all the sons and daughters of
Africa, a dream that is shared by countless men
[...] and women around the world and that we must hand down to future generations.
电话:1-281-834-1403 传真:1-262-313-3034 轻芳烃( 苯、甲苯和二甲苯)是基础化工原料,其品类繁多的化学衍生品广泛用于制造 纺织、汽车、建筑和食品包装行业中的大宗产品。
Phone: 1-281-834-1403 FAX: 1-262-313-3034 The light aromatics – benzene, toluene [...]
and xylenes – are the basic precursor chemicals
for a wide variety of chemical derivatives used in the manufacturing of high volume products in the textile, automotive, construction and food packaging industries.
在中国战国时期,有一位伟大的军事家 孙 膑 , 传 说 他是 《 孙 子 兵 法》的作者孙武的后代。
During the Warring States Period,there was a great military strategist named Sun Bin, an alleged descendant of Sun Tzu, the author of "The Art of War".
郭則理先生、Paul Steven Wolansky先生、林芳先生 及李紅濱先生之詳情及履歷載於 本通函附錄一。
Details and brief biography of each of Mr. Guo Zeli, Mr. Paul Steven Wolansky, Mr. Lin Yuanfang and Mr. Li Hongbin are set out in Appendix I to this circular.
我们要感谢秘书长继续努力制订宣传教育和外 联战略,以便提高认识,并且向后世 孙 教 育 宣 传长 达 400 年的贩卖奴隶行为的起因、后果、教训和遗留 影响。
We want to thank the Secretary-General for his continued efforts in developing an educational outreach strategy to
increase awareness and
[...] to educate future generations about the causes, consequences, lessons and legacy of the 400-year-long [...]
slave trade.
[...] 图轴的单位是摩尔分数,但是,如果混合物中的非 C8 芳烃杂质含量很低,相图轴的单 位也可以是重量分数。
Theoretically, the units along the axes are mole
fraction, but the diagrams can just as well represent weight fraction when the mixture
[...] is low in non-C8 aromatic impurities.
孙芳安大 使也强调了白皮书中提出的目标:所有澳大利亚学生都将有机会并被鼓励学习一种亚洲语言,包括中文。
The Ambassador also highlighted the objective found in the White Paper that all Australian students would have the opportunity and be encouraged to study an Asian language, including Chinese.
刚刚履新的澳大利亚驻华大使孙芳安 对 这一消息表达了喜悦之情:“作为第二部中澳正式的合拍片就能在中国获得如此广泛的放映,这是澳大利亚电影业所取得的一个重大的荣誉和成绩。
It’s a great honour and a credit to the Australian screen industry that this film, only the second official Australia-China co-production, will be so extensively distributed across China”, Ms Adamson said.
对露西与乔治奥塔而言,南极洲无疑是一座乌托邦:这是一片欢迎任何来客的大陆,它的极端气候令人们不得不携手互助,团结一致,自由地开展科学研究,为了全人类的利益相互分享与合作:“这片广袤无垠的白色平原蕴藏着人类共同的愿望,向 孙 后 代 传 递 着希望的讯息”。
For Lucy + Jorge Orta, Antarctica embodies Utopia: a continent that welcomes everyone, a place whose extreme climate imposes a situation of mutual aid and solidarity, freedom of research, of sharing and collaboration for the good of the whole planet:
“Where the immaculate whiteness contains all the
[...] wishes of humanity to spread a message of hope for future generations”.
其他人必须面对他们身带缺陷的结果,这些缺陷极大地提高了他们罹患遗传性癌症或痴呆或者缺 传 给 子 辈再 孙 辈 造 成严重缺陷的风险。
Others must cope with results showing that they carry defects that significantly increase their risk of developing a hereditary form of cancer or
dementia, or of transmitting a defect to their children that could, in
[...] turn, cause a serious defect in their grandchildren.
其他一些与会者提到,非洲人后裔有权将本族历 传 给 子 孙 后 代
Other participants mentioned that people of African descent have the right to
[...] transmit to future generations their own histories written by themselves.
最后,我谨强调,我们负有一个共同的责任:即 把一个更安全的世传给子孙后代
I would like to conclude by stressing that we all share a responsibility to bequeath a
[...] safer world to future generations.
根據細則 第87(1)條,於應屆股東週年大會舉行時,執行董事郭則理先生、非執行董事Paul Steven Wolansky先生及獨立非執行董事林芳 先 生 及李紅濱先生輪值告退,但仍可再選連任,並 已願意再獲股東提名重選連任。
Pursuant to Article 87(1) of the Articles, Mr. Guo Zeli, an executive Director, Mr. Paul Steven Wolansky, a non-executive Director, and Mr. Lin Yuanfang and Mr. Li Hongbin, independent non-executive Directors, are due to retire from office by rotation at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election by the Shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.
澳大利亚驻华大使孙芳安女 士说:“澳大利亚和中国之间的科技交流与合作是两国四十年双边关系中的重要部分。
Australian Ambassador to China, Ms Frances Adamson, said “Science exchange and collaboration between Australia and China has been an important part of our 40-year old bilateral relationship.
食典委注意到肯尼亚鉴于以下事实就启动新工作完成法典委员会天然矿泉水标准 (CODEX STAN
108-1981)中分析方法部分提出的建议,即该标准中没有说明适用于 3.2.17
[...] 部分(表面活性剂)、3.2.18(农药和多氯联苯)部分、3.2.19(矿物油)部分和 3.2.20 (多芳香化合物)部分所提到的一些化学物质的分析和取样程序特定方法;并注意到 [...]
卫生操作规范(CAC/RCP 33-1985)。
The Commission noted the proposal of Kenya to initiate new work on the completion of the Section on methods of analysis in the Codex Standard on Natural Mineral Waters (CODEX STAN 108-1981) in view of the fact that, in the standard, there was no indication of specific methods of analysis and sampling procedures available for a number of chemical substances mentioned in Sections 3.2.17 (Surface
active agents), 3.2.18 (Pesticides and PCBs),
[...] 3.2.19 (Mineral oil) and 3.2.20 (Polynuclear [...]
aromatic hydrocarbons), and the proposal
to revise the Section on Hygiene to make it easier to use and consistent with the Recommended International Code of Hygienic Practice for Collecting, Processing and Marketing of Natural Mineral Waters (CAC/RCP 33-1985).
[...] 的文化价值是 无 价 之宝,因为 文化传 授 给 子 孙 后 代 的 知 识 ,他们 将 是这些知 [...]
识 的 传 承 者 ,文化 促进了经济发展,尤其是人力资源的发展。
The cultural value of a
[...] race is an invaluable legacy because culture is the [...]
knowledge to be passed on to the next generations,
who were the successors, and use for economic development, especially for human resource development.
与维护声誉有关的杀人现象出现在亚洲、中东和欧洲,这些地区的 第一代移民将这种习传递给其子孙。
Honour-related killings occur in Asia, the
Middle East and Europe, where first-generation immigrants have passed the practice on
[...] to their children and grandchildren.
再说,我们还有很长的路要走,但我希望通过共同努力我们可以摆脱历史模式,取而代之的是,留下一个合作和伙伴关系 传 统 ,为 子 孙 后 代 竖立榜样。
Again, we’ve still got a long ways to go, but I’m hopeful that working together we can escape from the
historical patterns and instead forge a legacy of cooperation and
[...] partnership that will be a model for future generations.
因此,委员会促请各缔约国考虑到联合国老年人原则中所载的建议,尤其 是原则7, 即老年人应继续融合于社会,积极参与制定和执行直接影响其福祉的 政策,并将其知识和技传授子孙后 代;和原则16, 即老年人应能享有社会的教 育、文化、精神和娱乐资源。
The Committee therefore urges States parties to take account of the recommendations contained in the United Nations Principles for Older Persons, and in particular of principle 7, that older persons should remain integrated in society, participate actively in the formulation and implementation of policies that directly affect their wellbeing and share their knowledge and skills with younger generations; and principle 16, that older persons should have access to the educational, cultural, spiritual and recreational resources of society.28 4.
这时 彭国富出现了 这位69岁的老 者热情地向我们展示他的木质烟管 这根烟 管足有一米长 雕刻精美 带着一个铜碗和 铜嘴 图3-39 一百年前 我爷爷就用 它来吸烟 他自豪地说 现在我也用它 吸烟 用的是我们自己种的烟草 我会把传给我的孙子 接着 他唱起了一首古老 的调子 不一会儿 来了一位63岁的老人 名叫李树生 两位老人唱起了二重唱
Inside them now for winter, with its unpleasantly cold and damp climate and temperatures below zero, one can see the glimmering charcoal fires around which families invariably gather since this is the only warm spot in the whole house – the other rooms remain unheated.
Marking another successful bilateral project in the field of agriculture, Ambassador Frances Adamson participated in a signing ceremony for a new project between the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and China’s Ministry for Science and Technology, focusing on sustainable livestock grazing systems on Chinese temperate grasslands.
d) 資助資料保存及出版 藝發局及粵劇基金均有資助粵劇粵曲書籍出版、和 其他資料保存及研究計劃,如香港中文大學「神功 戲資料普查」,以及林家聲先生芳 艷 芬 女士的保 存出版計劃等。
d) Archives and publication of Cantonese Opera information Both the HKADC and the CODF support the publication of books on Cantonese Opera and projects on the archives and study of related information. Examples are the Survey on Ritual Performances of Cantonese Opera conducted by the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and projects to archive and publish information on Mr. Lam Kar Sing and Ms. Fong Yim Fun.




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